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Messages - velvet2000

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Re: latest posts
Thanks! You should see the email I got last night...Oh man, this is gonna be interesting. They are very poor liars...They really are.  

latest posts
Someone posted a very proffesional letter at my site stating how fabulous AARC is. My guess is that it's the man himself. And to think it only took a couple of weeks to get their attention : P

Surviving AARC
I just wanted to advertise my new EZ board for those who have been through the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre! Hope you can all come and check it out, and maybe bring some survivors with you!

go to:'>

In your head
About not leaving kids alone for one minute...I don't think that there is a better tool for brain washing than "In your head", which is where you are not allowed to be silent, sit off form other people, or not be active doing some AARC type thing. On the "breaks" you have to have one on ones with oldcomers or you'll be blasted, have to have one on ones with your peer's regularily, have to clean the building (bathrooms to carpets, cement floors and all) three times per day, have to work on your work book, do your readings, give back, take moral inventories, yadayadayada. Good treatment facilities aren't afraid of what will happen if their youth take some time to think about something, meditate, or have some peace and quiet. They maybe let them sit outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Not allowing youth to have privacy with outside people in a "secure" center doesn't allow youth to report mistreatment or abuse. Obviously that is benificial to some.  

Sticks and stones - very mature.
I'll say it agin (I don't know why I bother) but Vause does not have a degree in psychology which he has claimed too, he didn't have it anywhere before and he doesn't have it now. Even if his story was true that he obtained it in another province and just didn't get around to registering in Alberta, why would someone do that? Because they knew that either for some reason they couldn't register, or that they didn't want to have to abide by the rules of a registered psychologist. Either way that's not his case.

AARC does not belt loop, motivate or have 300 kids because SS wouldn't allow it. Kids and The Straights recieved government money as well. AARC does use the exact same "theraputic program" which is what a cult is made out of. Straight based programs aren't cults because someone held on to someone's belt loop.

Oh, and they don't regress kids for listening to music or talking to old friends! Once again, I don't know what AARC you're talking about, but the one I was in did!

And please, there are only two people which are staff, and I believe that one other person posted here on my site! Have you ever heard of "tracking"?

Normal Guy...
I personally can only guess out of some staff members which one you are. However Mr. Cable Connection, it's not all that hard to figure out when the two of you are posting under different names.

Nobody from this board or my one have anything to do with the posting of the flyers. Some of us have had contact with those people, and some of us continue to keep contact with them, but there is no direct link. I believe that the person who actually went out and posted those flyers was employed to do so. It is very interesting though that you would immediately respond to a poster which says NOTHING about AARC on it, but does mention "brain washing", when you supposedly don't believe that brain washing goes in in AARC!!! Why on earth would you even take a second look at a poster like that if you don't feel that you have any experience with programming and brainwashing??? It doesn't make any sense.

Did you miss the add?

Is "numbnuts" a medical term?
Actually I don't think that you did ask us why life is harder before, but I can go ahead and answer that for you now. Too bad it will be your last time posting under that name.

To keep it short it screwed my family up entirely. My siblings and eventually my parents couldn't stand all that lingo and lies it took to keep up with the aarc image.

For another my innocent sexual encounters were turned into shameful secrets and abuse which I had never seen them as before. It took me years to remember what had really happened, and that they really were nothing but innocent sexual encounters!

Another, my life was separated into incidents and not one journey. It became very hard for me to see the big picture. Regressive therapy is not meant to go on for thirteen hour days six days a week, and it's not meant to be used my "peers"either.

All of the "resentment is the number one killer", "your disease is outside doing pushups". "If you go back out you will surely die" and the "pattern of insanity" talk shared with being told that anyone I'd ever been friends with prior to AARC will make me go back out, then make me die, made me a little paranoid. I've never been able to trust people the same now that AARC has turned everyone outside of aarc into some demon waiting to take me under.

Being told that I needed to make amends to people who had abused me, or to God when I couldn't make direct amends was slightly damaging. Being told that "blaming" them for my "issues" was "manipulative" and that I was a "con" was damaging. Imagine someone actually being abused for no right reason, and there never is a right reason, being told that they had some fault in it and needed to ask for God's forgiveness! Why that's healthy.

Oh this is only the beginning, there is sadly so much more. But you aren't going to read any of this or post anymore because we are pathetic whining babies. He talks to his clients this way to everyone. Yet another reason for us needing to survive you.

80? I thought it was "almost half"?
Well "honesty guy" isn't all that honest because he's posted under various names and written plenty already.

