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Messages - richmullinax

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[email protected]

Quote from: "stickit"
hello richard, would you give me a reply contact email, as i think you might be able to shed some light on questions i have which could help me out.

I haven't seen it come through yet ... [email protected]

Quote from: "starry-eyed pirate"
Thanks Rich.  I remember you.  I sent you an e-mail.

I remember when you copped out to VT and you were gone for a while before they brought you back.  Peace.

Hi, Lazyh. I recommend contacting


Quote from: "lazyh"
Ok I might not be in the right place, but your post caught my attention. I have a niece that has been recently put in a reform school in Missouri called ABM Ministries. After talking with her in person this week, what she told me was remarkably the same treatment that you are describing here. I feel uneasy about what she has told me therefore, I am trying to do a little background check on this place. I do not feel that the parents are seeing things clearly. I do not have any basis for this other than a uneasy spirit. Any help that you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

OK, still new to Fornits, still learning the etiquette, but I'm going to cross post here. I don't think the person I am responding to would mind, but just to be safe, I will leave the name off. Basically, someone said, thanks for the apology, but you weren't the real problem. Here's my response:

"Thanks, XXX, I appreciate your sentiments. And I agree that to a degree, that I was also a victim, having been duped into thinking I was doing the right thing. But the day I turned a corner and went on executive staff, I became responsible. Anyone with a conscience must take responsibility, no matter what the circumstances. There are kids from Cincinnati and Atlanta who were victims, and who I brought into the program by doing their intake. So as far as that goes, age and experience aside, I did it and it I need to tell the truth.

At first I was not going to offer a written apology, mostly because I thought the other executive staff members would certainly be doing that. But then I thought differently after speaking to kids who were effected by me. I've had recent (since coming on this board) interactions with kids who I had a negative effect on. These interactions actually allowed them to move on and heal in a way they had not thought possible. So regardless of how much blame I may or may not have, and regardless of whether Newton or Sembler would ever listen to this logic, I am responding to this petition for the purpose of allowing others to heal.

Even if those higher ups don't ever respond, there are dozens of executive staff and directors who receive this petition periodically, every time the signatures increase to a certain level. In talking to Kris yesterday who originated the petition, I was appalled to realize no one, NOT ONE of these people even responded to the petition. I know (or at least knew) alot of these people. When the next petition is mailed, it will include my response. When people like Suzanne Byrd and Will Knisley and Mel Riddle have received it in the past, they may have dismissed it as a bunch of bitter loons who need to get a life. They don't remember names of phasers or even group staff. But the next time they receive it, it will have my response on it, right there in their face. And they can't dismiss me, goddamnit. They fucking know me. I worked side by side with them. They hired me, trained me, respected me. If I call and say "Hey, remember me? We need to talk," they will fucking take this call and I can sit their asses down and at least make a case. Out of all those people, SOMEONE will come to where I have come in the last 9 months. If even one former director has enough self honesty to see and recognize the truth, then perhaps they, too, can issue an apology, and that would go a long way in helping people to heal.

I believe survivors need justice, restitution and to be made whole. But I don't see that happening as a result of a petition. The current Straights need to be closed, and I want to see that happen, but I don't see an apology from these people making that happen.

People need closure, healing and acknowledgement. THAT ... THAT is what I am about. Making amends, acknowledging my wrongs, and helping the walking wounded to heal. Maybe a phaser who made it to executive staff can't really do much along those lines by myself, but maybe the other staff will see what am saying, and say, "Shit; I know Rich, and maybe he is a freak, but he's not CRAZY. Maybe there's something to this shit. Maybe these people on these message boards AREN'T a bunch of bitter babies, after all. Maybe it WAS harmful, and maybe I DO have some responsibility here."

This petition never asks for justice; it never asks for financial restitution. All it is asking for is acknowledgement and validation. That's not too much to ask and there's very little risk here. So if you were executive staff, and you're reading this, wake up. These people aren't crazy. When there are 50 people gathered together at a picnic, and it's raining, and 45 of them say it's raining, guess what? It's fucking raining.

This concludes today's sermon. Next week, the effects of changing cat litter and cat fod at the same time, and the sanitary ramifications.

