« on: August 28, 2003, 11:26:00 PM »
Early this year I sat down with Dr. Riddile at a Chili's Restaraunt in Fairfax to discuss his involvement in the program. A couple minutes later, K. B, another survivor came in and sat there as the questioning began. Dr. Riddile (Mel) was the Director of straight Springfield, then got promoted to Regional Director of straight, then on top of that, he was the Director of the Straight Foundation for nearly 2 years.
He ordered a glass of iced tea, I had a hamburger fries and a root beer, and K. B. had a glass of water, I think, might have been iced tea. Either way, I thought that Mel was going to order food but he didn't. The straws were wrapped in that paper cover which he rolled around between his fingers the entire time we questioned him. By the time it was over, about 1.5 hours later, that paper straw cover was worn out. lol... He was VERY nervous acting, gave pretty vague answers to the tough questions then seemed to relax when asked if he knew that we were going to end it. I don't know, but I think he was on the hotseat for sure. As for K. B. and me, I was nervous there for the first couple minutes, but then started to relax while I ate and talked, she was great, we did a helluva job, in my opinion.
MG8 :smokin:
PS, I like them analogies Bob... :rofl: