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Fornits user Ursus wrote the following on another board regarding Hyde School's Larry Dubinsky, former dean of students, and his alleged sexual misconduct and a following lawsuit, (Hyde settled and paid the family) in what turned out to be the case called Hiler v Hyde.

Larry Dubinsky was a student during the mid/late 1970s, apparently a seemingly successful one, as he was a member of the Senior Leadership during his final year.  He married another Hyde student, Donna Leonard, who was a few years younger.  The Dubinskys came back to teach at Hyde, specifically the Woodstock campus.  This was sometime in the mid or late 1990s; I'm not sure as to the specific year.

Larry liked to express his love for the girls in rather... physical ways... There were complaints.  Hyde did nothing.  Eventually, a parent sued Hyde for the sexual assault of their daughter. This latest development was relatively recent, I'm thinking maybe 5 years ago.  Here are links to some pages from the lawsuit, filed on the ISACCorp website: (no longer available after WWASP kingpin Robert Lichfield sued the makers of the website)

Despite everything that transpired, despite the lawsuit even, Hyde continued to keep Dubinsky on campus.  I believe that he lost his teaching benefits, but the rationalization for keeping him there was alleged to reside in the fact that his wife still taught there, and that they had kids which were still attending at the time.

Not sure how the needs or safety of the other female students attending at the time were factored into that, but I think it does say something about where Hyde places their priorities and exactly what kind of values they actually do hold dearest.

Transcription of the ISACCorp document (original on 4 separate pages) on the Dubinsky case.  Please see my previous post for the links to jpg scans of the actual documents. (photos no longer available; ISAC has been removed from the internet and photo scans of case no longer linked, but original post is here)

And if Larry Dubinsky's shenanigans -- in and of themselves -- weren't bad enough, the icing on the cake was how Hyde chose to deal with them.  At no time were any authorities contacted.  In fact, Hyde held at least two meetings with the girl -- in which she was forced to confront Larry Dubinsky in person, in the presence of multiple, mostly male faculty who were probably not very happy about the situation -- before even deigning to call the girl's parents.  Probably the only reason it got to the point of calling the girl's parents is because the girl refused to back down.  And, from what I've been told, the only reason it got to the point where the girl was even taken seriously in the first place, was due to the efforts of one sole faculty member (not surprisingly, no longer associated with Hyde School).

Mind you, Larry Dubinsky had been on this behavior path for some time, and none of the girls' complaints had been taken seriously up to that point.

Here are the official links to the summaries of Hiler v Hyde:

Here is what Ursus transcribed from photos of the case into text:
From Ursus:,22002.msg297625.html#msg297625



Hiler v. Hyde School
Federal Civil Lawsuit - Connecticut District Court, Case No. 3:02-cv-00416-DJS
District Judge Dominic J. Squatrito, presiding
MARCH 5, 2002


1.  This is an action by a female student against a private school which, upon information and belief, is the recipient of federal funds, for tolerating and encouraging a pattern of sexual misconduct directed against her and other female students by a male faulty member, over a long period of time.

2.  Jurisdiction of this court is invoked under the provisions of Sections 1331, 1343(3) and 1367(a) of Title 28 of the United States Code and this court's supplementary and diversity jurisdiction over the plaintiff's causes of action under state law.

3.  The plaintiff is an adult female citizen of the State of XXXXX.  She was born on XXX and at all times mentioned herein was an out-of-state student at the defendant's school in Woodstock, Connecticut.

4.  The defendant is a private school located in Woodstock, Connecticut.  Upon information and belief, the defendant receives federal financial assistance for the operation of its educational and related programs.

5.  The amount at issue in this case is greater than seventy-five thousand dollars, exclusive of interest and costs.

6.  In 2001, and for several years prior thereto, the defendant employed at its school in Woodstock an adult male teacher by the name of Larry Dubinsky.  At all times mentioned herein, said Dubinsky was acting as the agent, servant, and employee of the defendant, within the scope of his employment and agency, and for the defendant's financial benefit.

7.  For several years prior to and including the events described hereinafter, the defendant, through its administrators and officials, had actual knowledge that Dubinsky  was subjecting the female students at Hyde School to sexual harassment which included inappropriate touching, staring, and comments.  Despite such actual knowledge, the defendant retained Dubinsky on its faculty and permitted him to continue to have daily, direct and unsupervised contact with the adolescent female students at the school, including the plaintiff.

8.  During the second week of July, 2001, at the school, Dubinsky initiated a "role-playing" incident with the plaintiff in the course of which he insisted upon having full body contact with the plaintiff, repeatedly and over her objection, while making lewd and inappropriate comments to her which included the phrase "fucking pussy".

9.  On August 1, 2001, while instructing a dance routine in which the plaintiff was involved, Dubinsky required the plaintiff to be his partner and to dance with him.  He required her to bend down in front of him, then lifted her, raised her blouse, felt around her body for her hips and placed his hands on her hips.  When the plaintiff objected and moved away from him, he attempted to coerce her into continuing.

10.  When the plaintiff complained to the defendants administrators about the aforesaid misconduct, she was summoned to a meeting at which she was required to meet with Dubinsky and was criticized by administrators for not wanting to look at Dubinsky during the meeting.  The following day, she was summoned to yet another meeting with administrators, which the administrators concealed from her parents.  When school officials were informed in September of 2001 that the plaintiff was suffering from recurring nightmares regarding Dubinsky, a faculty member falsely accused the plaintiff of flirting with another male teacher.  Her mother's pleas to the defendant's highest administrators that Dubinsky be kept away from the plaintiff and not allowed on school grounds were rejected.  In February of 2002, the plaintiff was required to serve as a waitress at a party given by the defendant's headmaster at which other under-age students were required to serve alcoholic beverages.  Dubinsky was an invited guest at that party.

11.  In the manner described above, the defendant has, on the basis of the plaintiff's sex, excluded her from participation in, denied her the benefits of, and/or subjected her to discrimination under an education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance in violation of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Sections 1681 - 1688 of Title 20 of the United States Code.

12.  In the manner described above, the defendant through its aforesaid agent subjected the plaintiff to assault and battery on each of the two separate occasions described above, in violation of Connecticut state law.

