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Topics - Kathy

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / First VA Family in St. Pete Straight
« on: November 28, 2010, 04:05:01 AM »
Does anyone happen to know who the very first family was from from Virginia -> to enter the St. Pete program?  I can guess, but I would like to know the facts. Thanks. Kathy

The Troubled Teen Industry / Question about an old news article.
« on: September 28, 2009, 07:56:25 AM »
Does anyone remember an older news article about a boy who was put in a program by his parents and when he escaped, his neighbor took him in and became his legal guardian? I know there is a news article, but I can't remember the name of the program or the people involved. I can't find it anywhere... I was wondering if some of you diligent researchers know what I'm talking about and if so do you have an electronic copy handy that you might be able to email me or post here?  Thanks in advanced- Kathy

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / LIFE, INC
« on: August 25, 2009, 12:00:45 AM »
Does any have a copy of the LIFE, INC. logo?  Thanks, Kathy

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / MEL WASSERMAN
« on: August 24, 2009, 11:57:39 AM »

Can anyone who has seen Mel Wasserman in person verify that this is that same Mel Wasserman?  (Thanks in advanced)

Web forum hosting / I need help with editing my own post please
« on: August 23, 2009, 10:21:24 AM »
Help!  We used to be able to edit our posts, I don't see that option anymore. I need help with editing my own post please.

News Items / Miller, McCarthy Reintroduce Legislation to Stop Child Abuse
« on: February 10, 2009, 09:05:38 AM »

See viewtopic.php?f=9&t=26952&start=0 for more info.  :nods:

7 ... e-le.shtml

House Education and Labor Committee will consider legislation on Wednesday

February 9, 2009 2:58 PM

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Reps. George Miller (D-CA) and Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) today reintroduced legislation to protect teenagers attending residential treatment programs from physical, mental and sexual abuse and to prevent deceptive marketing practices by operators of private residential programs for teens. The lawmakers also announced that the House Education and Labor Committee will mark up the legislation on Wednesday.

Investigations conducted by the Government Accountability Office during the 110th Congress at the lawmakers’ request have uncovered thousands of cases and allegations of child abuse and neglect since the early 1990’s at teen residential programs, including therapeutic boarding schools, boot camps, wilderness programs and behavior modification facilities. Currently, these programs are governed only by a weak patchwork of state and federal standards. A separate GAO report, also conducted last year at the committee’s request, found major gaps in the licensing and oversight of residential programs – some of which are not covered by any state licensing standards at all.

In addition, the GAO’s investigation revealed that many teen residential treatment programs have been using deceptive marketing practices and questionable tactics to lure vulnerable parents desperate to find help for their children.

“For far too long, these abuses, neglect and mistreatment of children – some of the most horrific violations of trust imaginable – have been allowed to go on completely unchecked,” said Miller, the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee. “Parents deserve every assurance that their children will be safe and protected when attending a program intended to help improve their lives.”

"It is no doubt a painful and difficult decision for parents to send their children to residential treatment facilities and the last thing they should have to worry about is the possibility of unknowingly putting their kids in harms way,” said McCarthy, chairwoman of the Healthy Families and Communities subcommittee. “It is crucial that federal standards are set in place to prevent the abuse, neglect and deceptive marking practices that have devastated so many children and families.”

To address these problems, the Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2009, would:

    * Establish, for the first time, minimum federal standards for preventing child abuse and neglect at teen residential programs. The bill would require the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to inspect all programs around the country every two years and to issue civil penalties against programs that violate the new standards. The bill also calls for states, within three years, to take on the role of setting and enforcing standards for both private and public youth residential programs.
    * Strengthen protections for children attending these programs. The bill would require programs to provide children with adequate food, water, medical care and rest.
    * Ensure that programs are transparent and provide parents with information about teen residential programs that enable them to make safe choices for their teenagers. The legislation would create a toll-free national hotline for individuals to report cases of abuse and a website with information about substantiated cases of abuse at residential programs, including programs locations, owners, and history of violations and child fatalities. Programs would also be required to inform parents of their staff members’ qualifications, roles and responsibilities.

The House passed similar legislation last June by a bipartisan vote of 318 to 103, with the support of the American Association of Children’s Residential Centers, American Bar Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychological Association, the Child Welfare League of America, Children’s Defense Fund, Easter Seals, Mental Health America, the National Child Abuse Coalition and many other organizations.

For more information on this legislation, click here.

For more information on the committee’s past hearings on these abuses, at which GAO released its reports, click here.

# # #

For Press Inquiries
Contact: Aaron Albright / Melissa Salmanowitz
2181 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

More exposure!  Woo hoo!

:guesswho: In case anyone feels the need to weigh in on this article.... ... 09862.html

12/14/08 -  PARENTING
Weston mother helps other parents
Local writer Sue Scheff has rapidly gained fame as an expert on dealing with troubled teens.

Special to The Miami Herald

When Sue Scheff was at the end of her rope trying to deal with her own out-of-control teenager, she admits she never could have imagined a time when she would become a leading voice in the field of parent advocacy.

Yet the Weston author is rapidly becoming a familiar face in the national spotlight speaking about just that.

''I never went into this to become a national voice or figure, but that is what I have become,'' said Scheff, author of Wit's End: Advice and Resources for Saving Your Out of Control Teen.

Scheff appeared last month on the Lifetime Network's daily television series The Balancing Act during an episode entitled ``Plain Talk and Straight Answers for Parents with Troubled Teens.''

