
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: Carmel on December 13, 2002, 10:22:00 AM

Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Carmel on December 13, 2002, 10:22:00 AM
I am interested in anyones thoughts on this.  

Is it just me, or is this whole new hullabaloo about X really just a bit humorous? I mean, 10-12 years ago it was just as prevalent in the club scene as it is now in the rave scene....and nobody said a word about it.  There was no talk about epidemics or deaths (not that they didnt occur)or any of this crap nowadays.  Its like they are trying to scare the shit out of people about ex.  I am not trying to justify the use of it, I myself cant handle that kind of high long since anymore, but it just seems like all of a sudden its all splashed all over the media like its the new heroin or something.  

Also, if I recall correctly ex was NOT physically addictive.  There is no such thing as ex withdrawls or simialr nonsense.  If you are taking a hit of ex every single day, thats a personal choice, albeit an idiotic one.  Its not because your body becomes dependednt on it.  Thats ludicrous.  

I guess I was just noticing really how much the DFAF and simialar organizations focus on the substance, and not the root cause of the substance abuse.  I suppose it has always been that way, it just galls me to see them taking up a new flag for this drug that has been around forever, and now all of a sudden is Satan incarnate.  Maybe because they are losing their grip on the fight about MJ?  Time to take up a new cause with twisted statistics and health information?

Demonizing the substance is an easy way to releive themselves of responsibility, while pretending to be saviours.  "Your kids are on drugs, they need intervention"   well, what about stable homelife, non-abusive, non-neglectful parents, an environment free form sexual abuse.  What about all of that? Oh no, they dont deal in real issues, its the kids fault, the kids problem.......

These people are the snake oil salesman of our generation.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Froderik on December 13, 2002, 10:42:00 AM
Carmel wrote: "Is it just me, or is this whole new hullabaloo about X really just a bit humorous? I mean, 10-12 years ago it was just as prevalent in the club scene as it is now in the rave scene....and nobody said a word about it...
it just seems like all of a sudden its all splashed all over the media like its the new heroin or something."  

 - Yeah, seems like whenever the media gets on a topic they milk it to DEATH, LOL...why do you think we were treated to 5000 hours of the goddam OJ trial?!!

"Also, if I recall correctly ex was NOT physically addictive.  There is no such thing as ex withdrawls or simialr nonsense..."

 - Although a potentially dangerous drug, probably NOT addictive...

"Time to take up a new cause with twisted statistics and health information?"

 - Makes sense...

"Demonizing the substance is an easy way to releive themselves of responsibility, while pretending to be saviours.  "Your kids are on drugs, they need intervention"   well, what about stable homelife, non-abusive, non-neglectful parents, an environment free form sexual abuse.  What about all of that? Oh no, they dont deal in real issues, its the kids fault, the kids problem..."


"These people are the snake oil salesman of our generation."

 - Very humorous, and so true!>>>>>FR13
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Anonymous on December 13, 2002, 12:00:00 PM
Carmel, I would have to agree with you there. As the war on MJ is blowing up in their face they have to attack other drugs in order to keep people interested, and to try and keep the impact of the other losses to a minimum.

I was watchin the TV the other nigh and saw another ANTI-Drug public service announcement. This one had two guys arguing over the amount of money that goes to terrorists when drugs are bought. The problem with this is, that MOST drugs that are out there are produced right here in the good old USA. Unless the guys around town that are making crystal meth, X, or growin weed, etc, are actually terrorists in disguise, which under the USA PATRIOT ACT that just might be found that way, it's all crap.

Every day the lies get thicker and the shit gets deeper. I believe that we have them running scared and they are rapidly running out of variations to their putrid smelling , dead themes.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Carmel on December 13, 2002, 03:32:00 PM
That stupid DFAF site has a listing of warning signs and symptoms of ecstasy use.  Including a list of the various paraphenalia associated with the Rave scene, i.e. the glow sticks, etc.  

I cant help but giggle at this list of things to look out for...

Child-like costumes such as angel wings, glow sticks, glowing jewelry, children's backpack, teddy bears/children's toys, pacifiers

Signs of excessive water consumption at unusual times, such as bringing multiple water bottles to parties/raves or having an unusually large amount of empty water bottles in his or her bedroom or car.

