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Topics - METALGOD8

Pages: [1] 2 3
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / More details, complaint, etc...
« on: August 28, 2003, 09:12:00 PM »

« on: August 15, 2003, 02:37:00 PM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / EMAIL TIM LINGER
« on: August 15, 2003, 02:23:00 PM »
Please go to the site and email Tim Linger about the straight/safe story.

Thank you,
MG8 :smokin:


The Troubled Teen Industry / New York Times Reporter Tim Weiner
« on: July 04, 2003, 01:59:00 PM »
Tim Weiner of the New York Times is investigating Spring Creek Lodge in Thompson Falls, Montana.  He needs to speak with any kids who have been incarcerated there or parents who feel they have been defrauded.   Contact Tim as soon as possible at

MG8 :smokin:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Variety in the diet
« on: July 02, 2003, 09:49:00 AM »
I have yet to find a survivor that drinks the same name brand brewskie or alcoholic beverage. I prefer smirnoff ice, it is really easy to drink, :smokin:

Date: June 26th 2003
Time: 6:00 P.M Eastern

ISAC Corporation engaged in a rescue mission of a child in Mexico today. ISAC staff flew into San Diego yesterday where they met the mother of the child and Telemundo News. This morning the mother of the child, an ISAC staff and press proceeded to Casa By The Sea to withdraw the child. According to our reports, the child was escorted the day before back to the states by an escort service at the request of the father. According to the mother, the father initially refused to withdraw the child even when he was made aware of allegations of abuse. These allegations came in the form of notarized statements of individuals and parents and sworn affidavits. ISAC then made the following information available to the father last week: "In fact, a parent's failure to remove a child, or a relative's failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect may leave the adult open for criminal prosecution or future civil liability." An attorney provided this information to ISAC. The father has been made aware of the facilities currently under investigation by ISAC. He was also made aware of those programs being "looked into" by the U.S State Department for allegations of abuse. ISAC has forwarded on the abuse reports that we have received (as required by law) to the appropriate state officials. If the child is again placed into ANY facility that is being "looked into" by the U.S. State Department this will result in an immediate and subsequent investigation by ISAC and the results of this investigation will be made public.
The child is in the United States now and no longer in Casa By The Sea.

We (ISAC) wish to personally thank the Telemundo News organization for providing reporters to go with ISAC on this mission. We also would like to thank them for keeping the child's safety as their top priority during the entire planning and execution of this rescue mission. Telemundo News has exhibited the highest of media standards in this effort.

We would like to thank ALL of the media who were made aware of the mission and like Telemundo News, exhibited the highest of media standards and discretion by keeping the safety of the child as their first priority and did not make public any plans that might put the child in jeopardy. This includes but is not limited to Newsday, UPI, London Press and the New York Times.

ISAC believes that all parents have the responsibility to ensure the physical safety and emotional well being of their child. ISAC also believes that all parents have the responsibility to investigate all treatment facilities BEFORE they place a their child in a facility. ISAC suggest checking the credentials of the staff at facilities, the history of the facility, any past complaints of the facility with either state officials or the U.S. State Department if the program is out of country. There are many other things parents can do to ensure their child is not being abused in the name of treatment. Parents may also find it helpful to view our "warning signs" document on our website.

We are relieved that the child is home and safe. However, we are still VERY concerned for the child's well being. We will be keeping a very close eye on the safety of this child.
ISAC will continue in rescue missions as long as there are children whom we believe are in jeopardy. ISAC will continue to protect those children being abused in the name of treatment and will make all attempts to rescue them even if it is one child at a time.

ISAC has issued several other press releases today on the website. Please visit and click on "news".

ISAC Directors

Yours Truly,
MG8 :smokin:

Date: June 26th 2003
Time: 6:00 P.M Eastern

ISAC Corporation engaged in a rescue mission of a child in Mexico today. ISAC staff flew into San Diego yesterday where they met the mother of the child and Telemundo News. This morning the mother of the child, an ISAC staff and press proceeded to Casa By The Sea to withdraw the child. According to our reports, the child was escorted the day before back to the states by an escort service at the request of the father. According to the mother, the father initially refused to withdraw the child even when he was made aware of allegations of abuse. These allegations came in the form of notarized statements of individuals and parents and sworn affidavits. ISAC then made the following information available to the father last week: "In fact, a parent's failure to remove a child, or a relative's failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect may leave the adult open for criminal prosecution or future civil liability." An attorney provided this information to ISAC. The father has been made aware of the facilities currently under investigation by ISAC. He was also made aware of those programs being "looked into" by the U.S State Department for allegations of abuse. ISAC has forwarded on the abuse reports that we have received (as required by law) to the appropriate state officials. If the child is again placed into ANY facility that is being "looked into" by the U.S. State Department this will result in an immediate and subsequent investigation by ISAC and the results of this investigation will be made public.
 The child is in the United States now and no longer in Casa By The Sea.

