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Messages - Sidhe Shee

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I'll let my son answer that when he gets back, if he want's to.  I told him about this site and he seemed interested.

TSW  Here's your link.  I think you will find everything you need.



..."In the state of California a minor can:

...consent to his or her own mental health treatment or counseling on an outpatient basis or participate in a decision to consent to residential shelter services if he or she is at least 12 years old, is determined to be sufficiently mature to consent to residential shelter services, or is otherwise emanicapted." (Fam. Code Sec. 6920, 6921, 6924). (Nolo's Guide to California Law, 8th Ed., 2004).

Go to if you want more information I can also link you to other legal sites if you want.  Just let me know.


California has the same law, from 12 up.  See Auntie thread, re Nolo Press.

what is this to you?  A case of the abused now being the abuser.  I am sure you have bigger fish to fry, then messing with me.  Gotta go, this is taking up to much of my time.  Your questions are misleading, and apparently you are answering for yourself, or for me for that matter, so I am guessing you can continue this conversation without me, with yourself.  Good luck Guest.

Jesus Wept.  I found Fornits after pulling him from TB.  Give it a rest, and quit misquoting me.

I am sure wilderness parents post here.  I am saying, after reading this, and finding out about these programs, and parents still send them, then they should be given shock treatment.  Not the onese who were fooled, and already sent them.  Trying to twist my words really doesn't suit you, whoever you are.

edited to add:  No, it was absolutely irrational.  Had I have known about WWASP and the abuse, I definately would not have sent him.  I didn't think to look under WWASP, I only looked under Teen Help and the actual School site for Midwest, like a lot of parents do, thinking they are doing their homework.  My son and I had no complaints with Midwest, only that they failed to send a lot of his personal items home.

Additionally, and I forgot to add, I sincerely hope someone here, or out there is going to keep an eye on this facility.

I am not praising Midwest vs. Wilderness programs.  I don't know why you are inferring this, other than to cause contraversy.

I don't know how I am going to help other parents.  I certainly won't be referring ANY schools in the near future.  I can certainly warn them here and elsewhere what our experiences were with respect to WWASP.  And as far as WWASP parents speaking out, I think most are affraid to speak out for one reason or another.  Here it's easy because you're anon.  I think that goes without saying.

The Troubled Teen Industry / tt
« on: July 10, 2007, 03:11:27 PM »
Alright, rope me in.

Bubba Breath.  Is that the best you can do?


The Troubled Teen Industry / tt
« on: July 10, 2007, 03:01:20 PM »
If it suits you, think whatever you want, oh great detective of Fornits.  I have better things to do than debate this issue on this thread.  Like I said, keep me out of it!

Edited to add: And who the Hell are you?  Posting under Guest.  How does anyone know who the hell you are?  Maybe you snuck under fornits radar!  Whose to say you aren't someone whose here to cause trouble?  You think you're the fucking God of Fornits?  Piss off.

At least when I post under Guest, I say so.

Open Free for All / Therapist Scams Multiple Personalities
« on: July 10, 2007, 02:54:51 PM »
Does it also mean that each personality had to pay for his services, seperately. :rofl:

The Troubled Teen Industry / tt
« on: July 10, 2007, 02:13:35 PM »
God this thread sure took a different direction.  Gone one day and it all goes to hell.

Anyway, GUEST, I am NOT Isabelle.  I saw your inference on page 16.  Take me out of that formula, and keep me out of that crap altogether.  

You're taking away from what this thread was intended.  

Edit: If you do this with every new parent, aunt, or whoever is coming here for help, they are going to stop coming here, and won't take you seriously, and you'll be to blame if they place their kid in a "PROGRAM".  Just my opinion.  And I am not forcefeeding my opinion either, like some people on here do.

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: Yup.  I am signing off.  Have a great evening.  Nice chatting with you.

The Troubled Teen Industry / tt
« on: July 09, 2007, 01:16:32 AM »
I believe it was a referral in the text of someone's post on another board, not a direct link.  I'll go back and see, but mostly I delete my history, but I may have put it under favorites.  Hard to say.  Oh yah, I do know, but I can't say.  Sorry.

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