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Messages - Stripe

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The Seed Discussion Forum / The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« on: February 22, 2005, 12:36:00 AM »
I read these on the web, doing some searching on other subject matter related to my expereinces.

After The Seed I was lonely and confused, having dismissed all my longtime school friends  as "druggies," etc. You guys know the rap.  Anyway, I can see I was vulnerable and ripe for indoctrination into something.

I don't know which was worse, The Seed of 1973
or the Chrisitan church cult of 1975.

But both had these CULT recognized qualities:

1. Absolute authoritanrianism without meaningful accountability.  

2. No tolerace for questions or critical inquiry.

3. No meaningful financial diclosure regarging budget or expenses - like a balance sheet. Where did all the money go?

4.  Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe evil conspiracies and persecutions.  

5.  There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.

6.  Former Members often relate the same  stories of abuse and reflect a simialr pattern of grievances.

7.  There are records, books, new articles or tv programs that documentthe abuses of/by the group/leaders.

8. Followers feel they can never be good enough.

9. The group/leader is always right.

10.   The group/leader is the exlcusive means of knowing the truth or receiving validation; no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.

I got this list from another website that deals with religious and spritiual-based cults so some of you may recognize its origin.

I know The Seed was not a religious orgainizaiton, but the similarities between the general criteria of a "BAD" religious cult and The Seed are just too close to be ignored.

Really, regardless of whether it helped the drug addicted or not, how could any of us who were there NOT be able to see these similarities?

It's been a lot of years since most of us were there,so the look back might not be as painful as some of you may fear.

What do y'all think?

And to answer the question - Did Art Barker succeed?  No.  His cult imploded.  But he still makes a nice living off the proceeds.

For those Seedlings who say The Seed was not a cult, you have to

The Seed Discussion Forum / More Trivia
« on: February 17, 2005, 06:42:00 PM »

Are you referring to the Boynton Inlet?  If so, you are one brave guy.  I was bridge jumper in my youth, but I always went in feet first. I was cured of thrill jumping when I did a sink hole outside Tallhassee and had scale back up a mud wall to get out. That was the last free jump  for me.  But what a thrill.  

As for Skipper Chuck Zink, he's also a biggie on public radio in West Palm Beach.  He's an ok guy - has some pretty helpful programs for senior citizens.  Now that some of us are staring to qualify for AARP membership, he doesn't seem like such an old fart after all.

Good day and good jumping.

The Seed Discussion Forum / When did the Seed close on SR84?
« on: February 16, 2005, 05:14:00 PM »
Okay then. I was having a psycho-angry flash back myself.  Seems like most folks there were victims of either misguided, good intention parents, or, in the case of volunatry admission, some very serious misrepresentations. Either way, it was far from wholesome.

Forgive me if I offended you with my statement. It's just that when people who were there selectively remember only "the good times" sometimes it's just necessary to call it like I see it.

The Seed Discussion Forum / When did the Seed close on SR84?
« on: February 15, 2005, 11:22:00 PM »
Oh yeah, its true.  I don't want to recall a whole lot from that time but I do know that.  Tothis day I refuse to use Pinesol disinfectant because it smells like that intake office and the office area.  Pee-uuu that was a nasty, nasty place.

The Seed Discussion Forum / When did the Seed close on SR84?
« on: February 15, 2005, 03:41:00 PM »
Man, am I pissed off about this.

The Seed Discussion Forum / When did the Seed close on SR84?
« on: February 15, 2005, 03:37:00 PM »
Ya know, you GUYS on gate duty and guard duty and all the other duties who get all misty-eyed and miss the place people still are not living in the real world.  

The only non-group related activity I recall girls being able to participate in was that nasty bathroom stuff.  How gross was that - to have to sit outside that room asking people if the had to do pee, poop, or both.  And the toilets in the girls room could only be flushed when water was poured into the bowl.  God help you if you started your period while on the "front row" - I had to sit there and bleed all over my pants the first time that happend to me.  Fucking bitches, that's what those staff members were.  

Shaming and humiliating children for having bodily functions.  How fucking cruel is that??  Would any of you misty-eyed dumbasses allow your daughters to be treated that way?  Or do you GUYS not have children?

What were your GUYS really?  Slaves or prisioners might be a good words.

The Seed Discussion Forum / When did the Seed close on SR84?
« on: February 10, 2005, 05:37:00 PM »
The old four lane divided SR 84 that ran next to the canal is gone.  What's there now is a 8 lane east/west freeway called I-595 (Alligator Alley connecting Ft. Lauderdale with Naples, FL).  

The canal and homes are still there, but the Seed building and property on the south side of the highway is gone - it's just pavement now. I was down there yesterday on some business.   That large, gold pyramid is still there, and the small lake (rock pit) that was near the turnpike exit is now huge (several acres in size)SR 84 still on the south side of the highway, its just a parallel access road on the south side of the highway.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Anybody remember the Rules?
« on: February 09, 2005, 05:33:00 PM »
Hey I can't Talk to you:

I live in Palm Beach Gardens now.  Was in Juno Beach for 2 years before that, displaced and dishelved courtesy of Hurricane Frances.  I'm female, 48 years old, married with one child, age 22.

If you would like to get acquainted, Email me at [email protected] If not, that's okay, too.


The Seed Discussion Forum / Anybody remember the Rules?
« on: February 08, 2005, 10:52:00 PM »
hey ICan't talk to you,

Are you really from Jupiter, as Jupiter, FL?  
I was in FtL from 3/73 and involed through maybe mid-74.

