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The Troubled Teen Industry / Netflix
« on: August 19, 2024, 02:41:16 PM »
I see that Netflix has yet another TTI documentary.  That makes three that I have seen in the last year:  "Hell Camp", "The Program", and now, "Teen Torture Inc".  So the phenomenon seems to have been pretty much reduced to "content", like murder porrn.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Boy Raised as Dog Doesn't Bark
« on: March 06, 2024, 12:31:34 AM »
I watched "The Program: Cons, Cults and Kidnapping" on Netflix this evening, and lo and behold if none other than the inestimable Maia Szalavitz materialized onscreen, offering her expertise on the TTI as it pertained to the atrocities committed at the WWASP thought reform program, Ivy Ridge Academy.  Phil Elberg also made an appearance in the documentary. 
When I first began efforts to bring about an investigation into the renamed Kids program, the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre, M. Szalavitz and co-author Bruce D. Perry's first work had just been released.  According to Dr. Perry's bio, "From 2001 to 2003, Dr. Perry served as the Medical Director for Provincial Programs in Children's Mental Health for the Alberta Mental Health Board. He continues to consult with the government of Alberta on children?s issues and serves as a founding member of the Premier?s Council of Alberta?s Promise."

M. Szalavitz and Dr. Perry released a second book in 2011, two years or so after the airing of the CBC expos? of All About Receiving Cash, "Powerless", in which Phil Elberg also appeared.  Szalavitz had referred to AARC in 2007 in a discussion of teen torture, so she was clearly aware of the sect.  Is it possible that Dr. Perry was unaware of the sect during his time working with the Province, a period in which significant sums of money were flowing to the sect from the Province?

Feed Your Head / Chaos. O'Neil.
« on: January 07, 2023, 02:50:18 AM »

Tacitus' Realm / Political Mental Illness Infects US Doctors
« on: January 20, 2022, 12:42:27 PM »
The Talbott kooks have long been involved in the craziest of ASAM shennanigans, which is likely why the organization held such appeal to the All About Receiving Cash sect in Calgary, Canada.
"In May, 1999, just after Talbott stepped down as president of ASAM, a jury awarded Dr. Leonard Masters, of Jacksonville Florida, a judgment of $1.3 million against Talbott, his daughter-in-law Morrison, and other Talbott associates for malpractice, fraud, and false imprisonment, based on Masters' stay with Talbott in 1994. Testifying at Masters' trial that he was not in fact alcohol dependent, as he had been diagnosed by Talbott et al., was Anne Geller, the president of ASAM prior to Talbott. Talbott's attorneys quickly settled with the plaintiff before the jury decided on punitive damages against Talbott and his colleagues (an amount which is usually a multiple of the compensatory damages that had already been awarded)."

The Talbott monstrosity is also linked directly to the use of substance abuse diagnoses to control rogue physicians in the US.
Survivors of the Seed/Straight/Kids/AARC phenomenon will recognize this:

"According to Talbott, ?impaired doctors must first acknowledge their addiction and overcome their ?terminal uniqueness? before they can deal with a drug or alcohol problem.? ?Terminal uniqueness ? is a phrase Talbott uses to describe doctors? tendency to think they can heal themselves."

This phenomenon of silencing doctors through diagnosis with mental illness is now being used in Covidmania:

Thought Reform / Dr. Braino
« on: December 05, 2021, 02:59:17 PM »
"George H. White referred to the ?secret? of Pont-Saint-Esprit in an agency memo; other declassified documents show that Sandoz and CIA officials engaged in discreet, ongoing discussions about Pont-Saint-Esprit which was referred to as ?an experiment? and not an accident."

The Olson case ties together numerous strands of propaganda and illegal activities by the US state that link to the War on Drugs, the Cold War, and the relentless counter-insurgency fought against the world since the dawn of the US National Security State.  These are the phenomenona that underlie much of what was done in the name of "saving" troubled teens.

Thought Reform / Focused on Corporate Social Responsibility
« on: November 23, 2021, 07:16:25 PM »
"As the AIR proposal had not so subtly hinted, ARPA?s behavioral science programs in Southeast Asia went hand in hand with a bloodier and more traditional counterinsurgency policy: covert programs of murder, terror, and torture that collectively came to be known as the Phoenix Program."

