
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy => Topic started by: Dysfunction Junction on January 25, 2011, 11:08:44 AM

Title: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on January 25, 2011, 11:08:44 AM
RCS appears to be in severe financial trouble and losing control of the population at the facility.  See below a letter reportedly from Chris Grimwood to RCS parents that was sent last week:

Quote from: "Chris Grimwood"
Dear Parents,

It is important that we take a minute this afternoon to update you on a situation that occurred this weekend.

We went into the weekend with an unfortunate position, where as a company we needed to delay providing our staff pay checks. We currently have over $150,000 in uncollected tuition, which in combination with the economy has placed us in a difficult situation. There are plans in place for staff to receive these checks this Thursday, the 20th. We continue to have a core staff dedicated to the work being done with your children and the execution of the mission and vision of Ridge Creek School. The students, through whatever means, became aware of this situation and orchestrated a plan to create chaos and disruption on campus at lunch on Sunday the 17th. 16 students, simply stated to staff, “F-you, there are 45 of us and 7 of you,” and proceeded to walk out of the lodge. Our shift leader notified me, who called in an additional 7 staff to campus. We are blessed at Ridge Creek School to have the number of staff who live on campus and locally as we do.

What originally started as a student walk out ended with four students being charged by the Lumpkin County Sheriff’s Office after having broken windows on campus. Many of the students involved quickly settled back into the program upon the arrival of additional staff and were found to be in more of a follower role. A staff meeting was held this morning in which the incident was reviewed an each student staffed. The students behind orchestrating the event are being dismissed from Ridge Creek School due to the severity of their actions, most of which were new students into Ridge Creek. Student safety continues to be our number one priority, and we will continue to make whatever decisions are necessary to ensure that your children remain safe and are provided the opportunity to be surrounded by positive students and given the ability to make good decisions.

On that note, I want to take a moment to recognize the 29 students who had no involvement in this incident. These students truly showed their true character in a time of need, during which they followed staff directions, were supportive of peers and worked to provide a calm in an otherwise chaotic situation. One tearful conversation that truly sticks out was between members of our basketball team, in which they were worried they would have to forfeit the season due to the actions of some of their players, during which other students volunteered to join the team “even though I am not that great,” to ensure that they are able to complete the season that they have worked so hard in. It is this character that is the true character of a Ridge Creek School student.

I am sure by this point all parents are wondering where their child fits into this incident. Those parents of involved students were all notified yesterday of their child’s involvement. For the remaining parents, however, I am certain that you will hear all about it from your child via email and during your call this week. The students were in the dormitory while this happened, and only have limited information as to the actual details. It is understandable that they will want to discuss the “excitement”, however it would be more beneficial to discuss what characteristic they used when faced with the decision to join in or not, and how they were supportive while this was occurring.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, and I will do my best to respond within a timely manner.

Take care,

Chris Grimwood, MSW

Executive Director

Ridge Creek, Inc.

706-864-4730 x2206

This place appears to be coming apart at the seams.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 12:10:15 PM
This letter/email is not dated. The closing line is familiar using the term "excitement," along with the previous wording to that term. A form letter?  The last Sunday, the 17th, was in October 2010.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on January 25, 2011, 12:14:12 PM
Well, there was a weekend on 1/15 and 1/16 this year and the letter says it is referencing the "past weekend" and that checks would go out on the 20th, so it looks to be written and sent on or about Monday 1/17/11.  Maybe "Sunday the 17th" was a typo and he meant Sunday the 16th?  Dunno.  Don't have any more info yet.

It is possible that this is the "near riot" reported late last year by the local residents.  

Record requests have been made to the LCSO, so hopefully this will be clarified if it can be matched to any incident reports from the police.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on January 25, 2011, 12:24:26 PM
This was posted in the Nugget on 12/10/10 and references a "near riot" at Ridge Creek, so it's possible this letter refers to that and that it happened in October, 2010.  I'd definitely like to see the original letter.  I do know that recently RCS has been having trouble paying employees, so that part makes sense.  We can give ol' Chris Grimwood a call and ask I guess.

Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
James Jordan wrote on Dec 10, 2010 10:43 AM:

I long for the "old days," back when Larry Burkett and his strong community values occupied that part of our county. In recent years it seems we've seen that property go from a problem-ridden "boarding school" for teens to a state-monitored quasi "reform school" housing kids with serious delinquency problems. And, while we all want to help kids, what about our community safety? What about the safety of those deputies - who thought they were just responding to a stolen car report, since the aggravated assault was not initially reported? What about the near-riot that was reported in our paper a few months ago? How much more is going on out there that we don't ever hear about?

Yes, I miss those "good ole days," when a hike around that area might result in a warm and caring conversation with Larry, as opposed to having to be fearful for our safety.

Good questions, James.  I also wonder how much more is going on at RCS than we hear about.  Obviously the staff do not report crimes against children there and only report crimes against staff if there's no way to sweep it under the rug, like a crumpled stolen car sitting in a pool of LP gas after being crashed into a local business.

We know kids have been raped and beaten from the DHS reports, but we all wonder what's continuing to be hidden at RCS.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on January 25, 2011, 03:23:07 PM
The person who sent me this has not come forward to clarify the details. are at extreme risk at RCS.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: seamus on January 25, 2011, 04:56:50 PM
RCS should just fold its tents before somebody gets hurt or killed. :nods:
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on January 25, 2011, 06:15:32 PM
Ok. I'm told this letter was sent last week and the incident occurred on the 16th, but still need the original doc.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: goose on January 25, 2011, 07:07:17 PM
You are correct,

I got the same e-mail. I called the papers to let them know and there should be an artical out tommorow. Grimwoods and idiot. Did you catch the part about the problem is that parents have not paid and they are 150k in the rears. Sounds like they need a new business manager and not blame the parents.

