Open Free for All / Fornits Extremists - They Do Exist
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:15:52 AM »
I am writing this post, and it will be my last here on Fornits, to apologize to everyone who I called "extremist" here before. I should have tried to have a more objective view of extremism regarding programs and looked at both sides. Now that I have done that, my perspective has changed.
When I look at Fornits objectively what I now see, that I couldn't see before, is that the extremism here is one-sided. Not only is it one-sided, but it comes from the pro-program crowd. It took me a while to recognize this fact, but I finally did see through the smokescreens used by the pro=program sect here.
I had always believed Whooter and Dqanny to be genuine people just expressing their honest experiences, like I do. I have come to find out it's just not true and I mine as well get use to it. Over the pst couple of days I have been defending Whooter's view of gays and homosexuality as a disease that caused the AIDS virus to be created in San Francisco and I thought because we shared the same view we had more in common than we actually do.
I was disappointed and saddened yesterday when Whooter admitted that he never had a daughter at all and that his entire story he tells here is a big lie. I read all of the posts and looked at his response trying to figure out where he could of just mis-spoke, but he actually came right out and said it was true, that he had sons in programs and not a daughter.
This was bad enough news on its own, but yesterday Danny also admitted he dragged that girl behind his van which he always denied before.
I thought this was a place for honest program supporters to share their experiences and that Whooter and Danny were the only honest ones here. I'm sorry to admit that I had it all wrong and that Danny and Whooter were just lying. I'm sorry to everyone I offended by defending those guys when they were lying all along.
I just wanted all of the people here who were abused by a program that I was wrong for lining up with those guys and I will not be back.
When I look at Fornits objectively what I now see, that I couldn't see before, is that the extremism here is one-sided. Not only is it one-sided, but it comes from the pro-program crowd. It took me a while to recognize this fact, but I finally did see through the smokescreens used by the pro=program sect here.
I had always believed Whooter and Dqanny to be genuine people just expressing their honest experiences, like I do. I have come to find out it's just not true and I mine as well get use to it. Over the pst couple of days I have been defending Whooter's view of gays and homosexuality as a disease that caused the AIDS virus to be created in San Francisco and I thought because we shared the same view we had more in common than we actually do.
I was disappointed and saddened yesterday when Whooter admitted that he never had a daughter at all and that his entire story he tells here is a big lie. I read all of the posts and looked at his response trying to figure out where he could of just mis-spoke, but he actually came right out and said it was true, that he had sons in programs and not a daughter.
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"Quote from: "Whooter"Quote from: "Guest"Quote from: "Guest"Speaking of wilderness programs and sex, it happens all the time... at least when I was there it did. Its not like they handed out condoms so I wouldn't be surprised if some of the girls go home from wilderness with a whole new set of issues brewing inside them. I never saw a wild tribe like orgy until I was in wilderness, and don't think the staff don't join in. Parents have no idea what happens out there, it was insane.
Thanks guest,I knew it wasnt as bad as people were saying here. The kids do have fun on these trips, I kind of thought that.
Your welcome, my son really liked it and would like to become a counselor some day which has motivated him to study harder.
Face it.....you got busted buddy boy.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I admit that, Anne, but read through the thread and see what they did to this woman "worried Anne" and calling her son gay and pretending to be survivors with her son.
I dont see it as being wrong at all. I feel sorry for the woman. I would probably do it again if the situation warranted.
This was bad enough news on its own, but yesterday Danny also admitted he dragged that girl behind his van which he always denied before.
I thought this was a place for honest program supporters to share their experiences and that Whooter and Danny were the only honest ones here. I'm sorry to admit that I had it all wrong and that Danny and Whooter were just lying. I'm sorry to everyone I offended by defending those guys when they were lying all along.
I just wanted all of the people here who were abused by a program that I was wrong for lining up with those guys and I will not be back.