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Messages - granny19

Pages: 1 [2]
The Troubled Teen Industry / ANOTHER WWASPS FATALITY?
« on: October 09, 2004, 08:00:00 PM »
I am absolutely sickened by this news. The poor helpless, fragile little girl, I pray she is at peace, and hope that her parents suffer forever for what they have done. It simply isn't that difficult to get truthful information on these places, the screwed up parents of these babies likely spend more time planning their vacations than planning the fate of their child. Every last one of these places should be shut down.

I am hoping that more caring people will become active in exposing these horrible places for what they are. I personally intend to work toward getting them all shut down...not sure exactly what the best approach is, but I know if enough people are actively trying, a way will be found to make it happen. Educating the public should be a priority, along with working to give frustrated parents other options. My main consideration at the moment is trying to figure out a way to get my granddaughter out. If I am successful, it will at least open a door for others. I am a very stubborn old lady, and will not give up on this mission until it is accomplished.

My beautiful Granddaughter is still in one of those places (WWASP}, not sure which one, but probably as bad as the rest of them. I cry for her every night, and miss her so much that my heart is permanently broken. She is and was a
good little girl, constantly berated by her mother and stepfather. In any case, she does not belong in a "behavior modification program", she belonged in a loving home, which she did not have. Numerous relatives asked to have her come and live with them, because they could see the mental and emotional abuse she was undergoing in her home. Of course, her controling and sick stepfather, rather than admitting that the entire family had a problem, chose to send the poor child to a WWASP jail. I am currently seeking legal remedies, for each time a child is sent across state lines without due process, it is in violation of the law. Unfortunately, the laws are ignored because the victims' families are usually wealthy (they have to be to afford these "kiddy jails") and the authorities do not want to  make any waves....just look at the amount of money these places donate to political pursuits...mainly those that promote softer child abuse laws, and politicians who support that premise. The entire situation is digusting, and all of the kids who have been so abused should stand up (if they still have a functioning brain) and file a class action suit to both sue their parents and the facilities that abused them. I would suggest contacting attorney Thomas Burton: [email protected]. I am hoping and praying that he can help me get my granddaughter out. God Bless all of you who have undergone this abuse. Please know there is a "granny" out there who feels for all of you. I pray that you are all going to be ok.

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