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Messages - Che Gookin

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 277
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Chanting???
« on: November 05, 2014, 09:32:00 PM »
I'm not sure the comparison can really be made though. However, I was never in straight and sure hell I've never stepped foot in a monastery. So wtf do I know about either?

Why set their sights so low? I can see numbers way bigger than that.

Or persecuted.

The Melting Pot / Re: Troll Sock sound off...
« on: October 25, 2014, 10:46:56 PM »
Bob Peterson trolling Ken Huey of CALO

that was some delicious lulz.

The Melting Pot / Troll Sock sound off...
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:27:58 PM »
Sound off with your favorite troll sock.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Trails Carolina - new program
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:24:57 PM »
i guess they are serious about not going back.

Open Free for All / Re: Have to find $41,000
« on: October 21, 2014, 12:07:07 AM »
That's a bit intense, my cousin moved to Denmark after marrying a Dane. She has nothing but good things to say about the Danish National Health Care.

Guess it's got its flaws.

Jesus made them do it?

Where is Rivers of Shit when you need him?

I always thought the industry trolls added hilarious value. Some of them were high comedy.

Not sure what you mean about internal issues. I think probably it can be summed up as too many damaged people in too close of proximity of each other.

As for the internal IT problems, I think they got resolved once the forums found a stable home on webdiva's server.

No more being thrown off a host because of moronic dcma claims and all that.

There was a lot of toxic shit that went down on this forum, I played a role in that. Yet, it served as a place where kids could communicate with each other even while still inside the program. The Wssapites have an article floating around about students on homeleave sneaking onto fornits to make contact with grads.

That's one example.

For all the toxic shit that went down, there are redemption stories. Many of them, of kids being diverted from programs. Kids being picked up at programs.

The unmoderated nature of fornits does need to be reigned in a bit. I think the new rules take care of that, no outright naming a poster or linking to their social media profiles.

Now people just need a reason to return.

What is the purpose of being here? Shooting the shit or something else?

DRA has been harassing and intimidating students forever. Not sure them getting booted off Latalk radio is a bad thing, Susan Schofield is one crazy wackjob.

Too bad Art L. is running for congress, or was the last I heard, his show was always decent.

Social networking has its place, I'm just not convinced it is a place for deeper conversation. The internet has this awesome potential for disseminating information, yet tends to get used by retards shouting louder than everyone else. Activism on facebook even coined its own nickname, slacktivism.

I'm all for activism, protesting, and all that but... I just don't see much of that going on with facebook. I see a lot of posturing, I see a lot of allegations being slung, I see a lot of people repeatedly posting the same thing over and over in different groups.

I had all but given up on tti activism when i got an email from HEAL. Apparently someone hacked them and I was blamed. Angela, bless her, posted that she was certain it wasn't me and so on.

I mean now, I'm just sort of confused, people left to facebook because they were looking for something different? They were thinking fornits was a toxic forum?

And they kept doing the same exact shit that they were doing before?

Anyhow, bit of a disjointed rant.

I plan on posting here more, I've had a couple very strange things happen in the last two weeks. Not sure I feel like talking about them publicly, but in short, one of the fellows I worked with tracked me down and we had a talk via email. Nice kid, he's about to graduate university and will be going to law school. Oh well, 1 out of 2 ain't so bad I guess.

Mostly I log in to check to see if any moderating needs to be done.

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