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Messages - MightyAardvark

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Be strong
« on: February 12, 2007, 03:06:04 AM »
I'm sorry I don't think this is about the middleground.
In fact I don't think there is a middleground to be occupied.

Some people look at this business as a sort of sliding scale. Hardcore in your face bootcamp style large group awareness therapy etc at the one end and softly softly "power of nature" sobfests at the other, and somewhere in the the middle is the ground for compromise.
That ain't so.
There are three assumptions that underpin the ethical framework of the teenhelp industry
1) children are not entitled to due process before incarceration
2) it is okay to recondition a child that does not want to be reconditioned
3) A window of loss is acceptable.

There is no middle ground, there is only evil and not evil.

I'm sorry in order to buy into these programs you have to accept the above and if you do then point blank you are my enemy. I will have no compromise with you. I will fight you until all of your works and all of your evil is dust.

The Troubled Teen Industry / WTF are you doing to KICK some Programmie ASS?
« on: February 11, 2007, 10:34:57 AM »
Nothing that worked.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« on: February 09, 2007, 09:53:20 AM »
Not only is perpetually flaming CCM girl meanspirited and cruel, it's not even a good idea.
I think more or less everyone dislikes her decisions but the only this we are doing here is giving the struggingteens crowd a stick to beat us with.
Remember this isn't a program. She can make her own decisions. Let's try to keep it constructive if we disagree.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Safety in Private sector versus Public
« on: February 07, 2007, 11:34:59 AM »
Quote from: ""Deborah""

Higher risk of what, though? Program claim not to take seriously distressed, violent, or criminal kids; yet we all know they do. They may have been 'at risk' of getting caught with pot or flunking school, etc, but this population shouldn't be 'at risk' for death- homicide or suicide. The later, if policy is followed, wouldn't be an issue because the program would deny admittance of anyone with serious distress.

Let's compare death rates amongst program kids to death rates amongst juvenile offenders. While we are at it why don't we compare recidivism rates and the rates of drug related hospital admission.
submissions anyone?

This whole exercise is really moot. We can't compare anything until the industry is forced to report not just deaths, but all injuries, accidents, physical/sexual attacks, recidivism rates, etc.

The one that gets me- post-program suicides written off. I could see that if the kid went to a 30 day outpatient program, then went home and suicided; but 2 years of intense 'treatment' for $100,000, and they still suicide? What's wrong with that picture? How could anyone conlude that this is effective?

Sorry Debs you are misunderstanding my post. I'm not saying that this is definitely so, merely that for the sake of argument  me can make that assumption for the time being in order to facilitate further examples of how the troubled teen industry doesn't actually work.
The thing is that they lie out of both sides of their faces. I think it's illustrative to let them present the argument in their own terms and then hammer the shit out of them anyway.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Safety in Private sector versus Public
« on: February 07, 2007, 08:05:32 AM »
okay so let's work on the assuption that kids in programs represent an inherently higher risk population than the general public due to the fact that at least some of them are going to have some problems, they're not being set away for being too nice afterall.
Let's compare death rates amongst program kids to death rates amongst juvenile offenders.
While we are at it why don't we compare recidivism rates and the rates of drug related hospital admission.

submissions anyone?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Safety in Private sector versus Public
« on: February 05, 2007, 04:48:32 PM »
So a child enrolled at a therapeutic behavioural modification facility is three thousand six hundred and forty times more likely to be killed in any given year than a child enrolled in the public education system.
This data included inner city Los Angeles, yes?

The Troubled Teen Industry / ST Copyright Advice
« on: February 05, 2007, 06:55:15 AM »
reposting what someone said to another forum in order to facilitate discussion is de facto covered under the fair use clause.

The Woodbury reports terms of service are unenforceable.


The reason you are getting such a harsh reception here, besides the proclivities of the anonymous army is that you appear to have totally disregarded the massive body of information on these very forums that says in short TBS/BMS/Boot camps/LGAT's are a really really bad idea. The state of the science is such that the very best experts in the fields of psychology, education, justice and criminology and sociology have all rolled up and said "This is a really really bad idea"

What's more even if it was a good idea, even if it worked (which is categorically doesnt) this kind of incarceration without due process, the process of thought reform and the very moral fabric of the profession is totally contrary to the tradition of individualism and liberty that America exists to protect and foster. Are you saying that only adults deserve these things because I'll tell you the Supreme court of the united States disagrees with you and I quote..

"constitutional rights do not mature and come into being magically only when one attains the state-defined age of majority" SCOTUS in Missouri Vs Danforth 1976

This is grotesque.
CCm Girl you're quoting from the straight playbook. I mean some of the stuff you've said is absolutely verbatim. You've also totally failed to present any sort of counter argument to Anne Bonney who has done a pretty superb job of ripping up the teen torture industry.
As for most of the rest of you, including the regulars from the anon army you've contributed what equates to a great big internet dumo in the middle of an important debate and give CCM girl a smokescreen to hide behind. You give her something to respond to and pretend she is actually participating in the debate.

Besides which the pointless attacks and ad hominem jibes just cheapen the whole thing. No one who reads this is gonna change their minds about the teen torture trade. We failed. Miserably

The Troubled Teen Industry / March Punk of the Month Nominees
« on: February 01, 2007, 12:19:22 PM »
If you are going to start out on a compilation of filth and sleaze in the child abuse business you've gotta start big and no one comes bigger than the one and only Robert "Bob" Browning Lichfield, founder, former president and now "consultant" to the only business on the block to combine mass markets, in your face child abuse and the full range of services from teen kidnappings to forcible re-programming as practiced by the IRA and North Koreans.

Put your hands together for the Taifa or Teenhelp!

ROBERT BROWNING LICHFIELD!!!!1111!!1!!!oneoneone!!!11!

(the crowd goes wild)

Facility Question and Answers / Feb. Punk of the Month
« on: February 01, 2007, 08:58:43 AM »
This month's punk of the month (Hereafter referred to as POTM) fought off fierce competition from Ken Kay and Narvin Lichfield to win this coveted trophy, sadly the judges plumped for Santa as he has the creepiest smile.
Better luck next time gentlemen.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Zero tolerance gone nuts.......again.
« on: January 31, 2007, 12:12:55 PM »
but always with proper protection.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Zero tolerance gone nuts.......again.
« on: January 31, 2007, 08:57:30 AM »
This is utterly
totally nuts.

What makes these neofascists think they have the right to tell us we can't allow our children a glass of wine with dinner?

you can be such an utter twat TSW, seriously man get some boundaries ya know!

The Troubled Teen Industry / 17 yr old Killed When Restrained By Staff
« on: January 29, 2007, 07:11:07 PM »
One hundred and twenty two...

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