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Messages - 7stepper

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / dwelling in the past
« on: February 14, 2004, 02:35:00 PM »
Perhaps one location was worse or better than others.  As I said, I was at the Va. Straight and  I can say with absolute certainty that NO males restrained the girls - it wasn't allowed - not even in host homes.  As you say I am grateful for those who went before me and had rules changed.  Years ago I met a bunch of the 7steppers out of St. Petersberg and they told me how easy I had it compared to them. I believed them. And for the record, they seemed like real together people, not emotionally scarred.
Scott D - thanks for understanding. I see you went through the Va. program too.  Can't say I've kept in touch w/ too many other 7steppers - been a long time- but I wish you the best in reconnecting w/ them.  I'm glad to see you also got the message about personal choices dictating your life, it sure helped me to move on.I will pass this forum on to the few people I have kept up. Peace

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / dwelling in the past
« on: February 14, 2004, 10:28:00 AM »
Sorry to disappoint - No search was done to find this site. It was passed on to me from an old friend who thought I might find it amusing. I found it sad. Again, no flashbacks, no nightmares, and don't think I argue anymore than the next person. Just thought it wouldn't hurt to say that some of us have moved on. Have no clue on who'd I be working as a tool for since I have no association w/ a program that closed it's doors long ago. See now that no one here is interested in moving on, so I won't bother again. One last question for you all to think about - If you continue to sit in all this anger, didn't the program win anyway?  Time to move on.  Peace

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / dwelling in the past
« on: February 14, 2004, 02:45:00 AM »
I 7stepped Straight in Va. in'86. Was there 18 months.  Never sat in my own feces or urine nor did I see anyone else do that.  Never got hit or hit anyone.  Was never molested and never heard any rumors that it was going on.  Agree that songs like "straight is it" were irratating but preferred singing to staring at a wall. I do remember some confrontational raps after open meeting, but nothing to cause nightmares. Had a brother and a sister that withdrew themselves when they turned 18. One was there 1 month, the other 11 months.  Both thought the program sucked but neither claims any abuse took place.  After completing the program I met and married another 7stepper.  We've been married 16 years and have 2 kids.  Neither of us got into AA or NA, but are both still sober.  My experience was that Straight was a tough program and a difficult time in my life but I did come out of there a whole lot stronger than I went in.  My life has gone on.  I've had tougher times in my life and easier times but they're all experiences. I do not define myself by the fact that I went through a Straight program, nor do I define my siblings as failures for not completing it. My family is really close and yet rarely do any of us even mention Straight.  Imagine that - that is how insignificant it is at this point in our lives.  We're all more caught up in our children, our jobs, OUR LIVES!  I hope you all can find the peace w/ your past that you are seeking so you can move on.

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