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Messages - jbadams669

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / rma 90-93
« on: May 29, 2006, 09:40:00 PM »
Well, I appreciate your response, and I can see how some people may feel that way.  However, POINT-BY-POINT:

1.  I developed extremely strong friendships while I was at RMA that were completely void of any judgements or "terms".  That is in stark contrast to the friendships I had before where my "friends" were the cause of more problems than they helped me with.  I couldn't EVER share actual feelings with someone in high school (I'm sure that would quickly get you labeled "fag" or something along those lines).  Furthermore, while I can't speak for anyone other than myself, I NEVER verbally abuses, bullied, humiliated, or spied on my friends.  I have no doubt that there were those who did those kinds of things, but I can honestly say I wasn't one of them--which is probably why I can also say that my friendships were as strong as they were.  

2.  As to your third sentence of this paragraph, a word of advice:  stick to what you know from your own experiences rather than basing your beliefs on what someone else is telling you.  But to answer your points, I can agree with some and disagree with others.  There were definitely some staff who were way more fucked up than any of the students and probably shouldn't have been let within a mile of any school, let alone act as counselors.  On the other hand (and I hope you can at least admit this), there were some other staff that honestly and truly cared very deeply about the students, and it was from them that I took what I could.  The others I pretty much ignored as much as possible.  I never had a staff regale me with stories of fucking animals or raping girls or rubbing shit all over themselves, so I can't really respond to that one.  I can tell you that I have a degree in psychology, and I know plenty about "basic tenets of therapy".  

I agree that many students probably felt that they needed to make up or exaggerate their past.  I don't agree that they all did that for the same reasons.  Some did it to "fit it".  Some for acceptance, as weird as that sounds.  Others to get the staff off their backs.  And some people really DID have that much fucked up shit in their past that you can't help but think, "this guy's GOTTA be making this up".  That doesn't mean it wasn't true.  For my part, I had issues that I had no idea how they had impacted me until I took an honest look at them MYSELF, not because I was trying to look good for the staff.  And when I did, I realized how those things had affected me for years without knowing it.  This wasn't the staff telling me this, this is what I found out for myself.  

As for those who are still living with some label years later, I truly feel sorry for them.  Whether that's the program's fault or their own for holding onto it, I can't say.  And I really don't think you can, either.

3.  See point #1 above:  I really don't feel that I ever participated in putting people down, badgering, swearing at, haranguing, and humiliating others.  I'm certainly not going to try to tell you that it didn't happen--but then again, that goes on at every single school across the country every day, doesn't it?  You ever see high school (or even worse, middle school) kids today???  You think the treament at CEDU is bad?  Are you serious?  

But to answer your point, yes, I did learn to communicate better.  

4.  I felt no shame, so I don't really have much to say about this one.

Now, I want to make one thing abundantly clear:  I'm not on here to defend CEDU or the staff or any of the things that went on at the schools.  As I said in my last post, I think it seems obvious that the place started to get pretty fucked up.  What I am saying is that it's a pretty poor argument to cover ALL of the staff, ALL of the students, and ALL of the schools with blanket statements.  It's clear to me that some people did not benefit from their experiences there (but again, I wonder how much better they'd fare at some of the public schools I've seen).  But I think it's very closed-minded to not be able to accept that there were many others who were able to get something positive.  Again, I'm not "Mr. CEDU" here.  I had lots of disagreements with the way some things were handled and some of the ridiculous rules, and numerous other things that I could talk about.  However, I choose to not dwell on that shit.  Why would I want to go through my life thinking about negative crap that really isn't important anymore?  As with anything in life, take what from it what you can and what can make you a stronger, better person, and forget about the rest.  It really is that simple.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / rma 90-93
« on: May 29, 2006, 08:08:00 PM »
I'll try to answer that...

First of all, I understand that some people had much worse experiences than others at the CEDU schools.  However, there were many changes over the years, and it seems to me that things became progressively worse over time--from what I've read and heard.  I would also guess that people's experiences are going to be different depending on which school they went to, which staff ran their lives, etc.  

I think that many people on this site make the assumption that just because they hated the place, or they had some bad shit happen, or whatever the case may be, that there were absolutely no redeeming qualities about any of the schools at any time for anybody who ever attended.  Quite frankly that's bullshit.  I've seen threads on here where someone will say that they felt that CEDU "saved their life" and people jump all over them for it.  Hey, if it helped some people, let them feel that way and mind your own business.

I would also say that a lot of the threads I've read have been--to say the least--whiney as hell.  I do believe that some people might have had some poor and totally unprofessional treatment occur, but for the most part I see a lot of bitching about how you got put on bans, or couldn't talk about music, or had to do work details, or whatever.  Hey--GET OVER IT!!  The place is closed, you're not there anymore, and unless you were really, honestly abused in a way that a court of law would recognize as abuse, shut the fuck up already!

