Sea ORG Refuge / Re: Inside Scientology’s strict Sea Org
« on: August 12, 2012, 09:36:09 PM »
I know I should know better than to give a response to this person but enash, whoever you are, if you hate scientology why do you support it so lavishly with your tax dollars? Don't like Islam either?; well tough because your money supports it. All churches need to do is become legitimate non-profits and they can have all the "freedoms" granted therein as well as the obligation to open their books. If they don't want to do that, if they want the "freedom" to preach politics from the pulpit, fine. Just pay their taxes and they can do what they want. People died for that freedom; the least the church can do is pay their taxes for it. As of now they have the "freedom" to collect untold amounts of cash, live lavish lifestyles and not pay a dime of tax on it. Nor do they have to disclose how much or where it comes from; a "freedom" no one else in this country has. For each dollar they collect they have a dollars worth of buying power, far more than you will ever have. And hey, if you like North Korea so much I have a ticket in your name. I'm sure most people on this forum would welcome the opportunity for you to sample North Korea's "freedoms", which, hopefully, do not come with internet access.
Now let the abuse begin.
Now let the abuse begin.