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Messages - TimeBomb

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Sue declares war on fornits explained!!
« on: August 10, 2007, 11:01:09 AM »
Well that's just a newspaper article. I didn't see anything that says it's representative of their views. But I really don't know. I just figured it was up their ally, especially after seeing Trebach's site listed on their list of clients.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Sue declares war on fornits explained!!
« on: August 10, 2007, 09:37:03 AM »
Quote from: ""Scarlett Chiclet""
If anybody wants to help there are a few things that we need.

We need a good consult on banner advertising and ad brokers.
We need individual advertisers who could benefit from linking their name to this somewhat controversial website.
We need help countering Sue's manipulation of the search engines.
We need links and references on sites like Fark, Encyclopedia Dramatica or any other site which you may frequent. (a reference in your signature is a good way to effortlessly give a little promo)

We need ideas.
Money's nice too, but as of yet I can't say exactly how it will be spent. The overall objective is to make a self sustaining net publication similar in structure to FARK or Something Awful or Huffington Post (that's vague, I know, but there is a common thread in there somewhere we just have to further define it)

Ginger, have you ever looked into the ... _tools.htm

Hell, you might even try taking a stab at an OSI grant.

Some ideas anyway.

Quote from: ""Guest""
get over it.  how many YEARS ago were you imprisoned?  yet you want to relive it, retell it here over and over.  must suck to be stuck like you are.  get some therapy dude

More parroting.

This isn't about the past. You obviously haven't noticed that there are still Straight descendent programs in existence today, and that many of the same ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING techniques are still in use. If it was really all in the past, I wouldn't be here.

Sure, just shut up and forget about it. Pretend it never happened. The people who are suffering right now aren't your problem are they?

"According to the Saint Petersburg Times of February 12, 1978 two former Straight counselors (in sworn statements) said they had seen Straight program director Helen R. Petermann repeatedly slap a small youth and yank him by his hair in an apparent outburst of temper. "I saw maybe five good smacks," one ex-counselor had said." ... raight.htm

This is exactly what she did to me, years later. And at the time, I was doing nothing but sitting quietly, in a room by myself.

As far as other abuse... I guess there's nothing abusive about holding people against their will, with no contact with the outside world, and getting other kids to put them in painful restraint holds for hours at a time if they try to leave. Nothing abusive about 10 hours a day of forced confessions in front of maybe 100 other kids, being coerced to admit to "being a druggie", to reaveal embarrasing details of sexual experiences, never being able to go outside (except when being led by the beltloop to a car that would take you to "foster homes"). No, nothing abusive about being made to strip down to your underwear, and having to place all of your clothes outside of the bedroom when sleeping at night, and having a burgler alarm on the door. There's certainly nothing abusive about having to be watched closely while you take a shit, is there?

Aren't you people tired of repeating yourselves? I sure as hell am.

Quote from: ""Guest""
well, I didn't liike the bitch peterman but I never saw her hit or push anyone.  some of you have just elaborated to suit your needs or claims.  if it makes you feel better, whatever.  but I was there 4 years (off and on) and never saw anyone struck or abused.


Quote from: ""Guest""
Shane Partain.  I remember a little twit by that name at LIFE.  What a loser.  Couldn't handle it.  A wuss.  Peterman should have slapped ya.  See not much different with you 15 + years later. damn


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Weird
« on: October 04, 2006, 01:08:18 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I just like to warn any potential new commers to this message board that there are people here that should not be given personal informations.
If they decide to post their personal informations after reading my warnings,they will be doing it with out being under the assumption that everyone participating here is "on the same side".

Well, it has always bugged me a little that people can be awful trusting, especially with email, IM, or "members only" discussion boards. The fact is, nothing is really totally anonymous on the internet. There has been witness tampering, and people have been harrassed, threatened, assaulted, etc. Personally, I just don't give a shit. My details are all public info anyway.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Weird
« on: October 04, 2006, 07:37:21 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
WARNING:Dont post your personal informations here or tell anybody your personal informations over the phone,email or in person at events.

