
General Interest => Open Free for All => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 27, 2009, 04:52:51 PM

Title: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 27, 2009, 04:52:51 PM
I  am thinking about joining a cult, and I am being very serious. I am tired of being responsible and worrying about rent and food money all the time and just want to settle into a role of passive follower for a while. Can anyone reccomend a good cult for me to join?.. preferably without any kind of membership fee.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 27, 2009, 11:59:12 PM
heres a few with non-monetary membership fees:
latin kings
various mafias
air force
any other branch of government

or you could just join a hippie commune
or you can start growing weed
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 27, 2009, 11:59:58 PM
become a mormon
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Antigen on August 28, 2009, 01:05:33 AM
Church of the Subgenius?
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 01:49:44 AM
Amway Global Opportunities for narcissistic personalities (http://
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 05:25:39 AM
Obama! Obama! Obama!
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 01:12:28 PM
Palin! Palin! Palin!
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 01:54:15 PM
Sarah Palin will be the first woman president. Laugh now, just like they did about Obama four years ago.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 02:14:40 PM
sara palin is the dumbest person to ever go into politics.
The reason Obama won is because he attracted a number of ex-republicans, and got all the black people out to vote.
Palin will never atract liberals, because she has a low IQ, never has a clue about anything she's ever asked about, and shoots moose from helicopters. She's corrupt, favors the oil industry a great deal and is under investigation for a number of ethics violations including kickbacks and excessive personal expenditures taken from taxpayer and campaign dollars. The likelyhood of even a moderate voting for that is slim to none. on top of that, women already vote in large numbers. Black people did not until the recent election.
It can be said that McCain lost entirely because of palin. I did a survey for my political science class at my university. I surveyed fifteen members of each recognized demographic. this survey was done nationwide, with only five people for each state in every demographic, meaning each demographic was represented in at least three states in the survey. Overall, we found that 73% of the people who voted for obama voted AGAINST Palin, not FOR Obama. 43% of those supporters were originally McCain supporters untill Palin was announced as VP. These results generally fall in line with what was reported by other surveys.

My own mother, a die-hard feminist from the Hillary clinton camp, even refused to vote for palin. She was all for Palin when she announced, as Palin was a woman and neither Obama nor Biden were female, untill she heard palin open her mouth. then she was like "heeeell no! I aint voting for that dumb bitch!".

not only that,

a republican woman will NEVER be president.

the republican constituency is by far the most anti-feminist of all demographics. most dont believe in gay marriage nor do many support women's rights. Republican female president my ass.

I mean seriously, you didnt notice how dumb that bitch was? she ran circles around each question that was asked of her in an interview avoiding actually answering it (K rove style...), and when she actually answered a question she looked like an idiot.

seriously. are you that stupid to think that palin will ever be president.

Obama may be black, but he's smart and an excellent speaker, with a great deal of experience and an excellent track record.
Palin may be a woman, but she's dumb, a horrible speaker, with no experience, along with a short and very corrupt track record.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 02:20:52 PM
Haha LOL @ the analyst.

agreed. You must be insane to think Palin will ever be president. she RUINED McCain. If it wasnt for Palin, McCain would have most definitely been elected. It's a fact that's been repeated in the news numerous times. Palin is the straw that broke McCain's back. what makes you think Palin could ever even in her wildest dreams get a majority vote??!?!?!

 :wall:  :moon:  :cheers:  :beat:  :beat:  :fuckoff:  ::deadhorse::
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 03:07:46 PM
You say Palin is anti feminist and then call her a bitch, how classy. I'll meet you back here in four years and you can eat your words then. Sarah Palin was a phenomenon like Obama, but the economy tanked and fear got the better of most people and they voted for change.  Once the economy is back on track and people get over their anger towards republicans Sarah will do well.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 03:52:15 PM
no, I did not say sarah palin is anti-feminist.

I said that her constituency is not only small, weak, fragile, un-grounded and un-established, but also comprised of people who are more socially conservative and therefore are less feminist-supportive than the "guaranteed voters" within the democratic constituency. She may be a feminist. the people she is targeting are not. The wives might vote for her, but a large fraction of the husbands will be turned off from her party strictly because she is a woman. And dont tell me that red-state men arent anti-feminist; the majority are.  

In addition, she is too much of a radical to gain the moderate vote necessary to win a presidential election. If she flip-flops when and if she runs in four years, people will see through that and she will loose her existing constituency, which will most definitely ground her solidly into the minority.

But i did say she is dumb, and that she most definitely is.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 05:08:32 PM
I cant agree more with the above post.

Sarah Palin is a retarded psycho who should never be allowed to hold public office presiding over anything bigger than a hick town in alaska.

She was just a desperate ploy to attract women from Hillary Clinton's camp when she dropped out of the race, and away from obama. It can almost be interpreted as an attempt at recycling the tried-and-true method of implementing policy by playing off of white women's and their husband's fears of black men combined with their tendency to gossip (e.g he's a muslim! and not a citizen! ROFLMAO!!!).

i'm not even for obama. He's a lying flip flopping piece of crap. But he is better than Bush, and certainly better than Palin. I would have voted for McCain also if only Palin (also guliani, huckabee, a few others) was/were not on the ticket. So I too, Voted for obama in order to keep Palin out of office. Adimittedly, I'm a libertarian and would vote for Ron Paul in a heartbeat if he actually stood a chance, but voting for him is like throwing your vote away.

The reason Ron Paul was even in the race had nothing to do with him actually wanting to be president. Ralph Nader was the republican's man to suck votes from the democrats. He realized that, and declined to run in the last election. So the democrats got Ron Paul to suck votes from the republicans this time around. It really paid off, because Ron got a whole variety of republicans to vote for him, while back when Nader ran he only got the far=left fringe voters.    

All i gotta say is expect four parties next election, not three.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 06:00:10 PM
If you are a libertarian you should support Palin over Obama. If you look at the issues instead of who can make a better speech you'd know that.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 06:03:25 PM
Quote from: "Talking to do dos with nuts for brains is frustrating"
no, I did not say sarah palin is anti-feminist.