I mean, do some parents actually walk into a kids room with an empty water bottle and say "honey, we should talk, are you on drugs?"  Can you imagine, and thats exactly the kind of paranoia that this creates.  We are going to have parents putiing their kids in treatment for having teddy bears and water bottles.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Froderik on December 13, 2002, 05:56:00 PM

On 2002-12-13 12:32:00, Carmel wrote: "That stupid DFAF site has a listing of warning signs and symptoms of ecstasy use.  I cant help but giggle at this list of things to look out for...
Child-like costumes such as angel wings, glow sticks, glowing jewelry, children's backpack, teddy bears/children's toys, pacifiers...
We are going to have parents putting their kids in treatment for having teddy bears and water bottles."

Yeah, it's pretty damn absurd - but then so is the whole idea of putting kids in that kind of 'treatment' for smoking MJ or FOR ANYTHING!!

[ This Message was edited by: AlexL on 2002-12-13 15:00 ]
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: kosmonaut on December 13, 2002, 08:04:00 PM
For the record I've used X many times in the last 7 or 8 years.  I'm still here and as far as I can tell not suffering from any uh... er... what was I saying?

Seriously though, I agree the hype is ridiculous.  In its pure form it can be a wonderful drug when used at the correct dosage, in a safe setting.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: kpickle39 on December 13, 2002, 09:41:00 PM
and I doubt I ever will.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins; all of them imaginary.
H.L. Mencken, 1923

Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Anonymous on December 14, 2002, 01:12:00 AM
It's simply all about the money.  The people that profit from strict drug control laws are in the same boat with the people that write them.

Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: dreammagician on December 14, 2002, 08:54:00 AM
Back 20 years or so i remember quaaludes were the bad ticket. People were lacing them with pcp in order to make them stronger. Some people died. Paula Hawkins who lives in winter park decided to take it upon herself to put up a war, she won, now there are no quaaludes on the market anymore. pot is harder to control because it was given to us by god, it grows and is natural, it will never go away, same with anythin organic like mushrooms. Funny thing is they wanted to start putting stuff in the grain that would privent microorganisms from produsing the spores that are hallucinogenic. Only thing is that this would kill all microorganisms that are needed to break down the natural way things deteriorate. Fuck with mother nature she fucks back really hard. Welp, finally they stopped this because peo0le like us said something and they had to give in. SAme thing with x, it is pharmacutical and they can control this like qualludes. x sucks anyways, dude, they put anything and everything in the mix when they make it. If they got a little more coke this week rather than heroin it goes in. You never know what your gonna get when you do the stuff. Personally x sucks and does kill people because it is a mix of all deadly drugs and if the person who is doing the batch fucks up or gets greedy we all die or go in convusions, who needs that. hehe
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Antigen on December 14, 2002, 01:21:00 PM
On 2002-12-14 05:54:00, dreammagician wrote:
If they got a little more coke this week rather than heroin it goes in. You never know what your gonna get when you do the stuff. Personally x sucks and does kill people because it is a mix of all deadly drugs and if the person who is doing the batch fucks up or gets greedy we all die or go in convusions, who needs that. hehe

We had the same problem with wood alcohol finding its way into whiskey during alcohol prohibition. They called it "bathtub gin". There's a simple solution that's tried and true.

What is a committee?  A group of the unwilling, picked from the unfit, to do the unnecessary.    
-- Richard Harkness, The New York Times, 1960

Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Antigen on December 14, 2002, 01:27:00 PM
"Signs of excessive water consumption at unusual times, such as bringing multiple water bottles to parties/raves or having an unusually large amount of empty water bottles in his or her bedroom or car."

Oh dear! I'm in big, big trouble! I always have at least half a dozen empty water bottles in the kitchen cabinet, right next to the jewelweed tincture. Not that I'm on X or anything. Just that I think it's patently insane to pay a buck or more for a bottle of water, so I save them to refill.

Madness takes its toll.  Please have exact change.

Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Shelby on December 14, 2002, 03:26:00 PM
Be extra careful on Halloween, kiddies!!