"DARPA ? Advancing mRNA therapies and vaccines for biodefense"

"In character with President Clinton?s emphasis on economic growth, the Department of Defense restored DARPA?s original name, ARPA, to, in the words of a letter distributed by William Perry, then Deputy Secretary of Defense, ?to expand the agency?s mission to pursue imaginative and innovative research and development projects having a significant potential for both military and commercial (dual-use) applications.? In 1996, the Agency again would pick up that D, for Defense, and become known once again as DARPA."

"COVID-19 erased the regulatory and trial-related hurdles that Moderna could never surmount before. Yet, how did Moderna know that COVID-19 would create those conditions months before anyone else, and why did they later claim that their vaccine being tested in NIH trials was different than their commercial candidate?"

Thought Reform / Searchin'
« on: October 19, 2021, 06:31:55 PM »
"He would later claim to have studied 83 prisoners of war, 56 of whom had been forced to make false confessions. He and his colleagues were credited with reintegrating the POWs into Western society and, maybe more important, getting them to renounce their claims about having used biological weapons."

"In his report, West said that “hypnosis and intravenous sodium pentothal were included among possible techniques” to be used on Ruby. In his proposal to CIA for continuing his MKULTRA work with them, he proposed that “the combined use of hypnotic techniques and autonomic drugs be exercised.”"

"An Evening with Margaret Thaler Singer and Louis Jolyon West"

"While American scientists and military engineers had been unable to achieve a lethal, easily disseminated, epidemic producing germ agent for use in battlefield conditions, the evidence suggests that for over one and a half years the US tried to do just that and still denies it. This is a black hole in US military history."

"She had been studying the phenomenon since conducting interviews with former Korean war prisoners at the Walter Reed Army Research Institute, in Washington, DC, in the early 1950s. The conflict had produced the term brainwashing to describe communist techniques of persuading enemy prisoners to denounce their country."

"THE CHINESE COMMUNISTS have developed a peculiar brand of soul surgery which they practice with impressive skill-the process of "thought reform." They first demonstrated this to the American public during the Korean conflict when they obtained the fantastic germ-warfare confessions from Air Force officers and various types of collaboration from some other United Nations personneL And more recently we have seen even more remarkable results of its full impact: Western civilians re- leased from Chinese prisons, repeating their false confessions"
“Thought Reform” of Western Civilians in Chinese Communist Prisons

So what was really going on if the US flyers captured in Korea had indeed used biological weapons, when West, Singer, Lifton and co. got to the bottom of non-existent brain-washing?  What was really going on if Frank Olson was murdered by CIA because he was going to blow the whistle on US bio-weapons and mind-control programs being studied by US intelligence? 

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Carthaginem esse delendam
« on: March 24, 2021, 12:14:47 PM »
The All About Receiving Cash board made a decision to sue me long before the bizarro group was exposed on the CBC television program in 2009.  And yet somehow, more than ten years later, AARC's banty inquisitor Runt Strap-on(SP?) was before Judge Nancy Dildo(SP?), trying to get a court order to let them question me.  As Justice Dildo correctly ruled, the sect would have to sue me if they wished to conduct a discovery and cross-examination. 
Curiously, though, when informing Strap-on of her view, Justice Dildo warned Strap-on against adding me as a defendant.
Now why would she do that?

At the time the sect's board decided to sue me, which was some time between March 2007 and Febraury 2009, Dennis Feuchuk was on AARC's board, a position he had held since at least 2002.  Feuchuk was still on the board in 2016.
So Feuchuk was on AARC's board when they first determined to sue me.  He was on the board when the CBC program aired.  He was on the board when documents are alleged to have been taken by Amy Sparks, and when the lawsuits concerning the CBC program and those concerning Sparks actions were filed, and then for many years after.

Justice Dildo began working with Gulf Canada in 1995, while Dennis Feuchuk was a Vice-president and Controller with Gulf.  She remained with Gulf until it was acquired by Conoco in 2001.  Justice Dildo then became a VP Legal with Conoco.  Feuchuk remained with Gulf until at least 1999.

But the relationship between Dennis Feuchuk and the judge did not end with their shared time at Gulf.  Feuchuk, Nancy Dildo and at least two other old Gulf hands, Henry Sykes and Craig Glick all turned up again by 2011 with Parallel Energy, where Feuchuk, Dildo and Sykes were all directors, and/or senior officers.

At the annual AARC beg-a-thon in 2012, Parallel made a public donation to the sect, as reported by the Calgary Herald.

So in the middle of a lawsuit claiming that the sect's reputation has been damaged, resulting in a significant loss of revenue, Nancy Dildo was a senior officer and director of a company that was giving money to the sect, in public.  At this point she has had some form of professional relationship with board member Dennis Feuchuk dating back seventeen years, a relationship that continued until at least 2014.  The entire period of Feuchuk and Dildo's time time at Parallel coincided with the sect's lawsuits against the CBC et al.

According to the Canadian Judicial Council, "Judges should strive to ensure that their conduct, both in
and out of court, maintains and enhances confidence in their
impartiality and that of the judiciary."
And "Judges should as much as reasonably possible conduct their
personal and business affairs so as to minimize the occasions on
which it will be necessary to be disqualified from hearing cases."

And then, lo and behold, if Justice Dildo did not choose to preside over those very same lawsuits in 2018, rather than disqualify herself on the basis of her obligation to "maintain and enhance confidence" in her "impartiality"?  It seems impossible that Justice Dildo did not know that she was in a significant conflict of interest.  Which begs the question, why would she do it, and why did she warn Strap-on not to sue me?

The All About Receiving Cash sect remains a threat to public health, and an anti-democratic, corrupting force in Calgary and Alberta.  The sect has, in the last thirty years, managed to penetrate most public institutions that should otherwise be counted upon to protect the citizenry from such an entity, resulting in public officials who are completely compromised and thus beholden to the sect.  The airing of the Fifth Estate episode "Powerless" resulted in a comprehensive cover-up that involved elected officials in the Provincial Government of the day, members of the Calgary Police force, and complicity of local media.
Although no details of the resolution of the lawsuits filed by the sect against CBC, it's employees, and sources used on the "Powerless" episode are available to the public, it is known that from the outset of the lawsuits, the sect was demanding retractions and recantations from the survivors who came forward, and for almost twelve years the sect was unable to force such retractions.  The lawsuits provided a fig-leaf for a number of public officials who used the claim that the issue was "before the courts" as an excuse to do nothing, but that pathetic film has now disintegrated.
The sect's very existence is rooted in deception, and the dismantling of this edifice of lies remains the mechanism by which this ongoing crime will be stopped.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Next Stop, Malebolge
« on: March 14, 2021, 10:57:20 PM »
By all indications the SLAPP suits launched by All About Receiving Cash have been settled out of court, twelve years after the airing of the CBC episode "Powerless", on the Fifth Estate program.  It seems likely that some form of gag orders were included in these arrangements, as they seem to have been in the other round of lawsuits related to documents allegedly taken from AARC by a whiste-blower. 
Great Calgarian™ Allan Markin is apparently having some trouble with another one of his litigation projects, also against CBC reporters and also involving "unorthodox" treatment of subjects held in the All About Receiving Cash behaviour modification program.

"April 8, 2020. After publication of this story, Pure North filed a defamation lawsuit against the CBC, the Dietitians of Canada, and some of their employees. In March 2020, Pure North discontinued its claim against the Dietitians of Canada and its employees, and the Dietitians of Canada issued a clarification statement which relates to the story below. The CBC continues to defend the action against it and its employees."

Aside from AARC and Pure North, Mr. Markin has clearly diverse interests:
"LONDON, Ontario, Aug. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indiva Limited (the “Company” or “Indiva”) (TSXV:NDVA) (OTCQX:NDVAF), a leading Canadian producer of cannabis edibles and other cannabis products, is pleased to announce that further to its news releases dated June 26, 2020 and July 9, 2020, it has closed the second and final tranche of its private placement of Units (the “Units”) in the aggregate principal amount of $4,167,198.80, being 13,890,663 Units (the “Final Tranche”).
In connection with the Final Tranche, the Company issued 3,333,333 Units to Prairie Merchant Corporation, a company controlled by W. Brett Wilson, for total consideration of $1,000,000. The Company also issued 3,333,333 Units to Allan Markin, for total additional consideration of $1,000,000."

Readers may remember Wilson from such productions as AARC's damage control program after the airing of "Powerless":
"We continue to work individually to inform & update donors ie. Allan Markin, Tom Buchanan, Brett Wilson, Dr. David Elton, Kevin Jabusch, Nexen, Hazel Gillespie, Tesco, Hrudey, Donandeo(Vermilion). They are all supportive"

While readers may hold suitable awe and admiration for the entrepreneurial spirits of both Messrs. Markin and Wilson, there seems to be less enthusiasm for the new racket within AARC:

Live and let live, and what have you?


