
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => EdCons and referring organizations and agencies => PURE Bullshit and CAICA => Topic started by: Anonymous on February 07, 2007, 10:47:35 PM

Title: IZZY and SUE SUE have New Friend "LEXIE" Cheiftain
Post by: Anonymous on February 07, 2007, 10:47:35 PM
Anyone reading ( lately?

Seems IZZY and SUE SUE have a "new friend" LEXIE who is posting on this website--talking about how nice these two ladies are, and how everybody just lies about them all the time.

Lots of LEXIE discussion about how SUE SUE never continued referring children to Whitmore Academy after the Sudweeks were being investigated for child abuse......

Lots os LEXIE discussion about misinformation about SUE SUE's relationship with Hinton.

Seems LEXIE knows a lot about SUE SUE and IZZY.

go to "Online forums"  and the thread is:
Title: IZZY and SUE SUE have New Friend "LEXIE" Cheiftain
Post by: Anonymous on February 08, 2007, 02:32:30 AM
Hmmm, seems somebody on that forum doesn't think much of Fornits (evil???)  :rofl: ... 625&page=7 (
Title: IZZY and SUE SUE have New Friend "LEXIE" Cheiftain
Post by: ConstentGardener on February 08, 2007, 10:25:51 AM
I think Lexi has just fallen victim to the Sue Scheff cult leader effect.  She can be so very believable and convincing, even in the face of stark evidence to the contrary.

The more interesting poster is "Morgan". Morgan's email address gives the name Morgan Sorenson. I thought this might indicate a relationship to Sorenson's ranch; but Morgan claim to not know much about that program. Then there is Morgan's posting style. I think I recognize it. Looks like classic Izzahell to me.

Very interesting. . . .

Title: IZZY and SUE SUE have New Friend "LEXIE" Cheiftain
Post by: Anonymous on February 08, 2007, 02:05:13 PM
Read several of the postings.  Seems that LEXIE knows a lot about SUE SUE...saying "Well, Sue is out of town this week, so I will have to ask her about how she is paid for these referrals, since she told me she is not ALWAYS paid.  Sometimes the schools just make a 'CONTRIBUTION' to Pure, you know.  Sue doesn't always have a CONTRACT with the schools."

Either this LEXIE is simply trying to do damage control for Scheff, or she is being lied to by Scheff.

Agreed:  Morgan's writing style and content sounds a lot like IZZY and MOM CAT's postings on Fornits and CAFETY--which everyone knows is IZZY.

A poster brought up Mark Sudweek's felonly conviction of extreme animal abuse in Canada, and his being banned from owning animals in Canada for life.  Guess LEXIE will say that is all lies, too; since the Sudweeks are friends of SUE SUE's.

This self-promotion of PURE and CAICA by these posters is who have taken over this website is something else. These same tactics were used on CAFETY at one time.
Title: IZZY and SUE SUE have New Friend "LEXIE" Cheiftain
Post by: Anonymous on February 08, 2007, 02:40:37 PM
Somebody ought to inform that Lexi poster she doesn't have her facts straight but then again with statements like "word has it" it seems to me she is relying on gossip, not fact, to form her own opinions and shape public perception.  

Defiitly seems to think highly of the CAICA PURE folk so what's that tell ya?  Not exactly a critical thinker, is my guess.

Title: IZZY and SUE SUE have New Friend "LEXIE" Cheiftain
Post by: Anonymous on February 09, 2007, 12:39:22 AM
Why is this LEXI and MORGAN (sounds like this may be IZZY) rehashing the Whitmore saga---even the Mark Sudweeks' felony conviction of extreme animal abuse in Canada?

What is all that about?

Seems this LEXI talked to both IZZY and SUE SUE, and now LEXI is "carrying the torch for the HERO MOM--Sue Scheff."---WTF?
Title: Sue Scheff on WWASP forum
Post by: Anonymous on February 13, 2007, 09:21:58 PM
"It is also for all those kids who have been victimized by Sue Scheff. I only hope someday that woman will get her full comenuppanance."

See the WWASP forum about Sue Scheff.

And as to the Sue-Sue threats to anyone who posts on fornits....

A GREAT BIG FUCK YOU SCHEFF!!!!  You sell prison programs, well then you're gonna get analyzed.  Get use to it!
Title: IZZY and SUE SUE have New Friend "LEXIE" Cheiftain
Post by: Antigen on February 13, 2007, 09:57:46 PM
My planet too!
Title: IZZY and SUE SUE have New Friend "LEXIE" Cheiftain
Post by: Deborah on February 13, 2007, 11:28:48 PM
Constant Gardner.. May your garden always be a garden and not a suburban strip mall.

May your garden thrive and be abundant, overcome the suburban strip malls, and crumble them to the ground. Kinda like kudzu... :D
Title: IZZY and SUE SUE have New Friend "LEXIE" Cheiftain
Post by: Anonymous on February 15, 2007, 11:14:48 AM
Yeah - wonder if she'll be good enough to take "Morgan Sorenson" with her?
Title: IZZY and SUE SUE have New Friend "LEXIE" Cheiftain
Post by: Anonymous on February 21, 2007, 08:44:33 PM
Isn't there another hearing coming up soon for Randall Hinton Re: Royal Gorge?
Title: IZZY and SUE SUE have New Friend "LEXIE" Cheiftain
Post by: Anonymous on February 22, 2007, 06:28:19 AM
Careful with them girls.. They might get pissed and call you a pedo or claim you murdered a kid. Hell one of them even managed to get ahold of TSW's first name.