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Messages - The Motivator

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Richard
« on: December 15, 2007, 01:44:03 AM »

I was in there (1983)when you came to KHK and remember even car-pooling to Centerville when you hit second phase. I now live just a couple of miles from where you lived in Centerville.

Sorry that I haven't been blowing my horn in protest but two jobs, two kids, dog obedience training and a band keep my away from my fornits addiction that I acquired a while back.

I also have similar views to why our numbers are so few compared to the straightlings. Although, there is one more thing. KHK  back then was smaller (much) than Milford so the success rate was considerably higher. When that is the case then you have less people carrying it with them so heavily twenty years later. The graduates either were brainwashed for good and they remain programmed to this day, or returned to normalcy within a few years like myself or are too busy to go hunting for something like this.

I found it unhealthy for a while especially hanging around in the straight forums. I would dig up all those old memories and it would completely change my mood and demeanor around the house. The last thing my kids need is grumpy dad b/c he's digging up the past and getting angry about it. It's good to check back in though and catch posts from you and see that there is still some life here.

Keep me posted of future protests as I'm about 90 minutes away.

To remember Staff:

John Poole was the most senior of staff with his little "fuck" buddy Anne and they dished out all sorts of drama in fucked up raps. Big Ben was another Sr. Staffer and I remember Scott Hi as well. There was Kelly (with Farrah Hair) Shit, I was on Jr. Staff training but was smart and split after my 6 mo. was up. When I was training I found out about all the staff that were totally full of shit, banging each other in the offices and doing drugs after was stupid so I split and decided to rejoin a band since they took that a way for a year of my life.

Kathy Balinger was an evil being and was present for some of the more serious raps as well as tormenting the daily kid who wouldn't budge.......I remember this for was not pretty.

I'll check in from time to time.

Stay in touch if you can.


Let me know if there is still any need for KHK survivor testimonial.

I have plenty of memories to share as long as I can remain anonymous.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Big Building
« on: March 12, 2007, 10:04:10 AM »
Are they still in the old Straight Inc. building??

That place will hold hundreds of kids and to hear that there are only eight in there doesn't really make sense unless they have relocated.

Oh Yeah,

Fuck KHK!! Summer of 83' went shitty for me on the hot benches of Hebron with no A/C. The memories of daydreaming about bum rushing the door guard and running down the road to a better place........."Have a Seat"


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Kidscope in Columbus Ohio
« on: September 01, 2006, 07:58:13 PM »
Quote from: ""hijackak""
Kidscope in Columbus was an offshoot of KHK in Hebron. It was formed by parents of KHK members that were looking for a solution to the dreaded weekly drive. My parents were involved in the formation of the Columbus group.

It may not have been an official affiliate program to KHK but I seven stepped (KHK Hebron 83')with one of their instructors Derek.

He was a fucking mean ass bass player in a skinny white boy frame but pretty cool overall. I'm not sure and wouldn't think he'd be involved with heavy physical shit or even cruel psychological.......but, I was not a kid sitting in group with him as the leader.....he was a former "straight" friend. I graduated and was on PT trainee for a minute.......thank goodness I bailed to work on finding my way back to a normal existence and forgetting the ways the program teaches one to hate themself further.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Since you are now PFC . . .
« on: April 01, 2006, 11:18:00 PM »
Good Question...............
any takers from PFC?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / New Proof-check this out
« on: December 14, 2005, 12:49:00 AM »
Guess What???

KHK Still Sucks after 22 years. I can't believe there aren't more folks finding their way here. I know for a fact that it did not work for most that I know that graduated (or luckily got away). Drugs still found a way back into their lives. Think of the time, cash & soul given up.
And don't get me started on the brainwashing issue. Can you say 7 (or 12) steps? admittedly some adults willingly get into AA or NA etc to positive results.................but they are adults

Stop Kid Abuse

Discipline is never an end in itself......Only a means to an end.
King Crimson

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / A recent KHK graduate
« on: July 28, 2005, 11:54:00 PM »
No Worries ~

I post for enjoyment....which is not always activist correct.
stir the pot and people respond. I was able to relive some of my program rage and then let it go since I found this board. This was cool because I was able to forgive my parents since they are almost 80. No use torturing old people with the few bad years from the past. The good ones cover them up anyway. They did what they did out of love (some ignorance) and were duped by a KHK rotary club speaking engagement.

Another thing this board reminds me is that everyone has their own path and tempo. The one size fits all therapy is not the answer and we all know this. Deprogramming will happen to most graduates. it just takes a little time. It took me 20 yrs to forgive my parents. our new graduate may feel the need to stick to their guns for fear of "screwing up"

It'll take a while for the voices to cease.
Brainwashing works but only temporarily. While I was in the program and having 7 stepped "A Clockwork Orange" was showing at the reperatory cinema. a bunch of us went to see it and I remember it being a scary parallel treatment world to what I was going through at the time. One of Kubrik's finest. In the End he was still a Hooligan who loved his Ludwig Van and to that there was no cure!


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / A recent KHK graduate
« on: July 28, 2005, 07:10:00 PM »
It's amazing how superior the Straightlings seem to feel when exposed to a "spin-off" grad still spewing program jargon.

