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Messages - Anne Bonney

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Quote from: ""Guest""
Jesus fucking christ.  WTF is wrong with these people????  I just "assessed" my now 21 year old using her behavior at 15 or 16.   Not surprisingly she was assessed as "high risk"........

Situation: Your child?s behavior is becoming quite serious and is likely to get worse. Their choices show a lack of concern for consequences and their future. Their self-esteem has plummeted and their identity is based on a negative self-image. Because your child doesn?t value him or herself, they engage in risky behavior and seek approval from others at the expense of their own values. The environment your child has created for themselves reinforces their current set of choices.

Here's their recommendation.....

Recommendation: Your child needs intervention now before their behavior really gets out of control. Your child needs the opportunity to look at their life objectively in order to regain perspective on the choices they are making. Change is very unlikely to occur in your child?s current environment. A boarding school or residential treatment center can help them to learn self-discipline, regain their self-esteem, and discover who they really are. Click on one of the links at the top of this page to explore proven options.

I just love how they can diagnose and come up with a treatment plan all without ever talking to either myself or my child. :roll:  :roll:

And "proven options"?????   Sources please.  I'd like to see what scientific research and long term studies you've got to "prove" anything.

Incidentally, this "high risk" child for whom "change is very unlikely to occur" and who "needed intervention now" is now starting her LPN course and well on her way to a wonderful life.  She plans on getting her RN or ARNP and working in peds.  You should have heard the grandparents (both sets of whom sent her parents to teen torture facilities as kids :wave: ) freaking out about her.  Insisting that she was gonna DIE if I didn't send her away.  What kind of a parent was I?  :roll:

^^^^^ was me.

Quote from: ""Guest""
I don't blame the Jews specifically but I do blame religion in general.  At least for part of it.  I'm so sick of religious people trying to "save" everyone.  I'm sick of them trying to foist their view of morality on everyone else around them.  Religion was the basis for AA which the Straight steps were based on.  Miller's "degree"  :roll:  was in divinity.  Chris Yarnold, former priest.  Straight was based on fear, religion is based on fear.  Fuck that.  Fuck 'em all. ::fuckoff::

Sorry, that was me.  Trying to get used to this new stuff.

So, back to the topic at hand.  Anyone plan on attending?  I'd like front row seats.  I'd love for Miller to be dragged in as a witness, for either side.  It would be great to see him go through cross if Lenny calls him.

Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penal""
From the website itself: "In the first few weeks of the program students are given one ten minute phone call home per week. Once he/she has attained Step 2 he/she receives 2 ten minute phone calls home per week. In Step 3 students receive 2 fifteen phones per week, and with Step 4 and beyond phone calls are unlimited."

Who wants to bet that they're heavily monitored?

Of course they are.  Can't have any dissenters in the bunch.  Not to mention the set of arbitrary rules or hoops they have to jump through to "attain" the different steps and the fact that any progress they've made can be yanked from them at any minute for any reason.   The amount of control ANY of these places has on someone, especially a developing child, is not, has never been and never will be healthy no matter how you try and dress it up.

I thought by your avatar that you worshipped at the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Then inform me.  Tell me what I've got wrong.  She refers to TBS schools, correct?  She referred several people to Whitmore, correct?  Even after the abuse allegations came to light, correct?  

What have I got wrong?

Steve, are you a fellow pastafarian??

And now she sends kids off to places like Whitmore.  Sue Scheff is nothing but another snakeoil salesman.  She pretends to be a safe alternative and uses the abuse her daughter suffered to dupe vulnerable parents into sending their kids off to other programs and enhance her bank account.  She just refers to WWASPS competition.  It's really no different.

Web forum hosting / Thankyou tech. team
« on: July 14, 2006, 12:55:48 PM »
Seconded!!  Thanks guys.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / GT Folds
« on: July 14, 2006, 11:48:29 AM »
Quote from: ""Former Client""
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
Go read the article.  The parents are donating and raising money to keep it going.

Same shit, different day.

First of all you don't have any idea what you are talking about.  Second, you sound like I want you to let it go, whatever "IT" is.

"IT" refers to the program.  I read the article.  It said that parents are donating and raising money, contacting former staff that was let go when it closed and trying to keep the program open.  What a shame.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / GT Folds
« on: July 14, 2006, 10:09:51 AM »
Go read the article.  The parents are donating and raising money to keep it going.

Same shit, different day.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / GT Folds
« on: July 13, 2006, 04:49:37 PM »
I agree.  It's a shame that those idiot parents are trying to keep it going.  They shoulda just let it die.

The Troubled Teen Industry / I used to hate people. but now...
« on: July 13, 2006, 01:50:33 PM »
I can understand that to a certain extent, but I think there's a world of difference between your brother and Miller Newton, Jay Kay, Randal Hinton and the Litchfields.  We all fell for it to a degree, but I doubt that any of us would end up going to the lengths that these assholes have.