Oh, and there is more out there that I am working on getting released.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: goose on January 25, 2011, 07:11:10 PM
Why do you think I have been saying that staff has been walking out and that the postings for job are not grow for this school After this last little incident enrollment is down from about 50-55 to right at 30.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on January 25, 2011, 07:15:23 PM
Goose is correct on the numbers of staff leaving and the decrease in "students".
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 07:26:15 PM
As DJ stated, verification is important regarding the "Grimwood email."  DJ asked for verification. Do you have a "dated" email?
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: goose on January 25, 2011, 07:32:05 PM
There is no date in the body of the e-mail. The date is on the address line, time and date the e-mail was sent. Can anybody tell me how to attach the e-mail, not just the body of the e-mail. I will post it, now that it has been made public.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on January 25, 2011, 07:36:16 PM
cc   Chris Grimwood <[email protected]>
date   Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 1:50 PM
subject   Ridge Creek School
hide details Jan 17 (9 days ago)

Dear Parents,
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 07:40:06 PM
Just copy the entire page Copy : Right click ... hit select all, then hit paste... black out your email address.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on January 25, 2011, 07:55:27 PM
Goose...go back to your email and in the right hand corner open it up where it says "show details"
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: goose on January 25, 2011, 08:34:45 PM

I am unable at this time to cut and past the header information. Show details does not work. I see that Brown Eyes has posted the header information, which is correct to the e-mail I have right down to the time it was sent. I am going to see if I can print the e-mail, and scan it as a word doc, or maybe a pdf file and then cut and past.

But guys, I am telling you there is more there. Some should be comeing out shortly.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 08:50:07 PM
Welcome to  RBWO(ROOM BOARD AND WATCHFUL OVERSIGHT) sans the oversight.  Ah, where is the ORS, ORCC, DHS, MHADDAD, and DFCS on these incidents and untrained, unqualified,unlicensed, limited staff?????
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 08:52:07 PM
Also, the original letter needs to go to the State licensing board....  Chirs Grimwood is NOT A LICENSED MSW with the STATE OF GEORGIA.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: goose on January 25, 2011, 08:55:32 PM
Ok Jill,

Just for clarification, how do you know that he is not a licensed MSW? Is there a web site with the state I can check to determine. I have no problems at this point sending it on, if I can verifiy that you are correct that he is not licensed.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: goose on January 25, 2011, 09:05:00 PM
The problem is, Chris may be putting MSW behind his name on e-mails, the school only list him as the Executive Director, with no Alphabet soup behind his name.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 09:06:26 PM
Program Administrator
Chris has a B.A.,Psychology from the University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. He obtained
his Master of Social Work, at Farington University, Las
Vegas, Nevada.

Chris Grimwood
Executive Director
Chris is a Canadian citizen who was schooled at the University of Western Ontario, in London Ontario Canada. He has been employed in the social services field since 1998, where he got his start working with students coping with learning and developmental disabilities. Prior to joining the Ridge Creek team in 2006 as a Peer Group Counselor Chris was the Program Administrator of a long term Outdoor Therapeutic Program. In addition to breeding Siberian Huskies and collecting automobiles, Chris enjoys camping, skiing, and other outdoor activities.


Chris Grimwood’s Education
•   The University of Western Ontario
MSW , Psychology/Social Work


Sec. of State Georgia Verification of MSW license - NONE


Follow directions...  no one is licensed but Buccellatoin Psychology.  No one holds an MSW license, nor a Professional Counselor license according to the State of Georgia.
The only staff, former, that held a license was Joseph Stapp, and he is gone.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 09:09:24 PM

Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 09:12:22 PM
Also, send it on to whom? They all know.  All agenices, the GAO.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: goose on January 25, 2011, 09:15:21 PM
Well, if the state knows and will not do anything, maybe the papers would like a copy so that they can ask some questions, maybe even make a few people at least uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on January 25, 2011, 09:24:00 PM
I tried to get a police report for the incident on January 16th through the LCSO but was unable to due to the fact that it was a Juvenile case. Was told the only way that someone could get one would be through a Juvenile Judge.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 09:26:01 PM
Respectfully and I do say this respectfully, this goes up to judges. Politics and money.  We have been everywhere.  Georgia is locked up tight.  We were told by the GAO agents to stay out of local and go to the Federal DA.  The GAO couldn't legally touch it(2006 lawsuit was going on duriong their investigation), they couyld only make recommendations to Federal agencies. The Dahlonega Nugget won't print it.  The Atlanta Constitution at the time didn't have enough.  The networks wouldn't touch it, cause some of them owned pieces of these  CCIs.  Power.  Just look at Romeny and Bain Capital ---CRC...ASPEN... HLA/RCS reports were changed, legal ones. There is enormous history here.  Read.  Read congressional record, our testimony during the Miller hearings.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 09:29:10 PM
Quote from: "browneyes"
I tried to get a police report for the incident on January 16th through the LCSO but was unable to due to the fact that it was a Juvenile case. Was told the only way that someone could get one would be through a Juvenile Judge.

