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Before viewing the videos in question, readers should be aware that they are disturbing and not suitable for viewing by children.
My eyes landed on that disclaimer after viewing the videos of children being abused *for their own good*—yet again and I just…I can’t even…
Seriously, this sickness must stop, but it seems to fester in the hearts of people who DVR Scared Straight and Lock Up. How the hell did our culture get so hung up on the punitive bent that these tactics which amount to nothing less than degradation, subjugation and potentially life threatening physical punishments have become what passes for guidance?
At least the comments accompanying the OP's link were appropriately outraged. When there isn’t a video, it’s usually just a lot of drive by remarks of the usual troubled teen pandemic panic variety and of the trollish calloused indifference sort. That presence of outrage is good, but they seem to not know how sickly commonplace this abuse is (with the exception of its' video documentation).So it was very nicely done of you to chime in there and include a link to more discussion, Reddit TroubledTeens.
While rousing to the public the videos probably wouldn’t even be admissible (to establish a pattern of his behavior toward minors),in *Sarge* McFarland’s trial for kidnapping the girl off the street and driving her around in handcuffs and extorting her family, because they were hired by the parents of the kids in the videos to *treat* them this sickening way.
So sick of this sickness being peddled as a path to wellness or even just compliance.

Open Free for All / Re: Rape me..Rape me, my ... uh, family?
« on: October 19, 2011, 10:25:12 PM »
Yeah, well, no boxing ring and no zip ties at Daytop is for damn sure a blessing, nonetheless a non consensual mind fuck, but I do recall Daytop handling the three cardinal rules as if they were mortal sins. The cardinal rules being rightly: No Fighting No Fucking No Fixing. Of course, it turns out, there were hypocritical exceptions to dealing consequences in bizzaro world. No integrity either as it turned out. They were upfront about there being no refuge though and right too.:flame:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: H.R. 3126 Bill Report
« on: October 12, 2011, 02:30:29 PM »
Quote from: "N.O.S.O.B."
I reccomend ya'll call the office...they really do care....I mean we butted heads a little about "how can you regulate an unproven modality" basically the answer to that is, the FEDS can't require the industry to prove that it's safe, all they can do establish guidelines....Course I got all frickin' emotional and don't remember some of the details....
I also recommend anyone inclined to, to do so, but to also  remember that the persons on the other end are well well meaning, but not necessarily prepared to answer questions about H.R. 3126 or have even heard of it. I talked the gentleman on the other end of the line through the call and it seemed he was satisfied to announce to me that H.R. 911 had been located…perhaps on his desktop IDK…I explained sotto voce that yes, but the bill I was inquiring about was not H.R. 911, but only likely to be similar to it and I had only mentioned it in an effort to provide him context to what it was that I was calling about (as H.R. 3126  rang no bells with him and came up with nothing despite audible tapping on his end during the long pauses as he seemed to be searching).  So I gave him the url to the popvox WDTony had provided and suddenly we were quite literally on the same page. Whew, my call timer tells me that took fourteen minutes of navigation. The gentleman had not heard of this and was not prepared to field any questions, so I left the simplest of them and a callback number.

Quote from: "N.O.S.O.B."
But dude....don't be calling Miller names....they do's just they are in the looney bin tryin to work it out with crazy people and this is what the system looks like...but really, that office does care...they just have a crazy bunch to deal with...Call the policy department if you want....
Yeah thank you, I don’t get that either. There are plenty of politicians who are profiting off of kids in programs or less directly profiting off of their promotion and protenction from oversight. Between Mitt Romney and Boehner alone there are plenty of creative and alliterative monikers to be conjured. But at least Miller has demonstrated in word, deed, and tenacity a unique stripe among those in politics of actually giving a damn about the unconscionable abuses, neglect and exploitation of kids so rampantly endemic to this industry. In fact here is a link (provided by Pixel8 on Reddit) of how WWASPS spreads the blood money around Utah State Capital

Oh and I was not able to view this there before, but it is there now ... =h112-3126
Concerns about TBS have been explicitly written w/out wiggle room—in fact it seems they took great care there to address the whole lot of the range in various incarnations by including:
“(ii) operates with a focus on serving children with--
‘(I) emotional, behavioral, or mental health problems or disorders; or
‘(II) problems with alcohol or substance abuse.”
Concerns about the Faith Based programs maintaining their f*ed up reign over kids with impunity via exemptions are not assuaged by this, but the gentleman I spoke with did not seem to be the fellow to explore the topic with in depth.
Still a lot of questions, but much work to do and lunch should be incorporated into my day before 3 or 4 this time. Baby steps...
I am also quite interested in the following:
(a) Study- The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall conduct a study, in consultation with relevant agencies and experts, to examine the outcomes for children in both private and public covered programs under this Act encompassing a broad representation of treatment facilities and geographic regions.
(b) Report- The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit to the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate a report that contains the results of the study conducted under subsection (a).

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: H.R. 3126 Bill Report
« on: October 10, 2011, 11:44:42 PM »
Yeah, I don’t know that we can stand with solidarity against this because clearly not everyone is against it. I am personally feeling deadlocked with the information and speculation at hand

My read of Maia’s article, related Youth Right’s statements, Reddit TT threads and Fornits threads, still has me on the fence.
I’m not sure how I feel about this bill. My head spins as I read from one cogent argument to the next on the sides of for and against (mostly on the topic of HR911). There are good points on both sides. Foremost IMHO is that this issue is being finally brought to the fore where it had been largely ignored, by even having discussion about legislation. Then again, legislation without teeth to it bites in the bad way.
I would like to know if this piece of legislation addresses the *spiritual healing* that has left bruises and mental anguish on the children who have received mistreatment in Faith Based programs.
If this bill does have an impact on those programs that even CPS, has troubles paying calls upon, well that would be very compelling to be all yea about it.

Another issue was raised by Che Gookin and others re: who exactly will be charged with being the enforcer of this?
“I want to know what role SAMHSA will play in this
and any funding attached to the bill.
Discussion on that thread then gives the impression this (if passed) will fall under the domain of HHS. A post by N.O.S.O.B. shows
When I called Health and Human Services a couple weeks ago, they said they do not even take "quality of care complaints" meaning the whole of HHS, that is not even in the reality of HHS, it's totally up the states. My point is, there is nothing in place.That was the Human Rights Department, office of the Director..

Ursus raised a good point that the possibility of loopholes such as TBS being considered schools or probably more accurately in their terminology “specialty schools” or “alternative schools” and therefore not treated as treatment centers.  This is no joke. I have both laughed and balked at even Daytop’s attempts to toe the waters of this angle for marketing purposes. If it works for strong arming school districts into picking up the tab on the supposedly ODD kids’ bill, the inverse of it could work for side stepping regulation, unless language is included which prevents that.

Then we get to what would regulation achieve and ugh! There’s some back and forth. The new Program Lite as Che Gookin put it, only while well put, it's really not so new and it's not so lite. On the one hand I look at this TTI like triage. It’s hard enough to reconcile the reality of the mindset of people who have the same voting rights as the next, with the realities of the fates suffered by kids in programs, JCCs or other – when you see calloused comments about those kids who died or were abused in custody posted by those citizen dumbasses. These usually are along the lines of “Those kids are a menace, sombody’s gotta learn em up right” “Break a few eggs to make an omelet”  So, explaining programs which don’t have violence as a mainstay of their curriculum, but who do use humiliation tactics and coercion is a little difficult.  Hence, Phoenix House getting government funding is a little thornier of an issue, when even places like JRC, are so difficult to affect change upon. Oregon may care that kids were being subjected to humiliations at MBA, but it’s been the standard of care at Daytop since its inception. Neither place (Aspen nor Daytop) consider these practices to be “emotionally abusive”, in fact not participating in LEs or Haircuts etc. is expressly conveyed as being withholding and neglect of yourself or your peer according to Daytop. So, will this legislation define what is emotionally abusive treatment? Will this legislation of regulation normalize the mistreatment or eradicate it?