13.  The conduct of the defendant and its agent described above was extreme and outrageous and was carried out with the knowledge that it probably would cause the plaintiff to suffer emotional distress.

14.  In the manner described above, the defendant further acted in negligent disregard  of the probability that its conduct would cause the plaintiff, like any person of ordinary sensibilities similarly situated, to suffer emotional distress so severe that physical illness could result.

15.  As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions of the defendant described above, the plaintiff has suffered severe emotional distress.

WHEREFORE, the plaintiff claims judgment against the defendant for compensatory damages, punitive damages, attorney fees and costs.

The plaintiff claims trial by jury.


Federal Bar No. ct00215
Williams and Pattis, LLC
51 Elm Street
New Haven, CT 06510
TELEPHONE:  203.562.9931
FAX: 203.776.9494
Her Attorney

Office   New Haven
Filed   3/7/2002
Jury Demand   Plaintiff
Demand   $0
Nature of Suit   440 - Civil Rights: Other
Cause   Section 28 U.S.C. § 1331 Federal Question
Jurisdiction   Federal Question
Disposition   Dismissed - Settled
County   XX US, Outside State
Terminated   5/6/2003
PACER case #18684

In 1976, Larry Dubinsky was still a student at Hyde. He's one of a large number of folk that, for reasons certainly worth speculating about, never quite left.

In the early 2000's, Hyde School was sued by a student's parent(s) re. Dubinsky's alleged and continued sexual molestation of their daughter. Despite being presented with repeated complaints, Hyde did very little, essentially nothing, to address the issue.

Larry Dubinsky's wife, Donna Dubinsky (also a former Hyde student), still teaches at Hyde. Moreover, his kids go there. In fact, one of them is even featured in at least one of Hyde's recent promotional videos.


Anon: wait they're missing earl bigelow, joe kilch and peter gregory, those guys molested kids at Hyde school. they worked there. what about those kids. what happened to their lives? Hyde stole them and then covered up the truth. Hyde employs some of the lowest forms of life.

Ursus: ...Not to mention Robert Thurrell, Margaret 'Peg' Brazier, Larry Dubinsky, and quite a few others who are not yet known by their names. If you want to count recently returning alums, which in my book violates something akin to a therapist-client relationship, then you can add Hyde School founder Joe Gauld and co-founder Sumner Hawley to that list as well.

Also there is Ms. Hallet. And a bunch of others.

In case you couldn't read what Ursus wrote above regarding Larry Dubinsky, former dean of students and his alleged sexual misconduct, (Hyde settled and paid the Hiler family) and "star" of Hiler v Hyde, here are the links to the summary: and and here is what Ursus transcribed from photos of the case into text:


MARCH 5, 2002


1.  This is an action by a female student against a private school which, upon information and belief, is the recipient of federal funds, for tolerating and encouraging a pattern of sexual misconduct directed against her and other female students by a male faulty member, over a long period of time.

2.  Jurisdiction of this court is invoked under the provisions of Sections 1331, 1343(3) and 1367(a) of Title 28 of the United States Code and this court's supplementary and diversity jurisdiction over the plaintiff's causes of action under state law.

3.  The plaintiff is an adult female citizen of the State of XXXXX.  She was born on XXX and at all times mentioned herein was an out-of-state student at the defendant's school in Woodstock, Connecticut.

4.  The defendant is a private school located in Woodstock, Connecticut.  Upon information and belief, the defendant receives federal financial assistance for the operation of its educational and related programs.

5.  The amount at issue in this case is greater than seventy-five thousand dollars, exclusive of interest and costs.

6.  In 2001, and for several years prior thereto, the defendant employed at its school in Woodstock an adult male teacher by the name of Larry Dubinsky.  At all times mentioned herein, said Dubinsky was acting as the agent, servant, and employee of the defendant, within the scope of his employment and agency, and for the defendant's financial benefit.

7.  For several years prior to and including the events described hereinafter, the defendant, through its administrators and officials, had actual knowledge that Dubinsky  was subjecting the female students at Hyde School to sexual harassment which included inappropriate touching, staring, and comments.  Despite such actual knowledge, the defendant retained Dubinsky on its faculty and permitted him to continue to have daily, direct and unsupervised contact with the adolescent female students at the school, including the plaintiff.

8.  During the second week of July, 2001, at the school, Dubinsky initiated a "role-playing" incident with the plaintiff in the course of which he insisted upon having full body contact with the plaintiff, repeatedly and over her objection, while making lewd and inappropriate comments to her which included the phrase "fucking pussy".

9.  On August 1, 2001, while instructing a dance routine in which the plaintiff was involved, Dubinsky required the plaintiff to be his partner and to dance with him.  He required her to bend down in front of him, then lifted her, raised her blouse, felt around her body for her hips and placed his hands on her hips.  When the plaintiff objected and moved away from him, he attempted to coerce her into continuing.

10.  When the plaintiff complained to the defendants administrators about the aforesaid misconduct, she was summoned to a meeting at which she was required to meet with Dubinsky and was criticized by administrators for not wanting to look at Dubinsky during the meeting.  The following day, she was summoned to yet another meeting with administrators, which the administrators concealed from her parents.  When school officials were informed in September of 2001 that the plaintiff was suffering from recurring nightmares regarding Dubinsky, a faculty member falsely accused the plaintiff of flirting with another male teacher.  Her mother's pleas to the defendant's highest administrators that Dubinsky be kept away from the plaintiff and not allowed on school grounds were rejected.  In February of 2002, the plaintiff was required to serve as a waitress at a party given by the defendant's headmaster at which other under-age students were required to serve alcoholic beverages.  Dubinsky was an invited guest at that party.

11.  In the manner described above, the defendant has, on the basis of the plaintiff's sex, excluded her from participation in, denied her the benefits of, and/or subjected her to discrimination under an education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance in violation of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Sections 1681 - 1688 of Title 20 of the United States Code.

12.  In the manner described above, the defendant through its aforesaid agent subjected the plaintiff to assault and battery on each of the two separate occasions described above, in violation of Connecticut state law.

13.  The conduct of the defendant and its agent described above was extreme and outrageous and was carried out with the knowledge that it probably would cause the plaintiff to suffer emotional distress.

