
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: Tony LL on June 01, 2001, 06:12:46 PM

Title: Strip Searches
Post by: Tony LL on June 01, 2001, 06:12:46 PM
Pathway Family Centers
Is there a website for this organization? I'm always interested in the new brainwashing facilities and what new twists they bring to the table.

Title: Strip Searches
Post by: ramprato on June 01, 2001, 10:14:50 PM
Re: Pathway Family Centers
Here's the linkyou're looking for. :)


Title: Strip Searches
Post by: sullyceltic on July 01, 2001, 04:16:31 PM
Re: Pathway Family Centers
i just took at look at the pathway family centers

website. sounds a lot like straight. a few things...

what about the speaking engagements we had to do?

does anyone else remember that stuff? being on 4th or

5th phase and going to some middle school or highschool

to give a talk about straight. pathway seems to have that

same idea too. ever heard the expression "don't worry

about the horse going blind, just load the ****ing wagon"?

that's what we were doing. we cheerfully did straights

bidding while intense paranoia raced through our body

preventing us from breathing a single negative comment

about "the program" - because if we did, it was back to front

row, again.

i've talked about this before, but how come we couldn't see a

priest or rabbi? howcome, now matter what out religious
affiliation, there were no services or clergy made available to

us? this has recently bothered me a lot. i am just your

garden variety catholic, baptized and confirmed, by no strech a regular church goer. but if one is in the middle of some

kind of crisis, as i was, would it not make sense to occasionally see a priest for counseling?

i know that if i was in group saying this half the room would be motiovating, ready to blast me. saying things like "you don't need to worry about religion, you need to work on getting better, and accepting your alcoholism"

i may give pathway a call this afternoon and ask them if

their clients can see a priest if they ask.


Title: Strip Searches
Post by: BostonBrave on July 01, 2001, 04:50:49 PM
RE: Pathway Family Centers
Excellent point.Let us hope that the Bush Administration,which seems keen on faith-based initiatives, will look unfavorably at programs that cut off clients' access to clergy.

Title: Strip Searches
Post by: Kathy on May 01, 2001, 09:20:42 AM
Strip Searches
Washington Post Article

"DC Students Underwent Strip Search ON Jail Tour" (


Title: Strip Searches
Post by: Kathy on May 01, 2001, 07:05:21 AM
Re: Strip Searches (Improper Search and Seizure)
D.C. Schools Find More Strip-Search Victims

Seventh- and Eighth-Graders Tell of Humiliation, Threats on Jail Tour (


Title: Strip Searches
Post by: Lorraine on June 01, 2001, 06:12:35 PM
Re: Strip Searches
Good grief, I think I'd have to be suing somebody if I was the parent of one of those children.  How dare they!  And how dare they strip search us at Straight and make us keep silent about it too!

Title: Strip Searches
Post by: ladyjerrico on March 07, 2002, 07:39:00 PM
I was told (after 10 hours sitting in a small room to be interviewed) I had to be strip searched for drug paraphanalia, I felt like a prisoner that didn't know why I was convicted.
I know I did wrong.. but I believe that the staff enjoyed doing something like that and humilating you in front of your peers just to make their ego skyrocket!

I understand very well that every action people take in life has a reaction and a consequence to it.. but they went too far!
The staff at Straight really knew how to convince us that things were legit and legal.

To this day my mother thinks that it was the best place for me to be, but she never saw behind the curtain who really was the "wizard of oz" so to speak.

I wish I could film my memory of that place and everyday I had in it.. I'm sure that everyone who was and wasn't in this torchure facility would have quite an eye opening experience