I can’t find the answers within what is supposed, but not certain to be in the bill and without being able to reach Miller’s office I’d like to see this Bill. Where/when will that be available?

Sorry this is rambling and confused, but that’s where I’m at tonight.

Open Free for All / None-ya re: Bennison
« on: October 09, 2011, 04:09:54 PM »
You both had pics posted at different times and while one (yours) had an obscured face, this indicates the likelihood that None-ya and Bennison in fact exist in two separate corporeal forms. There.
To my knowledge Heretik is the only poster who posts on Fornits who has shared an IP address w/ Danny B II . There.

Look, I’m no fan of Danny B II, but that’s based on his fallacious assertions and belligerent behavior on this forum and on others which predate the book and whatever collaboration that entailed and these recent allegations.

As far as the plot twists that arose after this thread was started, the advice to disengage and the advice for this to be taken to a court of law rather than the court of None-ya’s opinions seems to be the best advice.

Daytop Village / Re: Former staff posting at Kos. Has to be Daytop.
« on: September 17, 2011, 06:52:58 PM »
Well this does impinge upon my plans of spending the rest of the weekend curled into the fantasy that I am suddenly (by some ex machina) endowed w/ the powers  of incendiary thoughts –like Drew Barrymore had in Firestarter, but I’ll see if I can intertwine the two.

Thanks for bringing this, spacecadet.While it describes an adult facility and comes with the ubiquitous references to the that was the then this is now version re: confrontational attack methods, oh yes, it is doubtlessly Daytop.  

Poor Bang. Survived war in Vietnam and subsequent time in Reeducation camps and somehow the universe handed him a mop at Daytop…

I’ll come back to it from a different angle later.

Daytop Village / Re: Another fine example of Daytop Staff in charge of kids
« on: September 17, 2011, 01:09:31 AM » ... 11_cmp.pdf

Release # 138-2011
(718) 286-6315

Allegedly Filed Reports With Court Falsely Stating That Patient Had Complied With Drug Treatment Plan

Queens District Attorney Richard A.Brown today announced that three clinical counselors at Daytop Village in Far Rockaway, which provides substance abuse treatment to adults and teens, have been charged with insurance fraud, conspiracy and other crimes for allegedly filing false progress reports with the courts on behalf of a patient in exchange for his obtaining for them what they believed to be stolen merchandise.

District Attorney Brown said, “The defendants are accused of using their positions of trust as drug counselors for personal gain. Their alleged actions undermine the entire purpose of Daytop Village’s mission to help individuals end their dependence on drugs and, for many, a revolving door of incarceration. In this case, not only did the defendants allegedly commit criminal acts, they failed the patient by permitting him to avoid treatment for their own personal gain.”

The District Attorney identified the defendants as Kasheen Bolden, 40, of Brooklyn, Claudette Fickling, 60, of Long Island, and Miguel Aviles, 46, of New Jersey. The defendants, who are presently awaiting arraignment in Queens Criminal Court, are variously charged with third degree insurance fraud, first-degree offering a false instrument for filing, first- and second-degree falsifying business records, third-degree criminal possession of stolen property, fifth-degree conspiracy, fourth-degree criminal facilitation, fifth-degree attempted criminal possession of stolen property and attempted petit larceny. If convicted, the defendants each face up to seven years in prison.

