I posted this list of links, some to webistes and others to books at Amazon.com because of several people recently posting their desire for more answers about what happened and why.
Anon-Anon Scroll down for some good stuff about Straight and the Seed.
AFF.org AFF studies psychological manipulation, cult groups, sects, and new religious movements, they have publications that can be ordered that are both informative and helpful. They also sponsor conferences.
Rick Ross Straight Inc. Page Rick is a cult researcher and expert, he has compiled a large number of press articles about Straight Inc. and the Semblers.
Captive Hearts & Captive MindsThis book offers invaluable assitance to those who have been involved with a destructive cult, whether it be relgious, political or psycho-theraputic. The text gives former members indications of what to expect in recovery as well as practical assitance to cope with their recovery.
The text also gives a breakdown of how and why cults operate as they do; how and why people get recruitted into cults; and how and why people leave cults.
The Manipulated Mind Denise Winn's exploration of how exactly one is instilled with a new personality.
Addiction is a Choice Jeffrey Schaler explains his view that addiction is not a diease, as we were condtioned to believe.
Heavy Drinking: The Myth of Alcoholism As a Disease Fingarette further debunks the disease theory.
That should get you started.
[ This Message was edited by: James on 2002-10-16 07:06 ]