14.  In the manner described above, the defendant further acted in negligent disregard  of the probability that its conduct would cause the plaintiff, like any person of ordinary sensibilities similarly situated, to suffer emotional distress so severe that physical illness could result.

15.  As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions of the defendant described above, the plaintiff has suffered severe emotional distress.

WHEREFORE, the plaintiff claims judgment against the defendant for compensatory damages, punitive damages, attorney fees and costs.

The plaintiff claims trial by jury.


Federal Bar No. ct00215
Williams and Pattis, LLC
51 Elm Street
New Haven, CT 06510
TELEPHONE:  203.562.9931
FAX: 203.776.9494
Her Attorney

Modify message

    In case you couldn't read the above post near the beginning because the type was HUGE, someone wrote:

    •  Diddler Dubinsky, accused of sexual assault;
    •  Ken Grant, heavy honcho school official, doesn't want the school to be held liable, friend of Diddler and Diddler's wife;
    •  Judy Fortier, Hyde staff and sycophant, friend of Claire and Ken Grant, friend of Diddler and Diddler's wife, husband also used to work at Hyde but allegedly left "because of a pronounced proclivity to ogle undergrads;"
    •  unidentified male Hyde staff #1, Hyde apologist whether he wants to be or not;
    •  unidentified male Hyde staff #2, Hyde apologist whether he wants to be or not;
    •  perhaps others.
    •  victim, underage, family is far away and has not been informed.

    Ummm... something seems a bit OFF about this picture.  Two things rear up in my mind, other than the incredibly disparate blocks of personnel (just squint your eyes and look at that screen).[/i]

    And, in case you couldn't read what Ursus wrote on another thread regarding Larry Dubinsky, former dean of students and his alleged sexual misconduct, (Hyde settled and paid the Hiler family) and "star" of Hiler v Hyde, here are the links to the summary: and and here is what Ursus transcribed from photos of the case into text:


    MARCH 5, 2002


    1.  This is an action by a female student against a private school which, upon information and belief, is the recipient of federal funds, for tolerating and encouraging a pattern of sexual misconduct directed against her and other female students by a male faulty member, over a long period of time.

    2.  Jurisdiction of this court is invoked under the provisions of Sections 1331, 1343(3) and 1367(a) of Title 28 of the United States Code and this court's supplementary and diversity jurisdiction over the plaintiff's causes of action under state law.

    3.  The plaintiff is an adult female citizen of the State of XXXXX.  She was born on XXX and at all times mentioned herein was an out-of-state student at the defendant's school in Woodstock, Connecticut.

    4.  The defendant is a private school located in Woodstock, Connecticut.  Upon information and belief, the defendant receives federal financial assistance for the operation of its educational and related programs.

    5.  The amount at issue in this case is greater than seventy-five thousand dollars, exclusive of interest and costs.

    6.  In 2001, and for several years prior thereto, the defendant employed at its school in Woodstock an adult male teacher by the name of Larry Dubinsky.  At all times mentioned herein, said Dubinsky was acting as the agent, servant, and employee of the defendant, within the scope of his employment and agency, and for the defendant's financial benefit.

    7.  For several years prior to and including the events described hereinafter, the defendant, through its administrators and officials, had actual knowledge that Dubinsky  was subjecting the female students at Hyde School to sexual harassment which included inappropriate touching, staring, and comments.  Despite such actual knowledge, the defendant retained Dubinsky on its faculty and permitted him to continue to have daily, direct and unsupervised contact with the adolescent female students at the school, including the plaintiff.

    8.  During the second week of July, 2001, at the school, Dubinsky initiated a "role-playing" incident with the plaintiff in the course of which he insisted upon having full body contact with the plaintiff, repeatedly and over her objection, while making lewd and inappropriate comments to her which included the phrase "fucking pussy".

    9.  On August 1, 2001, while instructing a dance routine in which the plaintiff was involved, Dubinsky required the plaintiff to be his partner and to dance with him.  He required her to bend down in front of him, then lifted her, raised her blouse, felt around her body for her hips and placed his hands on her hips.  When the plaintiff objected and moved away from him, he attempted to coerce her into continuing.

    10.  When the plaintiff complained to the defendants administrators about the aforesaid misconduct, she was summoned to a meeting at which she was required to meet with Dubinsky and was criticized by administrators for not wanting to look at Dubinsky during the meeting.  The following day, she was summoned to yet another meeting with administrators, which the administrators concealed from her parents.  When school officials were informed in September of 2001 that the plaintiff was suffering from recurring nightmares regarding Dubinsky, a faculty member falsely accused the plaintiff of flirting with another male teacher.  Her mother's pleas to the defendant's highest administrators that Dubinsky be kept away from the plaintiff and not allowed on school grounds were rejected.  In February of 2002, the plaintiff was required to serve as a waitress at a party given by the defendant's headmaster at which other under-age students were required to serve alcoholic beverages.  Dubinsky was an invited guest at that party.

    11.  In the manner described above, the defendant has, on the basis of the plaintiff's sex, excluded her from participation in, denied her the benefits of, and/or subjected her to discrimination under an education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance in violation of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Sections 1681 - 1688 of Title 20 of the United States Code.

    12.  In the manner described above, the defendant through its aforesaid agent subjected the plaintiff to assault and battery on each of the two separate occasions described above, in violation of Connecticut state law.

    13.  The conduct of the defendant and its agent described above was extreme and outrageous and was carried out with the knowledge that it probably would cause the plaintiff to suffer emotional distress.

    14.  In the manner described above, the defendant further acted in negligent disregard  of the probability that its conduct would cause the plaintiff, like any person of ordinary sensibilities similarly situated, to suffer emotional distress so severe that physical illness could result.

    15.  As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions of the defendant described above, the plaintiff has suffered severe emotional distress.

    WHEREFORE, the plaintiff claims judgment against the defendant for compensatory damages, punitive damages, attorney fees and costs.

    The plaintiff claims trial by jury.