Then they lied.  They had no problem putting up Sydney Vaughn and her cohort .... are they not juveniles?  The State has it's feet buried in this.  Their derrier is on the line.  They do not disclose RBWO, DJJ contracts, or DFCS.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 09:31:59 PM
Per Georgia Sunshine Laws(FOIA) the incident reports are Public Record, unless sealed re Juvenile or other sensitive info that shall affect ones case.  However, they can redact the juvenile names.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on January 25, 2011, 09:34:43 PM
I don't understand it either.  They printed in the paper about the two girls overthrowing the night tec but did not address the issue of the four felonies issued the night of the 16th for destruction of property.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: goose on January 25, 2011, 09:41:11 PM

When I contacted the papers about the roit I was told that they knew about the money problems at the school, but had not heard about the roit. I was told informed that the paper had checked with LCSO and confirmed and that a story was currently in the works, due out 1/26 edition. I guess we will see about that.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on January 25, 2011, 09:44:36 PM
I will believe it when I see it.  I hope that they really do.  I will look forward to reading that report.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: goose on January 25, 2011, 09:45:14 PM
I also understand that Grimwood is now gone, or at least gave notice this afternoon.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on January 25, 2011, 09:46:29 PM
That I cannot confirm other than I know that he was there this past weekend.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on January 25, 2011, 09:46:56 PM
Maybe he is NOT getting paid either......
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: goose on January 25, 2011, 09:49:09 PM
Yes, I know he was there this weekend. I can not say if he was fired, resigned, or if there is any two week notice involved. The details I have at this time are only that it happened this afternoon. I am waiting to get more details about the when he is leaving, if he is not already gone.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 25, 2011, 09:56:16 PM
Well, then who is minding the store?
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: goose on January 25, 2011, 10:01:33 PM
That part is unknown at this time. It might be anybody that is currently on staff, if there is any staff left. Anything has to be better then Grimwood.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on January 25, 2011, 10:07:48 PM
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on January 26, 2011, 06:38:31 AM
Quote from: "goose"

When I contacted the papers about the roit I was told that they knew about the money problems at the school, but had not heard about the roit. I was told informed that the paper had checked with LCSO and confirmed and that a story was currently in the works, due out 1/26 edition. I guess we will see about that.

I spoke to the local reporter yesterday.  They are on the story.  How deep they will dig is anybody's guess.  Mine is "not very deep."

Record requests from LCSO have been made and records will be pulled today or tomorrow.  We will get to the bottom of it shortly.  It helps to know the tricks the Little General uses to try to keep his secrets.  Once you know the m.o. it basically sets you on the trail.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 26, 2011, 12:21:18 PM
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
RCS appears to be in severe financial trouble and losing control of the population at the facility.  See below a letter reportedly from Chris Grimwood to RCS parents that was sent last week:

Quote from: "Chris Grimwood"
Dear Parents,

It is important that we take a minute this afternoon to update you on a situation that occurred this weekend.

We went into the weekend with an unfortunate position, where as a company we needed to delay providing our staff pay checks. We currently have over $150,000 in uncollected tuition, which in combination with the economy has placed us in a difficult situation. There are plans in place for staff to receive these checks this Thursday, the 20th. We continue to have a core staff dedicated to the work being done with your children and the execution of the mission and vision of Ridge Creek School. The students, through whatever means, became aware of this situation and orchestrated a plan to create chaos and disruption on campus at lunch on Sunday the 17th. 16 students, simply stated to staff, “F-you, there are 45 of us and 7 of you,” and proceeded to walk out of the lodge. Our shift leader notified me, who called in an additional 7 staff to campus. We are blessed at Ridge Creek School to have the number of staff who live on campus and locally as we do.

What originally started as a student walk out ended with four students being charged by the Lumpkin County Sheriff’s Office after having broken windows on campus. Many of the students involved quickly settled back into the program upon the arrival of additional staff and were found to be in more of a follower role. A staff meeting was held this morning in which the incident was reviewed an each student staffed. The students behind orchestrating the event are being dismissed from Ridge Creek School due to the severity of their actions, most of which were new students into Ridge Creek. Student safety continues to be our number one priority, and we will continue to make whatever decisions are necessary to ensure that your children remain safe and are provided the opportunity to be surrounded by positive students and given the ability to make good decisions.

On that note, I want to take a moment to recognize the 29 students who had no involvement in this incident. These students truly showed their true character in a time of need, during which they followed staff directions, were supportive of peers and worked to provide a calm in an otherwise chaotic situation. One tearful conversation that truly sticks out was between members of our basketball team, in which they were worried they would have to forfeit the season due to the actions of some of their players, during which other students volunteered to join the team “even though I am not that great,” to ensure that they are able to complete the season that they have worked so hard in. It is this character that is the true character of a Ridge Creek School student.

I am sure by this point all parents are wondering where their child fits into this incident. Those parents of involved students were all notified yesterday of their child’s involvement. For the remaining parents, however, I am certain that you will hear all about it from your child via email and during your call this week. The students were in the dormitory while this happened, and only have limited information as to the actual details. It is understandable that they will want to discuss the “excitement”, however it would be more beneficial to discuss what characteristic they used when faced with the decision to join in or not, and how they were supportive while this was occurring.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, and I will do my best to respond within a timely manner.

Take care,

Chris Grimwood, MSW

Executive Director

Ridge Creek, Inc.

706-864-4730 x2206

This place appears to be coming apart at the seams.