Rich Mullinax

Hey, Psy, thanks for your comments. Yes, I am fully aware of the other programs in existence. I hope I can be of service in helping expose them. I know Bill Earnshaw (was on front row with him) and we communicate often. I am happy to consider doing anything he asks, and have written quite a bit on the history of Straight in hopes that the comparisons can be clear. I believe he has been able to use them.

My only concern is that as a person who was on staff from 85 - 89, there are ALOT of people who have never had an opportunity to confront a staff member one on one about their time in Straight. Most of my energies are spent engaging in these one on one discussions, either answering their general questions about how the program worked, or, more importantly, helping people process what I did TO THEM as a staff member. This is pretty draining and I am way behind on reconnects as it is.

So if it feels like I'm non-responsive to aiding in shutting down KHK or PFC or anywhere else, I hope everyone understands that it's because I feel called to a very specific function; helping those heal who are the walking wounded. Does that make sense? I can always answer questions, write down what I know, etc..., but as far as really jumping on board, well, I have a mission, and I can't serve 2 masters. I am always willing to speak out and speak the truth, but I have never had the time to attend demonstrations and other events, mostly because it's pretty exhausting getting that call from the 13 year old kid who I admitted into the program and trying to help him heal, and taking whatever the hell he needs to unload on me. Hope that doesn't sound aloof. - Peace

Quote from: "psy"
@Rich.  There might still be something you can do to help.  Even though Straight (under that name) is closed, it's program methadology lives on in it's progeny, such as Pathway Family Center (see them motivate and more in that video).  A mother of a pathway family center kid has recently come forward asking for help.  Perhaps there is some way you can help with your first hand knowledge of how straight based programs are run... perhaps, as Antigen suggested, by speaking to the local authorities.  Read ISACcorp's press release here:


Also, another video here:

You are in a unique position in that you were once in an executive position.  This gives you a world of credibility from the get-go as opposed to former "patients" who are seen by many (even often by family) to this day as "druggies", whether or not they even use substances at all.

Regardless of what you decide, thank you for coming forward and apologizing.  I'm sure your words mean far more than you might realize to many of the Straight survivors here.

Hey, Roids, ... yes, I really should have responded to the petition sooner. This post is really just a copy of what I sent to Kris as a response to the petition. In the next ound of sending the petition, she will be including this response. My hope s that some of the recipients will see it and do a double take ... "Hey, I know that guy!"

Quote from: "Roids"
wdtony, you jealous?  :roflmao:

as far as that apology, it must have taken some time and careful consideration to humiliate oneself in public like this. I got out before he was on staff, but it sounds sincere enough. Maybe we could make it part of the petition?

Thanks Antigen, it was a long time coming. I think it's the first response to the petition, but my hope is that it won't be the last.

Quote from: "Antigen"
That's about the most beautiful post I've ever seen. Thank you, Richard! :rose:

Thanks, Miss Antsy,

No worries about the un-moderated aspect of the forum. I've been on Alumni long enough to handle any shit thrown my way. I'm not easily offended and can overlook psychos. After all, I was in Straight! ;)

Quote from: "Miss Antsy Pam"

Thank you for your detailed and compelling post to this forum.  Living with all that in your head for decades does nothing but eat you alive from the inside out.  It is amazing how the passage of time can enable us to see things more clearly.  I applaud the fact that you had the guts to come on this forum and make that remarkable post.  

We need more people like you - one that has first hand experience on the staff side - on these forums that were lovingly created by Antigen and maintained by Psy.  Beware that these are mostly un-moderated forums and they can be brutal.


This post is in response to the Straight, Inc. Survivor's Letter Requesting Acknowledgement and an Apology.

My name is Richard Mullinax. From 1985 - 1989, I was a staff member at Straight Incorporated, a drug and alcohol treatment facility for adolescents. If my memory serves me correctly, the dates, locations and positions of my employment were as follows:

Fall 1985 - Group Staff Trainee, Springfield, VA
Fall 1985 - Spring 1986 - Junior Staff, Springfield, VA
Spring 1986 - Winter 1987 - Senior Staff, Springfield, VA
Winter 1987 - Spring 1987 - Executive Staff, Springfield, VA
Spring 1987 - Fall 1987 - Executive Staff, Cincinnati, OH
Fall 1987 - Spring 1988 - Executive Staff, Springfield, VA
Spring 1988 - Spring 1989 - Executive Staff, Atlanta, GA

There were brief periods between 1985 and 1989 that I was not employed by Straight, and I may have some of the months wrong above.