Really, we are all very different but also similar due to the experiences we "shared" in the program.

KHK was a little less violent and could be perceived as not being similar to Straight. The ideology and structuring was the same even if the brutality was different.

All are welcome I have learned

"You better motivate cuz I'm callin' on you in this rap of hidden secrets and what you did to get drug $$"


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / A recent KHK graduate
« on: July 27, 2005, 10:34:00 AM »
I was a graduate from KHK in 1984 and I know of what I speak regarding this issue. There are superficial differences between what most people round here experienced (STRAIGHT) and what very few of us round here experienced (KHK)

Beltlooping, Phases, Blowing away people in group......,
kids carving Ozzy in their arms (sorry I'm an OldSkooler) probably MM or Trent or some gay Limp Bizkit carvings, shitty food, lack of sleep, moral inventories, rules rap, open meetings.........sound familiar?

They come from the same school of philosophy.......BRAINWASHING the short term.

You are proof! The trick is to have a meaningful life without the effects of any program needed. You will shake this in time and understand how you were brainwashed. You may have needed some type of intervention to get you out of your "DRUGGIE" environment before you self destructed but you will eventually see that your KHK experience destroyed a good part of your psyche.

Welcome to the board anyway! Even fuckheads like Linchpin are welcome round here.

How bout a song? what? you'd like to sing the "Brady Bunch Theme"?   HERE"S A STORY............

The Motivator

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / fuck you( YES YOU!)
« on: June 22, 2005, 12:15:00 AM »
I got Chunks of Guys like you in my Fucking Stool.........

Now Fuck You Both   ::both::  ::both::  ::both::  ::both::

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / getting your facts straight
« on: June 21, 2005, 01:07:00 AM »
This thread is getting good cuz my memory has been coming back a little bit at a time. Kidscope was an off shoot from KHK.
I knew Derek really well and was a foster brother of his. He was very cool and played a mean bass. If you know his contact I'd like it.
In my research on this board I've learned much from you Straightlings. You had it a bit worse than the KHK clients....but not much in the old days.
KHK had no A/C so summers were suicidal vs. Straight Milford was shiny and new in 84' with climate control. The Philosophy was nearly identical with a phase program based upon a condensed version of the 12 steps etc....... The raps were the same, open meetings, all that shit. It was definitely brainwashing. Most of the kids in there were experienced druggies but there were a few that were too young for group success, and others with "Attitude Problems" .You didn't have to do drugs even just behave badly. They did shame us to admit to doing more drugs in order to hold it against us later. I fell prey to this during a 90 day startover. It was a purging experience to tell the entire staff to Fuck Off and that I really didn't want to be there......That was Honesty Points you know. I was kissing ass to squeak by. The group wasn't having it. They were hungry for my personal shit. I spoke my mind from then on.....became an example....graduated and almost accepted Jr. Staff but decided to head back home to rejoin the band and get one of my old "images" back.

Phases aren't bad, Moral Inventories aren't bad. It's the stream of self talk, self-help bullshit diatribe that is perpetuated from person to person that is bad. They finally make it onto this forum and get torn apart cuz they still seem brainwashed. Program speak is hard to shake. I still find my self saying "Things don't piss you off......You choose to be pissed off about things" from time to time. That one still seems logical in a world outside program jargon.

This Message board is a wake up call for sure.

In reality, we as a society need drug treatment facilities for certain. Prison is a waste of resources except for killers, sex predators, etc....
KHK brainwashes kids and strips their self away just like straight. I think it is easier to be deprogrammed from KHK than Straight. I personally knew 3 or 4 graduates of Straight Milford.
At least one committed suicide. I heard the stories from them and they weren't much different but definitely a bit more harsh. The structure of the programs was very similar but KHK seemed a little softer or easier on the Gulag scale. A few of the KHK folks died too but most that I knew and happen to see upon occasion, are doing fine.

The Lizard Brain Article was great.......I'll finish it later

Let's Sing "Gilligan's Island" theme song for the parents


Oh yeah,
That was me in disguise :lol:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Fuck women
« on: June 14, 2005, 08:24:00 PM »
Here they are to the rescue....
I thought they were going to leave the Jr. Staff out on the floor all by themselves for this rap.

Can you meet me in the intake room?
I've got some chain of command issues to discuss

OK, Next up is Blow away your oldcomer rap after such a popular showing last week.
Who wants to give me a song?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Fuck women
« on: June 13, 2005, 11:51:00 PM »

yeah then you get a beating from a  130 pound unemployed junkie.


He Just wants some attention......ok by the # of threads started, a shit load of attention. And that's one of the big attractions to this site....a la Fucktard etc....

BTW for hearing that you were rocking out at the foster home,
You're started over without priviledges. Luv YA and have a seat.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Weak Turnout
« on: June 12, 2005, 10:27:00 PM »
I'm surprised that I haven't seen more KHK alumni posting here. The Straight Survivors board is teeming with life (if you call it that)

I bet most are afraid of Penny hunting them down to start them over. She's still there advocating the extreme treatment of teenagers due to their "drug crazed insanity"

The people I knew are all nearly forty years old and should have found their way to this BB in one way or another.

OK, How bout a song.......MOTIVATE

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