I am really having a problem with this letter.  For one, it doesn't make sense that Buccellato would ALLOW this letter out and sent to parents no less.  Nothing leaves RCS without his approval, and this letter is absurd, poorly written, and beyond ridiculous - even for Grimwood.  Now if Grimwood resigned, was attempting to tick Buccellato off and/or attempting to write a parody for Saturday Night Live, it would be understandable.  If Grimwood sent it out, he surely would have been canned as it is an embarrassment to Buccellato and that would not be deemed acceptable.  One would surely have to be inebriated to compose a fragmented letter such as this.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on January 26, 2011, 12:45:08 PM
We need to get an original forwarded.  It's the only way to verify.  The bad writing, bad grammar and general mangling of the language doesn't surprise me at all however.  I see this all the time from people far more educated than Grimwood.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: DEE on January 26, 2011, 01:41:24 PM
This is all pretty bizarre and speculative. The date "Sunday the 17th", as others have noted, doesn't match up with January. It does match with last October, when is about the time the article describing "a mini-riot" at RCS appeared in the Dahlonega Nugget, and was quickly retracted from the on-line version. The letter which we are told was written by Chris Grimwood is also strange, to say the least. If he actually wrote this and sent it to parents, it's a good bet he'll be fired. Bucchi would never have approved such a letter going out. Far too revealing, and unprofessional; but then, what would you expect from a guy who bought his "graduate degree" for $89?
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on January 26, 2011, 01:45:22 PM
Quote from: "DEE"
This is all pretty bizarre and speculative. The date "Sunday the 17th", as others have noted, doesn't match up with January. It does match with last October, when is about the time the article describing "a mini-riot" at RCS appeared in the Dahlonega Nugget, and was quickly retracted from the on-line version. The letter which we are told was written by Chris Grimwood is also strange, to say the least. If he actually wrote this and sent it to parents, it's a good bet he'll be fired. Bucchi would never have approved such a letter going out. Far too revealing, and unprofessional; but then, what would you expect from a guy who bought his "graduate degree" for $89?

I am waiting for a copy with the full email header intact.  I have spoken to two RCS contacts that both say they received this email last Monday, verbatim, including the time it was sent.  Could I be getting short-stroked?  Stranger things have happened.

cc Chris Grimwood <[email protected]>
date Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 1:50 PM
subject Ridge Creek School

hide details Jan 17 (9 days ago)

FWIW, that's why the OP has the word "reportedly" in it.  I'm not satisfied with the supporting documentation yet either.  However, regardless of the time frame, this event or similar did happen at RCS.  Take note that it also says that checks will be sent out on "Thursday the 20th," which was last Thursday, not in October.

Do you know anywhere where we can get a copy of that article?  It isn't in the archives of the website.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: DKincaidCFS on January 26, 2011, 02:47:02 PM
Quote from: "goose"
The problem is, Chris may be putting MSW behind his name on e-mails, the school only list him as the Executive Director, with no Alphabet soup behind his name.

Here's a snapshot of Chris Grimwood's phony credentials from the Ridge Creek website where they list him as an "MSW":
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on January 26, 2011, 02:54:56 PM
take away the facial hair and that is him.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 27, 2011, 12:56:04 PM
Quote from: "browneyes"
I tried to get a police report for the incident on January 16th through the LCSO but was unable to due to the fact that it was a Juvenile case. Was told the only way that someone could get one would be through a Juvenile Judge.

Found this:

Juvenile Criminal Records
•Under Georgia law, most criminal records relating to juveniles (17 years or younger) are restricted and may not be released to the public. However, there are instances under Georgia law where juvenile records pertaining to certain crimes may be disclosed to the public. Under law, records of arrest, incident reports and closed case files for offenses exclusively under the jurisdiction of state superior court involving minors 13 years and older may be released to the public if the offense in question was murder, voluntary manslaughter, rape, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, aggravated sexual battery or armed robbery. Incident reports and arrest records of juveniles 13 years and older relating to certain felony offenses under the jurisdiction of the state juvenile court may also be released to the public if the offense in question was a second or subsequent charge of possession of a handgun, kidnapping, first- or second-degree arson, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, robbery, battery of school personnel, attempted murder, attempted kidnapping, hijacking a motor vehicle, or possession or manufacture of a "destructive device," such as a bomb.

Records of arrest or incident reports relating to certain offenses under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court may be released to the public regardless of the age of the juvenile at the time of the offense. These offenses are possession of a weapon on or near school property, a second or subsequent charge of hoaxing an explosive device, drug trafficking, criminal racketeering, participation in a criminal street gang, escape from custody for a felony offense and theft of a motor vehicle.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on January 31, 2011, 02:18:43 PM
Can anybody confirm whether or not these employees got paid?  Any updates on the "riot"?
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: RCSworkhorse on January 31, 2011, 03:49:08 PM
I am not sure anyone made mention of the article published in The Dahlonega Nugget on 1/26/11. I was unable to find a link on the Nugget website...sorry! Anyhow it was Police Officer Darren Martin's account of the incident. Essentialy it sounds like early in the day on 1/16 a majority of the student body threatened to initiate a mass walk-out. Apparently the majority of the students did not follow through however it appears a group of students not only walked out but caused a massive amount of property damage. Students were breaking into buildings attempting to access phones, throwing rocks, breaking windows and the police officer stated the Student Activity Center was completely trashed! A few students even went so far as to break into a near by church in attempts to access a phone.
Another piece of notable info mentioned in the article was that 4 students were picked up by police on 1/15 for loitering at the Dahlonega Walmart at 4am. It turned out that they were Ridge Creek Runaways...and no one at RCS bothered to inform the is their written P&P to do so. Even if a student if older than 18 it is required according to RCS policy that the shift leader contact police, as a courtesy if the are 18 or older OR to file missing persons if under age.
In the paper Len Buccelato's was reported stating it was "not a major incident" and went on to say "the campus is operating as usual"....that's the issue folks...this kind of stuff has become status quo at RCS. If these kind of incidents are considered "business as usual" is this really a safe place for students or staff???

This whole thing is so sad...the campus has so much potential...if only the leadership was different!
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 31, 2011, 04:18:49 PM
Interesting.  Whom exactly 'owns' the paper?  The editor is Wayne Knuckles.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: heretik on January 31, 2011, 04:44:31 PM
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
Interesting.  Whom exactly 'owns' the paper?  The editor is Wayne Knuckles.

Where is the "AJC" in all of this?? They just don't care?? I am beginning to wonder for two reasons, one that they don't post this for political reasons and or two they don't post this because they don't want to frighten the community around this campus, again for political reasons.
In all this is bs, someone is going to get seriously hurt/killed one of these times.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 31, 2011, 04:51:28 PM
You've got that right.  ACCESS NORTH GEORGIA has a tip section online.

The Dahlonega Nugget  - The article was in the paper, but was not "front page," so it did not make the online "cut", I am told.   Obviously most beneficial for Ridge Creek.
If one wishes to order a "paper copy" they can do so by calling the Nugget.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Onlytruth on January 31, 2011, 06:32:18 PM
Chris and Len continue to lie to parents and this letter is just one example.  Funny how Len stated in the Nugget that this was not a major incident.  Does that mean this kind of stuff happens all the time?  Is this the norm?  What a joke! Len and Chris both have high self-efficacy and low competence which makes for very dangerous leadership.  If you are a parent of a student at Ridge Creek, I urge you to withdraw you child before they are subject to any more abuse.  I am telling you the staff have no training and do not know how to deal with the students.  Several well trained and very competent staff have worked at Ridge Creek, but due to the poor leadership from Len and Chris, they have quit or been let go.  I know several staff who did great things for Ridge Creek, but were let go because they stood up to Len and Chris and demanded positive change.  Len and Chris's ego could not handle it.  I feel sorry for the students.  Please, Please get those students out of Ridge Creek before someone really gets hurt.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on January 31, 2011, 09:15:39 PM
Everything about RCS is a LIE.  Any parents considering this place or have a child there should read and listen to the people on this page.
Take your child out........I did.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on January 31, 2011, 09:51:38 PM
Well, if you paid advanced tuition....good luck ...
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on February 01, 2011, 06:07:59 AM
Horse, can you scan the article and post it here???

Quote from: "RCSworkhorse"
I am not sure anyone made mention of the article published in The Dahlonega Nugget on 1/26/11. I was unable to find a link on the Nugget website...sorry! Anyhow it was Police Officer Darren Martin's account of the incident. Essentialy it sounds like early in the day on 1/16 a majority of the student body threatened to initiate a mass walk-out. Apparently the majority of the students did not follow through however it appears a group of students not only walked out but caused a massive amount of property damage. Students were breaking into buildings attempting to access phones, throwing rocks, breaking windows and the police officer stated the Student Activity Center was completely trashed! A few students even went so far as to break into a near by church in attempts to access a phone.
Another piece of notable info mentioned in the article was that 4 students were picked up by police on 1/15 for loitering at the Dahlonega Walmart at 4am. It turned out that they were Ridge Creek Runaways...and no one at RCS bothered to inform the is their written P&P to do so. Even if a student if older than 18 it is required according to RCS policy that the shift leader contact police, as a courtesy if the are 18 or older OR to file missing persons if under age.
In the paper Len Buccelato's was reported stating it was "not a major incident" and went on to say "the campus is operating as usual"....that's the issue folks...this kind of stuff has become status quo at RCS. If these kind of incidents are considered "business as usual" is this really a safe place for students or staff???

This whole thing is so sad...the campus has so much potential...if only the leadership was different!
Title: How about the 1/26/11 Dahlonega Nugget e-edition?
Post by: Ursus on February 01, 2011, 10:55:29 AM
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Horse, can you scan the article and post it here???

Quote from: "RCSworkhorse"
I am not sure anyone made mention of the article published in The Dahlonega Nugget on 1/26/11. I was unable to find a link on the Nugget website...sorry! Anyhow it was Police Officer Darren Martin's account of the incident. Essentialy it sounds like early in the day on 1/16 a majority of the student body threatened to initiate a mass walk-out. Apparently the majority of the students did not follow through however it appears a group of students not only walked out but caused a massive amount of property damage. Students were breaking into buildings attempting to access phones, throwing rocks, breaking windows and the police officer stated the Student Activity Center was completely trashed! A few students even went so far as to break into a near by church in attempts to access a phone.
Another piece of notable info mentioned in the article was that 4 students were picked up by police on 1/15 for loitering at the Dahlonega Walmart at 4am. It turned out that they were Ridge Creek Runaways...and no one at RCS bothered to inform the is their written P&P to do so. Even if a student if older than 18 it is required according to RCS policy that the shift leader contact police, as a courtesy if the are 18 or older OR to file missing persons if under age.
In the paper Len Buccelato's was reported stating it was "not a major incident" and went on to say "the campus is operating as usual"....that's the issue folks...this kind of stuff has become status quo at RCS. If these kind of incidents are considered "business as usual" is this really a safe place for students or staff???

This whole thing is so sad...the campus has so much potential...if only the leadership was different!
According to the Dahlonega Nugget website, anyone who is a print subscriber automatically also has access to their e-edition. This is different from what's available, for free, to the world at large.

The e-edition would appear to be scanned docs of the print edition, complete with photos, etc., since it's all in PDF form. [Could someone who IS a print subscriber please confirm that?]

