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Messages - Gonzotherapy

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Open Free for All / Whooter's Motivations
« on: October 28, 2010, 11:11:33 PM »
I have never met a single person that was helped by a program, on the contrary I have met hundreds of people who were hurt by them. You say some are helpful? WWASPS owns or has a hand in every program I have researched. And they are the biggest liars. You really just sound like someone attempting to sound intelligent, I'm sorry you have to fail so miserably.

And I only resort to name calling when the siruation warrants it. The fact is if I ever meet someone in person who supports programs, works for programs or profits from programs :suicide:

I can totally dig the fact that we don't want survivors lying, but my motivation and your motivation are on complete opposite sides. I still don't know where you stand. I've stated where my information comes from, personal experience. From what I have read, you are not in the business of helping troubled kids, you are most likely profiting from troubled kids. So I have no other recourse than to state the obvious, you are a douche.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 28, 2010, 10:24:18 PM »
First of all, my problem with survivors lying is the fact that it leads to the possibility that the abusers could get away with it. In my experience the only lies I have seen were not complete fabrications, they were stretches of the truth. Whooter, you have some jacked up mentality in trying to make it look like these programs were and are reputable businesses. What is the truth? What are you? I'm going with one of two options, you are either currently an employee or profiteer involved in the programs, or you are a parent who lost a child because of the program and you are trying to justify this in your sick little head. Reminds me of Corey Murphy's mom after he blew his brains out. Still trying to justify the hell SHE put HIM through by sending him to WWASPS programs. Either way you are a complete douche.

You got slapped down not because you went of topic, but because your a complete douche. You try to twist my words around and highlight the part where I talk about seeing a lie. Here's a little info for you if you want to quote something, if I saw 1 lie I saw 1,000 truths. Yaa, the lying bothers me because it takes away from the truth. But like I said 99.99% of the stories I have seen about my program are true. And where the hell do you get these "escort services" take kids to McDonalds. In my experience you are kidanpped, handcuffed or hogtied, if you fight you get diapers and thorazene. McD's? No, your lucky to get a drink of water, and even luckier if the drive is short enough that you don't shit your pants.

If you want to look at lies heres a couple, Brightway was not a licensed facility, neither was Paradise Cove. Browning Academy was not an accredited school. Program lies. And it just keeps going and going, I could write 10 pages on the lies they tell parents. The amount of lies they tell is mind boggling. The greatest one I saw was the ad video for paradise cove, HAH, talk about your great works of fiction.

As far as you go Whooter, why are you even here? It's obvious that you either don't know jack about programs, or you are the biggest liar of all, because if you do have any knowledge about these programs you would know that they are HUGE lying, thieving, cheating, soulless worthless scum of the earth. Therefore, either by choice, or by ignorance, you are the supporter of some of the most worthless "people" (and I hesitate to even classify them as that) on the face of the earth. Bravo, Captain Douchebag. :tup:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 28, 2010, 07:25:17 PM »
That's all great Whooter, you sound like someone who believes they are insightful, you sound alot like the program staff. As far as you empathizing with my suffering, I don't need your empathy. I barely even touched on all that was wrong about the program. The physical abuse was nothing compared to the mental, and there is nobody, NOT ONE PERSON, who went to that program and was not abused. They did not adhere to International guidelines on child care by a long shot. I can't speak for other programs as I was only in Brighway and Paradise Cove, but I can certainly say that the organization that ran my program (WWASPS) runs alot of these other ones; and there M.O. is lie, cheat, steal, and abuse. So while there may be embellishments, and I am not for that, they are embellishments on abuse. Not made up abuse, embellished abuse. I don't know what you are, but my insight is that you don't know jack shit about programs or survivors, because you have never been in a program and had to survive it.

Most of what I see in your writing is somebody who believes they are an authority. More power to you. Maybe you should start believing you are superman and take a flying leap into that steaming pile you're shoveling. Seriously, you sound exactly like someone who thinks they know something. I guess one benefit of these programs is learning how to identify bullshit.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 28, 2010, 05:36:13 PM »
I will happily clarify, but before I do understand that I hate these programs. I was in Paradise Cove with Chris Sutton, didn't know him well, we played spades a few times but I never really got to know him. Any of you paying attention should know who Sutton is. The story I am referring to was posted in here a few years ago. It pertained to Brian Vaifanua throwing a puppy off of a cliff to terrorize a kid who was there. The story started out somewhat true and then somehow got completely convoluted.