Well "DMX" said that it was almost half, S*e*e said that it was 60%, honesty guy says that it's 80%. I can understand their confusion because "lol" says "I know of countless lives that have been changed". Well if you can't count to 170 how can you educated your followers??!!!

If you're going try to use this space for advertisement you should know that false advertisment is illegal.

I forgot...
I believe that Dr. Vause does have a doctorate, but in what? Physical education? Again, the question was if he can call himself a psyhologist, and according to the College of Alberta Psychologists, no matter where he got the degree he can not use that title while working in Alberta when he is not registered with them. Years before I tried to give him the benifit of the doubt to, and called New Jersey, Vancouver, Saskatoon, Regina, Edmonton, and found that he had never been registered with them either. I even let it go and called back to CoAP every year or two to see if maybe they'd just made a computer slip up or something. Nopers.

And yes, very angry at you guys, but no not lonely or bitter or pathetic or whatever you'll try to lable me as. Not a "druggie" a "bottom feeder" or a drunk either for that matter. If you try to call being angry at someone for legitimate reasons a defect, you may aswell be using, it's an easier way to disasociate yourself from natural feelings.  

You have my email address, and so does everyone else here so don't use that as an excuse not to respond to things on this board. I have not said anything that I can't testify to witnessing or experiencing, or that others have told me that they could testify too. Basing websites or postings on lies is useless and I'm too old for that crap.

To say taht there was no restraining in aarc is proposterous! I don't know what Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre you were in, but the one that I was in restrained anyone who wanted to "run", had oldcoemers sleep in front of doors while parents hid their shoes, had choldlocked doors on cars and on windows, and everyone except for level 3's and 4's in aarc were monitored by staff or other oldcomers at all times. I can mention one boy in about 95 who ran from a host home and was sat on by his oldcomer and other newcomers until staff came to help out somehow. I'd have to stop and think about exactly who else tended up restrained was sat on, or who was simply held down, held while standing up, or was surrounded.

You said that out right lies have been told on this page about AARC, could you name some please?

Re: Not quite
I personally beleive...

Speaking of showing faces, for those of you who don't know the post stating "jl" was just a confession that the poster is Dr. Vause, giving the initials for a name that he used as he pretended he was a lawyer.

Now that you know what kind of behavior he shows here, imagine how proffesional he is in private.  

Dear "John"
*rubs hands together like Dr. Vause always does before open meeting*

Okay now, I'm all pumped let's start responding! How about, a time in your past when you thought your username was banned but it wasn't and still haven't posted on the site that you are actually supposed to be posting on!

In my opinion...

Well let me start here about your comments on the girl who sang at graduations and all the fundraising events you asked her to sing at. It's very easy why she used to do that - because she was dependant on your approval of her and believed in you with all her heart and soul for a very long time. Then she witnessed so many things that she couldn't justify anymore and left, and then she realized that there was never any good to outweigh the bad, and that it had all been bad. That's why there's no other side to the issue. Like I said on the site you're supposed to be posting at, every cult offers a better more fulfilled life and believes that people on the outside aren't getting that devine opportunity. Oh, and that girl is hardly a relapsed grad, you know that because some of you will see her at meetings. You might know about all of the great things that she's aquired in her life since she LEFT aarc. Instead at singing at your fundraising functions she's been singing in recording studio's.

You know, I never believed that saying "Can't con a con"

because I was never a con in the first place. AARC needs to tell people that so that you feel that you are such a manipulative horrible person that you could never step outside of AARC - you're made to feel that all you will do is manipulate people into treating you like a real person ('enabeling') and then you will surely relapse if people aren't mean to you. Have you ever wondered why "safe" is a dirty word in AARC? Have to bounce around meetings sharing to people you hardly know, and opening up to oldcomers who you don't love so that you are never "safe" with anyone? Because if you are truly safe with them your deep fears may come true that you don't really want to be a part of aarc and aren't sure of your conviction in the place.

Well for old times sake I'm going to say "can't con a con" because that's the kind of depth your getting into by running to this board. Only the real saying is can't recruit someone who's been through the same cult family as you. Oh, and you're right there have only been a few of us posting, but there are more reading, and more who aren't online at all. The internet is the last thing that you should worry about.

If it's true that resentments are the #1 killer....Maybe I should call an ambulance for you now.

I myself am feeling fine.

Re: latest posts
Thanks! You should see the email I got last night...Oh man, this is gonna be interesting. They are very poor liars...They really are.  

latest posts
Someone posted a very proffesional letter at my site stating how fabulous AARC is. My guess is that it's the man himself. And to think it only took a couple of weeks to get their attention : P

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