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Messages - John Olsakovsky

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Missing Puzzle Pieces
« on: September 12, 2003, 02:21:00 AM »
On 2003-09-11 07:17:00, Anonymous wrote:

" Ditto, to the last post. some of y`all act like such experts and the advice is anything but helpful.Whoever wrote the first post obviously was angry, does that make them sick? I can`t blame them for blasting you, you seem very enabeling.I`ve never found that to be to helpful in real life, forget about kids. "

It's readily apparent that someone hasn't gotten fully de-programmed, if at all.
You'll either see your bullshit for what it truly is or you'll die brainwashed.
Neither option is pleasant, but one makes for a lot happier lifetime.

"Study history, lest ye be damned to repeat it."  I'm not going to be so pompous as to say I know the source of this quote.  I don't.
But it's all too poignant.

Our history involves an abusive rehabilitation facility that damaged the lives of hundreds of adolescents, including most of the readers of my words.  It involves (present tense, as Newton & Co. still have their emotional grip on his loyal followers and possibly others of whom we know nothing) incomprehensable abuses and cult-like brainwashing techniques, in the name of salvaging the lives of youth from drugs or food or behavior or sex or whatever that wanna-be saviour thought he could 'cure' us of.

I choose to prevent this from being repeated, so I remember Kids.  I remember the loneliness.  I remember the humiliation.  I remember the pain.  I remember the bullshit.  I remember the staff-imposed guilt.  I remember the restraints, the violence, the anger, the sadness, the fear and the lost feeling of floating in a sea of disfunction guided by Capt. Newton.

What about you?  Are you going to merely forget that this ever happened so that if it happens to your son/daughter or the son/daughter of someone you know & care about, you can forget about that too?  Perhaps turn a blind eye towards what other atrocities are being committed against other teen-agers.

What's sad is every day some screwed up teen is put into a facility for "help" and leaves worse off than when they entered.  They all feel that exact same fear you did on day one.  They get a piss test, some Kwell shampoo and a shitty haircut.  They will have to spend an undetermined amount of time in an unforgiving environment with all dignity and humanity stripped of them, all in the name of bettering their lives.
Just like you & I.

I will remember Kids until the day I die.  It will always be a vivid memory that stirs up emotion, mostly unpleasant, yet necessary to prevent it from happening to anyone I know.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / gay
« on: September 12, 2003, 02:03:00 AM »
On 2003-09-11 15:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

" Can any body say they take this guy john and his fucked up opinions seriously? It is very annoying to me."

Take me seriously.
Don't take me seriously.
I don't care whether you do or not, since the odds are pretty damn good that I have never met you, Mr(s). Anonymous, and probably never will.

My opinions are merely my own, and I'm not ashamed to express them.  They are the only thing I have that I can truly claim as my own.
Sadly, too many people (both in this forum and out there in the rest of the big, bad world) can't make this same claim.

Remember that lemmings follow one another off that tall cliff into the sea to die for no other reason than they're following the one in front of them with no regard for why.
Think about it.

And if you don't like my opinions, then don't read them.
If you disagree with my opinions, then debate me with some semblance of intelligence.
If you agree with me, then we have common ground.
And if you find my (sometimes nonsensical) ramblings entertaining, then buy my next album.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / aaron smith
« on: September 09, 2003, 08:45:00 PM »
On 2003-09-09 15:18:00, Anonymous wrote:

" While I certainly wouldn`t want to belittle the death of your brother, Eric, I do have to comment on the"its all kids fault" mentality. Aarron came up to Kids, oh I guess around `87, after he relapsed and we tried to talk with him and help in an almost casual way. Now mind you this was way before things got really crazy,so you late 80`s and 90`s can zip it! Your brother sad but true didn`t have the much needed humility the recovery process requires for successful consumation. It truly wasn`t a trust issue, when the individual is desparate enough,the desire to get help and change will supercede any fear that inhibits ones recovery. Blaming Kids for our troubles today is very convenient, I find quit a bit on this site and usually the ones who aren`t assuming the victim role in their lives are the ones who`s lives are marked with success. Healthy relationships,self searching and introspection, a degree of humility and altruism, and an all around sense of positive good will toward all.                                                "By their fruits you shall know them" take care Eric, my best to the rest, and remember, as adults,we are where we are bassed on the choices we have made."

Sorry, but I have to disagree here.  
What you say is true about an addict needing an amount of humility to realize defeat at the hands of an addiction. No argument there.