"Child-like costumes such as angel wings, glow sticks, glowing jewelry, children's backpack, teddy bears/children's toys, pacifiers"

[ This Message was edited by: Shelby on 2002-12-14 12:27 ]
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Anonymous on December 14, 2002, 05:17:00 PM
Fuck Mother Nature and she fucks back hard. OMG I love it!!!!  ::cheers::
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: kaydeejaded on December 14, 2002, 05:28:00 PM
Whoops that was me above. Sorry  :smokin:

What kind of humanism expresses its reluctance to sacrifice military casualties by devastating the civilian economy of its adversary for decades to come?  
Henry Kissinger

Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Tampa survivor on December 15, 2002, 03:19:00 AM
The X thing is being blown out of proportion to scare the shit out of the parents of cute white 15 year olds.  This keeps the drug war stoked.
  Those parents should be scared if thier angel is using it.  Very bad hyperthermia is associated with its use, hallucinagenic amphetamines like MDMA are powerfull mind benders when pure and properly dosed.  As others noted, usually neither of the above are the case.  
Come hang out at Tampa General or St Joes hospital here on a weekend when the Ybor city partiers start to crash. Some real wastes happen.
Doesnt give the warriors the right to blow it out of propoertion.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Anonymous on December 15, 2002, 12:40:00 PM

On 2002-12-15 00:19:00, Tampa survivor wrote:

"Come hang out at Tampa General or St Joes hospital here on a weekend when the Ybor city partiers start to crash. Some real wastes happen."


You seem to have some knowledge, or should I say insight in this area, possibly because you are a health care worker.

With that said, I would like you ask you, how many youths are there on average over the weekend that show up at the ER? How do they get there, are they brought by ambulance?

Also, with the kids showing up in the ER, how many more females are there as opposed to males?  I curious to know so as to speculate whether there may be a possibility that there are more overdoses in females because of the "date rape" techniques, where they are being drugged without their knowledge? I could see where it would be easy for that to happen, as a young lady would take a pill only to wind up drinking water tainted by an unscrupulous individuals.

I look forward to hearing you response on these, as I would much rather trust your unofficial judgment then skewed guberment statics.

I agree that there are too many "wana be" chemists out there that are making dangerous drugs, but properly manufactured ecstasy is actual safe, and can even be therapeutic from a psychiatric standpoint.

Even with the facts that they (drug warriors) state, why do they oppose those groups that setup shop at raves and do minor testing on the scrapings of these pill in order to help kids from being poisoned. Granted it is not perfect and can not check the potency of these pills, but since there is no real regulation, why not do the best we can to help keep our kids (who will take X if they choose, like it or not) as safe as we can?

Some drugs are good, and some are bad,

but weed is the best drug I've ever had.

Smoke a big fatty and it clears my head,

or helps me sleep when I go to bed.

The best buds help me write the most awesome code,

I'll still be smoking weed when I'm 100 years old :smokin:



This is your Brain , and this is your Brain on coerced treatment

Some Days It's Just Not Worth
Chewing Through The Leather Straps

[ This Message was edited by: SysAdmin on 2002-12-15 09:44 ]
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Hamiltonf on December 15, 2002, 06:51:00 PM
I am an oldie that keeps visiting this site as a matter of interest.  (I'm 62)
I personally might take E some day, in very controlled circumstances.  Both of my kids (now in their 20s) have experimented with E, but ONLY after educating themselves very thoroughly about it, and all the others -- and having it tested.  It is always best to use it VERY sparingly, and they report positive results if so used. is a good source of information, as is a book Ecstacy-- a user's guide.  Also psychologist Alexander Shulgin are allsources of accurate information.  
The biggest danger of taking this recreational drug is if you don't look after yourself and either get dehydrated and suffer heatstroke and die, or, at the other end of the spectrum, to counter heatstroke,you drink too much water and lose electrolytes which will cause the brain to swell and you will die.  
It is also wise to have the drug tested.  see
The biggest threat to your life comes from the US Senate, and their "Ecsacy Anti proliferation Act"  This, in itself is probably doing an incredibly greater amount of damage to people who get caught than the extremely rare deaths.  Viagra which is made specifically for "approved" recreational purposes by pharmaceutical companies with great lobbying power, has in its short life caused more deaths than Ecstacy, which has been around since the 1920's.  Mind you, it's really not wise to mix viagra with E.  That can kill you too, but some people do it.  I guess if at a young age you cannot get a hard-on, you really should talk to a doctor.