Portal to access e-editions (http://

One can also subscribe to the e-edition (sans the print edition) for $27.00/year.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on February 01, 2011, 11:12:54 AM
Quote from: "RCSworkhorse"
I am not sure anyone made mention of the article published in The Dahlonega Nugget on 1/26/11. I was unable to find a link on the Nugget website...sorry! Anyhow it was Police Officer Darren Martin's account of the incident. Essentialy it sounds like early in the day on 1/16 a majority of the student body threatened to initiate a mass walk-out. Apparently the majority of the students did not follow through however it appears a group of students not only walked out but caused a massive amount of property damage. Students were breaking into buildings attempting to access phones, throwing rocks, breaking windows and the police officer stated the Student Activity Center was completely trashed! A few students even went so far as to break into a near by church in attempts to access a phone.
Another piece of notable info mentioned in the article was that 4 students were picked up by police on 1/15 for loitering at the Dahlonega Walmart at 4am. It turned out that they were Ridge Creek Runaways...and no one at RCS bothered to inform the is their written P&P to do so. Even if a student if older than 18 it is required according to RCS policy that the shift leader contact police, as a courtesy if the are 18 or older OR to file missing persons if under age.
In the paper Len Buccelato's was reported stating it was "not a major incident" and went on to say "the campus is operating as usual"....that's the issue folks...this kind of stuff has become status quo at RCS. If these kind of incidents are considered "business as usual" is this really a safe place for students or staff???

This whole thing is so sad...the campus has so much potential...if only the leadership was different!

Re: Ridge Creek School - Serious Safety Issues/ORS Violation
by RCSworkhorse » 14 Dec 2010, 23:51

"I reviwed the ORS report. I was a staff at RCS during part of this time frame. Though I did not have a good experience at RCS as an employee, some of the citations are rediculous! Especially in regards to the Wilderness Intervention. First, the students were all provided with a sleeping pad and a down sleeping bag in addition to thermal layers in case it got cold. The students were required to assist in the preparation of food but staff helped with food prep and were provided 3 square meals and two snacks each day. Students were also provided two, one litre water bottles and a were given access to water coolers and were encouraged to fill up many times throughout the day. The Solo was a 24 hour period where students slept in individual tents, closely monitored by staff. Students could not talk to other students but could talk to staff any time they wanted...this was about self-control, learning to delay gratification and having time to reflect about what behaviors they did that got them sent to intervention. Once solo was over the group slept in a group shelter called a Tabin (not a tavern). The beds were indeed metal frames with a wood slab on a box spring. Students had sleeping pads, sleeping bags and their pillows. This may have been one of the most therapeutic things that happened on campus during my short time there. Students had to learn about self-reliance and independant thinking--not following peers who are doing negative behaviors. Each day students engaged in therapeutic groups, community projects and worked on academics and therapeutic assignments and learned how to hold each other accountable. As you can tell i am a big believer in the power of outdoor therapeutic programs! Many students returning from those interventions made huge progress behaviorally even after only 7 days and many of them have continued on that path of sucess. Also know that the interventions occured during warm months.

Though many a shadey thing has happened on that campus the staff members who work directly with the students are good people who during my time there made the best effort they could to support students given their limited training and supports. The biggest limitations to the program are the decision makers and higher-ups in Administration.


ok...I will get off my soap box now!"

I am a little confused.  Perhaps you can help.  RCS Wildrness aka Ridge Creek, Inc.the OCI(outdoor child caring institution) on ORS inspection date 08/23/2010 - Ridge Creek stated there were no children active and Ridge Creek Wilderness did not expect any until the Spring.  "Interventions" to Ridge Creek Wilderness were to cease years back from the regular program of the sister school, formerly HLA, then/ now RCS.  You stated "interventions" in the above Dec.14th post as ' former' staff???  Ridge Creek Wilderness was not to hold further "interventions" from the sister school HLA/RCS, remaining a separate entity, entirely.  Are you stating RCS still used "interventions" to Ridge Creek Wilderness after the ORS regulation in 2006-2007?  Also, the staff listing under Ridge Creek Wilderness is HEAVY, considering, according to the ORS 08/23/2010, the program is not/was not operational.  Which is it?  Thanks.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on February 01, 2011, 12:57:18 PM
Here is the confirmation from the Dahlonega Nugget that this riot at RCS, not to be confused with the other riot at RCS last fall, did in fact happen on Sunday the 16th of January and that Chris Grimwood mistakenly said "Sunday the 17th" in his letter to RCS parents.

Quote from: "Jill Ryan"

