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Messages - iCare

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Brat Camp / Redcliffer
« on: July 17, 2005, 12:03:00 AM »
Thank you so much Matt for sharing your story. I'm so glad that you were able to get through such an awful experience and let us all know first hand what a place like that is like. You have my respect. More people need to be brave like you and speak of the stress they endured in similar situations. As for the negative responders to this post, you make me sick. But even you "people" don't deserve to be subjected to the horrors of a wilderness camp. God Bless...

Brat Camp / What critics say
« on: July 15, 2005, 02:19:00 AM »
This is the best post in this category. The tough love approach has gone out of control in the hands of power trippers like these sadistic hippy wanna bes. I'm the type who feels that kids need discipline but these camps go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond that. There's discipline, then there's psychological torture.

Brat Camp / Brat Camp Contestants Announced
« on: July 15, 2005, 02:11:00 AM »
I hear ya. I don't understand it either. Especially child protection agencies. They are always ready to take a child away from what they feel is an abusive family environment. Why are they not doing anything about this? This is too disturbing for me to comprehend.

Brat Camp / Here's mine. Thanks for the email address
« on: July 15, 2005, 01:49:00 AM »
First I'd like to say thank you for bringing about Brat Camp. I've heard alot of horror stories about what goes on in a wilderness camp and was curious as to what it was really like. Now I know that it is just as nightmarish as it sounded.

1. Oatmeal, lentils and rice for 2 meals out of three is not nearly enough nutrician or calories to sustain a growing body. Especially one that is overly physically exerted. Where are the 3 servings of fruits and vegetables a day? Where is the milk group?

2. "Showers" once a week? That would make a person feel filthy. How can their self esteem be nourished that way?

3. Why must even the hope in returning home be taken away from them when that's all they have left? Being told they will be home by Christmas then changing their minds and saying that no one is ready to go home before Christmas? That's psychological abuse. The point of the camp is to teach a child how to be obedient. If they have already been doing everything they've been told to do, then why is their time spent there increased?

4. Being taken away from your family and forced to stay in a remote location in a tent is bad enough. Why do the counsellors keep making them do worse and worse things? That is sadistic.

I know your intentions to create this show were good, but please please try and put yourself in these childrens' position. Think of something you absolutely hate and being made to do that day in and day out. You were once a teenager too. Would you have deserved this treatment? I was a teen and did some of what these kids did but i turned out to be a responsible person in society. My soul feels like it's wounded because of these kids' pain.

Brat Camp / Questions
« on: July 15, 2005, 01:26:00 AM »
oatmeal + lentils + rice = enough nutrician to sustain a constantly on the move and overly physically exerted child? Where are the 3 servings of fruits and vegetables per day? Where is the milk group? The "counsellors" said that they are to eat a minimum amount of calories a day. These 3 items have just about the least amount of calories out there. By the end of this, these kids are probably going to look like skeletons.

If this "treatment program" is trying to teach them to have self esteem why are they publicly humiliating them, telling them everything is in their head, making them sleep in a dark, freezing and scary environment, and brainwashing them? I don't think i'd have any self esteem after going through that kind of misery.

If these kids are already devastated and ready to do whatever it takes to change, why kick them when they're down, so to speak. These hippy wanna-bes are on a power trip.

Social workers have spent so much time yanking children out of non-abusive homes and tearing families apart. Where are they now? These are the children who need protecting.

Brat Camp / beyond disturbed
« on: July 15, 2005, 12:58:00 AM »
For those of you who haven't noticed this. Taken from the Redcliff website.

"We are saddened by some of what we see posted on the ABC Family Channel website message board. We appreciate those who have voiced their support for the cause of helping teens. We are most concerned by the youth who have taken over much of the message board and use it with vulgar comments, disinformation and lack of respect for others."  

I don't know about all of you, but I read through every post and I didn't see anything where people were being disrespectful or using vulgar comments. When people use the F word it's because they are outraged. Also I am not a youth. I'm 32 and agree with every negative comment posted. Thank you everyone who is able to distinguish right from wrong. You are all so much more caring and intelligent than all of those who brought us Brat Camp. But to those who did create this show, thank you for allowing us to see exactly what goes on in these prisons known as Wilderness camps. Maybe parents will think twice about sending their child to one. At least that's what i'll pray for.

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