You can't honestly argue that Kids was condusive to recovery in any shape or form. I was able to be more honestly introspective in US Army Basic Training than in Kids. The "empathy" wasn't out of genuine care in most cases, but out of paranoia or following the Kids line simply because that's what needs to be done.  
I've seen true empathy at work and how therapeutic it is.  I've seen drunks in AA on the verge of DTs on Christmas Eve and welcomed openly into an AA club, given coffee and food & an open ear or a couch to nap on.

As a genereal rule, I don't think anyone in Kids cared about anyone else.  I don't believe the Newtons, McCormacks (from El Paso) or anyone else on staff OR in group cared.  We were in survival mode as Kids clients/victims/patients, doing what we had to do to better our position within the confines of that environment.  It's the same mode that the Donner family were in when they ate each other to survive a brutal Sierra Nevada blizzard way back when.
Selfish?  You bet.  But it's what keeps us alive.  And that selfish focus on self (right, wrong or indifferent) makes Kids that much more of a fucked-up place to "get help".  The 'all around positive sense of good will toward all' that you cite as necessary for recovery to take root was NEVER in Kids that I could tell.  Granted I'm from that crazy time of the late 80s/early 90s, but it didn't change that much through the years...  Lulu would confirm that, I'm certain.  She's seen it all.

I'm sorry that Newton can be attributed to another loss of a valuable life.  That sickens me.  Eric, I'm sorry your brother took his life.  That's got to be the most horrible experience for a family member to endure, and I sincerely hope you and your family are able to move on and grow.
I won't bullshit you and say I understand and know how you feel because I honestly don't.  I have no siblings to lose, but if I did, it would hurt like a mother-fucker.  

[ This Message was edited by: John Olsakovsky on 2003-09-09 17:46 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / gay
« on: September 09, 2003, 10:07:00 AM »
On 2003-09-08 23:09:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Shit! How did this topic turn into this.  Can't we all just celebrate her coming out and congratulate her on her bravery?  


It's great to hear that as a man receiving a compliment from a gay man you would be flattered. Unfortunately, others seem to feel threatened by it. Glad to hear it.  Who are you "blasting" anyway? What's with all the aggression?

If this is your coming out of sorts as "darque pervert", and that is the purpose of your post I would like to congratulate you as well, for your bravery, in letting us all know that you somehow relate to" animals," "dogs, cats, buffalo, and platypi," and for communicating your primary purpose on earth to everyone.  However, I didn't feel your apology to women about objectifying them is very sincere so please don't bother.  

NOTE: In general some people refrain from admitting "that they have sexual urges about someone else" or avoid publicly spewing their objectifications or perversions out of basic respect for women or others. Some people acknowledge the reality that most people just don't really care while others call it harassment.  

I like the word "fuck" just fine.  It's the juvenile referral to hiding the salami that's funny.


Bah.  Harrasment is one thing.  Receiving unwanted sexual advances is one thing.  But liking someone's breasts is another.  Sure, in certain circumstances, stating such would be inappropriate.
And my hostilities stem from the ignorant, lazy American masses that overreact to every stinking little thing. Nothing's changed since Kids.

I remember arriving in New Jersey immediately after this new set of "food rules" had been implemented there.  The same ones were set forth in El Paso before it closed as well, but at that point the group was smaller & tighter, so it wasn't a big deal.
You all in BC acted stupid about the whole thing, stemming from induced paranoia.

As I stated in the FIRST reply in this chain, gay, straight, black, white, green, plaid, drunk, sober, fat, skinny, tall, short, etc...  NONE OF IT MATTERS.
We're all human beings that were violated by one sick fuck known as Miller Newton.
Sorry, but being ANYTHING doesn't get you any special treatment from me, as that would make you unequal.

And as far as who I am and what I do.  Sure, I go by the nickname "Darque Pervert" online.  It's been my online name since the mid-90s.
You want a definition?  Here:
Darque is because I'm dark and brooding.  I think twisted things.  I laugh at the morbid, mostly mockingly so.  And the 'que' at the end is to ad an aura of phony class to the name.
Pervert is because my tastes tend to be different than most peoples, i.e. perverse.  Sexually, sure.  But that's not the whole of it.  IT's also in general living of my life where I see things with a strange and unusual bent, which some people find disturbing.