Take care.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Tampa survivor on December 15, 2002, 10:56:00 PM
I am not the ER these days, but I see the leftovers that get admitted.  I have a couple of friends down in the ER...and will try to get a count.
The conked heads in halo traction 20 year olds who got in a fight, the cracked up cars and loveley brain bounces, every night.
Straight ODs go to psych, after a nice stay in ICU if bad.
We did have a run of PMA laced X which was dropping 3-10 kids a night into the ER with 106 temps and all the joy.  Lost a few too.  The stuff hit orlando too.  Girls and guys Equal on X from what I see.  Priveliged,pretty white kids.  I guess hip hop and x don't mix.  
Smoke weed kids.  If you must do something that is.  Alcohol creates the most sublime stupidity in humans.  Have you ever seen an orthopedic surgeons bill?  OUCH.  
I will see what the OD djour is these days from my buds and get back.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Hamiltonf on December 15, 2002, 11:58:00 PM
Which doesn't address the problem.  It's not the MDMA, it's the bad stuff which comes from bad quality control, ERGO legalize all drugs, control them for quality, take it out of the hands of organized crime.  Follow the example of Holland, you idiots.  
Your work on ER is not educating you about the drugs because you have no context to put it in.  And perhaps, if the DEA and NIDA stopped treating marijuana the same as heroin, maybe young people would listen to them.  But scare tactics and DARE (remember the Sembler's role in DARE) don't work.
Read the "Less is more" post again.  Also, locate and read the book "Synthetic Panics" by Professor Jenkins from Penn State University.  
Remember, the Straights were a product of a moral panic.  It's in the US that moral panics have reached a new high.  Probably the role of a largely uncritical media and  Christian fundamentalist churches  with a strong basis in the south.  Those southern baptist ministers have a lot to answer for (Ever hear the song about the Reverend Dr. Lee by Roberta Flack)  Just laden with good old Christian Guilt  -- and oh, my god, those negras and their sex, you know.  Reefer madness.  Black guys having sex with all those white girls.  Isn't that what E is all about?  SEX.  Isn't that inherent racism that drove so many white folks to put their kids into the hands of the Semblers, because they feared the depravity to which drugs would take them?
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Antigen on December 15, 2002, 11:59:00 PM
On 2002-12-15 15:51:00, Hamiltonf wrote:
"I am an oldie that keeps visiting this site as a matter of interest.  (I'm 62)

Ok, I'm going to break with my usual habit of stiffling my curiosity over personal info. I thought I'd had enough of other people's business to last me a lifetime. But now I'm piqued.

If you don't mind saying, what is your interest in these forums?

On 2002-12-15 15:51:00, Hamiltonf I personally might take E some day, in very controlled circumstances.  Both of my kids (now in their 20s) have experimented with E, but ONLY after educating themselves very thoroughly about it, and all the others -- and having it tested.  It is always best to use it VERY sparingly, and they report positive results if so used.  

I'm thinking along the same lines. I think I could benefit from the experience. If ever I could be dispensible for a time and also sure that the drug was pure and of known dose, I'd love to try it. Pulling all that together while raising young kids, though... well, it just hasn't happened and probably won't till my youngest is a bit older.

It really puzzles me to see Marijuana connected with Narcotics - Dope and all that crap?it's a thousand times better than whiskey - it's an Assistant - a friend.
Louis Armstrong

Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Anonymous on December 16, 2002, 12:28:00 AM
On 2002-12-15 20:58:00, Hamiltonf wrote:
"Your work on ER is not educating you about the drugs because you have no context to put it in."

Actually I think that it does, with respect to that is not about the drug it self but the consequences that follow from it's consumption,  giving him a unique look at how many problems that are occurring from the major problem with ecstasy; Quality Control. Properly dosed it is not harmful, so if there are people showing up in the ER it is either from taking too much or taking shit that is cut with some bad stuff, or worse yet taking something that is not what they though it was at all. And while these problems may be caused by the fact that it is illegal, makes the statics even more important in the fight for legalization/regulation.