The District Attorney said that the three defendants were employed as clinical counselors at Daytop Village’s Adult Intake and Assessment Unit, located at 316 Beach 65th Street in Far Rockaway, Queens. An individual who is sent to Daytop by any Criminal, County, Supreme or District Court in the State of New York initially goes to the Far Rockaway location for assessment and treatment by clinical counselors. Progress reports are then filed with the New York State Unified Court System. According to the charges, between May 2010 and July 2011, Bolden, Fickling and Aviles provided unauthorized benefits to a patient – such as not having to stay at the facility, attend therapy sessions or take mandatory urine tests – and filed false progress reports with the court on his behalf

[- 2 -]

in exchange for his obtaining for them what they believed to be stolen merchandise – such as laundry detergent, tools and computers.
The District Attorney noted that the investigation was continuing.The investigation is being conducted by Detectives James Monaco and Dominick DiGennaro,of the District Attorney’s NYPD Squad, under the supervision of Sergeant Francis Teran, Lieutenant Keith P. Gallagher and Captain John F. Zanfardino and the overall supervision of Chief Louis M. Croce, Jr. and Chief of Detectives Phil T. Pulaski. Douglas L. Knight, Director of the District Attorney’s Alternative Sentencing program, is assisting in the investigation.
Assistant District Attorney Marnie B. Lobel, of the District Attorney’s Special Proceedings Bureau, is prosecuting the case under the supervision of Assistant District Attorneys Anthony M.Communiello, Bureau Chief and Oscar W. Ruiz, Deputy Bureau Chief, and the overall supervision of Executive Assistant District Attorney of the Investigations Division Peter A. Crusco and Deputy Executive Assistant District Attorney for Investigations Linda M. Cantoni.
It should be noted that a criminal complaint is merely an accusation and that a defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Note to Editors: Press release e-version posted at

Daytop Village / Another fine example of Daytop Staff in charge of kids
« on: September 17, 2011, 12:47:00 AM »
Three Clinical Counselors at Daytop Village in Queens Are Charged With Insurance Fraud North Country Gazette, 26 of July , 2011 at 4:09 pm
DA: Daytop Counselors Filed False Reports

QUEENS—Three clinical counselors at Daytop Village in Far Rockaway, which provides substance abuse treatment to adults and teens, have been charged with insurance fraud, conspiracy and other crimes for allegedly filing false progress reports with the courts on behalf of a patient in exchange for his obtaining for them what they believed to be stolen merchandise.

Kasheen Bolden, 40, of Brooklyn, Claudette Fickling, 60, of Long Island, and Miguel Aviles, 46, of New Jersey, are variously charged with third degree insurance fraud, first-degree offering a false instrument for filing, first- and second-degree falsifying business records, third-degree criminal possession of stolen property, fifth-degree conspiracy, fourth-degree criminal facilitation, fifth-degree attempted criminal possession of stolen property and attempted petit larceny.

If convicted, the defendants each face up to seven years in prison.

Prosecutors said that the three defendants were employed as clinical counselors at Daytop Village’s Adult Intake and Assessment Unit, located at 316 Beach 65th St. in Far Rockaway, Queens. An individual who is sent to Daytop by any Criminal, County, Supreme or District Court in the State of New York initially goes to the Far Rockaway location for assessment and treatment by clinical counselors. Progress reports are then filed with the New York State Unified Court System.

According to the charges, between May 2010 and this month, Bolden, Fickling and Aviles provided unauthorized benefits to a patient – such as not having to stay at the facility, attend therapy sessions or take mandatory urine tests – and filed false progress reports with the court on his behalf in exchange for his obtaining for them what they believed to be stolen merchandise – such as laundry detergent, tools and computers.

Officials said the investigation was continuing.

I haven’t yet had a chance to listen to Thursday night’s show, but after tuning in for the second of the two part broadcast tonight, I think, (especially considering the scope of the TTI and the many far reaches of it ranging from so called therapeutic boarding schools, wilderness programs, religious academies and varieties of drug TCs, psych units etc.…so much ground to cover) Mark Levine has done a great job of bringing the voices of survivors of abusive programs and the reality of the plight of kids who are still in jeopardy of these abuses to his audience.
Kisses blown and tearful ovation to everyone who called in, got through and spoke out.  <What’s Worse than Teen-Age Drug Abuse? Drug Programs Abusing Teenagers

