« on: July 27, 2004, 07:48:00 PM »
"Look, you attitude, coming on all angry and frantic at me for no reason, is frustrating, and if you want to fight, I will try to ignore you when I can and take you on if I just can't ignore what you say. Although I'm pretty good at ignoring things, getting better all the time here, so you don't have to worry about too much interaction if you continue on as you have starated."
So Ottawa, you claim I have no basis for being "angry and frantic". I think I stated pretty well in my initial post just why you tick me off. Why must you continually discount my feelings? Have you not learned a thing from your Cedu programming?
"If on the other hand, you want to communicate like an adult who is speaking to another adult who happens to have a differing opinion on a matter that is important to them both, I will always be willing to put the past behind and talk."
Please point out just what part of my dialogue is not "adult like". Are adults not not prone to yelling when getting angry? Do adults not use foul language? Please share with me exactly what makes for "adult" conversation so that I can be honored by your dialogue. After all, this forum is all about you and rules that you deem appropriate. I guess if the rest of us are going to participate we need to find out just what "agreements" we must follow so as to not offend you.
"just that you didn't approve of me and my son on the basis of information in some quite current posts."
Sorry, but when did I say that I don't approve of your son? I would actually be delighted to have him onboard.
And finally, I will ask again, simply because you suggest that I do so, why exactly are you here? What are your motives? Why do you feel that you fit in here? I have read somewhere that you are studying psychology and are interested in starting your own program. Is this correct? If so, what do you gain by discounting our experiences? How exactly does this method of yours gain you any insight into how to start your own program?