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Topics - Maximilian

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Open Free for All / Goodbye, fornits.
« on: October 03, 2010, 04:07:38 PM »
I'm sure this will come as good news to some of you, that I have decided that I am no longer going to post here, this is my last post, and I will not be responding to any responses in this thread.

 There are a few reasons I have come to this decision. Back when I first got to fornits we were not required to sign in, and so I never really had a username. Sometimes I would agree with the pro program people, and sometimes with the anti program people. Not having a username makes it easier to post your true opinions without having to worry about how you will be perceived in the future, or be quoted indefinitely by others in an attempt to prove you wrong with your own words. Back when you could post as a guest without an identity, ideas spoke for themselves, and nobody really knew for sure who posted what. I thought that made fornits a very unique, and very enjoyable place to post, and read and respond to different ideas.

But since we have been required to sign in, and post under an identity, and now specifically only one identity, I find that fornits has dwindled down to a small group of people who spend more time attacking each other's character, and back story, and quoting them from months or years ago, rather than debating ideas. Having to sign in has caused a division in posters and cliques have been created, because basically everybody who posts here knows each other's position on most aspects of this industry. I think the requirement for everyone to sign in and create identities has resulted in a forum filled with ego battles and really has nothing to do with programs.

Another reason I choose not to post here is the realization that posting on fornits is done for ourselves and nobody else. I know people here like to think we post here for other reasons, but that's just not true. For some reason we are compelled to remain caught in the program past and talk about it, and I don't think I want to remain in that past, I really have nothing left to say on the subject. I've posted my feelings and experiences, and so all that left is to argue about stuff with people I don't even know. I think this is not a good use of my time, and causes unneeded conflict in my life, when it really is not necessary.

Yet another reason I no longer want to post here is the spirit of fornits is dying. I actually agree with the people here who say fornits was better a couple years ago before all the new rules like having to sign in, and now the rest that are so draconian it's just not that enjoyable to post here anymore. Being told to stay on topic, having my threads moved, this all shows me that fornits, as it was ,is now dead. What made fornits unique was that it was a place you could come and post any idea anonymously, no matter how outrageous, and people could respond however they wanted. This resulted in a lot of interesting confessions, debates, program stories, and connections. This is not that place anymore. I also do not do well under authority, something I"m sure other people here who have been in programs, jails, hospitals, can relate to. So the idea of an overseer deciding whether my thoughts are on topic, or rude or whatever, makes me not want to post here.

The last and most important reason I will no longer be posting here is I'm over it. I just don't feel the need, or desire to speak about my experience in programs which was several years ago. Thanks to forntis I have been able to talk about it, debate it, and hear other people's opinions about what i think, and learn about their experiences. I'm grateful for that, because I don't talk to people regularly in my everyday life about programs, or AA or sobriety.

I know that bad things happen in programs and I believe the people here who say this. But I also know some good things happen, my experience was not all black, neither was it all white. The experience was grey, it had its goods and its bads. I look back on the program with a sense of distant nostalgia, and question some things about it, but also look fondly on some parts of it. I know this is seen as perverse, by some here. Or people thinking I might be brainwashed. But this is just me being honest, without a political slant or agenda, I'm not trying to push programs, or shut them down, I just want to talk about what I saw and experienced, because it is out of the ordinary, and made a big impact on me. At this point I've said all I want to say about this time in my life, and I'm ready to move on. To do this I can't be a part of this forum discussion anymore.

I also want to be honest here, and admit another reason is that I think delving into this tumultuous past does not help with my own sobriety. I haven't been sober in a long time, I still use, and every once in a while try to stop and go to NA but it's hard, and I haven't been able to get a significant amount of sober time ever since I started using before the program when I was a teen. So to me NA is a good thing because the people are always welcoming, and they are still there willing to help even if you keep relapsing. So I don't feel the need to debate AA and treatment and stuff like that. I am about to attempt to get sober again will be returning to NA and see if I can pull it off this time. I think this is a big part of why I like this forum is the discussion about AA actually, because people are intelligent here and oppose AA I want to see if I can be convinced that it is bad, and won't work. But it doesn't work, it's not convincing enough to me, and my own experiences outweigh the criticisms I read here. I don't know if this makes sense, but I wanted to be honest. Since I won't be posting here there is no reason I cannot be now.

