« on: July 03, 2011, 01:10:46 AM »
Success Stories
"You've no doubt heard all this before, but probably never tire of hearing it again: Turn-About Ranch gave me my child back. His goal each day is not remotely related to marijuana or other drugs and alcohol. Where he admittedly planned each day around how he was going to get high, he now leaves for work at seven in the morning and spends the day helping build houses for our local chapter of Habitat for Humanity. He is working all day with adult men who are committed Christians and fabulous role models. Before Turn-About he wouldn't have volunteered one day to help build a house for some family he didn't know. He wouldn't have even gone with me to deliver lunches to the building site! Now he has his own leather carpenter's belt with his own hammer and measuring tape!
"He misses Black Jack(his horse at Turn-About Ranch)....and I know he misses the staff because he has actually written about six letters in the past three weeks. Until Turn-About he hadn't written six letters voluntarily in his entire life."
"You are saving lives....not just lives of the children, but the lives of their moms and dads and brothers and sisters. Our son is blessed to have had the wisdom, counsel, guidance, and friendship of the staff at Turn-About.
S FG - Pikeville, Kentucky
"Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of our son's graduation from Turn-About Ranch. There have been many success stories and failures during this period. But we think that he is still using information and tools that he was given at Turn-About Ranch to wrestle with this experience we call Life! He is a terrific person and his experience at Turn-About Ranch allowed him to see that person more clearly.
"Some of us may see Turn-About Ranch as the solution to the problems that have brought us to seek guidance here. Now seven years later, it's obvious that Turn-About Ranch is only the beginning. Your staff loves and teaches each one of these precious people while they are with you and then sends them out into the cruel world again. We all hold our breath while we wait to see if the tools you've given them were enough to get them through the rough spots. In the end, as parents, we have to let go of them and wish them well, always being supportive with love and understanding. The reward is a call, telling about a success, or a smile when there's happiness inside.
"Turn-About Ranch has touched our family with love and compassion. We think of you often and thank you for giving our son back to us. We will always support him in his life journey."
JC & KC, Olympia, Washington
"I remember how I thought I was never coming home, but I did. It reminds me that you only see what you've done when you're done, not while you're in the middle. I learned so much at Turn-About. I grew mentally, physically, and emotionally while I was there. I found myself. I found love, hope and a new beginning to life. There are times when I wish I could have stayed there. You've shown me a new road to follow. I can never thank you wonderful people at Turn-About for saving my life. I thank my parents for loving me enough to reach out and send me, you guys for showing me life and change, and myself for moving forward and putting my past behind me. It took much effort to be where I am now. I am so proud of myself. You guys will always be in my heart and soul. To think that I was just another dying teenager that you, my parents, and God brought back to life, makes tears stream down my face. Joyful tears, because you took the time to focus on me and help me become who I am today. An honest, respectable, loving, kind, smart, efficient young woman. I'm crying right now out of happiness and love to all of you at Turn-About Ranch. I miss and love you guys so much. Keep doing what you do best....love kids."
KB - Carmichael, California
"Two and a half years ago we were so afraid for our daughter until we found Turn-About Ranch. We sent her there with the hopes of getting our daughter back. We got more than we bargained for! She is doing wonderful. She goes to school in the morning and works in the afternoon. Ed and I don't have a curfew for her...she doesn't need one. She is the most responsible, fun-loving, caring individual you could ever want to know. She plans to go to college in the fall and she is on the Honor Roll at school. She is self-assured and knows who she is and what she wants. Her faith is important to her and the only thing that seems to matter is her family.
"She has good friends who are honest and caring. They care about Courtney and she cares about them. I remember the first year back at school when she came back from the Ranch was the hardest. Many times I would hold her at night while she cried and told me how lonely she was. She had no friends. I assured her she had me and she would find good friends...she did! Most of her friends are out of high school. She grew up quick, but has made some very good choices. She will forever remember Turn-About and the people who came to have such an impact in her life; and we will always remember and be grateful. I look at Courtney now and can hardly believe she was ever the person she was when we sent her to the Ranch. I'll find some pictures and send them.
"I just wanted to tell you how well she is doing. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts."
ES&SS - North Pole, Arkansas