I believe whole heartedly that ALL drugs should be legalized and some/most should be regulated, but that does not mean that one should deny the facts that a lot of these drugs can be harmful or addictive.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Hamiltonf on December 16, 2002, 12:40:00 AM
Agreed.  I just wasn't sure that was his position.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Anonymous on December 16, 2002, 12:55:00 AM
Of course, remembering how the US has such a highly moralistic leadership leads me to wonder about the position taken by Jessica Stern (formerly of the National Security Council 1994-1995) in a recent BBC "Panorama" program.  She said:
"We (the US) are despised around the world" and
"We will be doing Al Quaida's work for them if we attack Iraq"
How does this relate to the War on drugs?  
Well,  With Canada's hints at ending Marijuana prohibition, John Walters is running around threatening Canada with border sanctions.  Simultaneously,  the US Ambassador to Canada is telling Canada that it is not sensitive enough to US needs and should strengthen it's military.
Even on this forum, I have heard it expressed that the US has "protected Canada".  I would like to ask, "from what?"  If Canada needs protection, it seems to me it is from the US and it's insane drug war.  The drug war is just one of many factors that has led the US to be despised around the world --- including Canada  --- and Canada should stay out of fighting US wars for it.
Yours truly
A Canadian Raver.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Anonymous on December 16, 2002, 01:14:00 AM
While I am unsure of Bill's position I do believe that even for a legalizes such as our selves, that being in daily contact with the out come of poorly manufacture ecstasy or even ODs there of,  can be disconcerting and therefor may make ones opinion more bias.

I do have a question for you though, When you said: "at the other end of the spectrum, to counter heatstroke,you drink too much water and lose electrolytes which will cause the brain to swell and you will die."

I wasn't aware that one could consume quite that much water. Since a gallon a day is the recomended amount, exactly where is the threshold? I may be making an assumption here, but you wouldn't need to be on any drugs in order to cause this problem. I would be interested in knowing more about it. You wouldn't happen to have a handy pointer to such subject matter would you? I'm just curious.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Hamiltonf on December 16, 2002, 01:24:00 AM
Send me a private message, I'll provide an e-mail address for someone who will answer your questions. (when I have her permission)
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Anonymous on December 16, 2002, 01:40:00 AM
As a side not on legalization:

If you have not had the opportunity to check out Antigens earlier post in the "Open Free For All" forum about Dan Burton check it out: ... ort=D#7506 (
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: FaceKhan on December 16, 2002, 01:40:00 AM
The issue with MDMA (ecstasy) is that there are very few deaths from it. The media needs a story so they blow it up and of course the Drug War interests need to keep the public frightened of a never ending series of hobgoblins in order to get away with their abuses. The problem is the prohibition which creates the black market for the drug where you can never be sure of what you are getting. There have only been a handful of deaths from MDMA, mostly dehydration/heat stroke. There is no evidence that anyone has died from an MDMA overdose although I am sure there have been one or two. Mostly people are dying because they buy what they think is MDMA and get something totally different like PNA which is responsible for dozens of deaths when large batches of PNA get sold as MDMA.

Definitely erowid is the shiznit. I was reading up on that site and just before my friends were about to do something stupid that would have resulted in lot of vomiting, I found something on erowid related to it that prevented their stupidity. Ok well it delayed it. :smile:


[ This Message was edited by: FaceKhan on 2002-12-15 22:43 ]
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: dreammagician on December 16, 2002, 03:08:00 AM
Big brother is making money off the drug war, why stop it, those idiot republican fools. If we controlled the drug trade what a difference this would make in our society. True, it would shake alot of feathers especialloy down here in the south , but who cares. We're just little puppets that got expreimented with. It didn't work so now big bro moves on to bigger and better things. Mind control is such an effortless game. Canada rules and I wish we could adopt more of their ways. Bush is an idiot and can rot in hell
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Shelby on December 16, 2002, 09:21:00 AM
Water intoxification is quite real. Usually infants and small children are accidental victims of well-meaning parents who think they aren't drinking enough water in hot weather, but it can happen to anyone.

"Drinking large amounts of water can strain the kidneys, causing excess loss of the mineral salts, sodium and potassium," Dr. Alpern explains. "This can lead to hypoatraemia, or water intoxification, a potentially fatal condition where the blood becomes over-diluted and the cells begin to swell."

Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Tampa survivor on December 16, 2002, 10:05:00 AM
Hamilton> read my past posts.  I think you can easily see where I stand on many things.
Do you have some conection to the straights?  
Just curious too.
 Sparing you guys the finer points of hyponatremia, yall are right.  Too much water= bad.  Add street shit with whoodafuck knows whats in it= REAL BAD
Philisopical opposition to the ban on certain drugs can clash with reality when you see an intubated 15 year old with cheerleaders and football players crying outside the room wishing their friend would wake up.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Hamiltonf on December 17, 2002, 12:33:00 AM
On 2002-12-16 07:05:00, Tampa survivor wrote:
"Hamilton> read my past posts.  I think you can easily see where I stand on many things.
Do you have some conection to the straights?  
Just curious too.