A taping with the Oprah Winfrey show also is planned.

Wit's End, a 168-page book released earlier this year, is a tool for parents navigating the choices and methods available to help struggling teens.

Scheff, now a full-time parent advocate, said she wrote the book not as an expert or therapist but as a parent who endured a long and painful experience trying to help her daughter, Ashlyn.

Almost a decade ago, she watched her child go from promising athlete to troubled teen, repeatedly running away, being verbally abusive and having serious problems at home and school.

With no experience or help to fall back on, she enrolled Ashlyn in a residential treatment facility that wouldn't allow her contact with her daughter for six months.

She would later learn her daughter endured months of beatings, sexual abuse, starvation and neglect.

''It nearly destroyed her,'' Scheff said. ``It took us two years to deprogram her after what they had done.''

The experience led Scheff to her new purpose. She founded a group called PURE, or Parents Universal Resource Experts, which she said has served thousands as a parent advocacy group.

Through Wit's End, she provides parents with resources to help them sort out and evaluate treatment options, including therapeutic boarding schools and treatment centers.

''You step into an arena of teen help and you are bombarded with a barrage of information,'' she said. ``This is one way to help sort it out.''

In her newfound role as advocate, Scheff also has appeared nationally on the ABC news magazine program 20/20, The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet and Rachael Ray, among others.

Ashlyn, now 23, has seemingly rebounded and gone on to coaching gymnastics and becoming a mother herself.

Scheff said she would like their story to provide a light for other families.

''I think any parent out there struggling with a teen right now, you don't see the hope and you don't think you will ever come out of it. I didn't think I would,'' she said. ```But now I look back and see all those dark times have actually helped others.''

For information, visit

The only comment there right now is:  Comment:  1      Showing:

    * [@Nyx.AdditionalAuthorInfo@]
      debdavie wrote on 12/14/2008 09:28:50 PM:

      wow! finally some good info! thanks!. i have read this book and love it. i would love to meet this woman. we need more people like her. she has provided that light for not only me but the friends i have who are dealing with alot of the same stuff. I hope to see more articles on these issues and these kind of people who are doing something.. for sure the corruption of this country will be when good people do nothing. thanks so much Deb

Open Free for All / 'Santa Bob' admits he grew wacky weed and 'shrooms
« on: December 11, 2008, 12:56:20 PM »  I just had to post this.... There's got to be some good jokes dormant in this headline.... ;)

Yup, he's still at it... If you knew Mel, you might get a kick out of the latest article in which he plays "expert-educator."
The name of the article, "Students Lie, Cheat, Steal, but say they're good" -- you can find it here --

The Troubled Teen Industry / Just in case you are interested...
« on: December 06, 2008, 11:18:23 AM » FICANetwork has moved servers.  The new web site is still at the old location. It's just been revamped.  It has a forum, if you join you can contribute information to the site or just keep your own blog about the the Issues.... just thought I'd drop you all a note, in case you felt like checking it out.  If you have any problems, let me know, or if you have any other comments, just send them my way.  Thanks, kathy

12 - oh and she mentions another one of her sites  Help your teens .com -- Is it possible she is worse than the programs themselves??? holy crap!!!!

Listen to the video all the way to the end... the hosts make a joke at the end, notice her "sales-like" response... unbelievable

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Just one more reason why teen residential programs are dangerous!

I came across this journal entry from a very young girl who had been in the Wilderness Quest program. She is an example of the types of people who are employed by these programs to be what they called field staff. They are generally very young and generally newly out of the program themselves. As you can see in this journal entry, this girl barely has herself under control when she becomes staff and one of the "students triggered her insanely."

Also she writes about wanting to talk about her excitement for going back to the program as a staff member but "no one would get it." This is troubling yet typical. No one 'gets it' because it is not a normal thing. When this troubled kids get involved in one of the programs it's like getting involved in a cult. This journal entry brings to light the troubles many young people have when they are trying to readjust to the outside world (after being cut off from it for so long). Rather than try to really adjust to the outside world, they often decide it would be easier to just go back into the program in one capacity or another. This is not healthy, but it does explain how some people become "true believers" or followers of the program. It much like the Scientologists are true believers in their "religion." However, just because there are some devout followers does not mean it is a healthy way of living.

I hope this child can one day find her own way in the real world.
Here is another link to her entire journal.    :(

The Seed Discussion Forum / The SEED and Art Barker on FICA
« on: December 17, 2007, 07:11:58 PM »
FICA = Fight Institutional Child Abuse.  The FICA site has been revived in a more cost effective manner.  Most of my research is found on the fica wiki at I'm currently working on posting articles that I have found that include ART BARKER and/or THE SEED.  
It is quite time consuming and will take a while, but for now there are about 5 articles.  I've started with ads for Art Barker the comdian, and went on to Art Barker the SEED founder.  Since this is a wiki, if you have anything you want to add, feel free.  Enjoy!
The specific page for the Art Barker info is Enjoy!

With the new generation of "Social Networking" I have come up with a more affordable way to keep FICA in the loop, while creating a place for each individual member to create a space of their own. Post their own pictures, videos, documents, start forums or groups; Maybe even create a memorial page for a loved one who lost their life in or due to a program.

I still have to work out some of the bugs, however this will be a network that belongs to all of us, so feel free to help out as you wish.

I hope you find this network useful.   It is found at

Any and all feedback is welcome.

Kathy Moya (FICA)

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