    Federal Bar No. ct00215
    Williams and Pattis, LLC
    51 Elm Street
    New Haven, CT 06510
    TELEPHONE:  203.562.9931
    FAX: 203.776.9494
    Her Attorney

    Regarding above post about the death of 14 year old James Roman that happened at Hyde School on the basketball court:

    One of them (James Roman) died at Hyde in the 1980's during a basketball game of a brain aneurysm allegedly caused by a heart condition that he didn't know he had (however, Hyde often dismisses student complaints about physical ailments, and there is tremendous pressure to not complain about them at all - "Suck it up!" is a favorite saying by coaches, proctors, other faculty, and even fellow brainwashed students - a willingness to continue workouts through severe pain, tears, and vomiting is required to be considered 'on-track', so whether James had actually experienced warning symptoms from his condition prior to the incident that caused his death is unknown).

    It's confirmed on another thread that James had an enlarged heart.

    Well, to be fair, James (after the autopsy) was revealed to have an enlarged heart. According to the medical folks, that pumped too much blood to his brain, which caused the condition. (From here:

    From Web MD:

    Symptoms of cardiomegaly:

    Sometimes, an enlarged heart causes no symptoms. If it becomes unable to pump blood well enough, you may get symptoms of congestive heart failure, such as:

    Shortness of breath (especially when active or when lying flat)
    Leg swelling
    Weight gain, particularly in your midsection
    Tired feeling
    Palpitations or skipped heartbeats
    Some folks may never have symptoms. Others may have little things that don’t change for years. Still others may have shortness of breath that steadily gets a little worse.

    Warning signs of a brain aneuryism:
    A brain aneurysm that has not ruptured often does not cause any symptoms and may not pose an immediate health risk, especially if the aneurysm is small.

    Over time, an aneurysm may grow larger and press up against delicate nerves and tissue in the brain. If this occurs, you may gradually experience one or more of the following symptoms:
    -pain above or behind one eye
    -blurred or double vision
    -difficulty speaking or swallowing
    -numbness or weakness on one side of the body, including the face, an arm or leg

    Warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest:

    Recognizing the warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest is also important. If your child experiences any of the following, he or she should see a pediatric cardiologist for an extensive cardiac evaluation:
    -Chest pain or discomfort during physical activity
    -Fainting or near fainting without warning or during physical activity
    -Seizure without warning or during physical activity
    -Excessive fatigue associated with exercise
    -They also have Unusually fast heart rate or rhythm with an unknown cause

    It's also stated that sometimes a person with an enlarged heart has no symptoms, but sometimes they do. If James did have symptoms and complained, they likely would have been mostly ignored by faculty (as per their standard protocol that I and nearly everyone I know who has gone to Hyde over the span of multiple decades experienced while there), and/or he would have likely felt extreme pressure to not complain about them. Complaining about physical pain, discomfort, and other problematic physical symptoms is treated as a weakness of character. Kids who complain of pain and other physical issues are told that they are lying/exaggerating/making excuses, not putting in effort, "that's bullshit", "suck it up", etc. over and over while being forced to play on extremely demanding sports teams, subjected to brutal punishment workouts, etc. I believe that the only qualified medical personnel ever employed by Hyde School was a registered nurse, or a lower level nurse. A nurse was not available at all times, and they aren't trained to diagnose and treat medical conditions. Children were given no other access to medical resources, short of calling 911 on one of the sparsely placed payphones, or maybe if parents requested, or if a teacher or the med nurse decided to take complaints very very seriously..

    The only way to know if James ever complained of symptoms would be to ask his friends/roommates/people who were with him at the time about it (if they would even remember those details). Otherwise we can only wonder. All of this is speculation based on what I know of the place.

    Here are a few choice exerpts from the 1976 TIME article featuring Hyde Schools’ founder Joe "Joey" Gauld.

    - Many of the students are troubled, and short-tempered Gauld treats them like a drill instructor faced with a platoon of left-footed recruits. He occasionally slaps and routinely humiliates the kids—with their parents' tacit consent—in a no-holds-barred effort to toughen them up and build their characters.

    - "The rod is only wrong in the wrong hands," Gauld likes to say.

    - [Gauld] has even conducted a public paddling ceremony at Hyde.

    - Parents are required to make a strong commitment to Hyde's philosophy. They participate in two encounter weekend seminars annually, at which everyone criticizes everyone else.

    - "Everyone wants to run away from here sometime." In fact, each year about 50 students do run away—and 20 never return. Gauld blames the dropout rate on the parents' failure to uphold their pledge to make runaways return to Hyde.

    - “You find that the kids are in effect brainwashed." Doris Vladimiroff, director of HEW'S Upward Bound program in Maine, whose son went to a Hyde summer session, complains: "Gauld's techniques are nothing less than demoniacal."

    - Novel and untested, Hyde could not hope to attract outstanding students; thus Gauld started by accepting teen-agers with a history of mental illness or drug problems... Despite the large number of problem children, there are no psychologists on the school's staff, because Hyde teachers prefer to "use our gut feelings."

    Full TIME article:,33009,914495,00.html

    And don't forget the wonderful New York Times article:

    At the Hyde School, the idea is to break through these restraints on “unique potential,” and this can take forms ranging from attendance at regular self‐criticism “seminars” to an occasional public paddling of obstreperous boys or, in the case of one girl, a dunking in the duck pond.

    Mr. Gauld is so insistent that a young person's character is more important than his grades that The Hyde School's graduation honors are ranked according to the graduate's development as a person, rather than on his or her grade.

    Mr. Gauld is not surprised by the fact that many of the students who come there are either from troubled families, have washed out of other schools or are what he calls “classic underachievers'—students who are bright but don't seem to get anything out of school.

    “Nobody's going to give me their top kids,” he said, “so I go to people and say, ‘Give me the kid who bothers you.'"

    New York Times article:


    In the Herald News, 1974:

    Gauld insists that although some of his disciplinary methods are unorthodox, they work. On one occasion, when a boy refused to abide by study-hall rules, Gauld ordered him to make a paddle out of wood and then gave him four swats with it in front of the entire student body. Another time, a girl was tossed into the duck pond when she spoke disrespectfully.


    If this is what the Hyde founder called "character building", and bragged about in public national news articles, then what on earth was he also doing and teaching faculty (and all his family members and relatives who run the school) to do behind closed doors????

    One former Hyde student's excellent facebook response to Laura Gauld's letter about her 93 year old father-in-law Joe's ("Joey?") "resignation":

    To me, this doesn't feel like accountability because:
    1. I'm *sure* this is of no consequence. I highly doubt he was doing anything but collecting a pay check from the school- that will now be retirement/pension and he still obviously has the ear of the heads of school- his literal children.
    2. Joey!? This is like an email coming out about Harvey Weinstein that calls him Har-Har the whole time. A nickname in the email feels hugely flippant.
    3. An email addressing the concerns of the victim(s) that centers the contributions of the person who created and fostered this culture is trash.
    4. Calling it student-on-student sexual assault is language intended to distance accountability and put it back on us- the students.
    5. At no point does she name the violence that people experienced there and address a systemic change that will be made or any kind of serious investment and reflection on a change of culture that needs to happen.
    6. No acknowledgment of the power dynamic of coming to talk to her while she is his daughter-in-law.
    7. No acknowledgment or gratitude for the labor people have done and continue to do to call the school forward.
    8. That she references the communication was private (bro, it was over Facebook messenger- no one recorded a call) implies he was some how tricked. Into what..? Sharing his actual opinion?

    See screenshots of a conversation 93 year old Hyde School founder Joe Gauld had in the beginning of 2021 with a former Hyde student regarding rape and a Hyde student distributing nude photos of a 13 year old female Hyde student on campus by an older Hyde student:

    Story and photos of this conversation are on Reddit here:
    It's also posted on Facebook.

    Keep in mind that this man and his entire family have been profiting from "helping" and "educating" kids for over 50 years in the "boarding school(s)" they founded and run, including "troubled" kids, while they've never employed a single licensed psychologist to work there.

    FALLOUT: Joe Gauld's daughter in law, Laura Gauld (married to Joe's son Malcolm Gauld, also head admin of Hyde School) later sent out a letter saying Joe is resigning over this, once Hyde started losing donors.
    Letter post on Reddit

    Letter text:
    Dear Hyde Community,

    Some of you may be aware of recent negative comments and upsetting allegations on social media. This past weekend, we were alerted to a report by a Hyde alum involving student-on-student sexual misconduct from several years ago. Hyde's Founder, Joseph Gauld, engaged in a private online communication with this alum. In the course of their exchange, Joey made some statements that were hurtful, puzzling, and inappropriate. These statements do not reflect our vision for Hyde School and they have no place in any conversation about helping young people work through traumatic experiences around relationships and sexual assault.

    Upon reflection, Joey made a heartfelt apology on the social media account for his offensive statements. His commitment to help students and parents is part of the reason he ventures into discussions that others might avoid. Despite his 93 years of wisdom as an educator and his belief that he was having a conversation in a private forum, his words were completely unacceptable.

    After some meaningful conversations with Joey, we both have agreed that it is time to formalize a change we have been discussing for awhile. Joey will be retiring from any formal role at the school. We will forever be indebted to him for his vision and courage to found a school that broke new ground and made a real difference in the lives of so many students and families. We also know that many of the larger Hyde community will continue to connect with him as he works to find his new purpose.

    Hyde's foundation is about character and having the courage to look at one's strengths and challenges - including our own school's self-examination. The safety and well-being of our students is our first concern. In our 54 years of existence, we have developed policies and processes which guide us to take any student or faculty safety allegation seriously.

    To any member of our community that has concerns about their time at Hyde, I invite you to reach out and speak with me or someone else in the community that you feel comfortable with. Our pledge to you is that we will listen, learn, and take action where necessary. We look forward to productive and respectful communication.

    To help a student unlock their unique potential is the most rewarding aspect of this job. Our commitment to each and every one of you is lifelong. I thank those who have already reached out to both share the strengths and the challenges of their experiences. Know that both are valued and important as Hyde moves onward to achieve its fullest potential.


    Laura D. Gauld
    Hyde School
    616 High Street,
    Bath , ME 04530
    (207) 443.5584

    Sent by


    "Hyde school" bath maine woodstock connecticut
    sexual assault complaints abuse rape children statutory victim-blaming shame shaming death suicide overdose passed away troubled teen industry cult indoctrination exercise workout
    malcolm gauld joseph joe joey gauld
    i see you survivor troubled teen industry
    breaking code silence


    Rick Reamer and Deborah Siegel
 - Pawtucket, RI

    Parents of struggling teens typically agonize about finding the “right” school or program. They sort through mounds of data – from educational consultants, school directories, pamphlets, promotional videos, websites, campus visits and conversations with school staff – before settling on what they hope is the right choice.


We’ve been there. During the spring of 2003, we spent countless hours combing through every morsel of information we could find about an overwhelming array of school options. We knew our child did not need a therapeutic boarding school. We simply needed a school that offered structure; consistent, humane supervision; a positive peer culture; constructive emphasis on personal accountability and integrity; and a willingness to collaborate collegially with parents. We did not seek perfection, realizing that those who do will always be disappointed. We followed the sage advice offered in The Woodbury Reports (December 2000) issue about the “ten most common mistakes parents make” (e.g., “We want a place close to home.” “We want something affordable.” “We want our teen fixed.”). In short, we dotted our “i’s” and crossed our “t’s” – or so we thought.

    At the conclusion of our conscientious search, we enrolled our child in The Hyde School in Woodstock, CT. From the outside, Hyde appeared to be the right choice. All of the information about the school flashed “accountability,” “family involvement,” “structure,” and “integrity.” That’s what we wanted.

    Unfortunately, that’s not what we got – at least not in the way we expected. What we experienced over the course of a year – and we recognize that families experience the school quite differently – taught us an overarching lesson: Sometimes critically important information about a school can be known only from the inside, particularly from parents and students (and candid staffers) who have walked the halls, sat in on classes, witnessed teacher-student interactions, participated in seminars, hung out on the athletic fields and really breathed the school’s air. We’ve learned that glossy brochures, promotional CD’s and videos, telephone communication, visits with administrators, school tours, and discussions with educational consultants who visit a school for a few days, may not be sufficient. In short, there may be more to the school’s story than initially meets the eye and ear.


We learned a lot this past year about how to search for the right school. We learned that our child’s school had strengths that served us well and that we want to replicate in our child’s next school. True to its promotional material, the earnest and dedicated staff at Hyde emphasized accountability and structure. Both students and parents received consistent messages from staffers about personal integrity and responsibility. We embraced those messages wholeheartedly.

