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Topics - wonderwoman2112

Pages: [1]
Hello to all---I recently posted on the Open Free For All forum. Boy, what a mistake that was!!!!  After searching the site, I found this forum that is moderated and I would like to re-post here in hopes of getting some genuine help.  If you feel the need to berate me, please do so on the Open Free For all forum.  I am truly looking for some help. Here is my original post:

Hi to all---I am tying to help my daughter find the right path and we are just so stuck. She is 18 and did not finish high school, although the plan is for her to get her GED in the next month. She has certainly had a non-traditional teenage experience---wilderness (which she loved, by the way), TBS (which she hated and didn't finish), living on her own at age 17 and working to support herself. She moved back home with us 6 months ago, but she has not been able to move forward in any positive direction. She is very "artsy" and has always wanted to go to art school. She had begun a portfolio 2 yrs ago, and although small, it is good. She really does want to go to college, but the whole "h.s dropout" thing is a huge regret of hers and I think she is really scared to even try for fear of rejection. I am hoping that some of you have had similar experiences and found community colleges, art schools, or even traditional colleges that embraced your non-traditional path. She will need a fairly nurturing and supportive environment as she needs a lot of positive reinforcement. I would be so thankful for any thoughts any of you might share. THANK YOU!!!

Open Free for All / HELP for my high school dropout
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:31:07 PM »
Hi to all---I am tying to help my daughter find the right path and we are just so stuck.  She is 18 and did not finish high school, although the plan is for her to get her GED in the next month.  She has certainly had a non-traditional teenage experience---wilderness (which she loved, by the way), TBS (which she hated and didn't finish), living on her own at age 17 and working to support herself.  She moved back home with us 6 months ago, but she has not been able to move forward in any positive direction.  She is very "artsy" and has always wanted to go to art school. She had begun a portfolio 2 yrs ago, and although small, it is good.  She really does want to go to college, but the whole "h.s dropout" thing is a huge regret of hers and I think she is really scared to even try for fear of rejection.  I am hoping that some of you have had similar experiences and found community colleges, art schools, or even traditional colleges that embraced your non-traditional path.  She will need a fairly nurturing and supportive environment as she needs a lot of positive reinforcement.  I would be so thankful for any thoughts  any of you might share.  THANK YOU!!!

Facility Question and Answers / drug rehab for 18 yr old????
« on: November 12, 2008, 02:45:18 AM »
I've been reading this discussion forum long enough to get the generally held idea re: RTCs and Therapeutic Boarding Schools.   But I haven't read anything on actual rehab facilities for teens and young adults.  I have an 18 yr old whose drug problem is spiralling out of control...dropped out of high school, won't get a job, won't get a GED.  Just gets wasted all night and then sleeps all day.  Is stealing money and drugs from us and lying constantly. Disappears for days on end. This is going nowhere but toward tragedy.  I'm scared to death of these facilities that won't let you talk to you kid for weeks on end. If anyone can recommend some rehabs, I'd greatly appreciate it.  There is nothing in my area for young adults.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / King George School
« on: November 27, 2007, 05:49:40 PM »
Hi Everybody,
I am a parent who is looking for some factual, first-hand information about King George School in Sutton, Vermont.  It has been recommended to us by several people, but I don't know much about it and my search of these forums hasn't turned up anything.  I do know that it was, at one time, a CEDU school and I have read with great sadness and bewilderment what has been posted about the CEDU program.
Just to give you an idea of our situation, we have a 17yr old daughter who was in a year-long physically and emotionally abusive relationship with an older guy.  She has all the issues associated with "Battered Wife Syndrome".  She went to a truly wonderful wilderness program that SHE loved, but is struggling at her current therapeutic boarding school and we are looking for a good move.  
I would greatly appreciate any information and hope that those of you who would like to HELP us can refrain from attacking our past decisions.
Thanks  :(

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