So I will be shedding this online ego that is Maximilian, and in doing show will be retiring from posting on this forum indefinitely. One last thing. I want to take this last opportunity to apologize to anyone I offended. I mean that sincerely. I think you are all good people and believe what you are arguing, and that makes you passionate and that is a good thing. I understand what you are doing here, and hope you keep up the fight. I acted immaturely here and insulted many people, I know that. I apologize for it. I hope my leaving makes you happy, if I have made you angry, please take solace in my departure. The program I was in, is closed. It no longer has kids in it. I just thought I'd leave that there for the people who keep wondering where I went. Where I went does not exist anymore, except in the memories of those of us who were there. I've enjoyed fornits and sharing these memories but now they must return into my head and there they shall remain forever.

I want to thank everyone for making such intelligent and impassioned posts, and that goes to everyone here. This is a unique forum and I hope that it can continue to be as successful as it has been in the past. Thank you fornits and everyone who made it possible, it really made an impact on my life and I am grateful. To prove that I am serious I am giving the admin permission to ban me, and ban me in the future if I should return under another username or IP. Goodbye forever, fornits.

Open Free for All / Give it up. You lost!
« on: October 01, 2010, 03:28:38 PM »
Programs are hiring and parents are starting to send their kids again because the recession is coming to an end and people feel comfortable spending money again. Fornits has now clamped down on the abusive survivors here who enjoy outing and trolling people for the fun of it, people here like Shaggys who admit taking pleasure in the misfortune of others. Abusive staffers like sumo Dysfunction "I sleep with a shotgun under my bed" Dysfunction are now prevented from stalking gullible parents like Whooter, who didn't even realize he was being trolled by the staffer. So there's a lot of whining about losing the last place that people like this can abuse others, because now there are rules here, so they are taking their ball and going home. Fornits experiment has been declared a failure, and no noticeable change has occurred to programs because of this site. Posters like Whooter will be around to bring common sense to this forum, and you now will leave because you have to follow rules. Programs win. You lose!!

Open Free for All / When you were in a program....?
« on: October 01, 2010, 03:10:09 PM »
When you were in a program all those years ago, or decades ago (for some of you), did you ever think you'd spend so much time obsessing over that experience on the internet, basically conversing and getting into emotional debates with complete strangers you will never meet? Well a lot of you were in programs before the internet existed, hell many of you were in programs before personal computers even became mainstream. So you probably never thought this would be possible, right? But here you are, all these years later, obsessing over people you don't know and will never meet. Getting upset at people who have nothing to do with you or the program you went to. I can imagine this scared little kid sitting in the program, crying themselves to sleep at night, looking forward to the day when they can get back at programs by arguing about it on something called the internet. It was a vision of the future, and the future is now.

Open Free for All / Communication with parents
« on: October 01, 2010, 03:07:36 PM »
Did you send your parents letters while in the program?
Were you allowed to call home? How did you communicate with them?

Open Free for All / What if fornits was survivors only?
« on: October 01, 2010, 03:02:21 PM »
People here complain a lot about Whooter. Well if you look carefully the person who stalks Whooter day and night is a ex program employee, weighing in at over 250 pounds, the hired program thug, Mr "I sleep with a shotgun under my bed" Dysfunctional "Troll" Junction. The people who out parents and make porn sites about them and claim they are doing the work of the cult here, are people who never even were in a program. The admin here is an adult who went to a treatment center on their own will, and could have walked out at any time. If only survivors of underage youth programs were allowed to post here, all of these problems would be solved instantly. No more Whooter. No more staffers. No more fake survivors who went to treatment as adults. I think it would improve the quality a lot around here, I think we should consider it. Also I think we should require all survivors post the dates of when they were in programs under their username. So when somebody starts claiming all programs are abusive, we can tell that they were in a program 40 years ago, and know that their experience is pretty much irrelevant at this point. If you agree with this, then please email your local fornits representative and lets see if we can get this passed. If we work together we can accomplish a lot. lets do it!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Programs exist for a reason
« on: October 01, 2010, 02:37:15 PM »
Programs exist because parents wanted a place they could send their troubled teen off to. Before programs a troubled teen could tear down an entire family, siblings and parents and everyone. Now they can be isolated away from the family in a program, and get treated and come back to the family safe and sound. Programs are great and there is nothing that fornits is going to do that will prevent programs from operating. A bunch of whining on fornits about programs does nothing to stop the kids being sent to programs today, tomorrow and indefinitely into the future. Perhaps that is why people here are so angry, and want to take their anger out on any poster here who doesn't agree with the cult that all treatment is abusive. I would be angry too if there was nothing I could do to stop something I hated. But sadly for them, programs are helpful, necessary and only going to increase now that the economy is coming around again. So you can get mad at me, or Whooter or whatever. But think about it, you are the side that is losing, and no amount of insulting or whining about here will change that.