Deputies respond
to disturbance at
Ridge Creek

By Matt Aiken
The Nugget
Local deputies responded
to reports of a disturbance
at Ridge Creek Academy last
weekend as multiple students
reportedly began to infl ict
damage on school property.
The incident began last
Sunday morning with a
threatened walk-out by a majority
of the students at the
school formerly known as
Hidden Lake Academy.
“About 45 students got upset
and said they were leaving
and there was no way they
could stop them,” said Investigator
Darren Martin of the
Lumpkin County Sheriff’s
Offi ce.
A majority of those students
never left the Camp
Wahsega Road campus, or
even caused any damage to
the buildings since the shortlived
rebellion was quickly
quelled by staff members as
well as other students who
convinced most of the teenagers
to stay put.
However, a few hours later,
several students began to
break into buildings and destroy
school property.
Offi cers arrived on the
scene and reportedly spotted
students running around
campus throwing rocks at
windows. Some set off fi re
extinguishers while others
knocked over offi ce equipment,
stated the report.
“The student activities
center took the brunt of the
damage,” said Martin. “Some
of the students were wrapping
up shirts and jackets
around their hands and busting
up windows.”
A report fi lled out by Deputy
Brad Farris described the
building as “demolished.”
“Many windows broken,
fi re extinguishers
had been sprayed, glass
[was]everywhere,” stated the
Four students, three 17-
year-olds and a 16-year-old,
were arrested and issued
juvenile complaints for the
charges of unruly child,
criminal trespass and criminal
damage to property.
Some students fl ed into
the surrounding woods.
It was later discovered
that these runaway teens had
hiked to Pleasant Hill Baptist
Church where they reportedly
broke into the Camp
Wahsega Road sanctuary and
searched for a phone. There
was none.
“The whole idea was to go
to that church and call somebody,”
said Martin.
Martin said nothing appeared
to be stolen from the
church besides a blanket.
He added that four Ridge
Creek students had also been
picked up, at 4 a.m., the morning
before the incident at the
Wal-Mart parking lot.
“They were trying to pass
themselves off as college
students or locals,” he said.
“They said they were waiting
on a ride from someone from
the Gainesville area.”
Martin said the Ridge
Creek staff had not reported
the students as missing from
the school, but once their
identities were confi rmed
they were returned to campus.
Of those students, two
were involved in the reported
destruction of property which
took place later that day.
On Monday Len Buccellato,
owner of the boarding
school, said the incident was
“not a major event.”
“The campus is operating
as usual,” he said. “Some new
students decided to do a walkout
and campus is now operating
as normal. This was
only a very small portion of
the student body who did the

Sorry about the formatting, but I don't have time right now to reformat it properly...
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Ursus on February 01, 2011, 01:16:43 PM
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Here is the confirmation from the Dahlonega Nugget that this riot at RCS, not to be confused with the other riot at RCS last fall, did in fact happen on Sunday the 16th of January and that Chris Grimwood mistakenly said "Sunday the 17th" in his letter to RCS parents.
Quote from: "Matt Aiken of the Dahlonega Nugget, on Jan. 26th, 2011"
The incident began last Sunday morning with a threatened walk-out by a majority of the students at the school formerly known as Hidden Lake Academy.
Not to be splitting hairs too much, but... I wish it were more unequivocal re. which "last Sunday" they're talking about. From the wording of the article, it could also mean Sunday, January 23rd.

@Jill: Was this from the e-edition, accessed as noted above (http://
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on February 01, 2011, 01:28:30 PM
“About 45 students got upset
and said they were leaving
and there was no way they
could stop them,” said Investigator
Darren Martin of the
Lumpkin County Sheriff’s
Offi ce."
the incident was
“not a major event.”
“The campus is operating
as usual,” he said. “Some new
students decided to do a walkout
and campus is now operating
as normal. This was
only a very small portion of
the student body who did the

Interesting .... Whom would one choose to believe?
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on February 01, 2011, 02:20:30 PM
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Here is the confirmation from the Dahlonega Nugget that this riot at RCS, not to be confused with the other riot at RCS last fall, did in fact happen on Sunday the 16th of January and that Chris Grimwood mistakenly said "Sunday the 17th" in his letter to RCS parents.
Quote from: "Matt Aiken of the Dahlonega Nugget, on Jan. 26th, 2011"
The incident began last Sunday morning with a threatened walk-out by a majority of the students at the school formerly known as Hidden Lake Academy.
Not to be splitting hairs too much, but... I wish it were more unequivocal re. which "last Sunday" they're talking about. From the wording of the article, it could also mean Sunday, January 23rd.

@Jill: Was this from the e-edition, accessed as noted above (http://

If you look at the Grimwood letter (if you can call that language mangling a "letter") you will see that he also says staff will get checks on Thursday the 20th, so this puts the riot on the 16th and the letter on the 17th (Monday) with checks allegedly going out that Thursday (the 20th).
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Dysfunction Junction on February 01, 2011, 02:22:25 PM
Can anybody get a copy of the article about the previous riot at RCS?  This, by some accounts, happened around October, 2010.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: RCSworkhorse on February 01, 2011, 09:20:28 PM
"I am a little confused. Perhaps you can help. RCS Wildrness aka Ridge Creek, Inc.the OCI(outdoor child caring institution) on ORS inspection date 08/23/2010 - Ridge Creek stated there were no children active and Ridge Creek Wilderness did not expect any until the Spring. "Interventions" to Ridge Creek Wilderness were to cease years back from the regular program of the sister school, formerly HLA, then/ now RCS. You stated "interventions" in the above Dec.14th post as ' former' staff??? Ridge Creek Wilderness was not to hold further "interventions" from the sister school HLA/RCS, remaining a separate entity, entirely. Are you stating RCS still used "interventions" to Ridge Creek Wilderness after the ORS regulation in 2006-2007? Also, the staff listing under Ridge Creek Wilderness is HEAVY, considering, according to the ORS 08/23/2010, the program is not/was not operational. Which is it? Thanks."

