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Messages - ccgar61

Pages: [1]
The Seed Discussion Forum / Vodka thoughts
« on: November 16, 2004, 03:26:00 PM »
Do me a favor Anon I resent very deeply what you posted. I had a very bad Coke problem about $ 200.00 a day in which I would bring myself down with a daily consumption of several Quaaludes or valium depending what I could get my hands on.
I make it a point to speak only for myself when I post allowing others with respect to post their opinions and ideas while never attacking or belittling anyone even if we have an opposing point of view.
You will never get an argument from me that the Seed had some negative aspects but at the same time I attribute the Seed with much of my successes. I was a member of the Seed for about 6 years, these years are filled with good memories and of course some regrets.
I guess according to you I was one of the four people the Seed actually helped.

?If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;?

Rudyard Kipling

The Seed Discussion Forum / Art Barker & the Beginning of the SEED
« on: October 15, 2004, 01:27:00 PM »
Hey Trucker,

If you would like to send Art a message let me know and i will get it to him.

I?m writing this as a person who once openly rebelled against the Seed and had to come to terms with my decisions and after much thought I have decided to tip my hat to Art and the Seed and I am forever grateful for that time in my life that changed me so profoundly.

[ This Message was edited by: ccgar61 on 2004-10-12 10:58 ]

I went into the Seed in 1983 after being court order into a inhouse rehabilation program after a few felony arrests for narcotics and weapons vilolations.I was 22 years old at the time. I walked in scared thinking that all I had to do was keep to myself (work out alot, don't mess with anyone and no one will mess with you). I also thought that at least I did not have to wait for trail in the stockade which was a real human cess pool. I did not like my life or myself very much and in order to survive I had to numb myself from my overwhelming feelings with Coke Qualudes my drug of choice. It feels like this was another world and other life ago. The Seed gave me a chance to be reborn. Without getting into alot of talk. The Seed taught me how to think and live and be happy. I am glad I had that time in my life at the Seed and the good friends that I met.Some I still keep in contact with some. Was the Seed perfect? No it was not. Mistakes were made we were all too human.But overall the Seed game me the foundation in which I base my life on to this very day. I do not mind peoples opossing views as a matter a fact I welcome them they open my eyes to other peoples struggles and internal battles. After I left the Seed I went through good times bad times but all in all I moved forward adjusted and most importantly learned. I will never blame the Seed for my personal short comings or battles that I had to fight inside of myself these battles are mine and only mine. After finding this site and reading the posts I thought why even bother to post anything I know where I stand on this issue and I don't need to prove myself to anyone but myself but, after much thought I decided to let my voice be heard. To all those here I wish you the very best .

I believe this forum is very good. It allows us who went through this exprience to air our thoughts and impressions of the time we spent at the Seed be it for good or for bad. I believe my exprience was for the better and I hold very fond memories especially of the people I met while I was there. The Seed was not perfect and maybe part of the problem was I expected perfection.After being in the world for so long I have come to the conclusion that nothing that involves people will ever be perfect.
 I can go and on on about somethings that I did not agree with and mistakes that were made, but I choose not to. In the end I feel my true growth happened once I left the Seed (Smartest thing I ever did) but only after I learned the things I needed to learn. If this was a brainwash then for me brainwashing was a good thing. To be able to funtion in the world and to be happy was the whole point of the thing something that some staff and many long timers failed to understand.
 I can understand people who were left bitter and resentfull and even respect thier views I can honestly say it helps me to put my thoughts together about that time in my life which I constantly think about. ( I never get tired of reading these posts) To all of us that went through this exprience I wish you all the best for all of you hold a special place in my heart even if I don't always agree with your views. After much thought I can say that Seed is what gave me the foundation on which I base my life on today. Life is too short to live in resentment or bitterness or wallow in what could have been. You can accuse me of being too much of an idealist but I took what I was taught at the seed as the literal truth. I'm not perfect and I have my faults and God knows how many stupid mistakes I have made. For all of us who went through this exprience (In the famous  of Charles Dickens) " May God Bless us, everyone".

I was at the Seed from 1983 thru 1989 If you would like to get in Contact you can E-mail me at


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