Open Free for All / Is fornits better now that it's moderated?
« on: September 27, 2010, 03:31:59 PM »
Now that the new version of fornits has existed for a little while, I'm interested to hear opinions on whether you think the introduction of moderation and rules has made fornits better, or worse.

I think it's interesting that so far, the only people who have been banned are anti -program posters.

Do you prefer this new version of fornits, or the older, free for all unmoderated version of fornits?

Open Free for All / Words you'll only hear on fornits
« on: September 26, 2010, 06:00:37 PM »
These are words that you will only hear on fornits, in the context they are used in relation to programs. Feel free to add some of your own, and explanations if you wish.

Survivor- anyone who went to a program and likes to complain about it

Gulag- another name for treatment centers

Kidnapped- the process of a kid going to a program

Abuse- group therapy sessions

Brainwashed- improving yourself

Programmie- parents of kids who went to treatment centers

The Program- an all generic term for everything in the hundreds or thousands of programs that exist, the program universe wrapped up into one phrase

The Troubled Teen Industry / Post your favorite thing about programs
« on: September 24, 2010, 02:25:14 PM »
My favorite thing about programs is how nice all the other kids were. I made a lot of friends in the program, and that experience will stay with my for a lifetime. Post your favorite thing about programs in this thread!

Tacitus' Realm / Do you give money to beggars?
« on: September 16, 2010, 04:47:22 PM »
There is this woman who stands by the gas station I fill up at, and holds up a sign asking for help. I've given her a dollar a couple of times. To be honest I don't really care to speculate or judge people who ask for money like this. I figure she has good enough reasons for standing out there like that, and asking for money, who am I to question it.

This one time a teenage kid came running up to me in a gas station, and I thought I was about to be robbed or something. But he starts explaining how he and his friend got stuck and need gas money to get home, and if I had any spare change. I reached in my car to grab a couple of quarters, but I also keep a 10 in my car if I run out of gas, and I gave them this 10 dollars. He was surprised and grateful for receiving it. Sure it could have been a con, but to be honest I don't really care if it was. At that point in time, they were in more need of the money than I was, so I gave it to them.

I don't give money to every person flying a sign on the side of the road, but I do give occasionally when I have it. I figure if I was in the position that I needed to do that, I would be very grateful for anyone who gives me some money.

How do you feel about the beggars asking for money? Do you ever give them some?

Addiction Treatment Philosophy / Using medication to stay sober
« on: September 14, 2010, 02:40:11 PM »
I am wondering what people think about using medications to help stay sober. I remember when i was coming off of drugs, I was given some medications that were supposed to help prevent "urges" but I don't think it ever really worked much. I also know there are drugs that make people who drink alcohol get sick, and so they take a pill in the morning and this prevents them from drinking or else they get very sick. There are people who think it's a good idea to combat addiction with anti depressants and anti anxiety drugs. I think it might be easier to come off drugs and alcohol this way, perhaps, but I also wonder if it's a good step to replace one addiction for another. I was prescribed to Xanax and that was very addictive and made me feel kind of high all the time actually, so it seemed kind of strange to use such strong medication when I was trying to be sober.

Do you think medication should be used if you want to remain sober? Or do you feel like it's trading one chemical dependency for another?

Tacitus' Realm / What illegal drugs would you legalize?
« on: September 14, 2010, 01:46:56 PM »
Do you agree with current US government policy that makes certain substances illegal? Why or why not?

If you were allowed to decide for the entire country, which drugs would be legal to market and sell, and which would remain prohibited and punishable, which drugs would you choose? You can vote for as many of the options as you want in this poll.

