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Topics - Ganja

Pages: [1]
Web forum hosting / S L O W N E S S
« on: March 18, 2007, 12:54:17 PM »
Jesus fuck but this shit is slow now; is this expected to change?

The Troubled Teen Industry / When life hands you lemons, murder someone.
« on: February 16, 2007, 12:45:43 AM »
Anyone ever fuck anyone up that they were in a program with?

Anyone ever thought about it?

You could also yell out jokes like this one:

Q. Hey, what did the black lesbian say to the white lesbian?

A. You da MAN!!!

The Troubled Teen Industry / One thing I like about program parents...
« on: January 29, 2007, 11:18:31 PM »
They're always lots of fun to abuse!!  ::bwahaha::

The Troubled Teen Industry / All Hell Breaks Loose
« on: January 29, 2007, 10:18:11 PM »
Quote from: ""Karen""
Oh-some of them recommend that our children actually murder us for sending them to programs.

  ::both::  ::stab::  ::hehehmm:: :skull:  :scared:  ::boohoo::  :rofl:  :evil:  ::fuckoff::  ::nod::  ::bangin:: :cry2:  :wave:  :lol:  ::armed::  ::rocker::

The Troubled Teen Industry / Inside the head of a shithead parent
« on: January 28, 2007, 01:26:34 PM »
Me, me, me. MY kid is out of control! :scared:

I need MY space!  :evil:

WAAAH, I'm a big fucking BABY who never should have had kids. ::crybaby::

The Troubled Teen Industry / Top 10 Pickup Lines
« on: January 18, 2007, 07:43:44 PM »
Wanna go halves on a baby?

If he doesn't show, I'll be over here.

Am I going to get a blowjob out of this?

I'm HIV positive and have herpes, I hope you're cool with that.

Pardon me, but may I show you one way pork is acceptable during Passover?

I may not be the best looking one in here, but I'm the only one talking to you.

Hey those are great pants - do you think I could get into them?

You may not like me now, but you're drinking BEER.

I've got the F, the C, and the K. Now all i need is U.

You look like a hooker I knew in Fresno.

Open Free for All / Is Paying By paypal Safe?
« on: September 27, 2006, 06:16:58 PM »
Hi. I've always thought that Paypal was a secure form of payment for buyers, but after going to this site, i'm not so sure. The website is and it has member discussions regarding paypal. Could Paypal be the new breeding ground for scammers on Alibaba? Please post here if you've had any troubles with paypal or if you think paypal is safe or not. Thanks.


No, Paypal is not safe. It is relatively safe when you purchase something through Ebay and get the buyer protection (up to $1000). The buyer protection if only offered if the seller is eligible to provide it. I have spoken to Paypal several times about this matter and the general consensus is that they do not offer protection outside of Ebay. Yes, you can file a claim if you get ripped off but you most likely won't see anything. As far as the UK goes, stay away. There are legit UK dealers, but not many and even less on Alibaba. Always use CC when purchasing (and not AMEX). Also, insist on flying out to meet the person before making a transaction. If they resist, they are a fraud. Be careful...


I myself prefer paypal as a secure payment processor.

1. Paypal verifies your account - assures the buyer who you are
2. Paypal verifies the buyers account - assures the seller who you are.

I use paypal for most all my online transactions and will tell you. Yes, they do offer protections outside of ebay. I have not ever sold anything from ebay.

The buyer protection if only offered if the seller is eligible to provide it.
This would prove that the seller is a real person and have made several legit transactions. Most have to be verified to provide the protection (meaning that there checking, debit, Credit Card and address has been checked.)

I would say that it is pretty safe.


I assure you Paypal IS NOT SAFE outside of Ebay. I have had several conversations with Paypal's fraud department. They made it clear that they can do little or nothing with a transaction goes bad if it is done outside of Ebay. Paypal is only safe (and only up to $1000) if it is used in an Ebay auction. Sure, you can file a claim if you get robbed outside of Ebay, but you will most likely receive nothing.

But Paypal isn't all bad :). Someone that has a Paypal account is generally more trustworthy than someone without. Being a verified member is a plus. And Paypal is much safer than Western Union or bank transfer.

But please don't go making a purchase from a shady "seller" just because you think you have Paypal protection. The fact is, you don't. Scammers are now accepting Paypal. I spoke with a Nigerian offering 4 gb nanos with 2 day shipping at $75 a piece. Now I would wager my house vs $1 that he is a scammer. He accepts Paypal. (his ID is by the way). I hope you see now that Paypal is not safe. If you still think it is why don't you buy some "nanos" from this Nigerian using Paypal? Quite a deal. (just kidding please don't do that)

No thanks.

Anyone here from Straight Alaska 1991-92?  :question:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Now I KNOW I'm going crazy!!!!!
« on: May 04, 2006, 09:14:00 PM »
What's wrong with these people?

Perhaps you came to the realization that deep down you don't like hanging out with a bunch of phonies all the time.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / R.I.P. Reagan Youth
« on: March 16, 2006, 11:59:00 PM »
We will miss you.  :skull:   :cry:

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