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Messages - Sam Kinison

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Straight Inc. videos - NEW
« on: August 05, 2010, 11:35:08 AM »
Great pieces!Sadly,they came out 20 or more years too late.I'm confident Str8 clones will cease to exist thanks to us.For the rest of us,it's unscrambling the brain salad surgery inflicted on us during our youths.This film(s)definitely point us in the direction necessary to redefine ourselves.GOOD WORK!!!!!1

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Found!!
« on: July 30, 2010, 09:25:32 AM »
Quote from: "seamus"
Holy batshit batman,i remember him his brother was john buick,didnt he split and get brought back a time or two? Tell him keep his head up.

Poor John Buick!Worse for his newcomers!Like Dean Mistretta,couldn't help who he was and having adolescent members of the same sex rubbing up against him 12 hours a day and having to hide his true feelings.Just another brick in the wall of that freakshow known as Str8 Inc.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Found!!
« on: July 27, 2010, 05:54:23 PM »
If you're writing about found,as in lost and found,good to hear from you as well Mister Dee.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: 32 years ago today
« on: January 24, 2010, 09:33:44 AM »
I think it's more like......they want to believe that THEY saved our lives by putting us there.If THEY would look at the drug related deaths suffered by Straight graduates even though they completed the program maybe they would see something different,but probably not.THEY would probably hide behind the "It only works if you work it" clause.It was the off the chart mortality rate that opened my eyes,but I doubt it would open theirs.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: 32 years ago today
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:23:00 AM »
While I was in there,I have to admit that I fell for everything hook,line,and sinker.Realize from all the lies heaped upon us,the two that roped me in were 1)All the things that made me a disturbed miserable teen would be over upon completion of the program and 2)I was a drug addict and alcoholic and that was why I had these problems.The only benefit I received from Straight was that I learned that I didn't NEED the help of substances to enjoy myself.The damage,or price I paid,for that tidbit was immeasurable.To make a long,sick story short,almost all of the things going before Straight was there waiting for me upon my completion.Along with that revelation came a whole new set of problems far more complex than the ones that got me to buy into whole Straight thing in the first place.On top of that,my mother still believes that Straight saved my life.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: 32 years ago today
« on: January 22, 2010, 03:21:59 AM »
Ya knew I'd have to jump in because I was as much a part of this as anybody.I even hear Walter Cronkite's voice saying "and you were there....".I'm not in any camp.If someone thinks Straight was such a great thing,let them go back and do it all over again.I could care less!I have enough problems of my own.Kids dropping out of high school to sit on Senior Staff having more authority over us than a cop on the street.Great!Do it again if you liked it so much!I could care less!So much for the pro-Straighters.One thing I remind myself is that I'm not the only one with baggage from my youth.It's just that along with the rest of you,I'm the only one with THIS baggage.Mister D,I would send you a cupcake if I could.Not to congratulate you on anything,just seems like you could use a cupcake about now.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Bridging the Gap
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:12:55 AM »
My question,pro-Straight or anti-Straight,is how can any intelligent person call this therapeutic when they see the program's inconceivably astronomical mortality rate.As the jargon went,these kids(US)were put in there to save their(our)lives.If the treatment was so successful,why are so many dead?I'm sure some blowhard will come up with rationalization to explain it,to me it's so obvious.The treatment was lethal.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« on: January 13, 2010, 11:02:19 PM »
My program(sentence,time in straight,use whatever terminology that seems appropriate),like most of us,seemed like an eternity,something that would never end.An hourglass with an endless supply of sand would best describe my later phases in Straight.Woof,kpickle,85dj,and others might remember that I had this unexposed corner in my psyche that I would crawl into anytime I felt like I needed to enjoy life.The problem was,I was escaping from life to enjoy it.I frustrated the hell out of staff as I refused to surrender this little corner of my mind,my parallel being.This little part of my mind,my fantasy area,might have kept me from letting the day-to-day stress of being institutionalized totally break me.Problem was,this little escape hatch never really leaves you and the exit sign never dims.Old habits were and still are hard to break and that escape hatch along with an incessant desire to be alone(I loved time to myself in Straight,away from all of the antics)has never left me.There are times with my family,a house full of people I don't have a clue what's going on with any of them.In Straight,I considered being alone far more desire than the company of others.Regretfully,I've taken that with me and reading this thread has really driven that point home.Damage that will probably never be repaired.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« on: January 10, 2010, 10:32:32 AM »
That's my story!Sort of like being hit by a truck,regaining consciousness with nobody telling you that you'd been hit,then finally taking account of the damages then screaming,"AAARRRRRGGGGHH!I've been hit by a truck!!!!!"The long term effects have been horrific.Some demons I could put to rest in a matter of a year,but many coated my brain like the frosting on a cake.The worst was the willingness to take crap from people that had no business dishing it.That it's always my fault brainwashing poisoned my entire being for the rest of my life.