I said that her constituency is not only small, weak, fragile, un-grounded and un-established, but also comprised of people who are more socially conservative and therefore are less feminist-supportive than the "guaranteed voters" within the democratic constituency. She may be a feminist. the people she is targeting are not. The wives might vote for her, but a large fraction of the husbands will be turned off from her party strictly because she is a woman. And dont tell me that red-state men arent anti-feminist; the majority are.  

In addition, she is too much of a radical to gain the moderate vote necessary to win a presidential election. If she flip-flops when and if she runs in four years, people will see through that and she will loose her existing constituency, which will most definitely ground her solidly into the minority.

But i did say she is dumb, and that she most definitely is.

Democrats all thought Bush was dumb, and he won twice so think about that for a while. What could be more pro feminist than supporting a female candidate for president. It shows that democrats are really only pro feminist if the recipient of their 'good will' shares their ideological and political opinions. I think a woman being president regardless of party would be a great thing. Sarah Palin is a real American story and you shouldn't underestimate her story and personality. Dems made that mistake with bush twice already.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 06:13:09 PM
do you understand what "CONSTITUENCY" means?

it's the people who vote, not the people who run the party.

It doesn't help if a party is feminist if their CONTITUENTS (the VOTERS, meaning the redneck redstate husbands of the women targeted by sarah palin) are NOT.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 06:31:57 PM
Republicans support Sarah Palin, other than the elite rino's in NYC or DC. Republicans didn't turn out in huge numbers because of McCain, he's way too liberal. Most republicans I talked to said they wanted McCain to lose to give Sarah a chance at the top of the ticket in 2012. I'll bump this thread in 2013 when Sarah is being sworn in, wait and see.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 08:02:48 PM
and where do you live, texas? alaska? alabama? no wonder....

it's not just DC and new york. It's illinois, Massachusetts, new hampshire, vermont, CALIFORNIA, new mexico, oregon, washington state, rhode island, colorado, pennsylvania.....Palin doesn't stand a chance in any of those states.

all she's getting are the southeast, texas, arizona maybe, midwest from ohio through idaho minus illinois, utah, the dakotas, montana, alaska and possibly maine. the only people that support palin are the rural democrats. rural areas dont have big populations (naturally) and therefore less votes electoral votes. You cant carry the election on just the rural red states. You have to have the majority in at least three of the following: california, new york, Pennsylvania, texas and florida (out of the big ticket states).  Washington, ohio, illinois, india, michigan and jersey are also deal breakers or makers. Those states are outside of Palin's political grasp.

I see a very different political future for Palin. she will run for president, but drop out. The presidential run will give her enough support to supercharge her career and allow her to become apointed to a white house position (in a republican victory), simmilar to what hillary clinton did, or maybe run for senate. A successful presidential run then drop out at the last minute can often guarantee a seat in the senate.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 12:10:34 PM
heres a video of sarah palin, little bits of interviews. If you dont see how retarted she is from this video, you must be retarded yourself!

"I can see russia from alaska" ROFLMAO! (

What other supreme court decisions do you disagree with?
"hmmm...ummmm....ummmm....hmmm.....what other decisions? (lemme think of a way to spin this so i can keep talking) (

as i said, STUPID. therefore, PUPPET.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 01:22:00 PM
"You can actually see Russia from land in Alaska"

That's the quote from the youtube video you just posted. This is a true fact, you can see Russia from land in Alaska. She didn't say she can see it from her house, or from Wasilla, like SNL repeatedly repeated.  If you don't believe me, google it. As far as the supreme court question, she isn't a lawyer reading briefs on every case decided by the Supreme Court. How many Americans if asked this question would be able to quote a case without giving it some thought first? I'm sure if Sarah knew she was going to be thrust into the national spotlight she would of studied up. Do you think if you were interviewed a reporter would be able to construct a similar gotcha situation and make you look stupid? Of course they could, if they wanted to, they can make anybody look like a fool. The media hated Sarah from day one, and while they left Obama's family alone out of respect they dragged Sarah's family through the mud.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Carmel on August 29, 2009, 01:29:26 PM
She quit her post as Governor of Alaska.

I dont care who you are or what you stand for.....who has ever progressed politically into the biggest seat in the whitehouse by dumping their post ahead of schedule for personal reasons?  If she cant even hack being governor, how in all hell is she gonna take the heat in the white house?  Piled on top of the fact that this woman is ignorant and  ill-spoken....we;d have better luck getting Britney Spears in office.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Carmel on August 29, 2009, 01:41:03 PM
Quote from: "Palin 2012. Bank on it!"
"You can actually see Russia from land in Alaska"

That's the quote from the youtube video you just posted. This is a true fact, you can see Russia from land in Alaska. She didn't say she can see it from her house, or from Wasilla, like SNL repeatedly repeated.  If you don't believe me, google it. As far as the supreme court question, she isn't a lawyer reading briefs on every case decided by the Supreme Court. How many Americans if asked this question would be able to quote a case without giving it some thought first? I'm sure if Sarah knew she was going to be thrust into the national spotlight she would of studied up. Do you think if you were interviewed a reporter would be able to construct a similar gotcha situation and make you look stupid? Of course they could, if they wanted to, they can make anybody look like a fool. The media hated Sarah from day one, and while they left Obama's family alone out of respect they dragged Sarah's family through the mud. could she NOT know she was going to be thrust into the spotlight? She was running for the Vice Presidency. Come on! And "studying up"? As a potential leader of my country I expect the candidate to be versed in the issues of law and politics...for more than just five minutes before a damn interview.