On top of that, why can't you recognize that maybe some people are better off for having gone there??  For myself, I can't say that I loved the place, and I had more than my share of problems after I left RMA, but I can say without a doubt several things:

1.  I learned what true friendship meant.  Prior to RMA my friendships were completely full of shit and nobody had loyalty to anyone.  I tend to think that it was because I had no idea how to be a real friend or how to expect a "friend" to act.  That's something that has had a tremendous impact on my life.

2.  I learned how to recognize my problems and deal with them.  As I said, that doesn't mean I don't have them anymore, but I did learn how to take care of the shit that I need to without having to hit bottom before I got motivated to do something.

3.  I learned how to communicate more effectively with others.  Prior to RMA I would argue about whether or not the sky was blue.  Now I pick my battles, and I say what I need to say to the people in my life when it needs to be said.  I know for a fact that my marriage would not be nearly as strong as it is today because of what I learned at RMA.

4.  Finally, I gained TRUE self esteem--not to be confused with the cockiness that so many people seem to think is self esteem.  I see people every day that act as if their shit smells like roses and their the coolest fucker on the planet, but I can also see past that and I know that in reality they haven't got a clue.  

So, all that being said, I did gain a lot from RMA.  I hated being there, and I couldn't wait to get the hell out, but I can't deny that I'm a better person for it.  Sure, the rules sucked, Idaho sucked, and it didn't work for everyone.  And I believe that there are some people who have pretty legitimate gripes against some of the staff (Caroline Wolf comes to mind).  But again, YOU'RE NOT THERE ANYMORE!  Move on with your life already!  And if you can figure out the good things that you got from your experience (even if it's just a few) than remember those rather than being a bitter, pissed-off victim.

Off my soap box I get....

Aspen Education Group / Mount Bachelor Academy
« on: May 26, 2006, 06:24:00 PM »
I worked for about 6 months at MBA around 1999.  I am very curious to find out from people what's happened over the last several years there.  I do remember seeing an article about a student who hung himself in the woods--unfortunately it was a student that I knew fairly well, and it bummed me out to hear that it happened.  Any info about students, staff, happenings, whatever are appreciated--particularly from around that time period if anyone was there at that time.  Thanks!

(I'll share my personal thoughts on the place later...)

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / rma 90-93
« on: May 26, 2006, 06:13:00 PM »
Hey to both of you!  Elanah,I think our mom's have talked a couple of times over the years.  Glad to hear you're doing well also.  And Mark, of course I remember you.  I saw a few other posts you wrote, and was interested to hear that you became a psychotherapist.  I received my Bachelor's in pyschology and had a few different jobs in the field, the last of which was a counselor at Mt. Bachelor Acedemy in Oregon.  That pretty much did me in on the whole psychology thing, and I went into business after that and got my MBA.  

Anyway, I recently found this site and I don't know how to send individual emails to people--if you know how, go ahead and shoot me an email & we can exchange contact info.  I'd love to hear how you're doing, Elanah.  Hope to hear from you both!


Hey RMA, I also remember Craig.  I have only recently started checking out this and other sites looking to see how people are doing, and I have been surprised to see how many people have passed away.  As for Craig, I didn't know him all that well but never had any problems with him either.  I'm sorry to hear about his death, and wish you and his family the best.  

By the way, I don't know who you are, but feel free to contact me if you want.  I was in PG 39 with Judy, Rick, Sarah, Josh, etc.  Anyway, take care.

Oh, and you other fucks have some serious issues.  Get a life.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / rma 90-93
« on: May 21, 2006, 07:56:00 PM »
What's up with everybody being so secretive with who they are??  lol

This is Justin Adams, I was in PG 39 from 90-92.  I would LOVE to hear how some of you people are doing these days.  I live in Florida now with my wife of 2 years and things are going well (except that I got a DUI recently, stupid but I'm doing what I need to do to get through it now).  

I saw Amber Hawkins this weekend, she lives near me in Sarasota, so that's why I started thinking about all of the old RMA days and found this site.  I don't have any real negative feelings about the place, although from what I've heard things went really downhill in the last 10 years (actually, I think it started while i was there).  Of course, I had plenty of my own problems after i got out of there, but I do think that i learned how to deal with things better from RMA.  

Anyway, that's enough for now.  Again, I am really interested in finding out how everyone's doing.  I checked out Classmates, but that site sucks.  Maybe better luck here?  If anyone wants to email me I am at [email protected].  

Oh yeah, and I've been going by my middle name (Brent) for about 12 years now.  Hope to hear from y'all!

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