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Messages - shaggys

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I know that there were certain people who seemed to skate by in there while others were destroyed over the same violations. Example: I knew someone who got caught smoking while on 4th phase. This would normally result in being immediately started over, however this "golden boy" was given a temporary setback of 2 weeks. This same guy graduated the program quickly as well. No wonder he trivializes the experience now. For him it just really wasn't that bad I guess. Why certain people were favored for an easier time I don't know but is probably due to a variety of factors.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Same program, Different experiences
« on: July 08, 2009, 03:13:19 PM »
It is not that surprising that people who went through Straight can have very different experiences. Depending on which host home you were assigned to, tension levels within the group, staff attitudes and whims, one person could have a very different take on things than another. I went through Atlanta Straight in the 80's and I have talked to quite a few people who were there also. I have noticed that most people who were put in real young seem to have been more traumatized than those who were a little older. Maybe the older kids just had a few more natural barriers built up already so as to be able to disassociate themselves from the horror around them in a way that the very young simply can't. I have also noticed different attitudes about Straight depending on whether or not the person is an actual drug addict and or alcoholic currently "clean and sober". I was not and am not now addicted to any drug, yet I spent a year and a half of my life being told what an addict I was. That year and a half in Straight was the worst experience of my life bar none. I was 15 years old and I can truly say that Straight was child abuse on an epic scale. Yet I have spoken to others who would kind of trivialize what they saw there by describing the program as "tough" or "12 steps on steroids". It was brainwashing and extremely damaging cult-like indoctrination. That is the truth and whether or not some AA member can see that is irrelevant because the rest of us know what we saw and what we did.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Atlanta Straight People
« on: June 04, 2009, 06:32:18 PM »
I was in Atlanta Straight from 83-85. Dennis Buttimer ran the place and was an absolute tyrant. I have seen some postings either defending Buttimer or denying his crimes. These people are obviously lying or still brainwashed cause I was there and I saw his reign of terror first hand. I was on 5th phase when he ordered the infamous "bathroom incident" in which children were physically abused for hours. Luckily I was not ordered to participate in those beatings cause I would have done anything i was told at that point. At least I don't have that guilt to deal with. The people who directly participated in this should just admit it all and be done with it. The main villain in all that happened there is Buttimer and those witches that ran the place with him. The rest of us were just children who were absolutely terrified. I witnessed so much abuse during my time there it would be hard to even begin to fully catalog it all. I am interested to see how some of the folks I was locked up with are doing now. If you were there send me a private message on this site and I will reply. I am Steve B. from Mississippi. I copped out on 5th phase and never looked back.

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