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Messages - LauraLee

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The Troubled Teen Industry / New Forum for Wilderness Therapy?
« on: January 22, 2007, 12:21:43 PM »
I don't know how others feel about this, but I think that Wilderness Therapy should have it's own forum here at Fornits.

But that's just me.

Thoughts, etc?

The Troubled Teen Industry / USA Guides, Inc. Escort Video
« on: September 26, 2006, 12:19:12 PM »
Quote from: ""Bob""
MS Lee, Why are you not in class? YOU are exhibiting the same kind of behavior that forces parents to enroll kids in progams. You said you did not like the program at all. You are acting like you need another placement.

Haha yup. Ship me off to Tranquility Bay. Since I'm on the computer... at school.

I'm such a hopeless case. I mean, using the computers at lunch? Totally grounds for a RTC.

The Troubled Teen Industry / USA Guides, Inc. Escort Video
« on: September 25, 2006, 12:30:50 PM »
Moving on.

Quote from: ""Bob""
MS.Lee, I do not quite understand your attitude. You worked your program and graduated. I commend you on that.Many kids waitmuch longer to graduate, if they graduate at all even. What I do not udnerstand is your attitude towards the people who helped get your life on the right track. You malign those who helped you so much. You would be dead or in jail if not for those same people.And as far as me getting my GED, that is not all.I plan on getting a degree in Child Psychology. I plan on havng a more direct effect on troubled youth.

My attitude? Yes, I graduated my program. Yes, I went home. However, I was still the same old kid when I came home. Running around, angry outbursts, manipulating... same old LauraLee BEFORE I went to WT.

However, one thing that was different was my psychiatrist. This one was actually competent, and he diagnosed me correctly with Bipolar. And I was put on the right meds. And pretty soon I was myself. I was pretty happy. I was productive. I'm still the same way.

Does this have to do with the escorts that took me to Oregon? No. Does this have to do with backpacking 8+ miles a day? No. Does this have to do with two episodes of severe dehydration to the point where I couldn't hold down water and I lost conciousness... and the proper hospital treatment I DIDN'T get?

Not at all.

I was closer to dying in WT than I ever was at home.

So thanks for the bad dreams I get every week. Thanks for the panic I feel when someone shakes me awake. Thanks for the sick feeling I get when someone yanks my arm or holds my hands behind my back.

Thank you SO much.

The Troubled Teen Industry / USA Guides, Inc. Escort Video
« on: September 25, 2006, 12:23:58 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'm not sure you really understand the meaning of the word "troll." I'd go into it more, but I'm feeling kinda lazy now.

Yeah, I know he's a troll, too. However, I'm venting my frustrations at him because, well, I have no one else to vent to. I've tried to talk to my parents about it, but it really upsets them when I tell them what REALLY happened. So I use "Bob" here to let my feelings out. I guess it's a general rant at the escorts... even though I know Bob isn't really an escort.

The troll is my scapegoat. It's a good scapegoat to have =) At least in my case.

The Troubled Teen Industry / USA Guides, Inc. Escort Video
« on: September 22, 2006, 11:31:01 PM »
Quote from: ""Bob""
Mind you MS. Lee, I am currently studying to take the GED Test in November. BTW,Going to Jamaica this Tuesday.Have to transport a very disturbed 14 year old male to Tranquility Bay. He has been skipping school, doing drugs, stealing, etc. Looking forward to getting this disturbed young man some professional help.

-this is just too much fun... gotta feed this sucker-

Haha good luck with the trip to Tranquility Bay. Bring back some scabies and foot fungus for me, okay?

Oh, and my last name certainly is not Lee. But keep doing that, because you're not worthy of calling me by my proper name.

Have fun with your GED. That's great you're getting your degree a whole YEAR before a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD JUNIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL.

Thats SUCH an accomplishment. How much money will that add to your fat, unsatisfying and empty paycheck? One thousand dollars? Five thousand dollars?

Because eventually it will all add up. And eventually someone will bring your sorry ass to court. And you'll have to pay it ALL back to the kids you kidnapped, emotionally traumatized, and sent off to prisons.