For almost 500 days in Straight,the cruelest thing Dave ever said to me was when one time he shouted during exercises"You should work harder at these because you need it more than the others!"Thanks for the reminder!Not very nice,but nothing I can't get over.After reading some other peoples' blogs,only then did I realize that after I left that this man took a giant leap off the deep end.He was one of two male senior staffers when I came into the program.The other one ended up spending time in Pinellas Horizons(a psychiatric hospital) before getting married and finally getting his life in order.He was the first former staff member to say that he was unqualified for the position he held.From all that I've heard,Dave would have benefitted as well with a visit to the Psychiatric Ward.The Sarasota people say that Chris Cassler ended up as a violent person as well.I sure hope as a 5th phaser that I was never that way.Between the brainwashing and the other stimuli,obviously Straight could bring out the worst in anybody.

Morgan Yacht / Re: WOW OUR OWN FORUM!
« on: November 20, 2009, 11:39:57 AM »
Were you at the first building(I never knowingly saw that one)and then the Rahall Warehouse or were you at the Milton Roy Warehouse and the Morgan Yacht Building?Either way,our paths definitely crossed.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Miller Newton's house
« on: November 20, 2009, 03:40:46 AM »
Just shows us how profitable child abuse can be

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: How you couldn't really "fake it"
« on: November 13, 2009, 01:18:53 PM »
Once Again,Straight BAD.......Serenity Prayer GOOD
                  Hitler BAD...........Autobahn GOOD
        Fidel Castro BAD...........100% Literate Cuba GOOD
Just because Straight Inc was full of crap does not mean going out behaving like a derelict is good.I tried it and trust me it does not work!Straight Inc. was 16 1/2 of the most screwed up months any one could pass but to say that every principle shown is full of crap is equally ludicrous.Maybe this backlash is the main cause of the program's toxicity and ridiculous mortality rate.As hard as this might sound,survival might dictate utilizing the positive while taking the lies and putting them in a mental Hefty bag along with Newton,Ross,Petermann and the rest of the Hee Haw Gang.Remember,they can't harm you any more unless you let them.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: How you couldn't really "fake it"
« on: November 12, 2009, 09:28:09 PM »
Simply put,the good things(Serenity Prayer,Signs,even RBT)were not the cause of evil at Straight.One has to learn not to throw out the baby with the bathwater.RBT was a good idea.George Ross is an idiot.Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.I seriously doubt that the authors of RBT would have let George Ross through their doors if they knew how George was going to twist their teachings for his own personal gain.Once again,don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: How you couldn't really "fake it"
« on: November 12, 2009, 01:56:09 AM »
Facts can be twisted to create a reality different than what is TRULY real.Straight was a perfect example.
Fact 1---I was an extremely unhappy kid before I got there(a runaway)
Fact 2---I had experimented with drugs other than Marijuana
These became twisted to make Straight appear necessary.Now let's look at the other facts,ignored or Straight would have looked to be the farce it really was
Ignored fact 1---I stopped the other drugs only smoking pot to sleep
Ignored fact 2---I didn't runaway from home so I could use drugs,I left home to get away from the same person that my mother herself wanted to get away from
Ignored fact 3---I am not,nor never was a drug addict
ignored fact 4---my world was filled by creatures only related by marriage with their own personal agendas,where my constant presence only conflicted with those agendas.
Being the fact that supposedly anything was okay to discuss in group,mentioning these IGNORED facts would have turned me into a heretic in the warehouse.
While everybody was told to say I love you,the ignored fact was nobody really gave a damn about anyone.The true theme was about each ones individual survival.As bad as staying was,most of us who did stayed not because we wanted was because we truly believed and bought into the lie that leaving with out the pass was far more detrimental than staying until we got it.The pass being graduating or Seven Stepping.Once we bought into that lie,we were ready to advance in our phases.I was faking being happy to be there.I wasn't.At the same time I was falling for the great lie that these were just dues being paid for some everlasting serenity awaiting me and somehow believed the program necessary.

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