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / No Cure For Stupid
« on: July 17, 2020, 03:11:56 PM »
Corporate media continues to give the All About Receiving Cash sect all the publicity they can handle, although sady, the number of dipshits, rubes and kooks who hand their offspring over to the Wiz for his pirated behaviour modification treatment seems to have dwindled to under fifteen.  Poor Ozyscamdias has really come down a few pegs since the days when he started putting captives in the old seismic building with dreams of expanding to Vancouver and a triumphant return to the rubes in Saskatchewan.  But the li'l liar can still count on bewildered mothers and stunned political hacks to carry water for him.

"The centre is currently housing 11 clients."

"Leslie Kime was one of the people at the roundtable discussion. Three years ago, she lost her son Jason to a drug overdose.
Kime credits the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre with helping Jason as a teen."
Nothing succeeds like success!

It's getting harder and harder for All About Receiving Cash to find former subjects to shill for the thought reform business, so when they get one, they squeeze until the pips squeak:

"Sam Stordy, a 27-year-old Calgary man, was also at the McDougall Centre discussion on Friday.
Stordy said he has been clean for three years now. Before that, he repeatedly overdosed on fentanyl and heroin."

"For a real-world view of the problems, I spoke to Sam Stordy, a 28-year-old former user who now counsels teenage addicts at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre."

"Stordy has worked as an executive peer counsellor at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre (AARC) for the last three years.
“I ended up in here as a client in 2008, addicted to all sorts of different drugs,” Stordy said.
His addictions landed him at AARC on two different occasions."

So Sammy was in AARC twice since 2008 and was still using hard drugs eight years later.  More great success!

“It’s hard because you not only have to fight the system to be seen and heard but you also have to fight the addiction and doing both is almost impossible,” said participant and recovering drug addict Samuel Stordy, who has been clean for three and a half years."

"Vause says the best support comes from peers like Sam Stordy, a counsellor at AARC who also survived addiction and a severe overdose.
“I was dead at the scene and it took three shots of Narcan to bring me back,” he said."

The sect currently enjoys great influence with Used Car Party MLA Jason Luan, one of the dumbest fuckpiles to act as a place-holder in the legislature, and the main tasked by the current regime with tackling the enthusiasm of Albertans for pharmacological escape during these exciting times.  On the plus-side, the sect is reduced to using the likes of super-kook failed politician Danielle Smith for their annual beg-a-thon.  Word on the street is the former Flames captain Jim Peplinski pulled out of the emcee job after the Lock Up Your Daughers tour by the Two Andies, Morton and Evans, crashed and burned on the launch-pad.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / You're Killing Your Father, Larry!
« on: March 27, 2020, 11:58:02 AM »
"2. Judges should disqualify themselves in any case in which they
believe that a reasonable, fair minded and informed person would
have a reasoned suspicion of conflict between a judge’s personal
interest (or that of a judge’s immediate family or close friends or
associates) and a judge’s duty

A.5 A reasonable perception that a judge lacks impartiality is
damaging to the judge, the judiciary as a whole and the good
administration of justice. Judges should, therefore, avoid deliberate
use of words or conduct, in and out of court, that could reasonably
give rise to a perception of an absence of impartiality.28 Everything
from his or her associations or business interests to remarks
which the judge may consider to be “harmless banter,” may
diminish the judge’s perceived impartiality.29"

"Breach of trust by public officer

122 Every official who, in connection with the duties of their office, commits fraud or a breach of trust, whether or not the fraud or breach of trust would be an offence if it were committed in relation to a private person, is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction."

