Open Free for All / Re: Resuscitation
« on: August 05, 2015, 11:14:03 AM »
Im a huge dick.
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My name is Jesse B. I don't recall the exact dates, but I was in Straight in Irving for well over a year and a half. I made it to fifth phase and then eloped, got caught and had to go
back. My parents had a host home. Does any of these names ring a bell: Donny roach,Ben cudney, will vaught, Pete hunter, Chris Calhoun, jason onufrank, John huntsinger.... Just takin a stroll down memory lane....
Looking at it from a broader perspective restraints will always be necessary to keep social order. The vast majority of us are able to utilized "self restraint". But in those cases where people have not been taught or refuse to utilize "self restraint" then other types need to be used like chemical or physical. We are all restrained every day of our lives.
The use of restraints should not be viewed as a form of punishment. I am sure it feels like it to the person being restrained , though. If someone flips you off on the way to work you can speed up and cut the guy off into a ditch or use self restraint. Self restraint doesn’t make you feel any better and it may feel like it is not fair because this guy is able to flip you off and just get away with it, but that is life in society. If you cannot restrain yourself then someone else will have to.
If someone were wailing on another person with a stick should we sit back and watch or try to restrain the aggressor? Would you view this restraint as punishment or as helpful?
If restraints prove to be ineffective I could see calling the police, but typically overpowering the child with weapons and handcuffs and putting him in jail isn’t the greatest experience for a child and should be avoided and used as a final option.
I'm a little confused. Is Psy a stalker or a motherfucker? Neither I guess. He is driving somebody past the edge of sanity, apparently. Sweet Jesus. Trolling or not, you puds have hit a shabby low.
Sorry for your family if they read what the pig wrote, Psy. It should be some solace knowing it took a desperate and frustrated program pud to spin that weird sickness.
"You can actually see Russia from land in Alaska"
That's the quote from the youtube video you just posted. This is a true fact, you can see Russia from land in Alaska. She didn't say she can see it from her house, or from Wasilla, like SNL repeatedly repeated. If you don't believe me, google it. As far as the supreme court question, she isn't a lawyer reading briefs on every case decided by the Supreme Court. How many Americans if asked this question would be able to quote a case without giving it some thought first? I'm sure if Sarah knew she was going to be thrust into the national spotlight she would of studied up. Do you think if you were interviewed a reporter would be able to construct a similar gotcha situation and make you look stupid? Of course they could, if they wanted to, they can make anybody look like a fool. The media hated Sarah from day one, and while they left Obama's family alone out of respect they dragged Sarah's family through the mud.