I watched thank you, and I hope a lot of others will too. The segment covering inquiry about the decades of abuses of girls held at Hephzibah House and Indiana Code 31-27-2 § 7 which prevents much State oversight –along with reference to Lester Roloff Homes did continue in the Anderson Cooper 360° show called Ungodly Discipline. Also featured was Michael Pearl’s Book To train up a child (which was bagged as evidence in the brutal beating death of 7 year old Lydia Schattz)  as well as an interview with Jocelyn Zichterman who grew up with the IFB and explains that the so called "biblical discipline" meted out within that group is done with the expressed intent to break the child’s will.

It becomes a question of more than faith, but rather one of humanity considering how many of these programs (FBCI recipients and others) ultimately do harm to the kids they’re purportedly trying to save by means of rigid indoctrination of beliefs, torment and violence – in so doing damaging the child’s faith in themselves and their community.

Does anyone know if this Hephzibah House is fully privately funded or would these folks at the DOJ have any oversight?

Quote from: "wdtony"
9/1/2011 12:30:00 PM
Hephzibah House to be Featured in CNN Investigation
Aaron Organ Staff Writer

Hephzibah House, the embattled private faith-based Winona Lake boarding school for troubled teenage girls, will be featured on CNN tonight as part of an ongoing series on child discipline and religion called “Ungodly Discipline.”

The school, which is affiliated with Believer’s Baptist Church, will be discussed on reporter Anderson Cooper’s popular news talk show, “Anderson Cooper 360” at 8 p.m., according to one woman interviewed for the story. A crew from the show interviewed former students on  their concerns of unorthodox discipline inside the not-for-profit school.

Hephzibah House founder and pastor Ron Williams was also interviewed for the story, the Times-Union has learned.

A call to Hephzibah House seeking comment was not returned.

“I am very excited that CNN is taking this issue public and I believe this is another opportunity to bring awareness to the horrific abuse that we endured at Hephzibah House,” said Jennifer Singleton, a former Hephzibah House student now living in Virginia. “I am hoping this gets us one more step closer to closing down Hephzibah House once and for all.”

Hephzibah House has long faced allegations from protesters that accuse the boarding school of abusing their students, often through excessive and unusual techniques. None have been proven.

A local task force designed to look into the claims was launched in 2008 by Warsaw Police Department Victim’s Advocate Becky Anglin, but it phased out after the group “couldn’t get anyone with any power to do anything,” she said. Anglin said the task force received substantial support from the community, but none from elected officials, and the force fizzled out as a result.

Hephzibah House and schools like it were also the topic of state and federal laws drafted to more closely monitor schools like Hephzibah and have had varying results.

The Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2009 was passed into legislation, requiring both public and private programs to meet minimum standards of student care. State bill HR 6358, drafted in 2008 to call for more public accountability and place schools like Hephzibah House under its jurisdiction, died in the State Senate.

Numerous former students of Hephzibah House, who call themselves “survivors,” have protested on city streets several times against the school.

FWIW, I really don’t think that comment was about you. Rather, it comes across that the mistreatment you experienced and the general behavior of Rob as described by you is what’s been remarked upon rather aptly as vindictive.

I’m very glad you made it out of there in spite of all you were subjected to.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: UHS
« on: August 18, 2011, 03:14:40 AM »
No problem ehhh snickerdoodle. Any TTI related UHS would be hard pressed to possibly be more interesting than this one:

Universal Health Services: Profits Over Patients Yep CCHR
Rick Santorum And Universal Health Services: Presidential Hopeful Serves On Board of Hospital Chain Being Sued By DOJ-Jason Cherkis

Tuning out of UHS programming broadcasts for now.

Thought Reform / Re: Documentary Film, "Human Resources"
« on: August 17, 2011, 12:38:56 AM »
Will do. A viewing of Metanoia’s Psywar: The real battlefield is the mind had me like Huxley’s Lenina, lamenting her lost Soma. :nods:

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