No, I have no connection, except that my son pointed out this forum some considerable time ago, and I recently rediscovered it when following up on referrals to AARC.    

 Sparing you guys the finer points of hyponatremia, yall are right.  Too much water= bad.

Actually, read about the water intoxication thing on some site like Erowid.  Confirmed by my daughter who is a harm-reduction activist and is working towards doing graduate work in pharmacology.  She has read and is able to critique, scientifically every research paper that seems to be available to date on ecstacy and has written papers for her undergraduate courses on the subject.
 Add street shit with whoodafuck knows whats in it= REAL BAD
Philisopical opposition to the ban on certain drugs can clash with reality when you see an intubated 15 year old with cheerleaders and football players crying outside the room wishing their friend would wake up.

On the other hand, this should lend strength to the argument as to why the drug war is failing, namely that scare tactics and lies don't work.  When you have a Drug Czar running around telling you that pot is so dangerous and everyone knows it isn't, people just stop listening.  Sure kids will experiment, but at that age, they are just beginning to realise they've been lied to.  
You have to get away from the assumption that all drug use is abuse, and I'm afraid there is a long way to go before the US is going to get away from that moralistic viewpoint.  
Walk softly, and carry a big stick
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Anonymous on December 17, 2002, 12:57:00 AM
On 2002-12-16 21:33:00, Hamiltonf wrote:
 Add street shit with whoodafuck knows whats in it= REAL BAD
Philisopical opposition to the ban on certain drugs can clash with reality when you see an intubated 15 year old with cheerleaders and football players crying outside the room wishing their friend would wake up.

On the other hand, this should lend strength to the argument as to why the drug war is failing, namely that scare tactics and lies don't work.  When you have a Drug Czar running around telling you that pot is so dangerous and everyone knows it isn't, people just stop listening.  Sure kids will experiment, but at that age, they are just beginning to realise they've been lied to.  
You have to get away from the assumption that all drug use is abuse, and I'm afraid there is a long way to go before the US is going to get away from that moralistic viewpoint.  
Walk softly, and carry a big stick"

Also, the whothefuckknows factor dissapears in a legal, regulated market.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Tampa survivor on December 17, 2002, 09:01:00 AM
Yeah, but it still won't make hallucinegenic amphetamines safe and helpful for you when used in high enough doses to get a good roll.  
I see it like cocaine:  It is NOT good for people.  It is  harmfull.  No denial of these facts.
I like weed.  It has lots of things we can call benefits.  But facts are, it is bad for the lungs.  Undeniable.  

If drugs are legal (cheap and pure) it simply means that the crackhead won't be driving crime up in my neighborhood to get $$ to get drug.

Overall...if ya wanna fry your noodles on anything at all, go ahead.  Just don't let your freedom to do so interfere with my freedom to know better.  
BTW, I have been a legalize it freedom lover for longer than most.  We are making the drug suppliers rich on the backs of simple folk's habits.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Antigen on December 17, 2002, 11:33:00 AM
Well, actually MJ is bad for parts of your lungs but beneficial to others. It's also very good for treating asthma.

Everything in this world is dangerous. Sky diving is dangerous. So is skiing and mountain climbing and horseback riding, extreme sports, football, racing... and the list goes on.

I know that our bodies were made to thrive only in pure air, and the scenes in which pure air is found.
-- John Muir

Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: ClayL on December 19, 2002, 08:53:00 AM
I believe the democrat darling Bill "I didn't inhale" Clinton, did more damage to civil rights and escalated the drug war more than ALL the republicans before him.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: Tampa survivor on December 19, 2002, 11:24:00 PM
Once again, Clay hits it.
10 years of higher mj busts/convictions than ever before.
More death sentences.
More federal encroachment on states rights through burgeoning federal agencies.
Remember the clipper chip?
How about Clintons attack on habeus corpus?
Yeah, democrats are way better than republicans.
They are both shit.
PS  Lott should hide his face and go back to Missisipi and be a lobbyist.
Title: The ecstasy epidemic
Post by: kosmonaut on December 20, 2002, 03:07:00 PM

On 2002-12-19 20:24:00, Tampa survivor wrote:

PS  Lott should hide his face and go back to Missisipi and be a lobbyist."

As of today he will be doing just that.  He is officially resigning, or so I heard on the news this morning.


That's one less strange hairdo in D.C.   :silly:

[ This Message was edited by: kosmonaut on 2002-12-20 12:07 ]