And I dont know what you saw, but Palin did a bang-up job of making a foolish radical momo out of herself all by her lonesome.  She is still doing it, with all this death panel garbage, etc.  Drug her family through the mud? Her family is comprised of every distasteful moral stereotype on the planet. Infidelity, teen pregnancy, religious radicalism, criminal history....Palin is straight outta Compton man!  If you follow your local supermarket tabloids, which I get the feeling you do, the most talked about celebrities in the media are those who are dishing out drama to be exploited.  She didnt run a tight ship, she wasnt smart enough to.  A person like that, man or woman has no place making decisions for the majority, shes not just stupid, shes dangerous.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 02:00:42 PM
to whom'tmay concern: scientology is a good one, world wide, moonies also, world wide and very quietly influential. also you may investigate "the forum", or  ken wilbur is currently forming a cult. ( kind of Nietsche-an, sort of proto Nazi, if you like, bound to be the very next thing") then there's meher baba, currently in a faddish resurgence,maybe it'll last, maybe it won't. Personally, i care no more for Indian cranks than I care for any other sort.
It's up to you finally, if your taste runs to violence, then that's the way I'd go. if not, and carrots and mung beans are your taste, then go with a permute of the "Gaia" philosophies. If, on the other hand, your taste runs to social primacy at any cost, is completely a-moral, nice clothes,cars, estate etcetera, then i'd recommend you attend an Ivy-league university and become versed in the 'cult-du-jour'. ,as practiced by the extant regime.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 02:05:49 PM
"She was running for the Vice Presidency. Come on!"

She didn't run for VP, she was picked by McCain with only a couple of days notice.

"And "studying up"? As a potential leader of my country I expect the candidate to be versed in the issues of law and politics...for more than just five minutes before a damn interview."

Then Why doesn't America just declare the person with the highest IQ leader for life? It's because a good leader isn't always the smartest person in the room. One reporter's gotcha question has you declaring her incompetent, I guess you've never had to think for a moment about what you are about to say.

"Her family is comprised of every distasteful moral stereotype on the planet. Infidelity, teen pregnancy, religious radicalism, criminal history....Palin is straight outta Compton man! "

So now every potential political leader is to be held responsible for the people in their family? The 'sins' that you list are just steretypes that democrats use to smear republicans. Infidelity? Did Sarah cheat on her husband? Teen pregnancy? Would you rather she force her teen to get an abortion like dems, is that somehow morally superior to how she reacted? They are Christians, and all dems think that in of itself is radical. Criminal history? Um, what? Has somebody in your family ever been arrested? Should you be held liable for them? Judge not lest ye be judged.

"She didnt run a tight ship, she wasnt smart enough to.  "

She wasn't running any ship, it was McCain's campaign not hers. She did what she was told, and treated like trash even by McCain's people. When she introduces herself again to the American people it will be on her own terms this time and things will be very different.

"A person like that, man or woman has no place making decisions for the majority, shes not just stupid, shes dangerous."

This is what all dems say. She is stupid? What are all you in elementary school still? Why don't you just complain about her severe case of coodies? The difference between dems and conservatives is made clear in your statement. Sarah doesn't want to make decisions for the majority since conservatives think people know how to run their lives best. Dems want to elect their sacred leader to make all their decisions for them from birth till death. That's why Sarah will be president of the United States come Jan 2013. It's a sure thing!
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 02:14:00 PM
Quote from: "Carmel"
She quit her post as Governor of Alaska.

I dont care who you are or what you stand for.....who has ever progressed politically into the biggest seat in the whitehouse by dumping their post ahead of schedule for personal reasons?  If she cant even hack being governor, how in all hell is she gonna take the heat in the white house?  Piled on top of the fact that this woman is ignorant and  ill-spoken....we;d have better luck getting Britney Spears in office.

She can't raise money for her national presidential campaign if she is governor of Alaska, that's the law. So she decided to leave the state in the hands of her Lt. Governor who shares her political views, freeing her up to raise the millions of dollars necessary to run in the republican primary. Seems pretty darn clever if you ask me! As far as the name calling, do people forget she was elected as governor to the largest state in the union? That's an accomplishment most of us cannot claim for ourselves, give respect where respect is due.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 02:24:30 PM
Quote from: "Palin 2012. Bank on it!"
"You can actually see Russia from land in Alaska"

That's the quote from the youtube video you just posted. This is a true fact, you can see Russia from land in Alaska. She didn't say she can see it from her house, or from Wasilla, like SNL repeatedly repeated.  If you don't believe me, google it. As far as the supreme court question, she isn't a lawyer reading briefs on every case decided by the Supreme Court. How many Americans if asked this question would be able to quote a case without giving it some thought first? I'm sure if Sarah knew she was going to be thrust into the national spotlight she would of studied up. Do you think if you were interviewed a reporter would be able to construct a similar gotcha situation and make you look stupid? Of course they could, if they wanted to, they can make anybody look like a fool. The media hated Sarah from day one, and while they left Obama's family alone out of respect they dragged Sarah's family through the mud.

in order to see Land in russia from alaska, you have have to travel into the middle of the north pacific to an uninhabited rock island about the size of a pitcher's mound which happens to belong to alaska, from which you can see with high-power binoculars on the horizon a similar yet russian rock-island the size of a pitcher's mound. Both of those rock islands are in the middle of nowhere in the north pacific, hundreds of miles away from any inhabited place in alaska.

Furthermore, if you knew anything about russia you'd know that the geographical region located across from alaska is fairly worthless. they have ports, oil, and fish, but thats about it. Theres very few people that live there, and nowandays most of em are actually chineese or korean, not russian. it's an economic asset to russia because it gives them easy access to the pacific, but it pretty much ends there. And if russia were to attack the united the fuck would alaska be a viable target? How does seeing being able to see a rock island in russia from the middle of the ocean that belong to america help in any way, or give precedence to an individual, to know what is going on in russia? or give them precedence for security?
in addition, Russia is a country with a sharply declining and mostly incompetent population.....Russians are either running away en masse to the U.S or EU or they are drinking and smoking themselves to death. i'm not exaggerating, it's a well-documented and well known threat to russia.  They are by no means even a slight threat to the united states. LOL@ "when putin rears his ugly head". REAAAAALLY? and what exactly is putin going to do to america? or to alaska? we are very valuable to russia. you should be more worried about china, or what other people (those iraqis we have pissed off so much) might do with Russia's mismanaged and mafia-controlled stock of soviet era weapons, not what putin will do. He's not even president anymore (still figurehead tho).  So any candidate who actually sees russia as a threat is a complete idiot who i may have to question weather they have been living under a rock the past thirty years (in palin's case, she has been living under a rock - a rock called "alaska"). I also must question how effective they must be at diplomacy (one of the top responsibilities of a president or VP) If they say things like what palin said about russia.

oh really? people can decide best? hmmm. that runs contrary to republican principles and precedent. i think you got things a little mixed up. Also i would recommend reading up about greek history. the downfall of the athenian empire was based on their insistence on democracy.

most people are stupid, which is why people like sarah palin become popular. if you allowed "the people" to make all the decisions you'd run the country into the ground. thats why we have representatives in the houses, instead of public forums.

LARGEST STATE OF THE UNION? HAH! geographically, yes. 99% of alaska is uninhabited and over 70% is nearly impossible to reach without specialized equipment and training. alaska is the 47th most populated or 4th least populated state in the nation. the population in alaska is 686,000. The population of manhattan island in new york is 1,634,000 people - in 23 square miles. So there are almost three times as many people in manhattan as in all of alaska. Getting elected governor of alaska is like being elected to a borough city council seat in new york city.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 02:32:06 PM
You misquoted Palin from the video you posted. Now that you realized what she said is true, you are making excuses about how you think it's technically not true. What she said is a fact, end of story.


Alaska is the largest state in the union. It's a fact, period. Have you been elected governor of a state, even a small one?

"most people are stupid, which is why people like sarah palin become popular. if you allowed "the people" to make all the decisions you'd run the country into the ground. "

You'd make a great communist.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 02:39:50 PM
not to mention, there are about 100x times the about of russian citizens living in new york than in alaska, despite Alaska's proximity! I would think a new yorker would have more knowledge of russia and russians than an alaskan.

Sure, she cant raise campaign funds as governor (dont know the truth to that...will look up). It can be argued that she stepped down to avoid the alaska political corruption probe (latest convict - ted stevens). Furthermore, they had to get her out of the spotlight to avoid any personal attacks (pregnant teenage daughter, drug-dealing mother in law, excessive personal expenditures on vanity items) and let her study up.

a candidate doesnt need to study up. One of the qualifications that should be required for every political candidate is very good knowledge and grasp of american history and law. Palin doesnt know anything when it comes to that. as the above said, she's been living under a rock.

she's not even a good orator. she's just a pretty face to attract the housewives and appeal to their husband's good old fashioned dick-hardening testosterone. I bet you're just a housewife, or heading there, yourself. Thats the only reason i can see anyone would want to vote for them ......  that or a complete lack of brains or education.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 02:42:30 PM
you obviously have a total lack of comprehension. it is the largest state of the union geographically. It's population is the 4th lowest in the united states. THATS A FACT. GET OVER IT. getting elected governor of alaska is the political equivalent of getting elected councilmember in new york city.

No. i am not a communist. I am a patriotic american with a thorough grasp of our system. You have no clue what you are talking about. We elect representatives to make decisions for us - representatives with brains. if we let people make the decisions, we would run the country into the ground. maybe you should read up on history.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 02:44:21 PM
I never said that was not a fact what she said in the video.

I said it was an absolutely idiot thing to say which has no bearing whatsoever on the effective political reality.

as i said, open a book, or a newspaper, go to school,  then come back and talk to me.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 03:07:35 PM
Quote from: "Guest"

Alaska is the largest state in the union. It's a fact, period. Have you been elected governor of a state, even a small one?

wow this bitch is dumb. no wonder she supports palin.

no, i have never been elected governor of a state. I did serve as an independent assemblyman in albany (capital of new york state), representing the 56th district pop: 190,000.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 03:12:55 PM
"I never said that was not a fact what she said in the video. "

You completely misquoted it .
"I can see russia from alaska" ROFLMAO!

That's not what she said, and what she said is true. End of story.

"it is the largest state of the union geographically."

Then you agree with my factual statement. I'm not sure what got you into a hissy fit about this fact. I never said anything about population, calm down. Why does Sarah make dems so angry for no reason? She says a factual statement about the proximity of Russia to Alaska and you all go into meltdown. Weird.

"no, i have never been elected governor of a state. I did serve as an independent assemblyman in albany (capital of new york state), representing the 56th district pop: 190,000."

I seriously doubt this is true. But if it is, Sarah did much better with her political career, now it all makes sense why you are so angry, jealousy.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 03:28:16 PM
What a bunch, an assortment of God-Damned idiots! You are sure, but don't know facts! You Believe! with no room for doubt! You are the anointed ones, whom no one may question!  I grew up with people who had blue numbers on their arms. One day you will proclaim your innocence, you will say" I never meant that", and " I only meant well" and "I didn't know !"
Yeah sure, then will come a day.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 03:33:56 PM
you obviously have no idea why saying something which has no bearing on effective reality during a presidential campaign interview is an idiotic thing to do.

"effective reality" in layman's terms (since you obviously havnt had much of an education):
Something that pertains to an actual issue on hand.
shit that actually matters.

were in the middle of an economic meltdown, and palin's best qualification (according to her) is that she can see alaska, so if russia attacks she'll magically know what to do.

she'll shoot a russian moose from a helicopter. that's what you have to do when russia attacks.
then you go atv-ing, spend $200,000 in campaign money on jewelry and perfume, and finally after cracking open your beer (oh, and dont forget that since you are a woman you have to look nice for the apocalypse, so you have to spend a few hours trying on clothes and putting on make up asking if something makes your ass look fat, but not before you drive your kids to school). finally, you phone in NORAD so they can "NUKE em'". right.

No wonder you support palin. you're thick as a brick and dumb as a rock, just like every other palin supporter. Learn to read between the lines.

lemme guess, you think there's "death panels" in the new health care bill and we have a "muslim president", right? Obama is related to Osama because of the name? eh? I think Palin is related to Stalin because of the name. there you go. Palin logic.
Title: too smart for you
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 03:42:52 PM
Good thoughts and ideals are often used in cults to lure in the unsuspecting victims, then the rules of oppression are instilled, cleverly disguised as good wholesome values to the unwary.