In the spring of May Len ordered that the Director of Recreation plan and implement a 10 day wilderness intervention for a group of 10 students who were struggling with compliance or were repeatedly breaking major RCS agreements on some level (no sexual behavior or glorifying sex, no drugs or glorifying drugs, no violence or glorifying violence). I was unaware of any such ORS restrictions on wilderness interventions but it was certainly implemented. Neither Len or Chris notified anyone about any ORS restrictions on wilderness-based programming. I personally think it was one of the more effective efforts made during my time there....students were required to complete academic work, therapeutics, community service, daily hikes and group processing each day. The intervention ended with a three day backpacking excursion....the Rec staff really did the best they possibly could with this intervention given the short notice given to plan it and limited number of staff with wilderness experience.
Hope this answers your question.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on February 01, 2011, 10:16:08 PM
This makes no sense.  Director of Recreation is /was Chris Grimwood ??  He has no qualifications for writing any Wilderness plan/intervention.  I am not sure ceasing HLA via Ridge Creek Wilderness  "interventions" was a regulation((ORS oversight, ORS directive, or HLA/Ridge Creek Wilderness, Ridge Creek School/Inc. declaration.)  There are literally thousands of documents, with any grace, we might be able to find the link regarding "future interventions" from 2006 forward.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on February 01, 2011, 11:08:58 PM
just to let you know..... Chris Grimwood  has left RCS and is going to Brandon Hall which  he was employed by Jeff Holloway that hired him at RCS when it changed from HLA to RCS.
Parents beware.....we are only changing from one institution to another. Parents need to be aware that we are moving from intuition  from one school  to another  . he has  already
left RCS.  So has everyone else.  
History repeats itself...........
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on February 02, 2011, 10:01:03 AM
Brandon Hall ...  Jeff Holloway must have advocated for Chris's hiring.  Jeff is the Assistant Headmaster/Director of Admissions at Brandon Hall.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: DEE on February 02, 2011, 10:59:08 AM
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
Brandon Hall ...  Jeff Holloway must have advocated for Chris's hiring.  Jeff is the Assistant Headmaster/Director of Admissions at Brandon Hall.

So Hollowhead is now with Brandon Hall. Interesting. He was with Aspen for a short while as one of its marketers/salespersons, but now joins the list of ex-HLAers (Mike O'Leary, Brian Smythe, etc, etc) who migrated to Brandon Hall. This industry is so incestuous it makes the backwoods of Kentucky look good by comparison.
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: browneyes on February 02, 2011, 01:53:04 PM
In 2010, tuition was $4,800a month.  In January of 2011 it went up to $5,300.  Today on the web page it says $3,900 a month.
Tomorrow it could be different. I guess they think that if they decrease the tuition that they will get more students.  Or maybe
they don't have enough staff to pay so they decreased tuition.  You get what you pay for. Boarding !!!
Title: Brandon Hall - so many CEDU-associated connections?
Post by: Ursus on February 02, 2011, 02:58:23 PM
Quote from: "DEE"
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
Brandon Hall ...  Jeff Holloway must have advocated for Chris's hiring.  Jeff is the Assistant Headmaster/Director of Admissions at Brandon Hall.
So Hollowhead is now with Brandon Hall. Interesting. He was with Aspen for a short while as one of its marketers/salespersons, but now joins the list of ex-HLAers (Mike O'Leary, Brian Smythe, etc, etc) who migrated to Brandon Hall. This industry is so incestuous it makes the backwoods of Kentucky look good by comparison.
Is this a CEDU or CEDU-ish connection? Jackson Culotta* was also allegedly at Brandon Hall for awhile, as Director of Resident Life.

* Other CEDU or CEDU-associated employment (http:// of Jackson Culota includes: Headmaster at Boulder Creek Academy, Executive Director for the Northwest Region of CEDU; Headmaster at Cascade School; Consultant to Coronado Academy; Headmaster, Co-Founder, and Owner of Cherokee Creek Boys School; and Director of Business Development for Confident Living, Inc, Boulder, CO (now known as Vive!).
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on February 02, 2011, 03:29:18 PM
Quote from: "DEE"
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
Brandon Hall ...  Jeff Holloway must have advocated for Chris's hiring.  Jeff is the Assistant Headmaster/Director of Admissions at Brandon Hall.

So Hollowhead is now with Brandon Hall. Interesting. He was with Aspen for a short while as one of its marketers/salespersons, but now joins the list of ex-HLAers (Mike O'Leary, Brian Smythe, etc, etc) who migrated to Brandon Hall. This industry is so incestuous it makes the backwoods of Kentucky look good by comparison.

Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: Jill Ryan on February 02, 2011, 03:40:56 PM
Quote from: "browneyes"
In 2010, tuition was $4,800a month.  In January of 2011 it went up to $5,300.  Today on the web page it says $3,900 a month.
Tomorrow it could be different. I guess they think that if they decrease the tuition that they will get more students.  Or maybe
they don't have enough staff to pay so they decreased tuition.  You get what you pay for. Boarding !!!

Well, I don't see how difficult it is for RCS to correct the STAFF names, correct the sports conference membership, if they can manage to quickly lower tuition on their website.
Title: Jeff Holloway at Brandon Hall
Post by: Ursus on February 12, 2011, 10:11:08 PM
Fwiw, and for the sake of posterity:

-------------- • -------------- • --------------

Admissions at Brandon Hall (http://

Office of Admissions

1701 Brandon Hall Drive
Atlanta, GA 30350-3706

Phone: 770-394-8177
Fax: 770-804-8821

Jeff Holloway, MSW
Email: [email protected]

Click HERE (http:// to complete an online application.

Office Hours for Inquiries, Appointments, and Tours
7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, Except Holidays[/list]
Title: Re: Ridge Creek "School" - Unpaid Staff and Resident Riot
Post by: seamus on February 13, 2011, 06:44:39 AM
did any body else ever notice, but when a parent signs a "contract" or a "treatment agrrement" that there is no contingency that if staff drops between a certian "staff to student" ratio that in fact the facility has voided its responsibilities,and is out of the specifications ,laid down by a formal agreement,that was given to be signed by that facility? Some of you legal types tell this not breach of contract?.............I dunno,seems kinda fishy,that what you are paying for ,in tangibles,is not what you are getting in reality. :nods: