« on: November 09, 2012, 05:01:05 PM »
Becky -
Becky wrote:
"but to tell you the truth, I'm kind of happy this board isn't as active" -
PV hasn't existed in four years. Have you noticed? You may well have awakened the board, though. Didn't know PV boosters were still pushing the program carcass around.
I'm very familiar with what went on in PV, and I'm in closer contact with more than thirty PV survivors. You are no mystery to me. You're coming back FOUR YEARS later to piss and moan about what was up while Peninsula Village was open? ("Well, I've been holding my tongue for quite a while on this, but I guess I just really need to say my piece here"). Why criticize others sharing about PV who didn't have the experience you did? You played along perfectly with PV's game, even after treatment, and you were very good at getting the "10% less punishment".
Becky wrote:
"Anything to make it a little easier, I was willing to do..."
Not something many people would admit to. While you snitched on your peers to save yourself, someone had to take the consequences for your "confrontation". This forum is for those who actively fought against what their intelligence told them was absolutely wrong, and they were drugged, beaten, and mechanically restrained for it. Considering your "anything to save my ass" policy... how many of your peers were abused by you narcing ("confronting") them? You have a lot to ponder about accountability - not PV's "perfidy for perks" accountability. Your claim of being "deprogrammed" is premature.
That young man, Act. Da - had the balls to stand out there alone and protest what he knew was wrong. You really expected Act.Da to allow Pegler and a room full of PV people like you - "Anything to make it a little easier, I was willing to do" - to grill him when he was all alone? In the middle of a sales pitch for PV, you would have attacked Act.Da. Becky, you would have led the charge against him. Act.Da filmed the young man "suggesting" he attend a group - and that guy just wanted to get close enough to identify him, and he did.
He started discussing Act.Da's records from PV on the "Peninsula Village Alumni" Facebook. They were getting the information from a PV counselor named Costner. See why staff and former patients shouldn't mix? You go right back to PV games and gang-up on peers. Act.Da's gone as a result, so be proud of yourselves - PV took one more kid out by illegal means. How were you abused, Becky? Were you ashamed to be seen going into a PV family support group? Any alumnus or staffer pictured had been involved in abuse or PV promotion - like you, Becky, and you cannot deny it. Didn't Messer restrain you?
Becky wrote:
"You (Act.Da) had a zero % impact...not one family pulled their kid or took you seriously. They thought you were just a sad, mixed up kid".
Wow...did you get that "zero %" stat like PV used to? By pulling it out of your ass? Because it sounds like PV's "outcome study", and I think even you know what a joke that was.
You're wrong, Becky. For a guy you weren't worried about, why did you call 911 on Act.Da? The call is up on YouTube, he got it through FOIA. What impact one extremely brave protestor had on a group of people who were being sold the program by you and Pegler is difficult to gauge. Act.Da wasn't always alone - I was with him at one protest in Raleigh, and we had a discussion with folks who appeared to be grandparents. Grandma was quick to dismiss Act.Da as "a sad, mixed-up kid", but didn't know how to deal with me. When she asked if I were also an ex-patient, I told her I was the parent of a patient and quoted some horrible things from the PV medical records. She smirked and asked "Are you a doctor?" I said no, but the Psychiatrist who reviewed them is, and he says PV is committing malpractice. The lady smirked and walked away, but her husband stood with his jaw open and seemed to have questions, then his wife literally yelled for him to follow. Act. Da planted seeds of doubt. Personally, my wife and I kept three kids from being sent to PV and posted a lot of docs and info you seemed to have found helpful.
So what did Act.Da accomplish? Where do you go for your PV family support groups or alumni retreats, Becky? NOWHERE. Peninsula Village is GONE - sold off. WE GOT PENINSULA VILLAGE. What else do you want? Who are you to criticize the angry feelings your peers have toward YOU, who aided staff and got others in trouble to cover yourself, Becky?
Becky wrote:
"To me, when I needed info like the stuff posted here (cause it helped me discover a lot of disturbing details) I thought maybe I'd find alliances, people who actually feel the same that I do about the village. But I thought wrong, cause there's no help or real care here, just a bunch of angry bullies with no direction..."
While you were at Parent Support Group meetings helping to sell and keep kids in Peninsula Village, we were tearing the program down. Some of us still had kids in PV or were patients recently discharged. Were we angry bullies with no direction? PV could have sued me anytime if I had posted anything untrue - and they COULDN'T. "Bullies" is an odd thing to call former PV patients who suffered abuse. From your own description, you were the "bully" looking to make things as easy as possible for yourself. You were still very supportive of PV and would not have been an "ally" to anyone here, Becky. An "alliance" with you would have been an info funnel into PV. As far as no direction...the goal was to eradicate PV and break up the deranged staff and clinical team. The "angry bullies with no direction" hit their target. Now, after the place is gone, you want to criticize how we did it? The clinical staff were complete incompetents, and the counselors were trained by them. Had a bit of trouble with counselors in Camp PV, didn't you? Those counselors don't even know the laws regarding treatment or post treatment, and you still back them?
Four years later, after the program is defunct, the clinicians and doctors are scattered - and you come forward wanting US to do something for you with some forensic evidence you have? There is a statute of limitations, Becky, and you missed it while you were out promoting PV. PENINSULA VILLAGE IS GONE - CLOSED. We did get McLain's licensure issues, and your beloved Bob Pegler's, too. While you criticize this group, you quoted from it (and me) often enough on Camp PV.
You want McLain? He's at Northwest Academy. I'm afraid to mention any more former staff - I don't know which ones you love and which you hate, and you need a scorched earth policy to take on these people - look, they ALL knew what was going on at the Village - they either participated in the abusive shit or they watched and stayed silent. No respect for either, and since there were no "whistleblowers" at PV, to hell with the lot of them. Someone could have spoken up about the abuse.
Becky wrote:
"I'm posting this in the attempt to at least expose some of the PV-esque tactics some posters are apparently into...ironic considering you all say you don't approve of those things...Then I had to deal with guys finding my youtube, and then posting all my videos so you could make fun of them..."
We were never as skilled in "PV-esque" talents as you successful graduates of the Village. PV went to work on Act.Da., literally using his personal medical records to burn him. You think Act.Da. is "sick" and whatever else they force-fed you, but he stood up to PV alone and was the hero. You think he wasn't embarrassed? He is a very quiet, shy person - it took a lot to stand out there alone as carloads of PV hecklers drove by. I was there one day, I heard and saw the rudest crap - all coming from PV boosters' mouths. Why would Act.Da. and others want to write about their PV tormentors and post the most embarrassing pics of them?
PV stripped patients of their privacy, family, and rights, demanded false "confessions" to justify holding patients. They beat, drugged, and mechanically restrained the resistant. It is a typical reaction for the abused to want to lash out at their abusers if given an opportunity. Obviously people remembered you from PV, and not in a favorable way. They considered you part of the abusive regime, and wanted retaliation. Also, keep in mind PV was still open for business when this forum was active. Our anger was appropriate at the time, not like yours is four years later...and Jesus Christ, all you want to do is go on a self-centered venting spree about your YouTube videos? I know kids who will suffer the rest of their lives from the over-medication they received at PV. If they wanted to come back and vent spleen about PV again, they would have damned more compelling reasons than your embarrassing public YouTube videos.
You think these posters could use a shot of "booty juice" and a mechanical restraint? You could get a group of former PV counselors to "call group" on them for "acting out", but the counselors have always known better than to come to Fornits, LOL. A lot of these postings are satire based on what went on in "confrontations" and the idiotic weekly "focus".
Also, we're not mental health professionals...just people burned by PV. Some were a "bad fit" (misplacement) for the Village, "some didn't work the program", some had very rich parents who didn't flinch at a $100,000 per year to warehouse their kid so they didn't have to face sucking as parents. Some were just suckered along with their parents into the Village scam - NONE of them belonged in PV. So we're a lot of PV "losers" - lucky to not be "dead, crazy or in jail", so what did you expect? This is not a "support group" - its purpose was never supporting PV and giving a polite ear to their arguments. We all had the "PV's way or the highway" piled on us against our will. No one was feeling indulgent toward PV dogma after gaining the freedom to say "no more bullshit". Some survivors found it "purging" to confront those who abused them, especially vicious staff and snitch alumni. It's a typical reaction, and an empowering one to the survivors of Peninsula with complex PTSD.
The board has been slow since PV CEASED TO EXIST - you don't seem to be able to grasp that. WE'VE ALL MOVED ONTO FIGHTING OTHER ABUSIVE PROGRAMS AND ARE ACTIVE, BUT PV IS EXTINCT - KAPUT - KNACKERED, Becky! PV was busted by the publicity and ditched the dead weight. This forum you claim is full of bullies was instrumental in exposing PV's abuses. Without the actions of Act.Da and others, you would still be going to your alumni retreats and selling the program to parents. You're the one waving outdated records for a program that DOESN'T EXIST anymore, except in flashbacks and nightmares. No new pictures have gone up of alumni or staff and no old posts are coming down - I promise you.
Becky wrote:
"If you're fueled by so much angry, get out and actually do something about it...like really do something. Leave the victims out of this, not a single alumni or even staff for that matter has even bothered half as much as you guys have to harass, defame, and bother them."
Becky, you devalue the terrible experience of every peer who didn't play your "kiss ass" game with staff. Like Wendy Chastain said, a lot of kids who didn't need long-term treatment were kept at PV - that's false imprisonment, and God bless every kid who fought against a goon staff armed with anti psychotics, mechanical restraints, and boot-licking peers like you. You have no room to criticize how these survivors express their anger, Becky - you were part of the abusive treatment that fueled it.
In the end, if you have so much documentation, why mention it here? Why don't YOU "like really do something." DIY, Becky - Do It Yourself. If you still have a bone to grind with PV, I suggest you purchase a legal grinder and get down to it. Your criticism here hasn't won you any support or offers to help. Over the past couple of years, I've watched you vacillate between loving PV and being slightly critical of it, and Peninsula Village is GONE! If you want to go after a program, go after the place that bought PV - Acadia Village. Not much going on there, and according to Wendy Chastain restraints aren't allowed. I've heard one report of abuse out of Acadia, and reported it to the DCS - best you can do. So what are YOU doing, now that you at least know PV is gone and Acadia Village is the new ownership?
You have a lot of learning to do, Becky.