For 19 years, I gave very little thought to my actions as a staff member of Straight. Then, in the Spring and Summer of 2008, I began to interact with Straight Survivors and listened to their experiences. As the weeks and months progressed, I became increasingly aware of the damage I caused to Straight Survivors as a staff member. After much reflection on the events of the 1980's I have become very much aware that many Straight Survivors lost their integrity, innocence, sense of self worth, youth, ability to trust others, family relationships and more as a result of my actions as a staff member, and I deeply regret that I am responsible for this as a Staff Member.

I realize now that many Survivors still suffer from diagnosed psychological disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder, severe depression, social phobias, panic disorders, etc. caused by imprisonment in Straight, Inc, and that many Survivors still endure vivid Straight, Inc. nightmares, can still hear the screams of children as they were abused, and cannot forget the abuse they personally endured or witnessed as vulnerable children. I am deeply ashamed of my role in this, including not putting a stop to it.

By publishing this this letter in a public forum, I publicly acknowledge that Straight, Inc. unjustly committed various crimes, abused children, and utilized extremely unethical practices against innocent young clients, which included, but were not limited to the following:

1)   Brainwashing (aka coercive thought reform);
2)   Physical abuse;
3)   Usage of illegal and or unethical restraints – children routinely restrained children at the direction of staff for minor infractions (i.e. not motivating, not paying attention, etc.);
4)   Unethical forms of extreme humiliation, including but not limited to; beltlooping, no privacy/watched while urinating, defecating, or bathing, motivating;
5)   Food deprivation (ie. peanut butter diets, inadequate portions of food);
6)   Sleep deprivation – caused by unwarranted, prolonged daily group hours (12), other time spent in the building (up to at least 3 additional pre and/or post group hours), lengthy commuting time, and in many cases, due to intentionally withholding sleep as punishment for not “cooperating” to coerce compliance;
7)   Verbal abuse – unduly harsh confrontational tactics that included swearing, screaming, yelling, spitting, belittling, humiliating, etc., a child in front of a large group of child clients;
8   Sexual abuse; (while I was not aware of this while on staff, in recent months I have become aware, through the testimony of other Straight survivors, that this did happen)
9)   Psychological abuse;
10)   Coerced confessions;
11)   Unjustifiable and lengthy isolation in intake and/or time out rooms;
12)   Denial of necessary medical care;
13)   Kidnapping;
14) False Imprisonment;
15)   Accepting clients with little/no drug history (the so-called “dry druggie” theory); (Specifically, I was personally responsible for conducting client intakes that resulted in children with little history of drug or alcohol use);
16)   Employing uneducated, unprofessional teenage staff. Specifically, I allowed myself to be employed by Straight as a counselor, knowing full well that I had no outside training and no education.

Additionally, I apologize for the allowing the abuse, unethical practices and crimes to continue for years, and lending my name to, sponsoring, recommending, and endorsing Straight Inc., and for admitting children, their siblings and parents to Straight Inc., and for failing to properly and adequately oversee and monitor Straight, Inc.

I regret my decision to go on staff and I regret my actions as a Straight staff member. I made the decision to go on staff and I made the decision to advance to Executive Staff. I am responsible for these actions and take full responsibility. As a former Straight client myself, I, of all people, should have known better.

I am aware of several former Straight clients who have taken their own lives. Many of these people I knew personally. I can't begin to understand the circumstances of each death, but I have no doubt that in some of these deaths Straight had a role in this. My heart aches for the victims of suicide and their loved ones. I wish I could bring them back.

I would like to turn the clock back to 1985 and make better decisions. However, I am unable to undo the damage I have caused. I am unable to make any financial restitution to former victims, as well. However, in recent months, I have had the honor and privilege of interacting with former Straight clients who were victims of my actions and the actions of other Straight staff. It is my hope that these interactions have been a step toward healing the wounds that have remained for 2 decades.

Along those lines, there is something I can do; I can make myself available to Straight Survivors. If you or someone you know feels it would be productive to communicate privately with me for any reason, please contact me at [email protected]

In closing, it is my sincere hope that survivors of Straight can find the healing and closure that they need and deserve. I look forward to being a part of that healing.


Richard Mullinax
Straight Inc. Staff
1985 - 1989

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