    But we also learned concrete lessons about looking for “red flags” that may lurk beneath a school’s promotional material and information available to “outsiders.” Here are the five lessons we learned from our Hyde experience about choosing a school:


Lesson #1: Carefully scrutinize a school’s admissions criteria and standards. Explore whether the school’s student body matches the description in the promotional material. Only after we became involved with Hyde did we learn that it accepts an unusually high percentage of applicants, compared with other boarding schools, and that, as some Hyde administrators say, the vast majority of parents send their children to Hyde to be “fixed” or “turned around” because of their child’s misbehavior, substance abuse, defiance, academic underperformance and so on. The fact that the school accepts nearly everyone who applies undermines the school’s ability to manage its students’ diverse, complex and special needs effectively.

    Lesson #2: Compare the school’s approach to adolescents’ issues with widely accepted research-based knowledge. Ask questions about staffers’ familiarity with the latest research on adolescent development and brain chemistry, the impact of enforced sleep deprivation on adolescent behavior and academic performance, and the most constructive ways to handle emotional and behavioral challenges that adolescents pose. In our experience, many Hyde staffers were unfamiliar with, or dismissed, prevailing research-based theories and practices for helping struggling teens. We found a dogmatic adherence to what’s called “the Hyde process,” even when the process wasn’t working.

    Lesson #3: Find out how staffers treat students and parents. Observe how staffers communicate and interact. Are they tactful, clear, direct, honest, humane, constructive and civil? Only after witnessing many Hyde personnel interacting with students and parents did we realize that, contrary to prevailing educational and mental health standards, name calling, shaming, intimidation, judging, minimizing and humiliation are embedded in the school’s belief system and practices; these emotionally abusive behaviors are used frequently and intentionally (although not by all staffers). For example, in seminars composed of complete strangers, intimate self-disclosure is demanded. We heard students under this pressure reluctantly disclose, with intense emotion, sensitive information about their mental health issues and trauma histories, only to be called “manipulative,” “drama queen,” “quitter” and other pejorative epithets. In our view, this constitutes verbal and emotional abuse and models poor interpersonal boundaries and communication skills.

    Lesson #4: Find out who at the school handles students’ mental health issues. While at Hyde, we discovered that many of the school’s students have psychiatric diagnoses (such as depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, ADHD, PTSD). We were surprised that a school that enrolls so many students with these special needs has a nurse on staff to dispense medication but no licensed mental health team. We subsequently gathered information from a large cross-section of traditional boarding schools and discovered that the typical school, including those that do not aim to serve “struggling teens,” has licensed mental health professionals on staff. We gradually came to realize that Hyde tends to view mental health issues as “character flaws,” not as medical conditions that require research-based interventions. Hyde’s decision not to have a licensed counseling team is deliberate, not an oversight; it reflects Hyde’s belief system and model.

    Lesson #5: Find out exactly what the school means by “family involvement.” Hyde’s materials trumpet their focus on the family. In actual practice, however, while parents are required to attend many family seminars, they are also explicitly instructed to stay out of the loop, “let go” and let Hyde do its thing, and ignore their child’s feedback about their Hyde experience. Staff communicated with us about our child rarely and superficially. Parents should look for a school that invites parents’ feedback, responds to it and engages in respectful dialogue.

 Finding the right boarding school for one’s child is a daunting responsibility. In the absence of inside information, parents understandably rely on professionals’ recommendations and schools’ promotional material. What we have learned, through trial and error, is that much of what parents need to know to make informed choices can only come from inside the school. Parents need to be wary of schools that have a doctrinaire, “one size fits all” approach and are unwilling to hear respectfully communicated differences of opinion. Try to talk not only with parents who are pleased with the school, but also with those who have had unfortunate experiences there. Finding those parents is a challenge.

    Original post:

    From the host site:
    Family Light:   Our biggest concern is that when parents have circulated signed statements expressing concerns about Hyde School(s), the management at Hyde has been unwilling to respond specifically and on the record.

    Hyde Schools, Bath ME and Woodstock, CT [now closed] are two schools, under common management that Family Light has very mixed feelings about.

    Here are questions we suggest parents ask if considering Hyde.  We suggest that request answers in writing and challenge the school in case of later evidence that there was not full disclosure.

    1. What mental health diagnoses occur among Hyde Students? With what frequency?

    2. What percentage of you students are taking psychotropic drugs?

    3. What are the qualifications of the staff members supervising these students?

    4. To what degree are mental health services for your students integrated with the faculty and other staff supervising your students?

    5. What is expected of parents regarding participation in parent seminars?

    6. What of my personal life am I expected to disclose in the parent seminars? How many other parents will be present?

    7. What are the credentials of the people staffing the parent seminars?

    8. What donations will I be expected to make to the school, in addition to the tuition?

    9. What special provisions to you have for learning disabled students?  Are the teachers of learning disabled students special education certified?  All of them?

    Alix Tichelman was also sent to Island View after Hyde School. Here is a video on some of her experience at Hyde: Link to the entire 48 Hours video is in the caption of the YouTube video.

    She definitely attended Hyde School in Bath, Maine first.

    Obituaries - obituary or information regarding each former Hyde School student (now passed) if one has been found -