"The offence of breach of trust by a public officer is established where the Crown proves beyond a reasonable doubt that:  (1) the accused is an official; (2) the accused was acting in connection with the duties of his or her office; (3) the accused breached the standard of responsibility and conduct demanded of him or her by the nature of the office; (4) the accused’s conduct represented a serious and marked departure from the standards expected of an individual in the accused’s position of public trust; and (5) the accused acted with the intention to use his or her public office for a purpose other than the public good, for example,  a dishonest, partial, corrupt, or oppressive purpose. [58]"

"AARC Society (Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre)
- and -
 Amy Sparks, Brian Fish, The CBC, Gillian Findlay
Tammi Brown and Greg Elliott
Reasons for Decision
of the
Honourable Madam Justice Nancy F. Dilts
(Delivered Orally on January 28, 2019)"

"The Honourable Nancy Dilts’s Questionnaire
May 1995-July 2001: Lawyer, Gulf Canada Resources Ltd. (acquired by Conoco in July 2001)"

1995 - present  Vice President and Controller of Gulf
1974 - 1995     Employee of Gulf
1998 - present  Senior Vice President, Business Development and General
                  Counsel of Gulf
1983 - 1998     Associate and subsequently Partner, Bennett Jones (law firm)"

"Board of Directors
Dennis Feuchuk
Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Prime West Energy

Roy Evans, B.Comm, C.A.
Director of Operations"

"April 2011-December 2014: Vice President Legal & Corporate Secretary, Parallel Energy Trust"

"Ontario Securities Commission Bulletin
Issue 34/18 - May 06, 2011
Relationship of Insider to Issuer (Rel'n)

1 -- Issuer
2 -- Subsidiary of Issuer
3 -- 10% Security Holder of Issuer
4 -- Director of Issuer
5 -- Senior Officer of Issuer
Parallel Energy Trust Dilts, Nancy Faye
Parallel Energy Trust Feuchuk, Dennis
Parallel Energy Trust Sykes, Henry William"

"Parallel was represented internally by Nancy Dilts, Vice-President, Legal and Corporate Secretary of Parallel. Parallel was also represented by Bennett Jones LLP"

"Calgary Herald 17 June 2012
This ranks the AARC benefit as one of the most successful fundraising events in the city.  Other corporations stepping up to the plate include...Parallel Energy Trust..."

"Board of Directors
Dennis Feuchuk
President & CEO Parallel Energy"

"Board of Directors
Dennis Feuchuk
President & CEO
Base Resources Inc.

Roy Evans
Director of Operations"

"Henry W. Sykes
He served as a Director of Marquee Petroleum Ltd. from October 8, 2009 to May 2011 and Base Oil & Gas Ltd. since October 8, 2009."

"After completion of the Transaction, New Marquee will be led by the current management team of Marquee, including ...Roy Evans as Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer...The Board of Directors of New Marquee will comprise of four members of Marquee's current Board of Directors, Dennis Feuchuk (Chairman of the Board)..."

"March 2007-June 2014: Vice President Legal & Regulatory and Corporate Secretary, MGM Energy Corp"

"Nancy Dilts: Decisiveness Counts
Currently heading up MGM is Henry Sykes, the former President of ConocoPhillips Canada, who, for Dilts – as for Bradley – had been an “exceptional mentor … who had confidence in me and gave me opportunities to lead non-legal organizations."

"Paramount owns 13.9 per cent of the MGM shares and Clayton Riddell, chief executive of both companies, owns 31.6 per cent. MGM said in its release that Riddell supports the offer."

"Riddell joined the Flames organization in 2003. His death leaves Alvin Libin, Murray Edwards, Jeffrey McCaig and Allan Markin as surviving owners of the club."

"Others among the hundreds of guests in attendance included: invaluable AARC supporters Allan, Jess and Patricia Markin"

"January 2015-present: Vice President Legal & General Counsel, Ferus Inc. Serve on the Senior Executive Leadership Team. Responsibilities include oversight of five-person legal team, People & Culture team, Corporate Development, Information Services, and Communications & Government Relations"

"Henry W. Sykes
He is on the Board of Directors at Pembina Pipeline Corp., Parallel Energy Trust, Excelsior Energy Ltd., Ferus LNG, Inc., Ferus, Inc."

"Board of Directors
Dennis Feuchuk
President & CEO Canadian Coyote"

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground
« on: March 26, 2020, 06:58:00 PM »
Among the many curious practices of the All About Receiving Cash sect was that of sending "clients" down to the Talbott behaviour modification program in Atlanta, Ga.  Readers of these fora will be well familiar with Talbott:

"Throughout his tenure, Talbott's programs have been troubled with high failure rates — most notably a high prevalence of suicides. In one four-year period, according to the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, five health care professionals committed suicide at Ridgeview, one of Talbott's programs. But this was only the tip of the iceberg; according to the paper: "At least 20 doctors, nurses and other health professionals who have gone through the Ridgeview Institute's nationally acclaimed treatment program over the past 12 years have killed themselves since leaving the hospital.""