Shane Partain
550 W. Perry St.
Englewood, FL

Stop by sometime, Helen Petermann, and grab me by the hair and slap the shit out of me the way you did back in '87. I'd love the chance to exercise my right of self defense. Oh, wait, that only happens in my nightmares. Nevermind.

The Troubled Teen Industry / USA Guides, Inc. Escort Video
« on: September 25, 2006, 01:44:39 PM »
Quote from: ""LauraLee""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'm not sure you really understand the meaning of the word "troll." I'd go into it more, but I'm feeling kinda lazy now.

Yeah, I know he's a troll, too. However, I'm venting my frustrations at him because, well, I have no one else to vent to. I've tried to talk to my parents about it, but it really upsets them when I tell them what REALLY happened. So I use "Bob" here to let my feelings out. I guess it's a general rant at the escorts... even though I know Bob isn't really an escort.

The troll is my scapegoat. It's a good scapegoat to have =) At least in my case.

Yes, trolls can actually serve a useful purpose sometimes. Most people don't seem to get that. I don't see any actual professional kidnappers coming out of the woodwork to discuss the long term damage they've been getting paid to cause.

The Troubled Teen Industry / USA Guides, Inc. Escort Video
« on: September 23, 2006, 08:43:36 PM »
Been 19 years, and I still have a freaking anxiety attack every time I read those few paragraphs that I wrote 5 years ago.

Disembowelment is a nice word.

Actually, the fuckers fell asleep on the way to Mississippi, and I was sitting there in the back of the van, looking at a lug wrench. But, since I wasn't quite able to reach Frank without waking up Joe first, I wussed out and didn't cave in anybody's skull. Didn't want to bash in Joe's head first, because Frank said he'd sit on me the whole way there if I pulled anything else.

These guys weren't pros, or they probably would have had me handcuffed. I think the professional kidnappers know better, and probably wanna live long enough to spend their money.

The Troubled Teen Industry / USA Guides, Inc. Escort Video
« on: September 23, 2006, 07:50:59 PM »
My mom called me and asked if I wanted to go out to eat. I thought it was great that she was respecting my independence, and wanted to actually take the time to build a relationship. We had a nice time together. We even went for a ride in the country, and she let me drive the car. On the way back to my dad's house, she said she needed to use the bathroom. So, we stopped at her house, since it was on the way.

As soon as we got inside, my stepfather emerged from the bedroom and locked the front door. It was one of those deadbolts that had a keyhole inside and out, so you couldn't get out without the key. Then, two other men emerged from the bedroom. My step father said, "This is Frank, and this is Joe, and we're going to Mississippi." Now, I had never done anything violent until I was put in a position where I had to fight for my freedom. But, at that point, all I could think about was getting to the kitchen where I could get a hold of a butcher knife. I didn't make it.

Suddenly, a van appeared at the front door, and they dragged me outside. I was kicking and screaming, "HELP! HELP! HELP!" Apparently, no one heard my screams. I wasn't a very big kid at 16, but once inside of the van, Frank (at least 250 pounds) sat on my back while I was face-down on the floor. I still wake up gasping for air, some nights.

Excuse me while I vomit...

Tacitus' Realm / That is taking parental responsebility serious
« on: September 23, 2006, 07:34:39 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
That's seriousLY.... sheesh.

At least get the friggin' topic right....

Awww... but hairless cats are so cute!

Open Free for All / Stupid Questionairres
« on: September 22, 2006, 12:02:47 PM »
I don't think you have anything to worry about. They just want to make sure they don't have any lowlife pot smokin' hippies in there selling cigarettes and  beer to all the upstanding citizens.

Tacitus' Realm / That is taking parental responsebility serious
« on: September 22, 2006, 11:37:24 AM »

Here in the US, we like to skin our cats.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Strips Searches in Federally Funded Schools?
« on: September 20, 2006, 11:40:26 PM »
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
Thank god for liberals then.

I think I am going to burn my republican party membership card today.

Well, I was talking about the particular Republicans that sponsored the bill. I'm registered Independent. :D

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