We’re all strangers; it's this trap we're in, this funeral procession, the one everybody’s caught up in, this hyped-up, fuck-you, supermodern, ego style of life that thinks it owns this country. You can feel it when you're in a stream of traffic and feel the hyped-up danger close in. Some bastard tailgating and he won’t pass.

It wouldn't be so bad if we were just talking about rich people acquiring wealth and making something of themselves, but we are talking about is a societal force deeply rooted in the banking, governments and religions which is gearing up to instill a "New World Order" which will force dogma and beliefs on the entire world. This follows the very same patterns that have recurred throughout history, greed, corruption, and fascism waving the illusionary flag of freedom. Those who seek fortune from the exploitation of other human beings seem to be the pillars of the planetary hierarchy.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 03:46:00 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
you obviously have no idea why saying something which has no bearing on effective reality during a presidential campaign interview is an idiotic thing to do.

"effective reality" in layman's terms (since you obviously havnt had much of an education):
Something that pertains to an actual issue on hand.
shit that actually matters.

were in the middle of an economic meltdown, and palin's best qualification (according to her) is that she can see alaska, so if russia attacks she'll magically know what to do.

she'll shoot a russian moose from a helicopter. that's what you have to do when russia attacks.
then you go atv-ing, spend $200,000 in campaign money on jewelry and perfume, and finally after cracking open your beer (oh, and dont forget that since you are a woman you have to look nice for the apocalypse, so you have to spend a few hours trying on clothes and putting on make up asking if something makes your ass look fat, but not before you drive your kids to school). finally, you phone in NORAD so they can "NUKE em'". right.

No wonder you support palin. you're thick as a brick and dumb as a rock, just like every other palin supporter. Learn to read between the lines.

lemme guess, you think there's "death panels" in the new health care bill and we have a "muslim president", right? Obama is related to Osama because of the name? eh? I think Palin is related to Stalin because of the name. there you go. Palin logic.

Sorry, but I have better things to do than argue over the internet with a crazy dem suffering from Palin derangement syndrome. Its obvious you are not interested in facts and only in smearing Sarah. Try to calm down some, you have at least three years until she will be president!
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 04:00:38 PM
I think you're the one with the facts problem.

You accept anything that is said to you as the absolute truth.

I base my understanding of truth based on actual facts as documented in newpapers, books, actual events which i witness, referenced over each other.

You someone with authority say something and you accept it.

The fact that you dont even understand why the whole "can see russia" comment was inappropriate, illogical, and out of place - shows that you are unable to question the reality that is spoon-fed to you.

this country would be a better place without people like you. I'm not saying kill you all...that's what YOU would say that i said. I'm saying people like you should be given an education - not just a cliff-notes version of history that is currently studied under the american school system.

Can you, without looking at an encyclopedia, list the primary points of the american constitution and summarize all of the amendments? probably not. I can. Sarah palin probably has never ever even read the constitution.

no, i dont have three years till she's president. i have my entire lifetime to live without sarah palin or any other woman being president - it's never going to happen. sorry. ya fuckin houswife.

no, i'm not angry. i'm not upset. I'm just slightly annoyed at the fact that i must be reminded on a daily basis that there are complete idiots in this country who are allowed to vote. it's saddening, not angering.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 04:09:42 PM
lemme guess palin lover:

You're pro-"life"
pro-big bussiness
pro-cheap oil

all of those "pros" are not sustainable. most likely, they'll lead to this country eating itself from the inside.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 04:15:57 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
I think you're the one with the facts problem.

You accept anything that is said to you as the absolute truth.

I base my understanding of truth based on actual facts as documented in newpapers, books, actual events which i witness, referenced over each other.

You someone with authority say something and you accept it.

The fact that you dont even understand why the whole "can see russia" comment was inappropriate, illogical, and out of place - shows that you are unable to question the reality that is spoon-fed to you.

this country would be a better place without people like you. I'm not saying kill you all...that's what YOU would say that i said. I'm saying people like you should be given an education - not just a cliff-notes version of history that is currently studied under the american school system.

Can you, without looking at an encyclopedia, list the primary points of the american constitution and summarize all of the amendments? probably not. I can. Sarah palin probably has never ever even read the constitution.

no, i dont have three years till she's president. i have my entire lifetime to live without sarah palin or any other woman being president - it's never going to happen. sorry. ya fuckin houswife.

no, i'm not angry. i'm not upset. I'm just slightly annoyed at the fact that i must be reminded on a daily basis that there are complete idiots in this country who are allowed to vote. it's saddening, not angering.
:blabla: You'll get over it, eventually. or not.

Proverbs 16:18–19 (NIV)

18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. 19 Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 05:02:00 PM
while (1) {
echo "infinite trolling is infinite trolling is infinite trolling is infinite trolling is ";
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 05:31:29 PM
Quote from: "President Palin 2013!"
Quote from: "Guest"
I think you're the one with the facts problem.

You accept anything that is said to you as the absolute truth.

I base my understanding of truth based on actual facts as documented in newpapers, books, actual events which i witness, referenced over each other.

You someone with authority say something and you accept it.

The fact that you dont even understand why the whole "can see russia" comment was inappropriate, illogical, and out of place - shows that you are unable to question the reality that is spoon-fed to you.

this country would be a better place without people like you. I'm not saying kill you all...that's what YOU would say that i said. I'm saying people like you should be given an education - not just a cliff-notes version of history that is currently studied under the american school system.

Can you, without looking at an encyclopedia, list the primary points of the american constitution and summarize all of the amendments? probably not. I can. Sarah palin probably has never ever even read the constitution.

no, i dont have three years till she's president. i have my entire lifetime to live without sarah palin or any other woman being president - it's never going to happen. sorry. ya fuckin houswife.

no, i'm not angry. i'm not upset. I'm just slightly annoyed at the fact that i must be reminded on a daily basis that there are complete idiots in this country who are allowed to vote. it's saddening, not angering.
:blabla: You'll get over it, eventually. or not.

Proverbs 16:18–19 (NIV)

18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. 19 Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.

Of course, if you're backed into a corner during a debate pull the "talk to the hand" routine and call upon god to save you.

I'm not christian. I'm jewish. I dont "believe" in the proverbs. Wisdom within, but not the "word of god".

As a christian, you exhibit all the typical traits. most notably, blind faith and lack of self-awareness for the purpose of rooting out hypocrisy: namely the ability to become aware of and dismiss self-pride. You dont realize that you're the one who's proud, right? You're the one so proud of sarah palin. I never said i was proud of anything, i was never supporting anything or anyone - I was only using Obama as an example - I was just trying to poke holes in your logic to support Palin. If you were a scholar, you would know that the biblical definition of pride is an unexamined self / not examining yourself or not allowing self-criticism or the criticism of others. essentially, pride is blind faith. I have nothing against christianity, I studied it very thoroughly during my college years as I was a religious studies minor at a christian university, I have attended numerous church services, i have no qualms with the religion itself - you cant pull the whole "oh he's a god-hating terrorist atheist" routine on me. I have simply observed throughout my life that the majority of christians live their lives in ignorance, without ever examining themselves or the world around them.

I would also like to state that you are likely to mistake intelligence for pride. Do not make that mistake. They have nothing to do with each other; other than Intelligence being a tool for becoming aware of and dismissing pride.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 06:14:01 PM
As governor, Palin signed a resolution supporting Israel and confirming Alaska's ties to the Jewish state (Alaska has approximately 6,000 Jews). David Gottstein, of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, said Palin demonstrated an admiration for Israel and had planned a visit sponsored by the Israeli Foreign Ministry. It was ultimately canceled due to important developments regarding the Alaska oil pipeline.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2009, 06:35:52 PM
lol. What makes you think I am so proud as to have blind faith in the state of israel? or in Palin's proported support of it?

I sit on the fence with israel. They commit atrocities just like the 'terrorists', and both sides spew equal amounts of propaganda. It's very saddening to watch my own people go down the same road they tried to prevent through the creation of a jewish state. Israel is slowly becoming a fundamentalist jewish-fascist state that treats Palestinians and other muslim minorities the same way the jews themselves were being treated for much of the 19th century. no one is innocent in that conflict. Besides, there are twice as many jews in america (particularly new york city) as there are in the rest of the world combined, including israel. Jews have been on the move since abraham, "the promised land" is a state of mind, not a physical place. As far as i'm concerned New York and California are the Jew's homeland for the time being. We have safety, power, numbers, success and prosperity here in america - all the supposed material benefits of the "promised land". Israeli jews have none of those, except for economic prosperity.

When Israel implements a dual-state solution: one land, two governments governing two groups of people with a single super-branch keeping things in check - I will support israel. when they give palestinians arable land along with educational and economic opportunities, when they give them equal citizenship, when palestinians are no longer treated the same way blacks were treated in alabama at in the 1950's, I will support israel. I refuse to become a self-proud hypocritical blind follower. If jews want lasting peace and a homeland where they will be safe from anti-semitism, they should stop acting like anti-semites too. (arabs and palestinians are also a Semitic race!) what goes around comes around, and if jews keep behaving this way, history will only repeat itself. it already is.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2009, 02:28:21 PM
Proverbs 16:18–19 (NIV)

18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. 19 Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.

Of course, if you're backed into a corner during a debate pull the "talk to the hand" routine and call upon god to save you.

I'm not christian. I'm jewish. I dont "believe" in the proverbs. Wisdom within, but not the "word of god". [/quote]

This quote was about Sarah Palin, not about you. How could I possibly make a judgement about who you are, I don't know anything about you. But on the other hand, it seems you have no trouble making sweeping generalizations and assumptions about people based on misinterpretations of what they write.

As a christian, you exhibit all the typical traits.

Because it's realy easy to typify billions of people, right? You seem to relish your accomplishments and intelligence which you seem to need to brag about on fornits of all places.I've tended to observe people who need to let others know about their accomplishments, education , financial status, career, when making an argument shows their argument cannot stand for itself. Besides99% of what people say on the internet isa lie so it's a waste of time at best.

If you were a scholar,

Ha. See what I'm saying?

I have simply observed throughout my life that the majority of christians live their lives in ignorance, without ever examining themselves or the world around them.

and how many of hte BILLIONS of Christians alive today have you carefully observed? You have a prejudice towards Christians is obvious, the question is why.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2009, 03:14:10 PM
I'll make this quick and to the point:

"most notably, blind faith and lack of self-awareness for the purpose of rooting out hypocrisy: namely the ability to become aware of and dismiss self-pride."

If you walk around saying you're a christian, trying to convert people to christianity, thinking that what you believe is the absolute truth, then you are a hypocrite just like almost every other christian. Catholics, baptists, and evangelicals in particular are the worst when it comes to this. If you walk around with a gold cross sticking out outside of your shit, then you are a hypocrite and did not read the bible thoroughly enough. If you want sarah palin elected purely because of womanly pride with no real legitimate reason to back up your decision, with your only recourse being to put down the other side, dimiss them as liberal jibber jabber and ignore them, then you are a hypocrite and not a christian. If you turn a debate into a personal attack (you did it first) then you are not a christian.

What you are is a Fanatic.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2009, 03:46:58 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
I'll make this quick and to the point:

"most notably, blind faith and lack of self-awareness for the purpose of rooting out hypocrisy: namely the ability to become aware of and dismiss self-pride."

If you walk around saying you're a christian, trying to convert people to christianity, thinking that what you believe is the absolute truth, then you are a hypocrite just like almost every other christian. Catholics, baptists, and evangelicals in particular are the worst when it comes to this. If you walk around with a gold cross sticking out outside of your shit, then you are a hypocrite and did not read the bible thoroughly enough. If you want sarah palin elected purely because of womanly pride with no real legitimate reason to back up your decision, with your only recourse being to put down the other side, dimiss them as liberal jibber jabber and ignore them, then you are a hypocrite and not a christian. If you turn a debate into a personal attack (you did it first) then you are not a christian.

What you are is a Fanatic.