    Austin Allard 21
    Don Anthony 23
    Chris Baldwin 23
    Travis Ballew 23
    William Barber 35
    Mark Bello 28
    Daniel Bennett 23
    Brian Bernstein 18
    Cintheia Berry 34
    Mark Blevins 40
    Jeff Boiselle 26
    Marissa Borsani 34
    Mary "Angelle" Boutwell 29
    Chris Bowman 28
    Tony Bradley 39
    Carol Anne Brown 18,27330.0.html   Tribute video:
    Jennifer Buhler 31
    Ben Burlock 20
    Also: and
    Virgil Buzzell 36
    Nina Carbone 23
    Laura Carr 17
    Shonali "Shona" Chakrabarti 31
    Joshua Christensen 38
    Francis Clappsa 22
    John Coggins 17
    Michelle Correa 42
    Deirdre Cotter 51
    Ben Cowley 30
    Michael Crean 27
    Robert Crowe 55
    Andrea "Cookie" Crute 26
    Sarah Da Rosa 41
    Patrick Damon 41
    Haden "Hootie"? Daras 18
    Christian Darling 19
    Andrew "Drew" Dean-Lipson 19
    John James "Jimmy" Denault 24
    Adam Dern 29
    Ari Diaconis 33 and
    Chris Dietz 21
    Andrew Dillenkofer 19
    Alexandra "Alexa" Dublikar 39
    Jason "James" Dunbar 34
    Dillon Dwyer 26
    Robert Ebling 22
    Scott Elkin 26
    Greg Epilone 28
    Adam Frankel 21
    Adam Freed 33
    Caleb French 20
    Todd French 18
    Mike Garber 27
    Laura Golden 38
    Eric Alan Gottung 24
    Stuart Granek 21
    Charles Green 32
    Josh Gulbrandsen 33
    George Hammond 20
    Dale Hardegen 30
    Christopher Henson 34
    John Hickey 22
    Maia Hightower 25
    Preston Holetz 23
    Mark Hoover 37
    Christopher Hopperstad 39
    Max Horowitz 23
    Daniel Jaye 40
    Carly Jensen 30
    Nathan Jewell 39
    Larquette Johnson 29
    Kevin Jones 21 actually he probably attended Hyde Leadership Charter School in CT.
    Steven Jones 54
    Sean Kadagian 27
    Ina Kaltenhauser Gary 41
    Jon Kaplan 29
    Leo Keisman 21
    Nicholas Kendall 43
    Todd Kern 38
    Sage Kiesel 25
    Abby Kraftowitz 33
    Travis Krogh 29
    Mason Latham 16
    Megan Lavin 26
    Craig Leidner 27
    Sam Levinsohn 19
    Ned Levy 25
    Madelyn Linsenmeir 30 and
    Andrew Llewellyn 23
    Karlena "Karlee" MacKenzie 29
    Mia Maisel 27
    Kevin Mateczun 16
    Chris Mauger
    Brian McConnell 27
    Frank McGill 20
    Daniel "Magoo" Mclaughlin 20
    Sterling Mclemore 21
    Michael McMillan 46
    Nikolas Michaud 23
    Maggie Miller 18
    Michael Mindell 39
    David Mitchell
    Patrick Modern 28
    Nick Mortazavi 20
    Darius Moshfegh 30
    Stephen Mueller 47
    Robert Mulholland 54
    Mike Noonan 35
    Noelle Norris Chase 52
    Alexander O'Connor 43
    Kyle O'Keefe 21
    Kerry O'Leary 25
    Francis O'Neill 19
    Jon Ogan 23
    Pat Parisi 21
    Adam Patterson 30
    Joey Perna 32
    Adam Pollock 29
    Justin Pratt 28
    Luke Prendergast 19
    Michael Ragin 26
    Alexandra Raineault 22
    Sam Rauschenbush 20
    Benjamin Reagan 25
    William "Tyler" Reed 22
    James Roman 14,22965.msg336117.html#msg336117
    Nathaniel Rother 27
    Robin Roynon 26
    Hal Rubin 23
    Adrij "Dee" Rudko 45!/Obituary
    Anton Safonov 20
    David Sandelli 34
    Marianne Sapienza 24
    Kevin Sargent 34
    Andrew "Moose" Sayre 29,23777.msg290919.html#msg290919
    Alex Schneider 27
    Ryan Scioli 19
    Cynthia Silverman 29
    Joseph "Joe" Slattery 47
    Andrew Smith 24
    Caitlin Snaith 33
    Daniel Spiegel 35
    Jon Starets 29
    Bradley Steele 51
    Doug Steen 21
    Timothy "Shane" Stemple 21
    Martina "Tina" Takami 30
    Scott Thomas 29
    Flo Tissandier 20
    Alexander Tyler 21
    Alex Vance 29
    Alessandro "Al" Vico 21
    Jeremy Viebrooks 38
    Laura Vines 20
    Chelsea Vinton 23
    Jonathon "JJ" Vitaletti 38
    LC Wagley 22
    Reinhold Taylor Wappler 35
    William "Billy" Watts 20
    Christopher Wells 19
    Stefan White 28
    John "Johnny" Wimble 24
    Ian Worth 19
    Jesse Wright 24
    Mike Yedid 20
    Larry Yerys 19
    James Michael Ziede 27

    In the rising of the sun and in its going down,
    we remember them.
    In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter,
    we remember them.
    In the opening of buds and in the rebirth of spring,
    we remember them.
    In the blueness of the sky and in the warmth of summer,
    we remember them.
    In the rustling of leaves and in the beauty of autumn,
    we remember them.
    In the beginning of the year and when it ends,
    we remember them.
    When we are weary and in need of strength,
    we remember them.
    When we are lost and sick at heart,
    we remember them.
    When we have joys we yearn to share,
    we remember them.
    So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are now a part of us,
    as we remember them.

    -"A Litany of Remembrance", Rabbi Sylvan Kamens and Rabbi Jack Riemer

    These are former Hyde students who have passed away since leaving Hyde School (at least, these are the ones that a handful of us are aware of). One of them (James Roman) died at Hyde in the 1980's during a basketball game of a brain aneurysm allegedly caused by a heart condition that he didn't know he had (however, Hyde often dismisses student complaints about physical ailments, and there is tremendous pressure to not complain about them at all - "Suck it up!" is a favorite saying by coaches, proctors, other faculty, and even fellow brainwashed students - a willingness to continue workouts through severe pain, tears, and vomiting is required to be considered 'on-track', so whether James had actually experienced warning symptoms from his condition prior to the incident that caused his death is unknown).
    Out of the over 150 former students with a known/specified cause of death:
    - Over 35 of them passed away from drug overdose or substance-related complications
    - Over 25 confirmed suicides
    - Over 20 accidents (land vehicle, boat, hiking, falling, etc.)
    - Over 12 listed as "at home", "suddenly" or "unexpectedly" with no other explanation
    - About 12 health (assumed non-mental-health-or-substance-use-related) causes (cancer, kidney disease, etc.)
    - 2 military deaths
    - 2 by homocide
    - 1 died during a robbery, exact cause unknown (to us)
    - Over 42 are unknown/unspecified

    About 153 of them passed between 1999-2021.