Among those sent on a Georgian holiday was Jack Ebbels.  Apparently the fact that he was pushing sixty years of age was no impediment to the adolescent "treatment" program lending hand to Mr. Ebbels.

Now why would All About Receiving Cash be involved with poor ol' Jack and his disease?

Apparently he was on the receivng end of lots of love from the Great Calgarians™ of Calgary's oil and gas sector:

"A graduate memorial scholarship in natural resource management is being established at the University of Victoria’s School of Public Administration in memory of the late Jack Ebbels, a long-time BC public servant.

Ebbels served in the BC public service for over 25 years, overseeing BC’s northeast oil and gas exploration and acting as BC’s chief counsel and chief negotiator for the Nisga’a Treaty.

At the time of his accident he was an active member of the Alberta Energy and Resources Conservation Board.
The petroleum industry quickly organized significant funds for this important scholarship. Donations from Nexen, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd, Devon Canada, Shell Canada, Enbridge, Cenovus, Encana, Pembina Pipelines, Pengrowth, Spectra Canada, Marathon Oil Canada, BP Canada Energy Company, Kinder Morgan Foundation, Progress Exploration, TransCanada Pipelines, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, the Energy Resource Conservation Board and a large number of private donors including the Ebbels family established an endowment of over $125,000 with the first award to be presented to a UVic student in the fall of 2010."

Here's a slightly different take on Mr. Ebbels' "cand-do" approach to oil and gas activity:
"They made Jack Ebbels deputy Minister of Oil and Gas and he is taking bribes from those guys from Calgary to get deals on oil and gas rights"
The investigator said

"How do you know that?

The mining entrepreneur said:
"I know is because the guys from Calgary who are paying the bribes tell me"

Jackie, we hardly knew ye!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Making the World Safe for Kleptocracy
« on: March 25, 2020, 12:20:38 PM »
Subsequent to the revelations made about the All About Receiving Cash sect by the CBC in 2009, whistleblower Amy Sparks attempted to have documents revealing a startling array of irregularities introduced to the authorities and media.  She was rebuffed by the Calgary Police Services, who worked with the sect to suppress the information.  The sect subsequently sued M. Sparks, and the CBC, and long-time opponent of the sect's faith-based behaviour modification program, Brian Fish.
"[3]               This litigation was commenced in 2011 and is scheduled for 9 days of trial commencing April 2019.

[4]               AARC alleges that 35,000 – 40,000 pages of its confidential and proprietary information was wrongly accessed, taken and disseminated by the Defendants (the “AARC Confidential Information”)."

Among the tactics employed by the sect was the filing of a complaint to the Alberta Law Society about Brian Fish.  This was done with the co-operation of long-time, and completely conflicted lackey Cathy Lane Goodfellow.  The Wiz, doing his best Queen of Hearts "Off with their heads!" impression wanted Fish disbarred, fined, etc.  In the end it all came to naught, with Fish's career record and specific conduct in the affair withstanding the frothing and carpet-biting emanating from within the sect.

However, a number of curious facts became evident during the course of this wacky little vignette.

A quick perusal of the documents from Fish's hearing reveal that sitting on the Law Society Conduct panel was none other than Nancy Dilts, QC.

"Lawyer Name:
Brian Fish
January 9, 2017
Dean Vause
Panel Chair:
Cal Johnson, QC
Nancy Dilts, QC
Blair Carbert"

What is curious about this fact is that a scant two years later, Justice Nancy Dilts was sitting in the courtroom presiding over the AARC lawsuit against Mr. Fish and M. Sparks.

"AARC Society (Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre)
- and -
 Amy Sparks, Brian Fish, The CBC, Gillian Findlay
Tammi Brown and Greg Elliott

Reasons for Decision
of the
Honourable Madam Justice Nancy F. Dilts
(Delivered Orally on January 28, 2019"

And what is so curious about the ubiquity of Justice Dilts in these particular matters?  Well, last winter the All About Receiving Cash sect launched it's "Lock Up Your Daughters" speaking tour with the two Andys, Evans and Morton.  Unfortunately, the Wiz neglected to reveal to the Alberta Teacher's Association a few minor details about Mr. Evans, resulting in a bit of misunderstanding:

"Andrew Evans, who was convicted of second-degree murder in 2007 in the killing of Nicole Parisien, a Vancouver woman, had been invited as an employee and former AARC graduate. This decision had garnered criticism against the ATA for inviting a convicted murder to speak at their convention."

As it was alleged that M. Sparks had played a role in revealing, to the ATA, All About Receiving Cash's obfuscation in the matter of the Andy show, this was raised in Justice Dilts' court last winter, essentially as the sect alleged that letting people know that AARC was sending a paroled murderer to address teachers without telling people of that particular quirk, constituted malice against the sect.

At that time Justice Dilts took it upon herself to reveal to all assembled that she in fact had worked with Evans' mother.  But perhaps Justice Dilts' memory failed her in all the excitement, because she ihas a much deeper relationship with both the Evans family, and the AARC sect:

"The Honourable Nancy Dilts’s Questionnaire
May 1995-July 2001: Lawyer, Gulf Canada Resources Ltd. (acquired by Conoco in July 2001)"

1995 - present  Vice President and Controller of Gulf
1974 - 1995     Employee of Gulf
1998 - present  Senior Vice President, Business Development and General
                  Counsel of Gulf
1983 - 1998     Associate and subsequently Partner, Bennett Jones (law firm)"

"Board of Directors
Dennis Feuchuk
Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Prime West Energy

Roy Evans, B.Comm, C.A.
Director of Operations"

"April 2011-December 2014: Vice President Legal & Corporate Secretary, Parallel Energy Trust"

"Ontario Securities Commission Bulletin
Issue 34/18 - May 06, 2011
Relationship of Insider to Issuer (Rel'n)

1 -- Issuer
2 -- Subsidiary of Issuer
3 -- 10% Security Holder of Issuer
4 -- Director of Issuer
5 -- Senior Officer of Issuer
Parallel Energy Trust Dilts, Nancy Faye
Parallel Energy Trust Feuchuk, Dennis
Parallel Energy Trust Sykes, Henry William"

"Parallel was represented internally by Nancy Dilts, Vice-President, Legal and Corporate Secretary of Parallel. Parallel was also represented by Bennett Jones LLP"

"Calgary Herald 17 June 2012
This ranks the AARC benefit as one of the most successful fundraising events in the city.  Other corporations stepping up to the plate include...Parallel Energy Trust..."

"Board of Directors
Dennis Feuchuk
President & CEO Parallel Energy"

"Board of Directors
Dennis Feuchuk
President & CEO
Base Resources Inc.

Roy Evans
Director of Operations"

"Henry W. Sykes
He served as a Director of Marquee Petroleum Ltd. from October 8, 2009 to May 2011 and Base Oil & Gas Ltd. since October 8, 2009."

"After completion of the Transaction, New Marquee will be led by the current management team of Marquee, including ...Roy Evans as Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer...The Board of Directors of New Marquee will comprise of four members of Marquee's current Board of Directors, Dennis Feuchuk (Chairman of the Board)..."

"March 2007-June 2014: Vice President Legal & Regulatory and Corporate Secretary, MGM Energy Corp"

"Nancy Dilts: Decisiveness Counts
Currently heading up MGM is Henry Sykes, the former President of ConocoPhillips Canada, who, for Dilts – as for Bradley – had been an “exceptional mentor … who had confidence in me and gave me opportunities to lead non-legal organizations."

"Paramount owns 13.9 per cent of the MGM shares and Clayton Riddell, chief executive of both companies, owns 31.6 per cent. MGM said in its release that Riddell supports the offer."

"Riddell joined the Flames organization in 2003. His death leaves Alvin Libin, Murray Edwards, Jeffrey McCaig and Allan Markin as surviving owners of the club."

"Others among the hundreds of guests in attendance included: invaluable AARC supporters Allan, Jess and Patricia Markin"

"January 2015-present: Vice President Legal & General Counsel, Ferus Inc. Serve on the Senior Executive Leadership Team. Responsibilities include oversight of five-person legal team, People & Culture team, Corporate Development, Information Services, and Communications & Government Relations"

"Henry W. Sykes
He is on the Board of Directors at Pembina Pipeline Corp., Parallel Energy Trust, Excelsior Energy Ltd., Ferus LNG, Inc., Ferus, Inc."