I really have no idea who or what you are addressing. This couldn't be directed at me, because I never claimed to be a Christian and I am hardly converting people, and said nothing of womanly pride. Ffrom your various assumptions you've concluded I am a fanatic, a person you know nothing about. Talk about predijuce against Christians, you seem willing to turn any intellectual debate into a manifesto about what's wrong with Christianity. Curious, isn't it? What if I said I wasn't a Christian, would that endanger your carefully constructed mental steretype of Palin supporters?
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2009, 04:37:44 PM
ok...whatever you say misses undying blind love and faith for sarah palin, who has no logic to support her viewpoints, who quotes scripture. whatever you say. you're in for a surprise in 2012.

Palin has nothing going for her other than her image. anyone that supports her is either A. completely superficial or B. Supports the corporate takeover of american politics. That is my only "stereotype" of palin supporters, and it's a completely true "stereotype" because if you look into campaign records, speech and interview transcripts, and think-tank studies, you will find that the strategy behind putting in sarah palin was just that - an attempt to attract superficial moderate-conservative voters who would have otherwise voted for hillary clinton, attract the "just cuz" voters without brains who vote for "the guy they would like to have a beer with". in this case, the gal. Most people dont think, they dont research, they just go with that catchphrases and colloquial ideas that surround them (why people still think theres going to be "death panels"). Thats why bush focused on "the war on terror" and "national security" and "terrorists". obama focused on "yes we can" "change we can believe in" and "hope" - an attempt at attracting the more religious voters by using their language. Palin focused on "you betcha" and "joe the plumber", because she was trying to attract more of her own people to her side. the reason palin wont win is because she will get only part of the republican vote, and none of the democratic vote. to win, as i mentioned before, you need to atracct most of your own party's constituency along with a large number of the oposing party's. Sarah will never win, she has nothing going for her with people who are left of center.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2009, 06:02:18 PM
dude why do you assume you're talking to a chick?
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2009, 06:27:10 PM
Quote from: "think with you brains not your tits"
ok...whatever you say misses undying blind love and faith for sarah palin, who has no logic to support her viewpoints, who quotes scripture. whatever you say. you're in for a surprise in 2012.

Palin has nothing going for her other than her image. anyone that supports her is either A. completely superficial or B. Supports the corporate takeover of american politics. That is my only "stereotype" of palin supporters, and it's a completely true "stereotype" because if you look into campaign records, speech and interview transcripts, and think-tank studies, you will find that the strategy behind putting in sarah palin was just that - an attempt to attract superficial moderate-conservative voters who would have otherwise voted for hillary clinton, attract the "just cuz" voters without brains who vote for "the guy they would like to have a beer with". in this case, the gal. Most people dont think, they dont research, they just go with that catchphrases and colloquial ideas that surround them (why people still think theres going to be "death panels"). Thats why bush focused on "the war on terror" and "national security" and "terrorists". obama focused on "yes we can" "change we can believe in" and "hope" - an attempt at attracting the more religious voters by using their language. Palin focused on "you betcha" and "joe the plumber", because she was trying to attract more of her own people to her side. the reason palin wont win is because she will get only part of the republican vote, and none of the democratic vote. to win, as i mentioned before, you need to atracct most of your own party's constituency along with a large number of the oposing party's. Sarah will never win, she has nothing going for her with people who are left of center.

Obama had nothing going for him other than his image, and he won. You come off as an intelligent person who knows a lot about politics and the world, but you are also making a lot of assumptions about me and you know nothing about me. This started because I came in this thread and said Palin would win in 2013, so you know my view on the matter. I think she's great and knows what it's like to live amongst rural Americans who are culturally and politically underrepresented in the government. I think she seems like a really nice person and would make a great first woman president. Like the person who just posted before me I wonder why you assume I am thinking with my tits when you don't even know if I'm a woman. It kind of shows your bias , and yes, your steretype of Palin supporters and Christians in general. Maybe I'm wrong, probably am, because I don't know you.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2009, 07:49:16 PM
79% of america's population lives in urban areas. 21% live in rural areas. if you want to win an election, you need to atract the urban population, not the rural. thats why obama won. I'm sure palin represents the rural people of america quite well. She does not represent america, though. she represents the lifestyle of under 21% of americans. Furthermore, lifestyle and culture has nothing to do with qualifications for presidency. If it was relevant, then we might as well have a campaign for paris hilton vs. willie nelson. You need to vote for someone that doesn't represent you for who you ARE [as a group], but for what you BELIEVE IN [as an individual]. from the things that you say, it seems that you like sarah because she represents who you are - someone in a rural area, who likes their guns, likes outdoorsy sports (hunting/fishing), maybe has a farm or small business, and believes in "traditional values".

I think that alot of americans are making a mistake focusing on trivial issues like gay marriage and abortion, and let those issues decide their vote. These issues are not there because they are issues relevent to the survival of society. these are talking points strategically cooked up over the years by both sides to distract the american people from the core issues. As I mentioned before, a true democracy is a sure road to ruin because most people are ignorant and choose the most charismatic orator over the truly great leader. they all want you distracted, because if you became empowered (through awareness) you would end up giving them a hard time. If you did your research, and examined what has been going on in the american government since reagan, you would be absolutely disgusted. Sara palin is just a puppet, a figurehead, just like bush. If she was to take power, I'm not concerned about her lack of intelligence leading the country into ruin. The deciders when the republicans are in power are big business and think tanks. The government does what is best to insure the continuance of the supposedly limitless growth of the american economy - It is impossible to have limitless, infinite growth. Sarah Palin will lack the intelligence - when and if the decision comes down to her - to judge what the advisors, lobbyists, and think tanks tell her and make the right decision. By herself, she is nothing, just like bush. It's about the people she represents - which have a corrupt and unsustainable world view.

although i live in an urban area, i believe that the heart of america and the future of America's survival lies within the rural lifestyle. Urban and suburban living is unsustainable. We have to return to small scale, local, community and family-driven economies which are centered around sustainable living - not infinite growth. American people are addicted to MORE...always MORE MORE MORE MORE. they want bigger, faster cars, bigger houses, more wider faster roads, bigger malls, more money, more entertainment, more distraction, more gagets, etc. This can only last so long. one day when the "era of cheap oil and energy" ends (youre seeing the beginning of it right now) people will no longer be able to live that way. People will need to learn how to survive and live in a more traditional manner, abeit with more technological help than our ancestors had. Republicans (democrats too, but not as badly) are driving us to basically consume ourselves and our planet untill there is nothing left.