As long as women continue to get breast implants, liposuction, collagen & botox injections, then I'm going to objectify those women, period.  Sorry, but one doesn't get elective cosmetic surgery for the sole purpose of aesthetic improvement to NOT be objectified.  Couple that with miniskirts, navel piercings, half-shirts and whatever other 'sexy' form of attire is prevolant these days by women, and you've got some alluring creatures walking our streets.  That's NOT a complaint, mind you, but a fact.
It's just like painting your house or putting new rims on your car.  You're improving the looks so it can be noticed, plain and simple.

That is objectification in a nutshell.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / we miss you!!!!!
« on: September 08, 2003, 10:55:00 PM »
My first instinct is to make jokes about a "Love ya!" being missing.  
It's my nature.

I guess I'm pretty damned fortunate to have not had siblings in Kids...  Of course I have no siblings to have gone into Kids.
My family didn't get destrpoyed by Newton.

I'm one of the fortunate ones.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / gay
« on: September 08, 2003, 10:46:00 PM »
On 2003-09-08 17:49:00, Anonymous wrote:

""Yes she was a cutie, let it go dude there are so many other woman out there you all sound obsessed as far as the gay girl is concerned good for you but your comments could very well be offending as a straight guy I wouldn't want some gay guy from kids posting his fantasies about me"

While the "gay girl's" post is perhaps a bit distasteful to post on the message board, saying someone's breasts are memorable seems a far stretch from a "fantasy," and I can only conclude that the fantasies are merely a fabrication of your OWN imagination, honey.  What your brain (and the other brains of other men who responded) did with her comment is not her fault.  Further, I find it amusing, and impossible to believe that you, as a man, have never objectified or sexualized any woman. I would imagine that to any woman hearing a comment like that from another woman would be much less threatening than hearing it from a man, any day, hands down.  Lastly, stop being SO HOMOPHOBIC.  This is not kids.  This is 2003.  This is not Kansas.  Your fears or insecurities are not some "gay guys" issue or hers, but yours, and yours alone. "

You now, if a gay man said that I was aesthetically pleasing to them, I'd be flattered.
Granted, that doesn't mean that I'm going to date the guy, let alone jump in the sack with him.
Looking good in someone else's eyes is ALWAYS a boost to my ego, since I think I look like a troll.  :smile:

And why are we so afraid to admit that we have sexual urges about someone else?  Especially in that hellhole known as Kids where we had nothing else to focus on (Newton wasn't capable of making us focus on ourselves, which was his treatment ideology)!  
We all thought so-and-so was a hottie.  As a guy, knowing all the sick bullshit that was owned up in guys' raps by everyone else was being matched in girls' raps as well.  

I remember days trying to pick out which girls' were the "dirtiest" (in my own vernacular) or most catering to my own perverse tastes...  

Sorry, ladies, but I objectified you.  Hell, I still do.  I'm not ashamed of it.  I'm a male of this species know as homo sapiens, and as a form of animal life walking this chunk of rock we call "Earth", my primary focus is to propegate.  I have to fuck to do that.
Don't like the word "fuck"?  Tough.  That's how we procreate.  Deal with it.
So I'm perpetually trying to find a willing mate to play hide the salami with.  I was when I was in Kids and I still am today, now that I'm married.  Granted, it's a LOT easier to find now that I'm married.  :smile:

And if any one of you tries to lay some bullshit on us that you're not like that or whatever, I'll tell you to your face that you're lying your ass off.  We're animals, like it or not.  We have the same gut instincts as dogs, cats, buffalo and platypi. Why do you think you didn't need any instructions when you first got laid?  INSTINCT, my friend.  It goes with being an animal.

Funny, though.  All the rude, crude, vile things we said & did both pre-Kids and in that place, and now you want to be all prissy and full of goodness & light?  Give me a break.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / NJ Voters!!!
« on: August 15, 2003, 12:34:00 AM »
On 2003-08-14 13:06:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Here is a link to a guy from New Jersey who is running for state assembly under the green party. He supports the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes. Just thought some of you might be interested in checking him out. ... atino3.htm"

California has on teh recall ballot for Governor:
Arnold Swatzenegger (aka The Terminator)
Gary Coleman (aka Arnold from Diff'rent Strokes)
Larry Flynt (publisher of Hustler and other fine mens publications)
Mary Carey (Model for the aforementioned publications and star of over 50 adult movies according to the ad for the local strip club where she's headlining this week)
Ariana Huffington (who doesn't know what her political views are without a cue card)

You can't write better comedy than this.

