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Messages - bandit1978

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Yeah, I feel the same way.

I wish my mom could talk to his mom, because she could warn her of the long-term results of her sending this kid to Utah.

Open Free for All / Islam Cartoons
« on: February 09, 2006, 12:09:00 AM »
Clearly we're seeing the ugly face of fundamentalism.   Wow, they are really mad, and can't seem to take a joke!  

Does anyone really think these people are ready for a "democracy"?

I'm adopted, too.

He's better off in juvie jail.  At least there, he will retain his ability to think independently, speak freely, and mature naturally (well, compared to what would happen in Utah).

Wow, so did his mom send him back?  Oahu seems really small (was the boy in Kailua?), he probably should have left the island...

Open Free for All / Scaring The Hell Out of a PETA Activist
« on: January 31, 2006, 05:58:00 PM »
Leather can be difficult to avoid... but there's no reason anyone should wear fur!

Open Free for All / Scaring The Hell Out of a PETA Activist
« on: January 30, 2006, 12:13:00 AM »
I support PETA, and also spread information about a certain "behavior modification" facility.  I really get disgusted when I see people wear fur.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Washington Post Story today on abuse
« on: January 30, 2006, 12:10:00 AM »
I emailed this article to both of my parents.

Can you please tell us what your story?

I have never made a formal report, nor notified the authorities about Provo Canyon School.  This is because by the time I woke up and realized what had happened, it had been several years since I had left, and I think the statute of limitations was over.

I have written informal reports on the internet.  I make sure that my name and email address are available, and I am willing to testify in court, or wherever I may be needed.

I knew a girl at PCS- she spent the better part of 9 months in an "observation" room.  When she came out, she was bloated, and her skin was pasty and jaundice.  

To this day, I remember how she looked, and I have never seen anything quite like it.  And I work in a hospital.

The anti-choice people are always talking about how abortion is "the killing of babies".

Guess what?  A "baby" is a creature which can survive outside the womb.  Most abortions terminate an "embryo", which is not viable; cannot live outside the womb.  IT'S A MEDICAL FACT.  

I live in DC now, and work as a nurse, I would definately work at Planned Parenthood in DC.  But in 6 months, I'll be moving to Jacksonville, Fl.  While considering my employment options in Jacksonville, I realized that I would not feel safe to work at Planned Parenthood there.   ISN'T THAT FUCKED UP?

Wal-mart is a huge company...hugely unpopular, anyway.  They are just a sitting duck, a prime target for any lawyer looking to put that Good Samaritin law to the test.  

I hate Wal-mart, and refuse to shop there.  But I understand that they must protect themselves from the letigenous nature of Americans.  

At my place of work, so much of what we do is about preventing or protecting ourselves from lawsuits.  That really must be our first priority, sadly.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Daughter out of control again ....
« on: January 08, 2006, 12:56:00 PM »
G-  why so sensitive about GED?  Do you have one?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Daughter out of control again ....
« on: January 05, 2006, 12:50:00 AM »

Well, as I said, I do not believe it would have made a difference in my college career, but I could be wrong.  I was admitted as a transfer student to a university for which I did not have the required GPA, and I had a few very poor grades (as a result of signing up for classes, then just leaving during the semester, going traveling, but not withdrawing from class). But I give a good interview, had great references, and family alumni.  And when I started in the nursing program, I was a bit older (22?), and took things more seriously.  I had aquired lots of random credits during my time at community college, so most of my pre-requisites were done.  

I do feel there would be a difference is in my confidence level- I feel better about having a "real" diploma, rather than a GED. Also, it looks better on my job applications.  My job requires a college degree, so it looks better that I "graduated" from high school, rather than getting a GED.  

My point is that getting a GED doesn't have to mean the end of one's education.  Some people just need a break, or may not be ready for a serious college career (I certainly wasn't).  

But for a kid who only needs a few more high school credits to graduate...go for the home study.  It's not hard at all.  You can sleep late, not have to deal with all those "authority" figures who run the public school.  I think you'll feel better about it in the long run.

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