
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Seed Discussion Forum => Topic started by: starry-eyed pirate on August 29, 2005, 04:42:00 PM

Title: "Take over the world raps" ??
Post by: starry-eyed pirate on August 29, 2005, 04:42:00 PM
i was in str8, but i heard that in the seed that there were "take over the world" raps.  Does anyone remember these raps ?? What were they like ??  i am curious.
Title: "Take over the world raps" ??
Post by: Antigen on August 29, 2005, 05:15:00 PM
I remember a lot of talk like that at open meetings and at home. Dunno what went on in group. But I also remember a rap like that in Straight, Sarasota. "Won't it be wonderful when our kids are teenagers and we won't have to send them to the program cause all of America will be the program." I had a very hard time pulling a face for that one! Don't remember if I got called on or not.

He who laughs lasts
--Crazy Mac

Title: "Take over the world raps" ??
Post by: GregFL on September 04, 2005, 11:16:00 AM
I remember them well
Title: "Take over the world raps" ??
Post by: starry-eyed pirate on September 04, 2005, 01:45:00 PM
GregFL, i'm not exactly sure how to phrase my question but i am curious as to what the angle of these raps were.  Was it like: let's make the whole world into the Seed or what ?? thanx.
Title: "Take over the world raps" ??
Post by: FueLaw on September 04, 2005, 10:22:00 PM
Back in 1973-1974 Art Barker and the staff at the Seed were spewing a bunch of bs about how the Seed was going to save the world. There were going be Seeds everywhere. We were the lucky ones because we were getting in at the ground level. There would be rap sessions about how the Seed was going to save the world and that we would be a part of it because we had "awareness" and the rest of the outside world didn't have a clue.

This was all part of the indoctrination process of the cult.

Looking back on it now Art Barker might have been able to save the world if cloning were around then. All he had to do was clone John Underwood , about 3,000 times , and ship him to all corners of the country and the world be enlightened and then saved. You must keep in mind that Underwood got it , while most didn't, and he and he alone could have saved the world. We just needed more of him.
Title: "Take over the world raps" ??
Post by: GregFL on September 04, 2005, 10:38:00 PM
These raps were based on the premise that Art was the savior of the american youth, kind of a modern day messiah but not religious. He thought that he and only he was here to save the american youth and that the seed would be this huge empire.  This was during the time I was there, later he modified to only running his small cult, but once upon a time, the plans were grandiose indeed.  I have bumped an old thread of quotes from art barker and suggest you peruse them for an idea of who we were dealing with. Here is a statement from Art, after he already had Ft Lauderdale and Miami up and running...

 "I don't mean to just stop with a Seed in Pinellas. That might be the community which would be the right place for another dream I have. I can see a university type of complex with young people trained there who have come from all over the country to take the program back to their own communities. After Pinellas, we'll be getting a Seed going in Jacksonville. Then there will be no Flordia area uncovered....I see Seeds all over the country"

Art Barker