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Messages - NivekOgre

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I'd say that it was logically possible, however the likelihood may be slim. We as humans love to think that we are so great but now that there are 6 billion of us, how significant is the individual? Sure, we may have money and tv cameras, etc. to convince ourselves we are so important but isn't it all just a facade? This is one thing I found truly appalling about CEDU, many staff thought they were Gods or something and it's very funny to read of all their antics here.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Steal This Movie
« on: July 12, 2004, 11:03:00 AM »
Did anyone see this Abbey Hoffman story? I think we should take the same tack with these hellhole rehabs and politic for legislation against them. Does anyone know of any existing organizations with this purpose I can support?

"Rip the system"

That's probably about the way I think too.

Tacitus' Realm / Solutions to the hellhole
« on: July 12, 2004, 10:51:00 AM »
The AA I know is very mellow. Just a bunch of people sitting in a room talking in normal voices, no confrontation. They say if you can quit on your own then you're not an alcoholic/addict anyway and don't need to be there. Noone is making any money on the real AA so they are not trying to recruit those who don't need it. The only thing people get hung up on is the God thing but they don't insist you believe in the Christian God, you can choose any God you want.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Gibby Hanes
« on: July 12, 2004, 10:45:00 AM »
When I think about these rehabs I gotta think of the classic pre-Rollins Black Flag tune called Revenge, "We're gonna get revenge, you won't know what hit you" :smile:

I'm surprised you didn't hear that "heal yourself" stuff from them. Maybe they actually gave up on it. I was there quite a while ago an the term holistics was not even coined in society. They preached this regularly. My philosophy is found in the curriculum of a Biophysics Phd. You definitely contribute to your state of health, I'm not saying that you are not involved at all but there are external biochemical organisms that can and do affect you.

Spiritually, I finally got sober through AA. Going into that I was agnostic (which CEDU more or less advocated when I was there), but in AA I found a God which is some power greater than myself (I don't use any God from religion). I don't get into anything more than that.

Tacitus' Realm / Solutions to the hellhole
« on: July 12, 2004, 10:26:00 AM »
The roots of AA have nothing to do with Synanon, AA was founded back in the '30's. But I have heard about Straight and that it is AA based so I'm sure it is possible to screw up with anything. Even if Bush is allegedly buddies with Mel, legislation would be a huge step in the right direction. It provides the basis for courts to make decisions and the president is not involved in every court case nationwide. It may not completely stop the madness but you have to admit it would help significantly.

If you need a rehab or know someone that does, call that place in Mississippi and get a recommendation from them if you are under 18. The thing I know is that they are humane. It's one of the few I've heard of that are.

There should be open standards for the way all of these places are run. It seems all these rehabs have their own methodologies and in most cases their theories were devised by some charlatan (I don't care how hard you try, Mel Wasserman is not an Albert Einstein albeit he was a clever businessman). What needs to happen is the country or even the world as a whole should decide upon an approach or set of approaches that yield the best results and insure that any facility adheres to these. Isn't this how we treat most maladies? This is why I'm blabbing on this from the political angle because as far as I know CEDU is one of the lambs in this whole mess. Have you read about Provo? If you really care, you should try to fix them all.


it is always one's own choice to make internal changes.  you're the only one who has ultimate control over your body and its functions (cognition, etc.)

This is one of the things they were always saying that was a real piece of work. "You can cure yourself from cancer by feeling your feelings"
You are not the only thing that has control over your body and its functions. Go back to school and study some science and you'll find out it's not that simple. I don't know what CEDU is telling people right now but when I was there they had some real b.s.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Revenge
« on: July 12, 2004, 09:52:00 AM »
I want to stick it to these places legitimately. There should be federal legislation regulating the way these places are operated. See this thread and feel free to chime in: ... forum=32&2

"The torture never stops"
Frank Zappa

Tacitus' Realm / Solutions to the hellhole
« on: July 11, 2004, 08:22:00 PM »
Thanks for the encouragement. The important thing is to find a way of helping these people that works. I'm near L.A. in So. Calif. and unfortunately all that has transpired with the gangs has given these rehabs an excuse to become more severe. After all, if that 14 year-old kid has shot 20 people in his past, noone is really gonna cry if he's being beaten up in a rehab or not.

I think it is a mistake to mix these kids the way CEDU was doing at least when I was there. They had to make concessions and enforce a level of discipline to control probationary placements while the private parental placement kids probably could have seen a different program and would not have become violent. They really could have split the groups into different schools and customized the programs for each.

Secondly with respect to drugs and alcohol, it has become a known fact to medical science that alcoholism and drug addiction are diseases and you can't just tell people that they need to take responsibility and stay off drugs using willpower. If they haven't already, CEDU should really integrate the AA program into what they are telling people about drugs and alcohol.

Thirdly, the conditioning theories they had are nonsense. I mean that stuff they said about "everything about you has some psychological cause as a result of conditioning". We are finding more and more genetic and physical causes of a person's makeup. Sure, events can shape you too but that is not the complete story. As a result, when I attended there were people who had mental illnesses such as schizophrenia who were told that if they "dealt with their feelings" they would be fine and this is an obvious crock. There are hoards of Phd scientists who support the genetic and physio-chemical contribution to our makeup. Who are you going to believe, these folks or some counselors with mail order degrees at CEDU?

To be honest, I don't resent CEDU as do others on the board. I really didn't stay long enough to form that type of opinion. You probably could rebuild it, taking the good parts and discarding the rest.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: July 11, 2004, 05:03:00 PM »
This place I went to is very humane, they will also recommend someplace if you want.

I ended up in this place after CEDU did me no good at all. These guys had no screaming, any confrontation was very gentle, no think tank, etc.
I'd recommend it fully.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Recommendation
« on: July 11, 2004, 03:59:00 PM »
I went through a treatment center in Mississippi called COPAC (link below). Their program is based on Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and is very well documented with medical doctors on staff (none of the charlatans inventing their own treatments). There was no psychobabble of any kind or abuse of any patient. The facility I was in was for 18 and over but I'm sure they would give you a solid recommendation for a facility for younger persons if you give them a call.

I should add that a huge benefit to these AA based programs is that the patient can and should continue to attend free AA meetings once they leave the treatment center. Other approaches force the patient back into society with little or no support group or continuing treatment.[ This Message was edited by: NivekOgre on 2004-07-11 13:21 ][ This Message was edited by: NivekOgre on 2004-07-11 13:34 ]

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