We (ISAC) wish to personally thank the Telemundo News organization for providing reporters to go with ISAC on this mission. We also would like to thank them for keeping the child's safety as their top priority during the entire planning and execution of this rescue mission. Telemundo News has exhibited the highest of media standards in this effort.

We would like to thank ALL of the media who were made aware of the mission and like Telemundo News, exhibited the highest of media standards and discretion by keeping the safety of the child as their first priority and did not make public any plans that might put the child in jeopardy. This includes but is not limited to Newsday, UPI, London Press and the New York Times.

ISAC believes that all parents have the responsibility to ensure the physical safety and emotional well being of their child. ISAC also believes that all parents have the responsibility to investigate all treatment facilities BEFORE they place a their child in a facility. ISAC suggest checking the credentials of the staff at facilities, the history of the facility, any past complaints of the facility with either state officials or the U.S. State Department if the program is out of country. There are many other things parents can do to ensure their child is not being abused in the name of treatment. Parents may also find it helpful to view our "warning signs" document on our website.

We are relieved that the child is home and safe. However, we are still VERY concerned for the child's well being.  We will be keeping a very close eye on the safety of this child.
ISAC will continue in rescue missions as long as there are children whom we believe are in jeopardy. ISAC will continue to protect those children being abused in the name of treatment and will make all attempts to rescue them even if it is one child at a time.

ISAC has issued several other press releases today on the website. Please visit and click on "news".

ISAC Directors

Yours Truly,
MG8 :smokin:

[ This Message was edited by: metalgod8 on 2003-06-26 16:54 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / It's OK
« on: June 16, 2003, 09:11:00 AM »
The alleged changes at Pathway sound promising. The bottom line is, however, it is still an unacceptable program and hopefully will be closing soon.

MG8 :smokin:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Weather
« on: June 15, 2003, 08:32:00 AM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / New forum to post
« on: June 01, 2003, 09:32:00 PM »
Go to  and post your story and thoughts, etc. Wes has been doing some excellent footwork, KUDOS!

MG8 :smokin:

I remember several of these people. They will always be in my

Duane Rholfs
Chris Kelly
Ann Crampton
Matthew Hunter
Blake Warren
Dave Searcy
Christine Stottlemeyer
Lisa D.
Travis Stone
Jeff Leugers
Rob H.
Dane W.
Albert Perez
Brian Neal
Ryan K.
Phil Winograd
Ron Hill
Richard B.
Anna B.
Andy M.
Tracey B.
Jon Guyon
David S.
Rachel R.
Kenny Sykes
Shirley C.
Gregory McDonald
Rodney Kibler
Kim Kincaid
Lorey Harbor
Jerry Swistic
Ragan Fields
Bill Burns
Alan Engman
Steve Matthews
Chris Weiss
Todd McCoy
Kevin Yriondo
Paul Riffle
Paul ?
John Sailor

If anyone knows of others, please acknowledge.

MG8 :smokin:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Sembler in Austell, GA
« on: May 17, 2003, 11:06:00 AM »
I was just wondering why this Florida developer rich in straight inc history would be building shopping centers or whatever in Austell GA. Isn't that where Austell Rd is? Someone from around there may be able to find out what they are doing. I hope it is not building warehouses for kids.

MG8 :smokin:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Morbid Coincidence
« on: May 07, 2003, 04:19:00 PM »
Part of life is death, that is inevitable, sad but true. Granted we all must die sometime so try to make the most out of what you are now and keep living as long as you can.
For the last 15 years or so, I have been experiencing a "morbid coincidence" of sorts, where people I know, whether through personal contact or casually in the goings on of business, etc... die. I know that cops, medical people, funeral directors, etc they see death all the time and such, but "regular folk" like me usually don't. This could be a way off self observation, but, there has not been more than 6 months pass inbetween deaths of people I have associated with in one way or another for the last 15 years. Most recently, a fellow survivor's dad is going to pass away soon, and our family lost an aunt a couple months ago, and the list gets longer it seems all the time. The one guy that bought my gold for it's face value died last September. He was a rabbi and not concerned so much with making a profit off of my labors as much as he was happy to know that there were still people he could "trust" to provide 24K gold when he wanted it. Now I have to sell to the greedy bastards, but anyway... Is this a cycle that will end eventually? Am I an omen? You all see that avitar, that's what I deal with all the damn time. It's like "who's next?" Just last night, the family I was visiting just lost a dog they had for over 10 years. I wonder if people out here have similar experiences and if you can offer some kind of suggestions. I already heard the one where I am supposed to stay away, LOL... But, seriously, when people die, it's sad and the living seek comfort, answers, etc. Most people I would imagine go through several grievings in their life, but for people that are never given time to finish grieving for friends, relatives, co workers, etc, what gives? Seriously, what is one to do? Just forget it? Who else can *relate to* {sorry for the lingo there} understand that?
This is a bit off topic, but I think deer like me to kill them with my truck. I have killed probably 20 deer since being in straight, inc. I swerve, dodge, brake for, you name it all of them, but they still end up getting hit. Not one year passes that I don't kill one. There's drivers out there that NEVER hit any. Don't even mention squirrels, rabbits, snakes, 2 cats, and possums. I lost count of them years ago.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Leigh Bright
« on: April 05, 2003, 05:23:00 PM »
The following post is a factual account, not a personal attack:

 After reading Leigh Bright's reply to my offer for diplomacy in another topic, where she states that she will use me as her "footstool", I have decided to make a statement in my defense and to announce my amazement and disappointment that a fellow survivor would behave in the manner in which she is behaving.
Before the December 15th Survivor Bonfire here, LEIGH BRIGHT had accepted her invitation to attend. During the previous week, she inquired about some documents that had been donated to us by a former senior staff member and asked if she could make some copies. Being the considerate people that we are, we elected to oblige her request and actually drove them over to her and delivered them personally. Instead of copying them as agreed the same day, she kept them for a few days. On Sunday, December 15th, she mentioned she was sick and would not be attending. We were supposed to have those documents back BEFORE the Bonfire, NOT after. I left a message on her voice mail about having someone else come over on their way down to the Bonfire, but that call was never returned. She knew she was supposed to have them back before the Bonfire. Believing that I was being impatient etc..., she became enraged at me and sent an email here to my house threatening to shove those documents up my ass. Furthermore, upon further investigation, some of these documents were missing upon their return, which, by the way, was made by special trip up to her place to get them. Other than having a police escort to her residence to retrieve these missing documents, we have little recourse to recover them. (I am not the "call the cops" type of person though, so we have gone along the whole time being quiet about it.) In the meantime, we have been working with survivors, groups, businesses, senators, diplomats, teachers, lawyers, doctors, therapists, etc etc in our quest for the reform of drug treatment policies here in this country. NOT ONE of these people etc... with the exception of LEIGH BRIGHT, has made this much  effort to attack and compromise this venture. She has apparently made it a goal in her life now to attack again and spew forth vindictive threats. I do not want to make this into more than what it is, however, regardless of what people's impressions of LEIGH BRIGHT are, I think that they should take a second look at them. According to Webster's dictionary and common sense, I have never slandered LEIGH BRIGHT. I do not have to. I do not want to, I never want to slander anybody. There are several witnesses to her activities regarding this situation. My statements regarding people and organizations promoting abusive treatment are based on facts. It is when people do things such as LEIGH BRIGHT has done where I run into difficulty avoiding making slanderous type statements. No matter how difficult it is, I do avoid them if at all possible.
I do not know what LEIGH BRIGHT means by a "footstool", and I would hope that her threat  is based on a rant and not some devious plan, but only time can tell.

For the record, permission to use my story and any mention of my name or experience in LEIGH BRIGHT's book has been officially rescinded.
I am also formally requesting that LEIGH BRIGHT return any "misplaced" documents that were supplied to her in this Pre-Bonfire arrangement between us as soon as possible.

MG8 :smokin:

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