"Board of Directors
Dennis Feuchuk
President & CEO Canadian Coyote"

Another "curious" aspect of the Law Society Investigation of Mr. Fish concerns Law Society investigator John Dooks, who is reputed to have had a healthy curiosity about whether Canada Revenue had been privy to the documents from AARC.  Dooks is a former Calgary Police Service homicide cop.  And in what homicide should Mr. Dooks prove to have had a significant "investigative" role but the murder of Nicole Parisien by AARC miracle Andy Evans.
As is so often the case with events concerning AARC sect members and public officials, some funny things occurred.  Evans was at large after the murder on August 27, 2007, from approximately 06:00 Calgary time, until he surrendered, in the company of AARC lawyer Mark Tyndale, to Calgary Police Service at 17:00 on August 28, 2007:
"[41]           Mr. Evans described being in a complete state of panic. He said that when he left the apartment building site, he began running in a westerly direction, but eventually turned back to his apartment. He entered his apartment and began throwing some things into a duffle bag and a backpack. He removed the clothing he had been wearing at the scene of the killing, placed it in a plastic bag, and packed it with his other effects that he was taking to Calgary. He then described the various modes of public transportation he took until about noon on August 27, when he ended up at the Greyhound Bus station in Langley. He bought a ticket to Calgary and travelled there by bus.
[42]           Mr. Evans arrived in Calgary in the early morning hours of August 28. He went immediately to his parents’ house and told them he had killed someone. His parents eventually directed Mr. Evans to call the man who had acted as Mr. Evans’ sponsor in his addiction recovery. It was either the sponsor or Mr. Evans’ father who contacted Mark Tyndale. Mr. Tyndale arrived at the home of Mr. Evans’ parents at about 1:30 p.m. in the afternoon. Mr. Tyndale spoke with Mr. Evans and his family and then contacted Detective Dooks. Detective Dooks was at a police golf tournament. Arrangements were made to have Mr. Tyndale bring Mr. Evans to the police detachment at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Tyndale explained the process to Mr. Evans and his family. He told Mr. Evans what to do when he turned himself in. Mr. Tyndale also made calls to find Mr. Evans a lawyer in Vancouver. He obtained the name of Peter Wilson and wrote the information on his business card."

Perhaps it's standard procedure for a murderer, on the lam, to be afforded the luxury of sitting at his parents home for twelve or fifeen hours while his surrender is arranged with a police officer who is at a golf tournament.  But again, as with all things AARC, it just seems a bit "funny".

INVESTIGATION REPORT IN2015-0109 / CO2014-1872
Pursuant to the powers of Section 53(3)(b) of the Legal Profession Act, R.S.A. 2000, Katherine Whitburn signed an Investigation Order on August 7, 2015 authorizing John Dooks, Greg James and Spencer Frizzell to perform this investigation
Brian Fish (Fish)Subject Lawyer
Dr. F. Dean Vause (Dr. Vause) Complainant / Director of AARC
Cathy Lane Goodfellow (Lane Goodfellow) Complainant / staff member at AARC
Simon Renouf (Renouf) Legal Counsel for Subject Lawyer in LSA matter
Grant Stapon (Stapon) Legal Counsel for Complainant in LSA matter and civil litigation
Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre (AARC) Addiction recovery program operated by Dr. Vause
Amy Sparks (Sparks) Former employee at AARC. Person who obtained data from AARC.
John Dooks (Dooks) LSA Investigator"

Dooks was in fact the investigator who signed off on the Law Society Investigation.

 Although Sparks and Fish are apparently now subject to some type of "Omerta" as part of the deal to settle their particular SLAPP suits, the nature of the documents about which AARC and Calgary's oil and gas barons were clearly very concerned remains a mystery.

Apparently M. Lane Good Fellow still has her cloaca in a twist over this business.  What will the Law Society do next to aid the sect?

Addiction Treatment Philosophy / ASAM Quack Jam
« on: March 07, 2020, 08:31:18 PM »
Two hopeful young doctors set out to obtain Board Certification in "addictions medicine":
(Not exactly as illustrated)

"I received my ABMS certification without meeting a single person. It was all done by mail.   This fits the very definition of “Diploma Mill.”  This is not to besmirch those with a sincere interest in helping others with addiction.  Many if not most of those involved are sincere. But this is not expertise.  This is not authority. And, as we have seen, this low bar opens the door for some very bad apples."

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