I was there, what really happened was the dog got thrown off a cliff, not by Vaifanua, by one of the Samoan staff. The dog was absolutely not a puppy given to the kid they referred to. Even though Frederickson was way younger than most of us, 12 I think when this happened, and immature for his age ( he looked more like a 9 year old) there is no way in hell they would have let anyone have a puppy. The dog was some stray that wandered around the beaches. Steven was attached to it, and he did name the dog Monkey; but it was not his dog. And it was certainly not thrown off a cliff to terrorize him or anyone else. It was a mangy mutt, it looked diseased. If any of you have been to Mexico, or many third-world countries, they don't treat dogs like we do. They're not friends, they're just animals. And the cliff was more of a very steep hill, I doubt the dog even got hurt. The dog was whacked by a machete, I don't know who did that, but it still wandered around the beach with a giant gaping wound. Personally I wish they would have killed that dog, we had enough disease running around those beaches without having that nasty mutt around.

Regardless, there is no need to fabricate atrocitites done by these programs. Steven got hogtied regularly, stuck in iso for days at a time, that kid definitely did not belong there and what they did to him there was criminal. He got some of the worst treatment I have ever seen another person go through. Me, I did'nt suffer too much. If you were mentally strong enough to play the game, you could survive there. There were many there who were not, many kids driven crazy by the horrible treatment. If you have never seen someone who has lost their minds from abuse, let me tell you what would happen. As their minds went they started to care less and less about hygiene. It was a task to keep yourself clean there, we usually took three showers a day, in cold water. 10 seconds to get wet, go to the back of the line, 20 seconds to rinse off. If your parents didn't send you soap, you had to buy program soap, basically a bar of wax. If you did not attentively clean yourself and make sure to rinse off all the soap, first the laffa (ringworm) would set in, balls first, then armpits, and if you didn't take good care of that with their "medicine" (acid) that shit would keep spreading. Then of course the scabies, that was always a fun one. Even those of us who did our best to keep clean got this stuff because of the horribly unsanitary conditions. The crazy ones, they were itching infested messes.

That's not even beginning to mention the malnutrition and many other below par child safety issues that went on there. There are people who manage to think that this stuff needs embellished upon, trust me, it doesn't. What actually happened was criminal enough. My experience is that the people who do lie about the conditions are the ones who suffered the most, the ones who didn't bow down to the system and try to survive. Most likely they are lying because they feel the need to make sure that someone is listening, because they don't understand why this was allowed to happen. I excelled in the program, I made it to level three and was a family leader when I left, thank god my parents ran out of money because even the limited amount of brainwashing (and yes, brainwashing is exactly what they do) I succumbed to still took me years to shake off. I never even realized that what they were doing was not "help" it was torture. It was and continues to be wrong. If I ever run across one of the people who benefited from these scams, I wish them the best of luck, what goes around will come around. :soapbox:  :soapbox:  :soapbox:  :soapbox:

So I'm new here, I've been sitting back reading posts here for a few weeks now. I have got to chime in on this stuff. As a survivor of one of the roughest programs out there I have a few things that just need to be said. First of all, there are definitely lies and fabrications by some people about the level of abuse and exactly what happened during their incarcerations. I have seen some posts on another topic that I witnessed personally, and the story was complete B.S. I 100% agree that the people out there lying about incidences of abuse need to reign it in and be honest. That being said, without any fabrication these programs are abusive and wrong. At least the one I was in. Judging from the fact that the people who ran my program (Brightway and Paradise Cove) are basically the same people running most of these programs (WWASPS), I don't discount the fact that abuse occurs, rampantly. Here's my issue. If you are a parent out there and you think that an out of control teen, and there are many variations as to what constitutes "out of control", answer me this. What do you think would happen if you hogtied your teen and locked him in a closet for a week, fed him one cup of rice and a cup of water a day, and if he "refused" to cooperate (CAT 4!!!) so you physically assaulted (I mean "restrained") him or her to the point of causing injury, that means even bruising, what do you think would happen to you?

Well, I'll tell you. You would go to Jail! You would not pass go, you would not get a chance to explain to CPS that this is for their own good, your ass would get locked up. So tell me why are these programs allowed to therapeutically abuse? Plain and simple, follow the money trail. If you were a billion dollar parent, you could afford to lobby some legislation to allow you to beat the hell out of your kid whenever you want.

What I'm saying is, at the least these programs are child abusers. My experience, beyond abuse. Fabrications are completely unnecessary, so the survivors out there please be straight shooters, the lies are only going to help the real criminals get away with their crimes.

Res ipsa loquitur

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