So are you voting for suburban sprawl, urban burgoise culture, and a 7-11/wal-mart/mcdonalds/starbucks on every corner? (Sara Palin) or are you going to vote for something else? I dont think you realize this, but sarah palin does not represent the TRUE beliefs of the people living in rural areas - she just pretends to, by just claiming she's from alaska and shoots moose and likes guns.

Languishing in your ignorance will do you no good and get you nowhere in life. Ignorance may be bliss, but bliss is hedonism and through hedonism is no way to live your life. In judaism the purpose of every human being's life should ideally be to make the world a better place - to leave it in better condition than you found it. By voting for sarah palin, are you really making the whole world better? or just your own life easier? I like guns. I like wal-mart. I like mcdonalds. I like being able to drive my car for cheap. But is that what is right? is that the way to making the world a better place? or is it just going to make my life easier, more pleasant, and allow me to be lazier while making the world a worse place? I'm sure that somewhere inside of you, you know the right answer, weather or not you are actually willing to admit it. It all depends on how willing you are to put your own comfort on the line for a greater good.

I am not, by any means, saying vote democrat. I am saying vote with your brain and your heart, not your soft butt or your wallet. I'm saying educate yourself about what is going on in the world right now, and do what you feel is RIGHT, not what is the most COMFORTABLE.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2009, 08:41:36 PM
wow! what a beautiful,diatribe! man! you"re something! (or woman, no need to be insensitive, eh?)
It's odd that the folks who preach tolerance, and espouse feminism(pun ) really really hate Sarah. Wonder why? Those same 'feminists' seem real comfortable
ignoring the massive abuse of females under Muslim rule. The Hypocrisy is nothing short of beautiful, yeh?
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2009, 09:05:36 PM
yet again - focusing on frivolous issues presented by the media while ignoring the big picture. Human rights doesnt save muslim women when they become unable to survive as a people when they build an economy based on cheap oil and global trade - with no real infrastructure. when there is no more cheap oil, the entire region will plunge back into the dark ages......along with america and the rest of the world. You dont build an infrastructure by bombing the crap out of them and telling them how to live. You do it by helping to facilitate the construction of that infrastructure.

so it's not right that women wear burkas and are forced into marriage, but it's OK to come and bomb and kill everyone who opposses you into submission until they decide to give women more rights? rightt...
Not to mention, "women's rights" is a distractor issue (just like WMD's) used as a tool to garner more support for the war. I have yet to even see any progress in women's rights - if you were on the ground in iraq or afghanistan, you'd know.  

going into another country and telling someone else how to live is not sustainable. peroid.

Changing a culture is unethical and immoral. You live in america, stay in america. you have your own country. dont go around trying to change other people's countries into your own. The culture of the muslim world has been around, and has been fairly successful, for thousands of years prior to to even america being discovered by europeans. There doing just fine, believe me. Most muslim women are perfectly content with the system, you only hear about the radicals in america. Muslims have traditional values just like you do, but they are different, and you must respect that.

I'm done talking to you.  :wall: You're thick as a brick.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2009, 09:05:39 PM
yet again - focusing on frivolous issues presented by the media while ignoring the big picture. Human rights doesnt save muslim women when they become unable to survive as a people when they build an economy based on cheap oil and global trade - with no real infrastructure. when there is no more cheap oil, the entire region will plunge back into the dark ages......along with america and the rest of the world. You dont build an infrastructure by bombing the crap out of them and telling them how to live. You do it by helping to facilitate the construction of that infrastructure.

so it's not right that women wear burkas and are forced into marriage, but it's OK to come and bomb and kill everyone who opposses you into submission until they decide to give women more rights? rightt...
Not to mention, "women's rights" is a distractor issue (just like WMD's) used as a tool to garner more support for the war. I have yet to even see any progress in women's rights - if you were on the ground in iraq or afghanistan, you'd know.  

going into another country and telling someone else how to live is not sustainable. peroid.

Changing a culture is unethical and immoral. You live in america, stay in america. you have your own country. dont go around trying to change other people's countries into your own. The culture of the muslim world has been around, and has been fairly successful, for thousands of years prior to to even america being discovered by europeans. There doing just fine, believe me. Most muslim women are perfectly content with the system, you only hear about the radicals in america. Muslims have traditional values just like you do, but they are different, and you must respect that.

I'm done talking to you.  :wall: You're thick as a brick.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2009, 09:01:59 PM
I pity the fool who thinks Sarah Palin has a chance at being president.

May Reagan Rot In Hell.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2009, 11:37:38 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
but they are different, and you must respect that.


Muslims, as evidenced by their behavior, lifestyle, and laughable belief structure featuring an all-powerful sky daddy, are not fit to exist and should be put in a weapons-laden arena with the Mormons where they can senselessly slaughter each other for our collective amusement.
Title: Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
Post by: Anonymous on March 01, 2012, 09:37:56 PM
Quote from: "Guest"


Muslims, as evidenced by their behavior, lifestyle, and laughable belief structure featuring an all-powerful sky daddy, are not fit to exist and should be put in a weapons-laden arena with the Mormons where they can senselessly slaughter each other for our collective amusement.
Oh like the behavior exhibited by zealots rallied under the banner of any particular religion or deity are any different. Atrocities have been committed by humans in the name of many gods since the dawn of mankind.
If you can't read a history book try asking someone nearby to smack you upside the head with one for the enlightenment.

Some majority of sheeple should not be defined by the actions of a few extremists, but by their own inactions as individuals.

You’re just a hater, no different in philosophy than some sod with a bomb strapped to his body or a hick wearing a bed sheet as outerwear.