Oh wait, programs aren't even prisons. They're not on that high of a level.

You're all sick. Do you know that? Sick.


That rant is directed not only at "Bob", but to all you sick bastards that drag kids around the world just to shut them in living hell for months. I hope you get what's coming to you.

It's all for a buck.

I hope some of you read this, and I hope that at least one of you realize how meaningless and damaging your job is. There's always somewhere else where you can work. Make something out of your life. Please. Just one of you.

The Troubled Teen Industry / USA Guides, Inc. Escort Video
« on: September 22, 2006, 05:03:00 PM »
HAHA. I beg to differ.

I personally experienced being "escorted" by two very large people, very recently (June '05).

And I have to say... I was, essentially, kidnapped.

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law
Main Entry: kid·nap·ping
Function: noun
: an act or instance or the crime of seizing, confining, inveigling, abducting, or carrying away a person by force or fraud often with a demand for ransom or in furtherance of another crime

Not necessarily the "crime" of kidnapping. But it most certainly was an act of "seizing, confining, inveigling, abducting, or carrying away a person by force".

It also was abducting a person by fraud. Fraud being, of course, the ridiculous industry you and all the other escorts work for.

"...often with a demand for ransom..."

Ransom being the two thousand dollars my parents paid you sick "humans" to kidnap me.

Quit your job. Start a new life.

I'm sure you could get a job at McDonalds... they take people without a high school diploma.

The Troubled Teen Industry / USA Guides, Inc. Escort Video
« on: September 22, 2006, 04:43:09 PM »
I know... and I love how they conveniently left out the violent shaking in the middle of the night and the sobbing, traumatized kid.

The Troubled Teen Industry / USA Guides, Inc. Escort Video
« on: September 22, 2006, 04:15:31 PM »

Midge Lipkin, Ph.D.

She referred me to Catherine Freer... but she also said Hyde School wasn't a very credible school.

So I guess 50/50 on her.

The Troubled Teen Industry / List of Known Abusive Programs
« on: August 20, 2006, 04:12:41 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""

Catherine Freer Wilderness (2 Deaths)

Red Rock Ranch (Academy) (1 death)

Catherine Freer Wilderness has had three deaths.

On 2006-07-01 20:21:00, Curious & Willing to Listen wrote:

"Milk....  I had no help in writing my post, my own words from me, totally me, (I never lie)and if I had the money, but I don't, I would bet you a thousand dollars that my son will graduate from college.  "

How did you get him to go to the school willingly? Escort? Tricking him into thinking you were going on vacation? Not telling him all the details? Because for some reason I cannot comprehend someone going to one of those, ahem, schools when they know the whole truth.

Not telling the whole truth is the same as telling no truth at all.

And that, my friend, is lying.[ This Message was edited by: LauraLee on 2006-07-03 20:27 ]

On 2006-07-01 21:35:00, Anonymous wrote:

The mother called it "odd" that the school shut down.  




HAH. I just laughed out loud... I kinda startled myself.

I hear Hyde is pretty cult-like.

I almost got sent there... *phew*

Well, so far all is well. My friend is not acting out (well, whatever that means.) and her mother is re-thinking her WT decision. Hopefully that will stay that way.

This is a really short update, but that's about all the information I have. I called her mother and explained my stance, and I think she listened. Well, even if she didn't listen, at least she realized she knows nothing about the industry.

Thank you all for your help!

Okay, this was originally posted in the Troubled Teen Industry forum, but because of excessive flaming/name-calling/other synonyms for immaturity, I've decided to repost here. (from a good suggestion from TSW, thank you!)

Original post:

"Okay, so my friend's mother is possibly sending her to wilderness therapy over the summer. She brought it up with me today at school, and I was a little shocked. I want to try to convince her mother NOT to send her (in the most rational and intelligent way possible) without sounding preachy or just trying to keep her daughter at home for the sake of our friendship. That's not the case at all, I'm just disgusted that wilderness therapy would even be considered, knowing my experience and of course, the experiences of others. I'm going to write her mother a letter, but how do you think I should do this?

I would love suggestions/topics to be covered in the letter. "

Thank you!

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