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Messages - Oz girl

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Hi guys
I have checked out the potential legal situation here. It is not looking great. A judge letting an American kid go to American relatives is one thing. letting a kid go to people who are not even citizens of the country, when the kids biological parent lives there is another entirely.
I think Aardvark is right. It will probably be better if i could speak to my brohter face to face though as emails and phone calls are somewhat restrictive they also get quite tense & I am sensitive to the fact that i may alienate and cause a snap decision This is actually my biggest fear. Especially after reading about those horror escort services. @ least i have a body of reading on WWAPS programmes for him though. I found a psycholigist view of Casa by the Sea which was closed down that may help. I think when i send my niece back home I might take the vacation time & visit the US that way I can sit down and talk about the other options. As to the public education system, my niece is enrolled @ a private school. In spite of not loving the academic side she seems quite happy & has many friends. (another rsn why sending her away seems wrong)
Buzz kill I am sorry i should have read your email more thoroughly. I copied the link though and the passage to show my brother. I hope your son came out relatively unscathed from the WWASP school. Which one was it? Not one of the offsure ones i hope.

I have read the Bill Bryson book, i think it was marketed as Down under here. i was hilarious. i think he is a bit of a baby though. Nothing ever killed me  :wink: Just imagine Sanfrancisco or Oregon but with nicer weather & that is pretty much what Australia is like.

Just a final question and this may seem naive. If a kid goes willingly or even enthusiastically & is not there for behavoural issues per se, i would assume they would get through the levels more quickly. Dont the adults then have a hard time explaining why a child who has obviously progressed well is now "manupulating " or making up lies? I understand that here is a finanncial incentive to hold kids onto lower levels to some extent but sooner or later parents must question either why progress is slow or why if it is not a kid would lie?
Also do they not have any kind oof report card for parents? In Australia each teacher writes a different comment & gives their grade. This is an indicator of progress. Are parents not allowed to call & discuss results?

I have now registered under the above name.
I can understand how a parent falls for high pressure slaes tactics when they have a teenager in trouble with the law or with a drug prblem that they are desperate to adress. I just do not get what they could possibly say to the parent of a relatively untroubled 10 year old who has special learning needs to convince them of any kind of urgency. I strongly suspect that they  are selling it as some kind of year round summer camp with a special ed component. I would be extremely curious as to what they could say to get around the fact that the principal of the school was charged with sexual abuse.
The last time i spoke to my brother he mentioned that he was advised most kids will say bad things about the place because they are homesick & I note this seems to be a common theme in their pitch & an issue which comes up in these forums. I am amazed that this does not arouse suspicion in parents and make them come for a visit unannounced regardless of what the school says the rules are. The school i attended as a teenager had a boarding wing & I boarded in the US for a few months on exchange. In both schools boarders were made to write home (uncensored) every week and there were regular family days etc. The only limit was that parents @ the Australian school could not visit for the first few weeks of a new students stay & this was to help the child overcome homesickness. (I dont know how well it worked)  
I would imagine that if your child were troubled in some way you would want to visit more as they need you more. It is obvously not a financial issue for parents who can afford 3 grand a month. Isnt that what universities like harvard charge?

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