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Messages - debi

Pages: [1]
"Sorry to ask, but, do we hear in this forum just the voices of people that failed in the program and are resentful as a result? I read hear some truly hear drenching stories that I am sure are legitimate and honest experiences of many; are there success stories to? "

I am a "successful" graduate of the Seed. I completed my 3 month program in 10 months after starting over 3 times because of things my parents did (ie keeping alcohol in home w/newcomers there, stopping at a liqour store w/newcomers in the car..)(1971-72 or maybe it was 72-73 oh so long ago, yet it seems like yesterday sometimes.)

I submit that you should do everything in your power to keep your child at home with you.

Find a counselor, spend time, seek out his thoughts and feelings about his life, try to find out what pain he is escaping from with his use of drugs...

I too am a parent of a teen (born '84), and I have worked his entire life to ensure that I always validated his feelings, supported his choices (friends, haircuts...), and as a result he speaks to me about things that he is feeling, about his friends and the choices they are making etc.

The anger and rage I felt toward my parents and the life they selected for me was with me for a very long time. Please do everything in your power to reach your son with your own feelings.

I have been sober for almost 22 years now,and raised my son in the rooms, I have no secrets from him.....he has certainly made better choices than I did at his age. Hopefully a counselor would help you to because a "person" vs a "parent" to your son's that he can learn from your mistakes too.

I am glad that you are OK.

My family also was struck with all of this madness although I am the only child placed in it. I have not seen my closest sibling since '77/'78. The younger siblings are not very close to me either because they were not in the home I was raised in.

Although I must admit that I am cautiously getting closer to my youngest sister at this time in our lives.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Raps/The Game
« on: April 30, 2002, 04:35:00 PM »
My perception is that "the Seed" was first and Straight start from some members of the St Pete Seed that I was a part of.

When we were in group meetings at the Seed they were called "Rap" sessions.

The Seed Discussion Forum / THE SEED SUCKS
« on: April 25, 2002, 03:50:00 PM »
I too am a graduate of the Seed in St Pete. It disrupted much of my life for many years.

I was the first student from Tyrone Jr High School. I believe it was 10/71 (or 72). I must say that it really angered me when even a couple of years later in Gibbs High School total strangers would come up to me and curse me for being a "Seedling"....even though I was no longer a part of that whole scene.

Luckily I had started working, and surrounded myself with those older (20-somethings) from work that accepted me for myself.So I had no need for teenagers to associate with, especially since they were still entering the Seed in droves...

But I truly felt isolated and as though no body could understand me for many years.

Many things are no longer in my memory, thankfully my brain switched them off. I do know that I was never quite able to believe a person that said "I love You"....for a very long time. I always wanted to know "why?"

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / any good days that you can recall?
« on: April 25, 2002, 03:10:00 PM »
Good days??
I am a graduate of "the Seed" after 9 long months...and 2 starts over.

My understanding is that other graduates started the "Straight" it was pretty much the same. Even as I read the songs that you all sang....ours was "the seed indeed is all you need....".

My parents were not allowed to come to the Family nights after the first 3 weeks because my father was always so drunk and beligerent.

All I truly know is that as a parent myself, I worked hard to ensure that my son felt confident within himself, liked himself and learned to make different choices in life.

I just finished listening to a portion of the WMNF program. WOW. It brought back some dreadful memories. I was placed in the "Seed" the second day it opened in St. Pete....a life time least for me it was that long ago. I had no idea that so many people felt the same way I do about my experience. Thank you for having this forum.

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