« on: August 15, 2005, 09:00:00 AM »
There is no high that compares in any way, shape or form to the "high" that can be attained thru the act of brutally murdering someone. Forget about it! Anyone who claims otherwise more than likely hasn't had the pleasure.
The first time that I had the satisfaction of ending someone's life with my bare hands was quite memorable to say the least. Defending myself against the playground bully was the prelude to one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. He was just a little chickenshit in 3rd grade that thought he was going to improve his status with the rest of the class that day by pushing it with ME that day. He had another think coming! He had something to prove. I had nothing to lose at all. No one there liked me, and I didn't like them either. I didn't care one way or the other. I was more than ready to weigh in against this scrawny little prick. He had been asking for it for days now. So now he wanted to start in with me. Fine, let him throw the first punch. Dad always said to let them hit you first. After that, they're fair game. Little did he know how far I would take his suggestion. So we're out on the playground and he says some stupid stuff that I don't recall, and then made the mistake of hitting me. It barely hurt -- nothing but a jab to my chest, but it was ALL I needed! I got him by the throat and had him on the ground straightaway. I proceeded to squeeze until he began to turn blue. I would have finished him this way had the rest of the little bastards not pulled my hands off of his neck. They couldn't let him fight for himself. So then he gets up and starts swinging at me, landing a few good punches. This got me going, so I ended up getting him GOOD a few times right in his face. That felt DAMNED good! I was glad now that they had kept me from choking him -- this way would surely turn out to be much more rewarding! He was bleeding. I hit him again, this time really connecting with his face well. I heard and felt the bones in his nose crack. He bent over putting his face in his hands. Before anyone could do anything, I kicked him in the side of his head, dislocating his jaw. It was getting better. He was mine now...and there would be no more bullshit from this fucker ever again...
Next, I got him up against the brick wall, and proceeded to bash his head into it over and over until the back of it split open! SPLATTTT! His blood made those brickes even redder! The adrenaline had really kicked in by now...I took a deep breath and waited momentarily to see what (if anything) he would do. He made a pathetic attempt to swing at me, so I grabbed his arm and pulled it behind his back in an effort to break it. He started to scream, and I kept pushing it up, just like my father had showed me how to do. At this point, one of the other kids tried to stop me so I turned him around (the bully) so that he was facing the wall, and smashed his face into it with all my might, still holding onto his arm. He turned around revealing a facefull of blood, which I threw a hard punch into, jamming his nose upward -- another useful tactic that pop had taught me. He fell to the ground and was silent. I sensed that my work was done. It was. The rest is kind of a delirious blur..until the paramedics arrived and shook their heads in disbelief declaring him dead.
All I said in response to anyone that day was, "He hit me first."
What happened to me as a result of this? Not a damned thing. I played it off as if it were an accident, like I didn't mean to kill him, though I knew damned well that I did. There was a deep sense of satisfaction in knowing that I had ended that bastard's life. He more than deserved it...after all, he threw the first punch. I didn't forget the rush that I got that day either. I would not be able to live without that feeling for too long. ineeded more...I needed to feel my hands dealing out justice to someone again, and soon...