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Messages - Chai

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My friends just brought their daughter home from New Beginnings for her 10-day visit after being there for a year. She will be 18 in August and doesn't want to go back and she won't be going back. For those of you interested, if/when I hear reports of how the school has operated over this last year, I will post so that those of you who have friends there will have an idea of how it is currently. You can also check out if you want to see pictures. They are opening another facility in Missouri.

My friends just brought their daughter home from New Beginnings for her 10-day visit after being there for a year. She will be 18 in August and doesn't want to go back and she won't be going back. For those of you interested, if/when I hear reports of how the school has operated over this last year, I will post so that those of you who have friends there will have an idea of how it is currently. You can also check out if you want to see pictures. They are opening another facility in Missouri.



Synanon / Where are the Synanon Ex-Members?
« on: June 25, 2006, 02:47:00 AM »
Cascade School?

Today I received a short hand printed letter from the girl who was taken to New Beginnings Girls Academy in Pace, FL, on Memorial Day weekend. I had mailed her a letter on Friday June 9 not knowing if she would be allowed to read it. Good news! Not only did she read it but she replied. This says to me that they aren't as strict as they once were. Maybe there have been some positive changes going on at New Beginnings? Does anybody really know?

Synanon / Where are the Synanon Ex-Members?
« on: June 24, 2006, 05:17:00 PM »
That was many many years ago and my memories are faded. I was an over-protected 17-year old girl living at home with mom and dad and so the whole concept of some sort of commune where a person had to escape to get free just didn't make sense to me. I really don't have much information, sorry. I just wanted to let you know how it ended for one person who had been there. He had a rough beginning in life and his adopted parents weren't the kind who could help him - very critical people. He was getting into trouble with the law so they put him in the Navy. From what I understand, drugs were easily available in the Navy then and he a user. The laws had changed so that an addict could get an honorable discharge and that's what he did and then went straightway to Synanon. He wasn't using when I met him and married him. But it wasn't long before he was into it again. When I was 19 and pregnant he was going out on a Friday night and I wouldn't see him until Monday. Then one weekend in August he didn't come home for over a week. Later I learned that he was dealing.

He never introduced me to anyone from Synanon... he had been in Synanon in CA and we were in Washington state. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.

Synanon / Where are the Synanon Ex-Members?
« on: June 18, 2006, 01:20:00 AM »
Your post was such a long time ago I doubt that you will see my reply, but here goes.

I met a young man in 1972 who had just escaped from Synanon and come home to Washington State. He was 19 and I was 17. Within a year we were married. Within two years we were divorced. He left Washington and I never saw him again. I kept up with his life somewhat through his adoptive family. He had lived in 13 foster homes and was adopted at seven years old. Life did not treat him kindly. He died at age 38 in 1991 of a cocaine overdose. He didn't talk much about Synanon and what he did say didn't make much sense to me because it was so foreign to anything I had ever experienced... but I do remember that his hair was just growing out from being shaved and that he had escaped.

So what's a girl to do? What's the family to do? What can help her if she has this biological dysfunction?

For the last few weeks I have spent days online in search of current information on New Beginnings Girls Academy in Pace, Florida. The last week of May friends of mine took their 16-year old daughter (who has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) there. I have found info about the Camerons in Texas and Faye not being allowed to be with juveniles there. I found the curtain rod story. I saw the newsletter from the GA church that included the missionary page with New Beginings. I have read about other faith-based schools, deaths, allegations, etc. I gave the parents some of the info that I had found and they were not pleased with me. They believe that their daughter is in a safe place.  I understand that William McNamara is the name most used for current parents who are desperate for help. Is there anything more recent than these pieces that I found? What is happening there now? :???:

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