
General Interest => Open Free for All => Topic started by: DannyB II on August 21, 2011, 08:54:26 PM

Title: Reditt sub group on Facebook
Post by: DannyB II on August 21, 2011, 08:54:26 PM
One of our admins here Kelly Matthews is a member, She is also the owner/admin of the TTI Site ( that asked me to adopt a different user name Quagmire, then turned around and leaked the information.
That group really has two of the biggest distractions there, Pixal and Kelly. Neither are survivors and both have enough influence to sway other survivors to choose over one another. How in fucking gods name Pixal got Reddit to give her a group in their name is beyond me. Then turn around and use it to discriminate against survivors. This message will be a point I will be raising in the near future because a group such as this is not helping children or their parents at all.
Matt Hoffman is just as silly and desperately lonely as he ever was. Constantly seeking attention from anyone who will listen about how Danny attacked him. Matt at some point you really need to get some new material.
Felice, well we all know here. She created a whole new alias for me again, Matty is all to happy to endorse it.
Kim M. is just as much a (I run my mouth before I think idiot) as ever.
Hey, I am so happy all you Straight folks found another group to carry on your tradition of bashing me, you even got Aaron and a few Elanians to sit by and watch me get my ass kicked and say nothing.
What I find interesting is I am on a Elan Group with others as a admin, I have a web site that covers something entirely different then the TTI and I was on a group for No More Bulling for the last 14 months as a co-admin with someone from Straight Inc.
Matt Hoffman was outed by me concerning a horrific incident that happened while we were at Elan. Did I actually witness this no but shortly afterwards the other person involved was at the facility I was at. Matt became extremely angry and embarrassed when I revealed this situation. What Matt has failed to tell everyone as usual is his part in the whole fight. I have found that many here and on the Reddit group don't care either why I did what I did or that I have been harassed. I have witnessed that because I was staff that I am held to a different abusive standard. You can do whatever you want to me but OMG if I retaliate.
I wanted people to see once again Matt, Felice and Kim M. in there full glory disrespecting another group. As you can see they don't fucking care about the kids or their parents, Matt has given more lip service to this industry then a whore on a busy Vegas Saturday nite. Ya know what Matt, Felice and Kim M, if you 3 took all the energy you put into talking about me and stalking me from site to site and put it into helping children, jeesh, I think more programs would be closed.
What is truly sad is you 3 have been around longer then anybody and all 3 of you act like selfish self centered jerks, grow up.
Kelly and Pixal fair warning people are watching. Pixal don't tarnish the Reddit name, act like you belong there for christ sakes.
Title: Re: Reditt sub group on Facebook
Post by: Barney Bennison on August 29, 2011, 11:53:46 AM
Well, well, well. So you are back to your old tricks again, eh Danny? Danny, why did you drag me behind your truck  when we went camping together? Why did you drag that girl at Elan behind your car? I am your brother Danny, and you can't even face me or the rest of your family anymore. You have been so abusive your whole life Danny. The only thing you seem to hold dear is your unswerving devotion to AA. But whats crazy is that you are still hooked on alcohol and needles even though you attend those meetings several times a week. Weird!!! By the way, Mom is still sore from when you punched her in the mouth the other day. She is going to have some dental work to repair the damage. You need to help the family pay the bill Danny. For once - do the right thing! Not gonna hold my breathe waiting.
I will have more to say to you later brother.
Title: Re: Reditt sub group on Facebook
Post by: Ursus on August 29, 2011, 12:19:12 PM
The Full Monty (http://

[Originally a thread by Danny titled 'Matt and Felice on Reddit Group W/Kim Morelli'...

Later shape-shifted into, or attempted to be shape-shifted into, a thread on autism and renamed by Danny as 'Options to unite people on sites- Good conversation'.]
Title: Re: Reditt sub group on Facebook
Post by: DannyB11 on August 29, 2011, 02:03:10 PM
I want to take this opportunity while I am feeling a little lucid, to apologise to Kelly and others that I have lied about here. Sometimes things get to swirling around in my head and i just cant control what i do and say. Its all part of my powerlessness so you guys forgive and forget right? I repeat: everything I said was completely false and i am sorry to those i lied about.
Peace and Powerlessness