The Troubled Teen Industry / I used to hate people. but now...
« on: July 13, 2006, 01:18:44 PM »
Quote from: ""Eudora""
Thanks, Ann, but I can't take credit for that. I did fall for it in a big way.

I understand that.  I think you're referring to the kids that went on staff or the like (haven't had a chance to get over to Seed forum yet).  Yes, I can feel pity for them.  But the assholes that start and run these places....FUCK NO.

I fell for it too.  I"m sure that when I was in there I treated some people like shit.   Afterwards I bought into all the bullshit about how I was the fucked up one, not my parents.  Spent the better part of 20 years fighting them and the inlaws for custody and coming out of the fog but once I was physically out of the program I never hurt anyone else, at least in that manner.  And I never would have dreamed of opening up a program.  Neither would you have Eudora. :wink:

The Troubled Teen Industry / I used to hate people. but now...
« on: July 13, 2006, 01:09:53 PM »
Quote from: ""OverLordd""
Pity is condicending in nature. You pity a dog that got kicked,

A dog doesn't do anything to deserve to be kicked, so yes I pity a dog that's abused.  I have no pity for these assholes

you pity people whos own actions got them in their perdicament.

No, I don't.  I pity people who suffered at the hands of others for no action of their own.

I meant if she had to take care of tons of crazy kids all day.

But these people are most often the one's who MAKE the kids crazy!  How can I pity them for having to work with crazy kids when THEY'RE the ones that made them that way? :roll:

Anyway, Anne, I think your coming at this through a completely diffrent world view than I am. I am talking about individuals, not their actions, and not the consiquences of said actions. I pity the person, the soul, not the actions, or the consiquences.

I'll agree with you there.  I'm coming at this from the POV of someone who's experienced their bullshit first hand.  I regularly go and "visit" the main perpetrator of my abuse.  He has no remorse, no guilt, still says that we deserved what we got, still says that he was "helping".  I have NO pity for him or his fucking wife.  And I never will.  Ever.
Hell, I"ll be dancing on his grave.  Maybe in the near future from the looks of him recently.  He ain't the pitcher o health. :rofl:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: I used to hate people. but now...
« on: July 13, 2006, 12:27:20 PM »
Quote from: ""OverLordd""
I'm sure the people that run the programs get up in the morning, kiss their wives, and pray to god they dont get any hate mail. What kind of life is that?

The kind of life they deserve for allowing this shit to continue and actively participating in it.  Besides, I don't think that's accurate at all.  More likely what TSW or MGDP (forgot which one wrote the opposite scennario) wrote is more accurate.

They have to deal with crazy kids all day, I mean honestly, if you were not crazy before hand, you will be after getting tossed away from your family into a place like that. Who in the world would want do that.

Then they can get out anytime they want.  But they don't.

I think even Ginger, in all her benifience, would crack after a while.

Nope, b/c she would never be involved in one in the first place.

Come on, were call the ones involved in the deaths of students muderers, but how do you think they feel. "Oh holy shit! The kid died on me!" Do you think they are really that sick as to kill a kid in cold blood? Sure its mansalughter, but manslaughter is not murder.

This is the most absurd part of your post.  You want me to pity the people who actually caused the death of a kid?   Again, I don't think they feel any real guilt.   They see themselves as being a savior, doing a service and if a kid happens to die in the process, well it's collateral damage.

Think about that for a second. Thats really got to suck! Your getting charged with manslaughter, your facing a lawsuit, and you lost your job.

I know, the poor dears. :roll:

I pity that! Thats not something to hate. Thats something to shake your head at and keep walking.

I hate it.  I hate them.  I can't keep walking,  I feel a need to speak out.

Some people would say that im going soft, and that I got hit hard resently so im toneing down my retoric, but honestly guys, would you rather your parents be mad at you, or be disapointed. Its kind of like that.

No, it's not like that at all.  It's very different.  As a kid you'd rather your parents be pissed and not disappointed because you care about your parents and what they think.   You have a long standing relationship with them.  There is no such relationship with programs.  Those people could give a shit if people are "disappointed" in them.

Its better to have a enemy you can be prideful infront of, and debate, instead of one that just pities you, and wants to see you change what you do, because not only does it suck for those that you do it to, but it also sucks for you.

But there are people I still hate, well... reject maybe... well... I dont know if thats a strong enough word either. I will figgure it out as I go along. But the people I still (strong word meaning dislike to the point of rage) are those that run programs in the name of God using the name of God. As a Christian I really cant stand for that and it gets my goat.

They're no different than any other program.  They all claim to be doing this for the benefit of the kids and families, they all claim to have the answer, they all claim to be the savior.

Overlordd, I am disappointed in you.  This is a sad turn of events.

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