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Messages - Hannibal Lector

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The tampa bay interview was gut wrenching. Im half way through the condensed online book. Ive seen the "safe" expose and a few other clips. Im raising holy hell about it on <-my online hangout.  

 I mean believe you me, this is coming from a guy that rutinely uses the handle "Hannibal lector" for a reason. I am about as desensitized to violence as one can get without actually commiting murder. But this stuff really got to me. I mean really, honestly makes me rethink some things. After the initial rage died down and I stopped posting things like " I wish I could dip their (the straight founders) faces in a vat full of lye and watch em burn" I started to just feel alot of sorrow. Then I heard the woman on the interview at the start of the interview talk about being raped by one of the "leaders" at the age of 13. Man, I just couldn't believe that parents could be that blind and not see what was going on? But aparently someone on another board who fostered a teen and had put him in straight (for 6 weeks before it was nuked from orbit by people in the .gov who actually care) He didnt even know something was wrong because visitation was so limited and the fact is that its like holding a child hostage for their parents financial entirety. This guy lost his business in 6 weeks paying for straight and had to move. So lesson learned for him...

I just got the impression that its a fsking cult that is under the guise of rehabilitation. I mean alot of the accounts of survivors are from people who entered simply because their sibling was an addict or for no other reason besides being around 13 years old?

Side note: I found it funny that the regans and bush's endorse these places. I actually found the site on google images whilst searching for "sh*t" pictures which I was going to photoshop into a picture of george W. giving the finger (captured from an old tape off a tv show that had a camera on in between commercials).

I mean its just an assualt on everything thats good and pure and worth living for in this world. Its vietnam POW camps in our own back yards disguised as helping our children?!

Man Ive been at it all day with this stuff. You have no idea...

I have to say, I had no inclings that about this whole issue but I am unbelievably filled with rage, contempt for the human race and just shaken to my core about this issue. Regardless of how I found this site I really really feel this extreme sympathy for everyone here. And I really want to help to get this complete mess under control.

I have browsed this site and am currently listening to some of the audio on this. I have read alot of the material on this. I want to organize something in the form of fliers and or websites or something to help. I just can't believe that kids only slightly younger than I have been forced to go through this by the piles of sh*t that pass for humans under the farce that they are trying to help. Jesus let me help somehow. Very few times have I ever been this worked up to this level.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What can I do to help?
« on: October 28, 2004, 04:15:00 PM »
[ This Message was edited by: Hannibal Lector on 2004-10-28 13:50 ]

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