    111 of them passed at age 30 or under.  :'(

    Name, age at passing (if known):
    Austin Allard 21
    Don Anthony 23
    Chris Baldwin 23
    Travis Ballew 23
    William Barber 35
    Mark Bello 28
    Daniel Bennett 23
    Brian Bernstein 18
    Cintheia Berry 34
    Mark Blevins 40
    Jeff Boiselle 26
    Marissa Borsani 34
    Mary "Angelle" Boutwell 29
    Chris Bowman 28
    Tony Bradley 39
    Carol Anne Brown 18
    Jennifer Buhler 31
    Ben Burlock 20
    Virgil Buzzell 36
    Nina Carbone 23
    Laura Carr 19
    Shonali "Shona" Chakrabarti 31
    Joshua Christensen 38
    Francis Clappsa 22
    John Coggins 17
    Michelle Correa 42
    Deirdre Cotter 51
    Ben Cowley 30
    Michael Crean 27
    Robert Crowe 55
    Andrea "Cookie" Crute 26
    Sarah Da Rosa 41
    Patrick Damon 41
    Haden "Hootie" Daras 18
    Christian Darling 19
    Andrew "Drew" Dean-Lipson 19
    John James "Jimmy" Denault 24
    Adam Dern 29
    Ari Diaconis 33
    Chris *Just* Dietz 21
    Andrew Dillenkofer 19
    Alexandra "Alexa" Dublikar 39
    Jason "James" Dunbar 34
    Dillon Dwyer 26
    Robert Ebling 22
    Scott Elkin 26
    Greg Epilone 28
    Adam Frankel 21
    Adam Freed 33
    Caleb French 20
    Todd French 18
    Mike Garber 27
    Laura Golden 38
    Eric Alan Gottung 24
    Stuart Granek 21
    Charles Green 32
    Josh Gulbrandsen 33
    George Hammond 20
    Dale Hardegen 30
    Kenyatta Hasan 39
    Christopher Henson 34
    John Hickey 22
    Maia Hightower 25
    Preston  Holetz 23
    Mark Hoover 37
    Christopher Hopperstad 39
    Max Horowitz 23
    Daniel Jaye 40
    Carly Jensen 30
    Nathan Jewell 39
    Larquette Johnson 29
    Steven Jones 54
    Sean Kadagian 27
    Ina Kaltenhauser Gary 41
    Jon Kaplan 29
    Leo Keisman 21
    John Kelly
    Nicholas Kendall 43
    Todd Kern 38
    Sage Kiesel 25
    Abby Kraftowitz 33
    Travis Krogh 29
    Mason Latham 16
    Megan Lavin 26
    Craig Leidner 27
    Sam Levinsohn 19
    Ned Levy 25
    Madelyn Linsenmeir 30
    Andrew Llewellyn 23
    Karlena "Karlee" MacKenzie 29
    Mia Maisel 27
    Kevin Mateczun 16
    Chris Mauger
    Brian McConnell 27
    Frank McGill 20
    Daniel "Magoo" Mclaughlin 20
    Sterling Mclemore 21
    Michael McMillan 46
    Nik Michaud 23
    Maggie Miller 18
    Michael Mindell 39
    David Mitchell
    Patrick Modern 28
    Christopher Moran 53
    Nick Mortazavi 20
    Darius Moshfegh 30
    Stephen Mueller 47
    Robert Mulholland 54
    Mike Noonan 35
    Noelle Norris Chase 52
    Alexander O'Connor 43
    Kyle O'Keefe 21
    Kerry O'Leary 25
    Francis O'Neill 19
    Jon Ogan 23
    Margaret "Meg" Orchard-Hays Ferguson 54
    Pat Parisi 21
    Adam Patterson 30
    Joey Perna 32
    Adam Pollock 29
    Justin Pratt 28
    Luke Prendergast 19
    Michael Ragin 26
    Alexandra Raineault 22
    Sam Rauschenbush 20
    Benjamin Reagan 25
    William "Tyler" Reed 22
    Doug Reilly
    James Roman 14 (Died while at Hyde)
    Nathaniel Rother 27
    Robin Roynon 26
    Hal Rubin 23
    Adrij "Dee" Rudko 45
    Anton Safonov 20
    David Sandelli 34
    Marianne Sapienza 24
    Kevin Sargent 34
    Andrew "Moose" Sayre 29
    Alex Schneider 27
    Ryan Scioli 19
    Cynthia Silverman 29
    Joseph "Joe" Slattery 47
    Donny Small
    Andrew Smith 24
    Caitlin Snaith 33
    Daniel Spiegel 35
    Jon Starets 29
    Bradley Steele 51
    Doug Steen 21
    Timothy "Shane" Stemple 21
    Martina "Tina" Takami 30
    Scott Thomas 29
    Flo Tissandier 20
    Alexander Tyler 21
    Larry Uras, 18
    Alex Vance 29
    Alessandro "Al" Vico 21
    Jeremy Viebrooks 38
    Laura Vines 20
    Chelsea Vinton 23
    Jonathon "JJ" Vitaletti 38
    LC Wagley 22
    Reinhold Taylor Wappler 35
    William "Billy" Watts 20
    Christopher Wells 19
    Stefan White 28
    John "Johnny" Wimble 24
    Ian Worth 19
    Jesse Wright 24
    Mike Yedid 20
    Larry Yerys 19
    James Michael Ziede 27

    Steve Dupont, missing since 2003 (since age 23)

    More names listed in posts further down ⬇️⬇️⬇️

    It's quite upsetting that for a school who claims to "be with you for life," Hyde and the Gaulds and all the spouses/relatives of the Gaulds (who have run and profited from the school for over 50 years by charging parents a lot of money and offering "help" to their troubled teens) do nothing to publicly acknowledge the passings of the vast majority of these former students on their website or anywhere else.   

    May they rest in peace.  :'(

    Kevin Jones 21 probably attended Hyde Leadership Charter School in CT.

    Funeral service, memorial services, celebration of life, passed away, untimely death, in memoriam, condolences, with regret, in loving memory, in memory of

    Please follow Hyde School Survivors pages on social media if you had a hard time at Hyde School, experienced abuse, and/or want to be part of the #BreakingCodeSilence movement:


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