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Final Days
« on: February 08, 2005, 10:12:00 AM »
Did anybody notice the use of the word "seedation". I've not seen that used here before altough it may have been.  That's a good word to describe what happens to children who ARE NOT addicted and get programmed to be beleive they are. It makes one a zombie.  

Seedated people go through life, searching, living on the edge and running with the big dogs but never really making it in phase of life.    For some reason I was never able to truly get addicted to anything but I sure as hell did try to live up to that label for a few years.

None of the "seedation" became apparent to me until I realized I was programmed to believe I was an addict.  My life has not been a waste by any means, although I have been what might be termed "a late bloomer" all my life. Who knows what I might have accomplished by now if I had not been "seedated".

Hey Thom, you don't know me, but I can almost guarantee you that there is nothing inherently wrong with you. You were never brokern or damaged until you were "seedated".  

I was asleep at the wheel for 30 years.  Man, it's great to be awake. :wave:

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« on: February 08, 2005, 09:45:00 AM »
Don'tyou think all of these pyramid sales schemes work the same way?  Obviously, everyone needs to make a living, but it seems to me it takes advatage of a needy mindset and victimizes the participants.  

My son had an experience similar to Antigen's when we lived in Michigan.  He called for a job interview and was strung along for a couple of weeks and then a big to do was made about allowing him the opportunity to participate. Long story short, I had to go pick the boy up at a gas station in 20 degree weather.  The operators had told these kids the product would sell itself- all they had to do was present the opportunity to public.. The amamzing, life altering opportuinty??? Street level sales of a local restuarant discount book.  

For some people, NOT THE TRULY DRUG ADDICTED SUPPORTERS, the Seed was sold in the same fashion - taking advantge of fearful people, creating self-doubt and dependency.  Here it is, you can't live without it and if you don't take it, you'll endup deadinsaneorinjail.  What bullshit.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Group Think
« on: January 10, 2005, 05:49:00 PM »
Yeah, prinson is no place for a child.  A 17 year old in high school is still legally a child - and quite obviously has no concept of consequences.  

Maybe going to the seed doesn't have all the terror of prison, but it quite obviously screws people up or we woudln't be here.  

I have had clients end up in prison - some rightfuly and some wrongly.  But still, not every crime deserves to be punsihed with hard time.  Anons above, you must be nuts to think that a kid who is dumb enough to take hits of acid to school and sell the or give them away is suitable for lockup.

Have you ever been in jail or prison?  Next time your local state attorney office offers tours of the state prison or local jail - take the opportunity to see that environment from the inside out. See if you really mean what you say.

The Seed Discussion Forum / to Anon with Law Degree
« on: January 10, 2005, 11:09:00 AM »
And I can see your point, too.  That you don't want to substitute one kind fo magical thinking for another.  Skepticism is very healthly - there's just no certain answers to any of these quesions, are there?

The Seed Discussion Forum / to Anon with Law Degree
« on: January 07, 2005, 05:49:00 PM »
I agree this might seem far fetched in its totality, but do you guys agree or disagree with the proposition contained in the last paragraph?

"The bottom line, for us, is that when one's motivation for healing from this pain and suffering is to better serve our fellows, the personal healing will be profound. If one only wants to heal to end his/her personal suffering, the healing will be more superficial and conditional."

Think about that for just a second.

Now think about this:  What was the motivation behind in Seed programming?  To better serve fellow man or to promote an agenda we had no ability to comprehend.  

I'm thinking the latter, since the reports I read here about others show that most folks, with the exception of a few regulars, actually did not do so well once they were program graduates.  

Once a  pawn, always a pawn?  Call them paranoid ideas or information suitable for reporting by Weekly World News and make fun if you like. We all approach trying to heal ourselves from different angles - why else would we be here doing this?  Besides, if clearing energy paths works and makes a diffence, we all benefit.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Sorry Folks, the Seed helped me!!!
« on: January 07, 2005, 05:27:00 PM »
Why is it that for most seed people it's always an everything or nothing proposal?  Like a person is either addicted or not; or our lives are either GREAT ..or not.  And we only have heavy revelations that bring deep meaing to our lives or or silly, meaningless thoughts that we believe show a weakness of character?

I've seen this time after time in myself over the years and it's avery self-defeating pattern. It looks to me to just be more evidence of programming.

To the anon with the life-threatening disease who perhaps took offense to my comment - "Maybe if you actually tried to live in the real world and deal with people from all walks of life instead of your seed cucoon, you might not be so "offended" by the fact that other people actually have opinions that differ from yours. I'm thinking that you have not really been exposed to much of the real world."

First of all, accept my apologies if my statement offended you.  It was nto my intent and have no ability to know your personal history or the history of any other persons here, it's almost a given that something I write will deeply offend someone.  

I, too have dealt with life threatening disease, poverty, violence, homelessness, etc.  But so have many, many other people who didn't have these "seed" tools.  Those folks do alright - I've seen them - adults and children alike. Anon, there's nothing magic about Seed programming.  Faced with the same set of facts and no Seed training, I pretty certain you would have made those same discoveries about yourself without the seed, and your life would have been just a full and happy and propserous.  Maybe even more that it is. Of that I am convinced - otherwise you never could have made the connections in the first place.

It's time for people to give themselves so gosh darn credit for making it in this world instead of attributing their personal success or failiure to the proper or improper use of externally imposed rules and tools.  Come on, people.

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