One hundred and thirty five choices for a new governor.  One of whom was the Kindergarten Cop & Conan The Barbarian...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / gay
« on: August 15, 2003, 12:14:00 AM »
Gay, straight, black, white, brown, red, green blue, plaid, jew, christian, buddhist, agnostic, tall, short, skinny, fat, male, female, druggie, sober.....

They're all just fucking details that don't relaly matter all that much.  We all went through hell...

And I'm sorry that I never got to get that close to Carol's boobs.  They sound lovely.  :smile:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Blue chairs
« on: August 10, 2003, 10:09:00 AM »
I say that my favorite, comfy pair of Levis had a broken beltloop in teh back.
I thought that was funny and almost tossed 'em...
But they are SOOOO comfortable...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / some fond memories of kids
« on: August 02, 2003, 11:32:00 AM »
On 2003-08-01 11:05:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Your toungue should be ripped from your mouth or rather your fingers smashed with an ice axe for typing a thread titled "some fond memories of KIDS".  Just my opinion.  KIDS caused deaths of many and psychological disarray for even more.  No movie shown was a fond memory and no fun rap was fun.  

Call me bitter but there is no nostalgia when it comes to my memories of the program.  Only resentment for loosing my teen years to white walls, blue chairs, and Newtonian (I like that term, JohnO.) philosophy.

Jews don't recall the good 'ol days from Aushwitz, nor should program vets recall fond memories of the monster that stole years from the lives of teenagers.  

My opinion."

I disagree.  While overall the experience that was Kids was horrible.
There WERE friendships made and bonds that will never be broken. There were genuine good times, although coated with a veneer of requisite bullshit.

My favorite was the sole talent show.  Br**n N**l (RIP) & I did a news parody sketch.  We share the same dry, sarcastic wit.
Maybe it was cliquing or whatever...  

Perhaps it was just me desperately grasping onto anything positive and remotely enjoyable to avoid the miserable circumstances.  It's the same thing people do in times of war or when they're in prison...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / maybe The Black is blue today.
« on: August 02, 2003, 11:20:00 AM »
At least we're not black and blue.  
That would suck a bit.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / some fond memories of kids
« on: July 31, 2003, 11:07:00 AM »
I remember seeing that in El Paso as well.
It got shut off there when someone saw a character drinking Budweiser.  
Back when the movie was made, nobody cared whether a brand was shown in a film.  

And it's not a druggie movie.  If you like to laugh, it's a damned funny movie.  Rat Race (with Whoopie Goldberg & Rowan Atkinson) was based on this flick...

I give it: :tup:

Censorship is the first sign of a cult.  Restricting what you can see, hear, watch, & enjoy...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / V.M.D sub t.(staying sick)
« on: July 30, 2003, 08:10:00 PM »
1: Typing in all caps makes you appear to be yelling and is annoying as all hell.

2: Groth comes from pain.  Pain begets anger and other secondary negative emotions.  I learned THAT in Kids, as much as I hate to admit it.  So peeling away the umpteen layers of anger, resentment, loss, hate, confusion, and all that stems from our respective stints in blue chairs by sharing (aka dumping) anger when we can is therapeutic.  For some, it's more so than for others.  

3: Kudos for taking control of your own life back.  Enjoy the freedom.

4: NOBODY deserves to be treated the way we did.  Sure some people acted like animals and physical restraint was necessary to protect the others in group.  But when someone jabs the back of your leg to provoke you to setup a restraint, that's bullshit.  That's not therapeutic and it doesn't help ANYONE.  
The people that bit and kicked and punched and scratched and jerked off in group deserve to get their asses kicked, either literally of figuratively, I agree.  
But I believe the majority of the physical abuse on patients (clients?  victims?  group members?  whatever...) wasn't in the name of safety.  It was in the name of avoidance of responsibility.
I'm guilty of it to.  It's easier to hold someone's shoulder pinned to the floor (as well as take out some pent up frustrations, I might add!) than to motivate and share our past and make changes and generally follow the Newtonian path.  
And I don't mean the direction of the Earth's gravitational pull....

On 2003-07-25 06:58:00, a sibling wrote:

"...when I clicked on the link it brought me to a video store.  I'm very interested in this conference.  thanks!"

Try http://
It was a typo in the original message.

[ This Message was edited by: John Olsakovsky on 2003-07-25 07:04 ]

I'm getting married, so it's sucking all my money away.
So I won't be going.

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