Feel free to provide an explanation if you wish. Would you have regulations or just allow them to be sold at the local grocery store? Would you allow people to buy prescription medications without consulting a doctor, like you can buy herbal and dietary supplements?

Thanks for taking the time to vote.

Tacitus' Realm / Do you believe in God?
« on: September 14, 2010, 01:24:30 PM »
Do you believe in God?

Why, or why not?

I've never been able to believe there isn't some sort of God, since I was a small child. To me the idea of Atheism doesn't make any sense, I believe we are surrounded by evidence that the Universe exists for a reason. I don't think it's possible to comprehend what God really is, or the reasons or explanations why things the way they are, I think these are our own human interpretations of the Universe, and I think our viewpoint is somewhat limited to come to a conclusion on what we are currently experiencing while alive. I believe there is much more to the world than we know or see. When I get in trouble I ask God for help and forgiveness when necessary, I believe in the power of prayer. Various religions have formed their own interpretations of what they believe God is, and how we must obey God. In the long history of human beings, spirituality has played an important role, and all civilizations have some sort of God or Gods that they worship. I believe in a single, all powerful, and united God force, my best way of describing how I feel is that God is everything, and anything that ever will be. I have read several books on near death experiences, after one of my parents explained their own near death experience and decided to share this information with me. Their sincerity in the experience, and learning about all the people who have similar experiences is what I view as solid proof that there is life after death, and that we are in fact immortal souls.

The Troubled Teen Industry / How do you feel towards your parents?
« on: September 14, 2010, 12:13:41 PM »
When I first arrived at the program I was not prepared for the fact that I wouldn't be able to manipulate my way out, or how restrictive it would be. So this made me pretty angry and I felt mad at my parents, not right away. I thought perhaps it was all a big misunderstanding. So I wrote to my parents asking them to please take me home, because the program I was at was not fun or helping me at all. They wrote me back to stick it out, and that I would not get pulled from the program early. This made me pretty angry with them, I wrote them some mean letters in response, and basically said we are through, don't write me and I won't write you. I don't have a family anymore. Well that didn't last too long, I eventually started writing again.

When I got out of the program I was still pretty angry. But after time passed the anger subsided and I began to look at my experience from other points of view, other than my own. Then it began to make sense, why other people would believe it was necessary for me. I get it now, and the anger has been replaced with gratitude. I don't feel anger at all towards my parents about the program anymore, mostly I feel grateful they were willing to put their foot down and, at least, keep me safe for as long as they were legally able to. I wasn't some innocent kid being sent to a program by rich parents who didn't want their kid anymore. My family suffered tremendously in order to pay for the program, and while they were sacrificing their cherished items they were required to sell in order to pay for the program, I was condemning them in letters. It must of been very difficult for them, I realize this now.

So a little while ago I decided the only way to get past my guilt in this, was to pay back every cent they spent on the program.When I was  troubled teen living with my family, all I did was take. I never gave anything other than hardship towards the people around me. So I began saving money towards paying them back for the program, and although it will probably take me a while, I think it's an attainable goal. I hope to present my parent with the check before they die, which hopefully will not be for a very long time. We have since reconciled and the program is now but a memory, and I haven't told them that I feel guilty for forcing them to send me away, and to suffer financially for it.  I will feel a lot better about myself when I can give my parent this money back, and perhaps make right something I did wrong some time ago.

I was wondering how other people feel towards their families. Feel free to post your own feelings about your family in this thread.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Is Jail better than a program?
« on: September 13, 2010, 04:24:49 PM »
I am wondering what people's opinions are on this. Do you feel that juvenile hall is a preferable location for a troubled teen, than them being placed in a program?

Let's say a parent knows their teen is using drugs, and knows the teen is stealing from the neighbors home to support their drug use. What should the parent do?

Should the parent call the police and have their own teen arrested for burglary and drug possession?
Should the parent ignore this behavior, and hope it gets better?
Should the parent confront their teen and attempt to control the situation themselves?

But what if the teen is caught by the police. The judge gives the parent a choice, six months in a juvenile hall or state run boot camp, or the parent can send the kid to a private program instead. What would you suggest this parent do?

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