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Messages - anon78

Pages: [1]
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Need your opinion
« on: November 04, 2002, 09:45:00 PM »
Just put a new graphic on a site with more text want to know if you all think its too heavy or not.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Living with someone from straight
« on: November 04, 2002, 08:29:00 AM »
Hello, my spouse does not know yall and felt stupid asking for advise since she didnt know you and wasnt there so I am doing it for them.
My spouse tells me that straight makes her angry, that they get tired of the nightmares and worried but have no one to talk to about it, that they try hard to understand and help but sometimes has no idea how to help if I am going through anger or depression over it or if they see that it is getting to me again. They would really like another girlfried , boyfriend , husband, wife whatever of straight that they could talk to.
I am certain that it is very hard on our spouses.... My spouse also says she does not
know how to handle some of the memories I have , or even what to say to me when I read the news of someone else I knew dying. She believes in our cause wholehardely i think she just needs another spouse to talk to our some advise from ya'll..

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